Samuel Gregory Johns

January  7th, 1990 April  19th, 2024
Oval, Bletchingley, Chamonix, La Drôme, Langtang 
Samuel Gregory Johns

            [ See Memory Wall for latest posts...]

As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God.  

Psalm 42:1 and Hertford College Oxford Moto



 Samuel Gregory Johns, 34, our beloved son, brother, uncle and friend, passed away on April 19th 2024, in Bletchingley, Surrey. Born on January 7th 1990, in Redhill Surrey, Samuel's life was a testament to living life to the full. "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." John 10:10

Samuel, Sam or Sammy as he was known, was a man of extraordinary talents and passions. A self described "Jack of all trades"...he was certainly also a master of many. His brilliant mind enabled him to achieve the top first in his year in Geography at Oxford, while simultaneously excelling across a number of different fields whether sport, music or just having fun!

After his Master of Geography at UBC, Vancouver, he worked for Proctor and Gamble, vowing that he would never sell his soul to a corporate, and pointing out to the European director that the company was not living up to its ethical code! He then pursued a varied and unique 'portfolio' career path.

His passion for education led him to work as a professional private tutor with Bespoke Tuition in the UK, abroad and online. His fine intellect, gracious personality and neuro-flexibility helped him bring some of the toughest dysfunctional children back into an educational context. He spent 2023 tutoring in Malta, where he discovered free diving, and was due to tutor in Mexico, at the end of 2024.

In 2017, he set up PSD Plastics, a subsidiary to the Partnership for Sustainable Development (PSD) Nepal. Through recycling and upcycling of mountain PET plastic waste, he established an economic model for regeneration in the Langtang Valley, North of Kathmandu, a valley devastated by the April 2015 earthquake and avalanche. This work continues, with the model to be rolled out in 6 other National Parks. Samuel spent 4 months of the Covid lockdown in Nepal, refining his local language fluency. 

In 2018 he signed up with IFES (International Fellowship of Evangelical Students) - Graduate Impact, helping to develop their strategy, writing teaching material and leading discussion groups for young professionals across Eastern Europe.

A core motivator in Samuel's life was his Christian faith which gave him a deep desire, in the digital 21st Century, to understand and pursue human flourishing in the image of God. He joined TechHuman and worked as a consultant advising on the ethics of AI in the commercial world. In parallel, he engaged with local church life leading youth groups, participating in worship bands and regularly preaching, wherever he was based. 

More recently in 2022, he had started a PhD with the Brussels School of Governance (BSoG) on “Human personhood in the age of automation: a study of modern identity formation in the Linkster Generation (Gen Z)”. He was completing surveys and interviews with 100s of young people on their interactions with technology as part of his research. 

Samuel's love for the great outdoors was apparent to all who knew him. He was an avid cyclist, skier/snowboarder and mountain trekker,  regularly organizing group ski trips that brought friends and family closer. Whether he realised it or not, Samuel was a true global citizen with homes away from home, including France (Chamonix and La Drôme) and Nepal. His love of nature and mountaineering may have been birthed in the UK and France but grew into maturity under the snow capped mountains of the Himalayas and Whistler Mountain. 

In both his professional and personal life, Samuel inspired and invigorated the people he met. Across his different walks of life he has left a lasting impact the world over.

He is survived by his parents, Tim and Evelyne, his sister Marina and her husband Luke. He will be deeply missed by his niece and nephew, Elsa and Raphael, who affectionately called him "T'choo T'choo." Samuel's memory will live on through his family, friends and colleagues whose lives have been enriched by his unwavering love, generosity, kindness, support and joyful energy, so freely given.

A Memorial & Thanksgiving Service to celebrate Samuel's life was held on 8th June 2024, 2pm, with some 600 attendees present in person and online. 


January 7th
Watch out world!
Born 7th Jan 1990. 
Redhill Hospital - living in Bletchingley
Moved to The Hawthorns, Pendell Court
Attended the outstanding Hawthorns Prep School as the 'headmaster's son', until 13 years old.
His treasured cat Filou came onto the scene.
Music scholar at Eastbourne College initially and then to Sevenoaks School in Kent.
Small flat, huge school and grounds!
Finished Sevenoaks School
Music and academic scholar - 10 A* GCSEs and International Baccalaureate 44/45 points.
Higher level subjects: Geography, French, Biology; Standard level: Economics, Maths, English
Snuck in Grade 8 distinction on trumpet, Grade 6 Cello and Gold DoE for good measure.
Brass band, Blues Brothers and Remembrance Day - Last Post champ!
Sevenoaks, Kent
First Trip to Nepal
Oxford Uni / PSD partnership to Bhimsen Secondary School, Western Nepal. Learnt Nepalese.
Intrepid 'British Expedition to Annapurna Base Camp' with Ash and Baillie!
Graduated Oxford University
Graduated with the top 1st for his year in Geography 
Winner of the AJ Herbertson Prize for best dissertation (on fixie bikes!)
Dissertation published and full thesis at
Half-blue men's lacrosse and Social Sec, Hertford Squash captain, football 1st XI, Christians In Sport group chair, College Christian Union rep, many club nights...lifelong friendships made :)
Hertford College, Oxford
Masters in Human Geography at University of British Columbia
2 year Masters on a Rhodes Scholarship for Canada (CRSF funding), published thesis:
Focused on Canadian philosopher Charles Taylor and the making of modern identity.
Cycling, skiing, surfing and trekking abounded. Many Regent college friends made.
Started writing adademic Pensées, published privately (~100 by 2023) and blogs eg:
Vancouver, Canada
Gap year, including Bespoke tuition and PSD Nepal
Father & son Annapurna Circuit trek, challenged by plastic waste in National Parks.
Bespoke tuition in UK, Lagos & Hong Kong. 
Senior Sales and Account Manager for Proctor and Gamble (P&G)
Trained & worked in FMCG at P&G - Senior UK Account Manager for 12 P&G brands
Winner of ECT 'Team of the Year' in 2017.
Introduced 'Fink Fridays' initiative. 
Masters in Theology, Regent College, Vancouver
Friends made for life!
Harrogate, Yorkshire
2nd Gap Year, launched & lead PSD Plastics, Nepal
Founded PSD Plastics, the social enterprise arm of Partnership for Sustainable Development (PSD). Recycling/ upcycling over 1T of ‘mountain plastic’ per month from Langtang National Park (<4000m)
Consultant and Lead organisational strategist for PSD Nepal focused on creating circular economies in remote rural communities
Kathmandu, Langtang Valley, Chitwan, Pokhara.
IFES Graduate Impact team, moved to London, attended St Marks, Kennington
Joined IFES and established groups in Geneva, Berlin & Eastern Europe. Wrote 'Cross Current' teaching materials. Assisted with strategic planning.
Co-lead youth work, music and preaching at St. Marks, Kennington when he was in the country!
Continued as a PSD consultant 
London, Oxford, Eastern Europe, Nepal
Covid-19 / 4 months in Langtang valley
Several months of lockdown perfecting his Nepalese and living off rice, dhal and fresh spinach in the mountains.
Secured CRED grant and organised a student initiative providing essential supplies for elderly and remote households in Nepal.
Pioneered plastic upcycling products: flower pots, clothes pegs, coasters, using moulds from Austria. 
Hosted a C-19 vaccination centre in his building back home in London, coordinating medical staff and supplies!
Nepal, London
Continued to develop his portfolio career
Private tuition (Malta 2023, also online & in person) & AI ethics' consultant (ERM)
PhD - Brussels School of Governance
Church work (St Mark's/ Stephen's, Kennington/ Lambeth)
IFES Graduate Impact
PSD plastics, Nepal - introduced upcycled 'marathon' medal, Nepal.
A true global citizen...
PhD Researcher at Brussels School of Governance (BSoG)
His research focus was on human personhood, resilience and dignity in a digitally-saturated landscape.
His PhD thesis title was: “Human personhood in the age of automation: a study of modern identity formation in the Linkster Generation (Gen Z / 16-28 yrs olds)”:
Gen Z interviewees in London, Lyon, Kathmandu & Vancouver. Due to complete in 2026.
Remote with supervisions in Brussels
April 19th
The End of the Beginning
Samuel has gone to be with his Heavenly Father 



Memory Wall Sammy

Thank you for being part of Sammy's life! As we process the sadness and grief, we've been so moved by the beautiful and poignant stories, memories and photos that family and friends have shared.

What has been reinforced over and over again is that Samuel lived his life in a way that hugely impacted more people than we could have ever imagined. He loved everyone he came across in a way that was uniquely 'him'.

We hope you enjoy reading the memories, stories, videos and photos that are posted. Please, please submit your own reflections on Samuel using the Contribute button below. It will be a great blessing and comfort to us, his family, and to those who miss him, to keep his memory alive in our hearts and build his legacy into our future - thank you.

January 12, 2025
SAMUEL J Video clips?
If you have short video clips of Samuel that you are willing to share, please get in touch and we can sort out a download (most people have our email address). We're keen to build a collection of them, around different aspects of his life (sport, music, fun & games, conversations, etc). Thank you in advance for doing a bit of digging!
Tim Johns
January 12, 2025
BIRTHDAY MESSAGES, 2025 - We were deeply touched by the many Christmas greetings from those who knew Samuel and most recently by messages on his birthday, 7th January, which he shares with his nephew, Raphaël (4). "How can I give Tchou Tchou a piece of my cake?" was one of his beautiful four-year-old questions!
Several photos came in, including this fabulous one from Mikey, taken at his New York wedding in 2023. Thank you all, for your on-going thoughfulness.
Tim, Evelyne, Marina & Luke
November 21, 2024
Vancouver visit! With Marina and family settled in Morocco, Evelyne and I visited the Vancouver community in late October, which was so important to Samuel. We met with over twenty friends and former colleagues, as well as visiting favourite places that he had shared with us back in 2012-13. It was a very significant trip, painful and illuminating for all, as memories were shared and understanding of his journey and struggles deepened. Everywhere Samuel's fun, enormous energy and sharp intellect were recognised, 'We thought he was another CS Lewis in the making', was someone's comment! Sadly, not to be.
We were introduced to this beautiful life size, bronze and steel sculpture; 'Limina' - a window into grief in liminal space. Its story can be found @
The love and support for us as a family was extraordinary and humbling. Samuel has left such a profound mark on the lives and communities that he touched. May that continue to live on, in tangible ways.
A sincere THANK YOU to those who hosted us, Lloyd, Alex and Nellie and others who took time to tell their own stories, disclosing so openly the mental health battles that are raging across the world. Whoever you are, reading this, please talk and have a 'go to' person.
Tim & Evelyne Johns
September 16, 2024
The 2024 memorial cycling continues!
James Baillie, with Luke and Tim, climbed Mt Ventoux from Bedouin, in August, to lay a WWSJD wristband on the Tom Simpson memorial.
Jerome Mayaud, Oxford, cycled on Samuel's Mekk, enroute to racing 'les Bosses de Provence' in late September...
and Arnaud P, Nick Nelson-Piercy and Tim raced Samuel's favourite annual race, La Drômoise, in mid September, covering 115 and 78km, respectively. The support team was great; Evelyne, Cindy, Val and the Palmer girls. We all did him proud!
Tim Johns et al.
August 7, 2024
Sammy we did it!

In March I started to talk with you about going on a bikepacking adventure for a couple of days, the two of us. In tribute of your energy and your love of cycling I finished drawing the route and went cycling it, with you. I was hearing your voice every days shouting about the beauty of the Swiss Alps. You were also pushing me to climb as much as possible on the bike, laughing at how impossible it could become sometimes. I had you in front of me all the time...
I have to say you were really there. Everything went out so perfectly, all nights were in magic places, my legs were never tired, I was energized every morning to continue, the route was intense, the views were spectacular. I could not have expected a better adventure... only with you.

On the last day, I left the Tibetan prayer flags at one of my favorite places. Enjoy the view of the Leman lake, the Alps, the Mt Blanc, and our home. Until our soul meet again Sammy...💙

The ride:

Your cousin
July 14, 2024
Cher Sam,
C'était toujours un grand plaisir pour moi de te retrouver à Kathmandu chaque année, lors de ta "migration népalaise annuelle".
Nous échangions autour d'un bon lassi sur l'avancement de nos projets, tu m'apportais tes nouveaux objets en plastique recyclé, j'étais toujours impressionnée par ta détermination concernant ton projet de recyclage au Langtang, ce n'était pas facile mais tu y mettais toute ton énergie. J'aimais que tu partage avec moi tes aventures en montagne. Il faut dire que tu les aimais les montagnes du Langtang! Et aussi ses habitants, tes ami(e)s.
Nous avions en commun notre amour pour le Népal, la montagne, et aussi la France, car c'est toujours avec des étoiles dans les yeux que tu me parlais de votre maison dans le Sud (où je sais qu'il y a une très bonne boulangerie!) et de tes vacances à Chamonix.

Tu vas beaucoup me manquer cher Sam, mes pensées vont à tes proches, particulièrement tes parents, que j'ai eu la chance de rencontrer lors d'une petite réception organisée à PSD Nepal, et à ta soeur. Ainsi qu'à tes ami(e)s du Langtang.

Mathilde Lefebvre
June 21, 2024
I first met Sam as part of Hertford CU. I was welcomed into the fold immediately and enthusiastically by him at a time when I was at a crossroads in my faith. I felt instantly accepted by him despite not being the stereotypical 'Christian' student. Every time I passed him in college he was always full of beans and holding a Lacrosse stick! He seemed to achieve that impossible balance of being 'cool' and well-liked by everyone in college as well as being heavily involved and a leader at church!
I also remember him swinging on a tyre at a church getaway and proclaiming: "This is life to the full!" (The theme of our student church getaway that year!)
Another memory I have is of him intently listening to me while I was sharing about being a 'bridge' between church and college students at a student lunch. He made it seem like what I was saying was really profound and important even though it probably wasn't really...
Reading about your life, Sam, has truly inspired me to live life in a different and better way. You clearly embodied what it means to live 'life in all its fullness' and have accomplished more to help others in one short lifetime than most people do in 10 lifetimes.
I will learn much from this opportunity to reflect on what you taught and modelled in your life that this sad occasion brings.
Grateful that we don't mourn like those that have no hope and looking forward to seeing you again at the Ressurection Feast!
Love, Emma (née Maitland).
Emma Atkins
June 16, 2024
I first met Sam on the lacrosse pitch in Oxford 2010. Tall, gangly and extremely well-mannered he seemed somewhat more suited to the track at Iffley road or the union debate chamber than the rough and tumble of the lacrosse. As a newcomer to both the university and the team Sam immediately set about making me feel welcome and an invite to his rooms at Hertford soon followed.

It was like an experience from a different age: an invitation to Hertford college to take tea overlooking the Bodallinan library. Sitting there, early on in my first term, I had no idea of the effect the man perched opposite me would have on my life.

Fast forward several years and in 2014 I was lucky enough to be invited to stay at the Johns’ family chalet in Chamonix. I arrived shortly after Christmas and for reasons now beyond me early on Sam I decided at breakfast one morning we should build an igloo in the garden. Closely supervised by Tim, that afternoon construction began in earnest. As the afternoon wore on it became apparent that of all his intellectual prowess, maybe engineering wasn’t Sam’s strong point…

I spent nearly two months in Chamonix with Sam that winter. Despite our many wonderful ski days some of my most vivid memories were of the evenings we spent in that igloo, drinking piche beers and debating everything from Black Mirror to who had skied the best line.

I spent the next 5 years skiing with Sam in Chamonix. Our adventures became bigger, less safe and steadily more audacious. Eventually Sam decided to decamp to Nepal to work for a charity. I can’t remember how we got onto the idea but we decided we deserved to be some of the first people to ski in the Langtang valley. We were out of our depth from day one.

In the first few days I spent in Nepal with Sam we raced around Katmandu on Sam’s motorcycle picking up skis, trying to organize sherpas and working out logistics. By this point Sam was of course already fluent in Nepalese and had developed a stomach enabling him to eat any local delicacy. Despite our amateurishness it felt like I was living in one of those books describing the early mountain explorers.

When we finally reached the montains the next few days were a whirlwind of freezing cold, brutal assents, and a good story about a drunken sherpa until eventually we reached a height we could ski at. Inevitably the snow was terrible and at an altitude of around 5,500m I was barely functional. We did however manage a few turns and I returned to the base triumphant that we’d achieved our goal.

Whilst in Nepal I saw firsthand the amazing work Sam’s charity was doing. Sam was on first name terms with seemingly every villager we met on our hike up the valley and he was having a tangible impact on a group of people who’s lives had been devastated by the 2015 earthquake.

More recently last year I married my wife Lauren. Sam gave a reading at the ceremony and true to form presented us with a book on the amazement of marriage. For the rest of my life I’ll remember Sam's involvement in what has been the most important day of my life – it made our day infinitely more special.

Despite the multiple amazing trips, adventures, nights out and general good times when I look back at my memories of Sam over the years I find it surprising it's not the places we visited nor the adventures that stand out. What I’ll remember is the conversation.

Throughout his life Sam has had a great effect on a great many people. I consider myself extremely lucky to be one of them. These last couple of months have been hard trying to imagine what my life will be like without Sam. What I’ll miss most is simply his company.
Michael Moore-Davis
June 14, 2024
We've never met anyone quite like Sam. He was an amazing man. We're so grateful for the time we got to spend with him, especially in 2022, when we were lucky enough to spend 2 weeks with him trekking & filming in the Langtang valley in Nepal.

Seeing Sam's work with PSD Nepal firsthand was so inspiring, and we loved having great conversations with Sam every evening over a dal bhat. Sam was so generous, thoughtful and wise and a truly unique character. We're really going to miss him.

All our love and prayers to Tim, Evelyne & family.

Will & Josie Firth
Will & Josie Firth
June 13, 2024
I remember Sam as full of joie de vivre, incredibly intelligent, and hilarious. I was 2 years below him doing Geography at Hertford, and always admired his spirit, sparkle, and intellectual curiousity. I was so sad to hear that such an amazing, one-of-a-kind person is no longer with us, but here are some memories I'll hold onto.

As first years, we nervously watched the third years preparing for their Finals, wondering what it would be like when we got there too. About 2 weeks before the Geography exams, I remember hearing that Sam had broken both his wrists falling off his bike. Most people facing such a challenge might have rusticated, or at least would have struggled to manage. As I'm sure you as his family know, Sam dictated his final exams. I still can't believe he managed to switch from writing to dictating full essays during 3+hour exames off the top of his head. It is truly remarkable, and his top First in these circumstances encapsulates just how bright he really was.

I remember him teasing me with humour and kindness, first at Oxford and then later at P&G, when I was also struggling in the corporate jungle and would complain to him in the canteen. While I know it wasn't his natural home either, I remember it bouncing off him in many ways - I can hear him saying "Come ON Messex" now. I also remember some good-natured teasing during the Hertford Bridge to Bridge cycle in which I had put myself in the advanced group despite limited cycling proficiency (when he cycled a couple of miles back to check on us!).

He had a great sense of humour and fun. One silly memory that springs to mind is a 'Crew Date' we went on with him and the lacrosse boys. We were in a dodgy Indian restaurant in Jericho, chomping through fairly poor quality fare, with the beleaguered waiters tolerating yet another noisy university group. When one of the waiters came over, Sam enthusiastically exclaimed "Excuse me Sir, these poppadoms are DELICOUS!" It sounds a bit silly written down but I remember crying with laughter as they were, at best, OK, but he had been so enthusiastic in wanting to boost staff morale. He was very kind.

Sending love to his family and friends.

Miranda x
Miranda Essex
June 11, 2024
Chers Evelyne, Tim, Marina et Luke
« La mort n’est rien
Je suis simplement passé dans la pièce à côté.
Je suis moi. Tu es toi.
Ce que nous étions l’un pour l’autre, nous le sommes toujours.
Donne-moi le nom que tu m'as toujours donné.
Parle-moi comme tu l’as toujours fait.
N’emploie pas de ton différent.
Ne prends pas un air solennel ou triste.
Continue à rire de ce qui nous faisait vivre ensemble.
Prie. Souris. Pense à moi. Prie pour moi.
Que mon nom soit toujours prononcé à la maison comme
il l’a toujours été.
Sans emphase d’aucune sorte et sans trace d’ombre.
La vie signifie ce qu’elle a toujours signifié.
Elle reste ce qu’elle a toujours été. Le fil n’est pas coupé.
Pourquoi serais-je hors de ta pensée,
Simplement parce que je suis hors de ta vue ?
Je t’attends. Je ne suis pas loin.
Juste de l’autre côté du chemin.
Tu vois, tout est bien. »
Poème de Charles Péguy

Continuons à vivre avec Samuel à nos côtés.
Marie-Lou Brothier
June 11, 2024
So sad to say goodbye to Samuel on Saturday. He was such a kind, generous and enthusiastic friend and with so many talents that he wore so lightly.
His presence at St Marks on PCC, in the worship band and joining the Nepal prayer group was such an encouragement to me. He made everything feel possible even getting a bunch of sporting no hope girls playing football in Monty Hall to build Nepal/ UK relationships 😂
I wish I could have helped you in your darker moments but pray that we can all learn from your example and truly reach out to those around us to make this world a better place.
Emma Coore
June 10, 2024
I wanted to offer my sincerest condolences to the John’s family. It is shocking news to hear of Sam’s passing. To Tim, Evelyne, and Marina, please accept my heart-felt sorrow for the pain and grief of your loss, and know that I join many others in prayers for strength, grace, and wisdom as you venture forward in life.

The levity and vitality that Sam brought to my life was a joy. We met at Oxford, and he took me on as a Christian mentor; yet though nearly twice his age, I believe he mentored me reciprocally. We discussed many ideas on the banks of the Thames, and we helped many young athletes come to investigate their faith. Your son was an extraordinary human being.

After a few years passed, Sam visited me in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, whilst he studied nearby in Vancouver for his master’s degree. That winter of 2011 was very cold (-20C), but it didn’t stop Sam and I from sitting outdoors enjoying a hot tub. We described our talks there as “the hot tub diaries.” To treat him on his visit, I took him to a professional hockey game, and let him dress up in my hockey gear. We even ventured out to a nearby rink upon which Sam learned he had limitations of both balance and coordination as a hockey player – photos attached!

Sam and I shared letters regularly during the years of 2011-2024, and he was a great support during my divorce and the separation/alienation from my only boy. His compassion to encourage me that someday I would re-unite with my son Sebastien would come true last September, 2023; but alas, I didn’t have a chance to discuss the matter in my brief Christmas exchange with Sam – we couldn’t fix a date for our next zoom call. The missed joy of sharing such news with Sam is a deep regret of mine.

I trust the Lord in his power and goodness, as did Sam, and I believe I will see him again in heaven, I pray. To live by Sam’s passion and vitality to help others is a goal of mine.
With many others, I thank you for raising such a fine young man.

Paul E. Levesque

Paul Levesque
June 10, 2024
J’ai eu la grande chance et le privilège d’enseigner le français à Sam lorsqu’il était à Sevenoaks. Bien des années plus tard, je garde toujours un souvenir chaleureux de son immense sourire, sa joie de vivre communicative et de son enthousiasme. J’ai été heureuse de le croiser il y a peu de temps, par hasard, à la gare de London Bridge et qu’il me raconte ce qu’il devenait. Ses exploits ne m’ont pas surprise et j’étais tellement heureuse pour lui. Quelle triste nouvelle. Toutes mes pensées vont vers sa famille.
Nathalie Fayaud

Nathalie Fayaud
June 10, 2024

“The LORD bless you and keep you;
The LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you;
The LORD turn His face toward you and give you peace.”

Numbers 6: 24-26

I kept this note you wrote for me 15 years ago in my wallet all these years. I can’t look back on my time at Oxford without you and can only wish we had many more years together on earth. You were one of the kindest, brightest, and purest people I have ever met. Now that you are home with our Father in Heaven, rest well my friend. Until we meet again.

JinA Bae
June 9, 2024
I remember Sam so fondly from school - kind, huge sense of fun, and amazingly good at music (the best trumpet in the Aisher Hall). What a special person. Sending Sam’s family so much love and thinking of you all xxx
Hannah White
June 9, 2024
Although I spent only 2 years with Sam during his P+G stint in Harrogate, I feel deeply grateful, lucky and incredibly blessed to have spent some great times together, wrestling with life's big questions and thrashing out a squash ball or hammering it up and down Ashville swimming pool in Harrogate.

Sam was a tremendous human, who challenged the very nature of how we live - particularly the essence and purpose of our working lives and how to relate to others and ourselves.

Sam will be sorely missed, however I am greatly moved to reflect on his life and legacy and indeed my own beliefs, behaviours and goals. He has inspired me in many ways, and I will be quick to consider, WWSJD?

Thank you for inviting me to such a fitting and perfect send off, for an extraordinary man.

Can't wait to see you soon, Sam.
Pete Smith
June 9, 2024
So sad to hear about the passing of Sam. We knew him so well, he went to uni with our son Jeremy. He was such a lovely man and we give our condolences to you, his family. Our thoughts are with you.
Sarah Boon
June 9, 2024
We are so incredibly sorry to hear of your loss. As fellow Geographers, we always felt an affinity with Marina’s little brother and would marvel at the boundless energy he possessed. A true global citizen, traveller, and linguist - his impact was felt across countries & communities. To that end, we have made a donation to PSD Nepal as a small way to continue the work he did with them.

With love & sympathy,

Chloe, Em, Margie, Paddy & Phil xxx
Teddy Hall Geographers, '09
June 8, 2024
Sam, since Hertford, our paths always crossed in funny ways. I'm glad the last two times I saw you were weekends of fun and celebration; one of which you singlehandedly masterminded in James' honour. It had been a few years since I'd properly seen you and I was struck by how much, to me, you'd grown - both physically (every time I saw you, you always seemed taller than I remembered) but also in character (you were always adding new strings to your bow). I loved the joy you took from sharing in your friends' and family's celebrations and triumphs; your freethinking approach, especially to delivering speeches; your kindness and generosity (waking up early to cook us all breakfast, just because); and your unadulterated excitement at finding out we could get free pizza at dinner. And that's all just from those two weekends. I'll miss hearing your updates, they were always exciting. I'll remember you as a positive force of nature, Sam; whizzing past me on your bike on your way to yet another adventure or wildly waving your arms on the dance floor. A man of many talents, great enthusiasm and boundless energy. My heart and condolences go out to Sam's family.
June 8, 2024
Sam, It was heartbreaking to hear of your passing and my sincere condolences to your family. Thinking of you all at this time.

I was lucky to be your friend and running buddy at Oxford where we spent a lot of time together - with a mutual love of exercise and eating. You were a ball of endless enthusiasm and energy, deeply loyal and pretty much expert at everything you turned your hand to. One of my fondest memories of you is arriving in Val Thorens after a 24 hour coach journey at night - we had all started unpacking and relaxing - noticing you were missing we found you deep in ‘pow’ jumping around in the dark outside. Always an adventurer. Generous with your time, patience and eager to help and teach. The world was lucky to have you and you will be deeply missed having left your mark on us all. Lots of love to you Sammy. Sending my thoughts to your family. Geli
Angelica Larkin
June 8, 2024
I first met Sam in Oxford and knew him as Marina’s incredibly talented little brother. And then in one of those moments in time that you really hold onto as an expat, I was able to spend time with him in Hong Kong during his 3 week stay in Stanley. He had all the brilliance to do anything that he wanted and yet he was so kind and humble, making time for everyone (even his big sister’s friend). He was funny, intelligent and the most wonderful and unique person, and the shock of this life losing him and losing a cherished brother, uncle and son will live with us forever. Goodbye Sam. Sending all my love and prayers to your family xx
Cecilia McKenzie
June 8, 2024
I met Sam in 2007 at the interviews for Geography at Hertford, and right from then he was a very memorable character who I was happy to find out was (naturally) one of the ten geographers when I arrived in October 2008. Sam was the smartest guy and I definitely couldn't keep up - having tutorials, lectures and probably most memorably field trips with Sam as one of the group were always the most fun. He is such a core part of my Oxford memories, and the news of his death has been very difficult to process.

He was the most kind, fun, silly and serious friend. I also enjoyed a trip to Vancouver visiting Sam at UBC where he insisted we cycled around the lake - and I insisted we hired a tandem bike which meant that he basically cycled me around the lake... I also remember a well routed hike along a nudist beach where Sam, ever the joker, enjoyed watching me squirm. I have so many wonderful memories of Sam being the instigator of various Gilbert's costume themes and reunions after graduation. Life took us in different directions in recent years, but I always enjoyed hearing about Sam's endeavours through others. He will truly be missed. Jess x
Jess Ainley
June 8, 2024
Oh Johnsy. What a deep and great loss to the world and to me 😥. You are a one of a kind. How can so much drive and zeal, alongside such tenderness and care, be wrapped up in one person?

Thank you for your consistent encouragement of me and my faith. For the way you brought joy and energy to everyone around you. For how you swept us up with the adventurous and spirited life of Sam Johns.

You have the wonderful ability to soar at the speed of sound. And also to sit, wait and dwell in stillness. I enjoyed so much of both alongside you. You blessed me so deeply with both. I'll always be indebted to you.

Thank you for the wild camping, the hikes, the late nights of deep discussion, for your time and your loving presence at some of my lowest points, for being master of festivities at the high points. Thanks for your thoughtful cards and messages. Thank you for helping me to see my need for the freely given grace of Christ.

You truly lived life to the full. How I long to feast, reflect and revel alongside you at the table of our loving shepherd, the Lord Jesus. You will be there with your beaming smile, robed in splendour, seeing now in full what we see in part.

I love you my brother. Always will. My heart is with you and with your dear dear family.
Mr Paul Archer
June 8, 2024
Sammy, I wish I had a chance to know you better. We saw each other only at big family events and the odd camping trip here and there. More so when your grandfather and my grandmother, who were brother and sister, were alive than in recent years. A few moments at Saxons Cottage in Whimple when I lived there for a while, a place I know you all loved and I was honoured to share for a short time. But I followed your life from afar and am hugely in awe of how talented you were in so many areas and all that you achieved. I was so moved when you sent a family email to let us know about your amazing work in Nepal. You leave a hole in our family that can never be filled but you gave so much love and were so so loved. I hope for the world that they can feel a fraction of that love and I know that although you are no longer with us in person, that love will always endure. With all my thoughts to Tim, Evelyne, Marina and all the family and friends, to whom you have given such beautiful memories.
Cassie Hague
June 8, 2024
Evelyne et Tim,

Il n’y a pas de mots justes pour venir vous rejoindre. Aussi nous vous partageons les lectures de l’Eglise de ce Samedi 8 Juin:
Psaume : Premier livre de Samuel (chp 2)
« Le Seigneur fait mourir et vivre ;
il fait descendre à l’abîme et en ramène.
Le Seigneur rend pauvre et riche ;
il abaisse et il élève »
Évangile selon St Luc: Chp 2
« En le voyant, ses parents furent frappés d’étonnement, et sa mère lui dit : « Mon enfant, pourquoi nous as-tu fait cela ? Vois comme ton père et moi, nous avons souffert en te cherchant ! »
Il leur dit : « Comment se fait-il que vous m’ayez cherché ? Ne saviez-vous pas qu’il me faut être chez mon Père ? »

En ce jour de la fête du Cœur Immaculée de Marie.
Avec nos prières et toute notre affection
Corinne et Olivier
Corinne et Olivier
June 8, 2024
I am still in shock and deep grief, and feel so much for his family whom he loved so much, and for those of us who got to share time with him; I also mourn for the rest of the world who will never get to, it is a less-brighter place without him. I know his legacy, including though his impact on each of us will live on, having a 'ripple-effect' in the world for eternity, as will his spirit with God.

Sam was my "little brother" I also called him "Shredda Sam" because of all of the action-sport adventures we would get up to. We were introduced in 2012? by a wonderful mutual friend Cheyla from church, in Kitsilano, Vancouver (she had heard us both talking about our love of adventure). The rest was history. My little brother and I made several surf trips to Vancouver Island and snowboard trips to Whistler (and some sailing forays on a Hobie 16' Catamaran, once in a storm with gusts to at least 33 knots, while riding sizeable swell (the conditions felt "Biblical' but we had great fun!!). Once we sailed a 24' keel boat at night, dropped anchor off of Stanley Park, and paddled the dingy for hot chocolate at the lone restaurant- we could see their lights on through the trees. I called to make sure they were open, they thought it was a prank call, until they saw Sam and another friend rock up in life jackets, lol..

We also had great philosophical, but mostly theological talks en route to and from the Surf or Mountains, while listening to favourite tracks; one that was repeated was the soundtrack to the surf doc "Step into Liquid." We were drawn to it, I think it summed up the 'vibe' of our surfaris (which we once shared with his friends from Oxford, and once with his cousin from France).

Sam said I taught him how to surf (he was a natural, of course), and he was my guide at Whistler (which he knew like the back of his hand). For a video of one of our powder adventures, I put a link at the bottom. Sammy is in the bright green jacket and white helmet. He was a great action-subject to film.

I love our friend, your son, brother, uncle, cousin, neighbour, student, teacher. I still can't believe it. I know he would want us to focus on where he is. I am blessed by your photos and stories, to know that he was so loved and known by so many of us; I hope mine comfort you too.

He experienced a taste of Heaven on Earth through all of our shared love of and time with him, but now he is experiencing the full meal. All is well with his soul; may ours be comforted in our missing of him, our beautiful-soul Sammy.

May God grant us peace and comfort, and remind us of his eternal reality,
Warren (previously of Vancouver, now Sydney, Australia)
-Link to a virtual shred-session with Sammy (although many of you got to experience this too - the world over):
June 8, 2024

Words can't describe the sadness that your loss brings. A beautiful human taken from us all. Your family mourns for you. Your friends mourn for you.

You induced awe wherever you went. I am blessed to have known you. Meeting in Papa Behr's Pre-Nicene Christianity Orthodox class in 2021 - from editing notes to paper-writing, to chief-hiking when you came back to visit Vancouver. You fit into every environment you walked into, simply because you lived in the reality that God created you for this place, and this time.

You so wisely went through life, setting example after example for those around you, taking the fullness of life in - not shying away. Thank you for walking with me in this season. Thank you for letting me borrow your confidence when I needed it.

My fondest memory was your reciting Psalm 1 and Psalm 121 off by heart - whenever you had the chance and saw it fit. and Five Guys burgers, and peppermint teas :)

You'd be so proud if you saw how your family is honouring your existence now. They want to capture every detail of who you've been. It inspires me. They miss you so much. We all miss you so much; your sister and your parents, Elsa and Raphael, countless others.

We love you Samuel.
(I just know you're having a splendid time in the glory of proper theology in the presence of God. Soak it up <3)
Jojo S
June 7, 2024
Sammy Sam,
The immensity of your character leaves us all lacking now that we can’t walk alongside you. It has been honestly too much to handle having you no longer be a part of this life.
You have been an incredible friend from the first day in Vancouver when you walked right up to us and asked if we wanted to be friends to our last ski trip this year 13 years later. The memories that we created in between will always be so dear to us - from cycling to Kits beach for 5 up and bbq’s, sailboats and island hopping (still the only person we know whose managed to convince the captain to let him a drive a BC Ferry), cross country skiing in your hot pink shirt, teaching us cricket in the Yorkshire dales , and so recently welcoming us to your winter home in Chamonix to show us how to shred the Alps. Awaiting your visit back in Canada, we feel shortchanged not to be able to spend more time with you. Your fullness and your delight in the day to day was and is inspiring. We cherish memories of Bible studies together, adventures of sailing, hiking, skiing, boating, cycling, laughter, every sport we could dream to play together and dinners spent in community. A man of so many talents and gifts and always so ready to share life with new people. We miss you and cherish you. Thank you for all that you are. We honestly cannot wait to meet with you again.
Billy and Meg
Meg Severide and Billy Reed
June 7, 2024
Sam was very dear to me. Though I would never give him the satisfaction of speaking it out loud, he was the most frustratingly intelligent person I ever met. Perhaps, the most I will ever meet. Emphasis on the frustratingly.

I will deeply miss our disagreements. Make no mistake, there has never been a whisper of malice or anger in the circa 242 times we have disagreed. Every ridiculous notion (Sam was expert at the ridiculous, though well-articulated notion) was met with keen engagement, laughter and the occasional raised eyebrow.

The more I think about it, the more privileged I feel. To have had someone you care for dearly, with the unique ability to provide a completely fresh lens on your thoughts. Our discussions gave me life. We built cathedrals out of half-baked notions, conducted orchestras of vague principles; and played devious childish games based on lines from an textbook we'd profess to be expert-in having just read it the previous evening. I’d like to say this was mainly confined to our student days, yet with Sam we were for forever students - always learning.

Indeed, (sometimes) inadvertently, he taught me many things. Sam built a confidence in me. A sense of brotherhood. An attitude of "why not" and "give it a try". He gave me the opportunity to be part of something greater than myself. In the soggy grizzle of many an afternoon in our formative years at Hertford, Sam Johns; an un-skippable third of SJB, was a vibrant force to brighten the day of anyone who came across him. He was, we were, fundamentally ridiculous. And brilliantly so.

My continued thoughts and sentiments go to his family, for whom, he cared for so dearly.

I will continue to fill in his part of the conversation, as I know it's what my friend would do for me.
Best wishes
Jeremy Boon
June 7, 2024
On behalf of all former and current staff at The Hawthorns School we would like to express our heartfelt condolences to Tim, Evelyne and Marina and family. Samuel spent his formative years at the school, not just as a day pupil but growing up within the school community, and he is remembered by many as an intelligent boy with a love of music, outdoor pursuits and a talent for languages. We have followed his career with interest and were delighted to welcome him back to the school in 2019 to give a fascinating talk to Upper School pupils about his experience in Nepal implementing a recycling program for plastics in conjunction with local communities. He spoke with passion about his desire to make a difference in the world. In 2021, we were thrilled to welcome him once again to be recognised for his many achievements by presenting him with the OHA Cup for Outstanding Achievement. We send our love to the whole family.
The Hawthorns School
June 7, 2024
Sammy, you were such a bright light. I remember our childhood together with great fondness. From cycling around Hawthorns to playing in the garden in Kings Mead with Marina, Julian and Daniel. You were always full of energy and curiosity - and that only increased through adulthood. I will always remember your big smile and big heart. Rest well, Sammy.
Sabrina Rodriguez
June 7, 2024
Le flot de témoignages sur cette page ne peuvent mieux résumer l’impact que tu as eu sur les gens dans ta vie.
Je me souviens encore de notre première rencontre au bureau de Harrogate en 2016. Je me suis demandé qui était ce franco-anglais loufoque et tache d’huile au milieu d’un bureau si homogène. Je n’allais pas être déçu, car je n’ai jamais regretté la moindre minute à tes cotes, à jouer au foot, au tennis, pousser un lit au travers une rivière croupie, rouler des centaines de bornes sur un velo ou sur zwfit durant le confinement, skier à Cham, « finker » les Friday (puis thinker les Thursday ) ou évidemment déconner des nuits entières en soirées.
Toutes ces péripéties ne sont finalement qu’un détail derrière ce que tu m’as apporté. Ta confiance humble et tes convictions éclairaient les autres et m’ont énormément inspirée. Tu avais donné un sens théorique à ta vie, et la menait avec une morale inébranlable qui transcendait. Nos discussions suscitaient en moi une réflexion permanente et une quête d’amélioration sans fin. Si l’expérience est un flambeau qui n’éclaire que celui qui le porte, tu es une des rares personnes dont le flambeau illuminait aussi les autres.
La nouvelle de ta mort a été un véritable bouleversement, un rappel à la fragilité des choses et de la fragilité des gens. Un rappel que le cerveau humain est la plus belle chose de l’univers, mais aussi parfois notre plus grand ennemi. Et que derrière chacun se cache une histoire de vie, des douleurs et des motivations, et une perspective qui nous échappe et que nous devons toujours essayer de comprendre avant d’interpréter.
Cindy, qui t’aimait tant s’associe à toute ma peine. Et quant à Louise et Alix qui sont trop petites pour se souvenir avec précision de toi, elles n’auront plus la joie de retrouver « le copain d’angleterre de papa » tous les ans dans la drome ou à Chamonix, et au cours duquel tu aurais encore sorti un de tes coups de génie de ton chapeau tout en les couvrant de la bienveillance indéfectible dont tu as le secret.
Tout mon soutien à Tim, Evelyne, Marina, Luke et tes petites nièces.
Arnaud Palmer
June 7, 2024
I was lucky to be friends with Sam in Oxford- we went to Hertford College CU and church together. He was inspiring, incredibly gifted and humble. He lived life to the max and at high speed! Whatever Sam did (whether it was church, lacrosse, playing the last post in college, clubbing, skiing or geography) he did it with amazing talent and enthusiasm.
It was common to see Sam darting at top speed around Oxford on his fixie bike, wearing his lacrosse stash and waving and grinning as he went past. His zeal for life and for the gospel were contagious to all those around him. He was an inspiring example to me of someone who lived life to the full but in a radically different way to other people.

I am so so sad to hear the news of Sam's passing. My prayers go out to his family and close friends at this difficult time.
Tasha Ramsden (Watson)
June 7, 2024
I remember dear Sam (and dear Marina) from my time at our church youth group in Sevenoaks and also from our time together at Hertford College, Oxford. His warm smile and manner made you feel like you were good friends - even though it has been many years since I last spoke to him, I remember him very fondly. He was full of energy and ideas and enthusiasm - I remember how much he loved sport, cycling, and learning. He also had a real love for Jesus - at church and Hertford CU, it was a joy to hear him share of his own faith and convictions. He (and Marina) modelled to me what it looked like to live for Christ in a way that was not the conventional - full of adventure and vision, with more than a hint of mischief. He will be sorely missed. Life was much the richer for having him in it and it has been a blessing to read the tributes of others who felt the same - my thoughts and prayers are with you, Marina, and your family. With love xx
Pippa Halpin
June 7, 2024
Like many at the VUB, I find it difficult to put into words (and even understand) how Samuel could leave such a lasting impression after such a short time of knowing him. A brilliant scholar, and one who showed so much initiative, he truly graced our campus with his presence when he visited Brussels.

I'd like to thank him, one last time, for his article and book recommendations and for the conversations we had, from which I always learned something new. For his ever-present energy that could bring people together. For his gentle spirit and helpful demeanor.

May this last journey of yours be a peaceful and joyful one. You deserve it, after all the joy you brought us.

You will be missed,

Samuel (2) ;)
Samuel Cipers
June 7, 2024
Samuel and I met for the first and only time in Rwanda in 2017, cycling mountains to raise funds for Great Lakes Outreach. We spent an amazing week together but Sam stood out, his promise and ideals and priorities were something that inspired me in terms of where my life was at that point. He was such a young man of God - so impressive and without limit. I grieve for all that have much closer lives intertwined with Samuel, as this loss will leave a gap hard to fill as he lived for the benefit of so many others. The world has lost one of its best. Amahoro Samuel, Marina, Luke and all loved ones.
Mark A Hopper
June 7, 2024
Sam was a great friend at Green College in Vancouver. I loved his zest for life and active adventures. My deepest condolences to your family.
Ben Sylvester
June 7, 2024
I am still struggling to comprehend that Samuel is no longer with us. Even though I had only known him for a few years, he made a big impression on my life. He brought so many gifts which he shared generously with those around him. I saw him touch many lives with his kindness and compassion, his intelligence and insight, his diligence, faithfulness and driving desire to serve others.

I was privileged to count him as a friend. He was a co-worker on Cross-Current IT Thought Leaders, bringing the energy required to set up and sustain the group. He was a contributor to writing articles and running online events. He co-authored a Cambridge Paper on "Surveillance capitalism: the hidden costs of the digital revolution" - written through COVID lockdown. I looked forward to our periodic meetings with John Wyatt - considering themes that seemed of significance in looking at the impact of technology on our daily lives. Samuel was a brilliant young man, full of faith. His loss leaves a huge hole in so many people's lives. My own life was significantly enriched by having known him.

My heart aches at what his loss means for Tim and Evelyne, Marina and Luke, Elsa and Raphael. My prayer is that the memory of his life with us will bring joy and that the pain of his parting will be gently healed. Please accept our sincere condolences. Jonathan and Linda Ebsworth
Jonathan Ebsworth
June 7, 2024
C’est tellement difficile de trouver les mots pour rendre hommage à Samuel, disparu si soudainement, que cela semble à la fois irréel et incompréhensible.
Nous partageons votre tristesse, Samuel sera toujours dans notre cœur et nous gardons le souvenir d'un homme brillant, généreux, bienveillant, toujours à l’écoute des autres, doté d'une belle énergie communicative, un homme exceptionnel qui a vécu intensément ses multiples actions et projets humanitaires.
Quelle grande fierté pour vous Evelyne et Tim.
Nous nous rappelons les Noëls en famille au chalet, les visites à Richwiller en été au bord de la piscine, avec comme goûter une tarte aux mirabelles maison qu'il appréciait tant, et bien sûr, les cousinades aux 4 coins de la France.

À ceux que j'aime et ceux qui m’aiment,
Je suis les mille vents qui soufflent,
Je suis le scintillement des cristaux de neige,
Je suis la lumière qui traverse les champs de blé,
Je suis l’éveil des oiseaux dans le calme du matin,
Je suis l'étoile qui brille dans la nuit.

Ton oncle et ta tante.
Philippe & Fabienne Buhart
June 7, 2024
I met him in my country Nepal 🇳🇵 we had a coffee together he used to talk in nepali fluently... Such a gentleman .... Miss you #Sam god bless you wherever you are..
Anu Kc
June 7, 2024

Ta disparition est une épreuve douloureuse pour nous tous. Alors, nous nous consolons avec nos souvenirs, dans lesquels revient systématiquement ton sourire si solaire et enfantin. Les derniers moments partagés sont lors de cette cousinade l'été dernier, où tu as su motiver les troupes sous une belle pluie anglaise. À jamais, le souvenir de Buckingham Palace sera associé à nos rires sous nos minuscules parapluies.
J'ai toujours admiré ton altruisme et ton intérêt profond envers les gens, tandis que tu restais très discret, malgré toutes les merveilleuses choses que tu accomplissais à travers le monde.
J'aurai tant voulu que tu rencontres ma fille.. Je raconterai à Elena à quel point elle aurait aimé jouer avec Tonton Samuel, mon cousin farceur !
Tu laisses un grand vide dans nos coeurs, mais je sais que tu es parti avec le tien rempli de l'amour de tes proches.
Ta présence accompagnera pour toujours nos pensées.
Océane Buhart
June 6, 2024

Dearest bro Samuel Gregory Johns

Sitting here, remembering the moments we spent together, especially during the lockdown when life slowed down and we found solace in each other's company, fills my heart with sadness and gratitude for the kind of brother you were. You were more than just a brother to me; you were my supporter, my mentor, and my guiding light.

Your tremendous energy and zest for life were infectious. Even in the midst of uncertainty, you faced each day with an enthusiasm that lifted my spirits and inspired me to seize the moment. You taught me invaluable lessons, always reminding me in Nepali, "अल्छी नगर्नुहोस्” don’t be lazy These words stay with me, guiding me forward.

Your love for the environment and the Himalayan people was truly remarkable. Your heart was deeply connected to the mountains, and your compassion for the people who called them home knew no bounds. I remember how you liked to be called "Tenzin" in Tibetan, a name that honored your love for the Himalayan region and its people.

Not just a brother, you were also my language teacher. Your patience knew no bounds as you guided me through the intricacies of the language, always with a smile and an encouraging word. Your faith in me never wavered, and your encouragement kept me going, even in the face of adversity.

Although you no longer walk with me, your spirit continues to guide and inspire me each day. Your legacy lives on in the memories we shared and the lessons you gave.

Until we meet again, dear brother, may you find peace in the arms of the mountains you loved so much.
Kelsang Lama
June 6, 2024
Chers Evelyne ert Tim,

C'est toujours avec un immense bonheur que je me souviendrai du grand sourire de Sam lorsqu'il venait avec sa trompette pour nous régaler au sein du sacré petit orchestre du temple de Crest...
Merci Sam pour ces moments passés ensemble à jouer de la musique.
Tu seras toujours vivant dans nos mémoires.

Marc et tous les musiciens du sacré petit orchestre.
Marc Raynal
June 6, 2024
If I'd be asked to write Samuel's motto in life it will be: "Do it immediately, do it as quick as you can at the best you can." His love expression was serving others any possible way: a drink, a graphic, a research, a report, a tidy up, teaching, leading, anything he could do with his mind and hands. If there wouldn't be God's comforting me with this wonderful words of Jesus :"Your brother will rise." - it would be unbearable for me to handle Samuel's passing away so prematurely.

Everyday of work at GraduateImpact reminds me of you my dear Samuel and I can’t stop my tears. Through the pain of such a great loss I am grateful for you and so many wonderful things you've left behind like Cross-Current journey presentation I used last weekend in Armenia. I thank God for the privilege to have known you and work together. You were creative, ingenious, very productive and a great team player. You were always sensitive to your neighbour’s need and serving people around you in practical ways. I miss you a lot my precious brother and I am looking forward to poke you when I see you next time.

Thank you dear family Johns for raising Samuel to be such a great man of faith and Christlike character.
I lean on the hope that one day we’ll rejoin Samuel in new bodies and we will rejoice together in Jesus’ presence. But till then he will be greatly missed.

With love and gratitude
Rodica, Samuel's colleague at IFES GraduateImpact

P.S. The drawing below is the last one Samuel drew few days before his passing away at our meeting in Brussels.
Rodica Rosior
June 5, 2024
Dear Family Johns and Family Johnson,
We are in shock that the fearless mover and shaker in this world has left far too soon. We have been thinking of you all and hold you in our hearts and prayers. Our time together at The Hawthorns was filled with joyful memories. Samuel playing his trumpet in the school orchestra, for Remembrance services, carol services, concerts, the final concert at The Hawthorns for The Arts Festival, the jazz performance for Tim’s birthday. He was always a joy to be around. We have followed his school and university career with pride, rejoiced for his success at university, enjoyed stories about his time in Canada and marvelled at his ingenuity in Nepal. His brain was remarkable, his personal touch enabled all who met him to be drawn to love him. Samuel will always be a remarkable man who leaves a light in this world. I have recorded a piece of music on the harp to share with you. It is called Glimmer. I hope it helps to provide some background sound for when you think of him. When I think of Samuel, I will remember him at school being bright, happy and full of life, in Nepal helping and building many communities, in Argentiere skiing. He was a man of the world, blessed with a caring character and a positive can do approach to any problem that confronted him. He left no stone unturned. He has touched and made a difference in so many lives. Taken far too early, the shimmers will continue to inspire. With love from
The Hankeys. Xx

Helen Hankey
June 5, 2024
Dearest Sam
Still can’t believe you are no more among us.Tears roll down my eyes when I realise that I won’t see you again in was such an Amazing experience to get to know you .You were and will always be one of the most beautiful soul .i hope you are in the better place and May you always find light on your way.sending all my love and hugs to your Family members.The way you used to shared your niece and nephew pictures and your love for them makes me very are and will always be in our heart Samuel and you will forever be their best Uncle .
God loves you so much,so he took you from us.Thank you for everything you do to make the people around you feel seen.will see you someday again brother till then stay happy wherever you are.🕊️🕊️🕊️

June 5, 2024
Dearest Sam,
You've gone so young, yet with a fully lived life. You lived intensively, purposefully, and touched more lives than many of those who reach old age. I feel extremely privileged to have encountered such a precious soul like yours. You inspired me to challenge my perceived limits, and indeed reach for the sky. You challenged my intellect, my faith, my whole being… and I learned so much with and from you. What an inspiring soul you were!

I'll treasure the memory of you dropping by my door on a rainy day to bring me a book, before driving down to London - because it was important for you that I read that book and let you know what I thought about it. The endless hours that you put into reading my master's thesis, along with the care of using green pen instead of red, so I would not be overwhelmed by the changes. The tears in your eyes on Baptism Sunday because a lost sheep was found. Indeed, you were Christ-centred, Christ-loving, and full of compassion. What a generous, kind, and considerate person you were.

Thank you for enriching my life while you were - you will be missed!

Farewell dear Sam, and until we see each other again.
Mariam Haidara
June 5, 2024
Toutes mes condoléances vont aux parents et à la famille de Samuel !
J'ai eu la chance de faire la connaissance de Samuel en mars 2024 lors de mon séjour à Chamonix en compagnie de Gérald et Marie Lou.
Souvenir d'un jeune homme plein de vie arborant un magnifique sourire.
Samuel, nous aimerions tous être ton ami !
Repose en paix petite étoile 🌟 !
June 5, 2024
It is hard to find the words to articulate the heartbreak we share in hearing of Sammy’s passing. A life so well lived, and a man of character, kindness and warmth. We have always loved hearing via Marina of his adventures, and how proud he made her. He was always interesting and interested - easy to talk to and genuine. Over the last five years, our paths crossed at various birthdays and family gatherings for our shared niece and nephew Elsa and Raphael. Watching him chat with them, play music, and see photos of them skiing and baby raving together, it was always obvious how much Sammy loved them both and how much they completely adored him in return. We will always help you in reminding them of the brilliance and love of their Tonton Sammy. All our love and prayers, Emily & Jonny
Jonny and Emily Johnson
June 4, 2024
Déjà plus d’un mois que ton sourire s’est éteint et que nous sommes seuls avec nos souvenirs. Ils sont nombreux, joyeux, la plupart associés à des grandes réunions de famille comme nous les aimons tant chez les Buhart. Il y a bien évidemment les souvenirs à la Roseraie avec tes concerts et les parties de cache-cache dans le jardin. Ceux de Chamonix avec les récoltes de myrtilles aux Posettes et cette fabuleuse construction de tunnels dans le tas de sable un été. Le souvenir de mon petit cousin insistant pour que je vienne dans sa classe, lors de mon séjour à Hawthorns (tu en avais marre que je passe tout mon temps avec Marina). Et puis, les plus récents, ceux de notre vie d’adultes, ces cousinades qui nous permettaient de faire le point sur les milliers de choses que tu avais accomplies entre deux retrouvailles. Les jeux que tu partageais toujours volontiers avec tes petits cousins et petites cousines. Je songe souvent à ce week-end à Londres, l’été dernier. Plus jamais je ne pourrais regarder Buckingham Palace sans penser à toi et à cet orage aussi violent qu’imprévisible, un peu comme ta disparition qui semble encore si irréelle.
J’espère que là où tu es, tu as trouvé la paix, mon cousin. Même si tu ne feras plus partie de nos vies, tu es ancré pour toujours dans nos cœurs.
Sandrine Barberis
June 4, 2024
We met Sam when doing the bike pilgrimage with Robert de Berry in 2022. He only cycled with us for 5 days in the West country but he struck me as such a wonderful young man. Handsome, tall, superfit (he cycled up those Cornish hills and then down again to help push me up them!) and so so talented. Most importantly he knew the Lord, in whom we find our salvation. I hope he is at peace now, cheering us all on from heaven, and having a ball!! See you soon Sam, how you will be missed by those who love you. In those mere five days you made a lasting impression on us. Paul and Karien.
Karien Downes
June 4, 2024
Chers Evelyne et Tim,

Comme en attestent tous ces témoignages et comme vous le savez aussi, Samuel était quelqu'un d'exceptionnel qui a vécu si intensément qu'il a accompli en 34 ans ce que d'autres mettent 60 ou 70 ans à réaliser.

Que les hommages qui vont lui être rendus les 6 et 7 juin vous apportent la paix et vous aident à continuer votre route sans lui mais en sachant qu'il est en paix auprès du Père.

Brigitte PIEMONT
June 3, 2024
Oh Samuel, hadn't we already seen some good progress in the discussions at the COP for Global Climate and Environment topics? Hadn't we recognized the need for regulation and certification in AI development? Didn't you say that you would share the survey results from your PhD with me? Hadn't we just participated in the Graduate Impact (GI) Consultation together and looked forward to what would happen next? I was so excited to continue seeing all these developments with you. I truly believed that in our lifetime, we would witness a transformation in the AI industry, your PhD would be so meaningful and bring brilliant insights and impacts, and the GI Ministry would have a structure to flourish.

Thinking about all this, the below song really captures how I feel right now towards you, through the music, the singing and the lyrics.

Beyond, formed in 1983, is widely considered the most successful and influential Cantopop band in Hong Kong. In 1993, the leader passed away unexpectedly, and this song was written by the remaining members to express how much they miss him.


Paradise | Performed by: Beyond
Lyrics (Translated from Cantonese)

Once, we were full of hope
You and I would one day break through the darkness
Who knew, once again we’d be disappointed
Seeing that we’ve already reached the end

Watching you walk away, I don´t feel sad
Only hoping that in the far sky, one day we can reunite

Oh, para paradise
Just want to be with you, together walking towards this day
Oh, para paradise
A little hope in the wind, today I keep thinking of you

I’d rather wait forever
Afraid of betraying everything we had back then
Now, you have gone to the other shore
Tell me, how is the weather over there?

Watching you walk away, I don’t feel sad
Only hoping that in the far sky, one day we can reunite

Oh, para paradise
Just want to be with you, together walking towards this day
Oh, para paradise
A little hope in the wind, today I keep thinking of you


Samuel, I will patiently wait and continue to learn to walk for the glory of our Lord, whom you are now with. Thank you for being a model of Christ-like love.

Shuk Ling Chan
June 3, 2024
To your loving family.
Remembering a very special and amazing soul that touched so many lives. Never to be forgotten for all the love Sam you gave to everyone that knew you. May your legacy and work continue for the special life that you gave your all to xx🫶
With much love Jenny and Holly (Wallner)
Jenny Wallner
June 3, 2024
Lors du culte de Noël 2023 à Crest, nous avons pu profiter du son de la trompette de Samuel en harmonie avec l'orgue. La communauté rend grâce à Dieu pour le témoignage de foi de Samuel marqué par une joie simple et communicative.
En profonde communion avec la famille et les amis.
Bien fraternellement
Eglise protestante unie du Crestoiss
June 3, 2024
"Laisse-moi trouver la lumière dans mes ténèbres, ta vie dans ma mort, ta joie dans mon chagrin, ta grâce dans mon péché, tes richesses dans ma pauvreté."
Nous sommes reconnaissants d'avoir partagé cette lumière, cette vie, cette joie, cette grâce et ces richesses dont Dieu est la source, lors de rencontres avec Samuel qui furent et restent pour nous d'une densité extraordinaire! Béni soit Le Père qui nous a offert une telle communion et une telle fraternité!
Nous sommes en communion avec tous ceux qui pleurent Samuel.
Nous portons dans notre prière toute la famille Johns. Et nous serons en communion avec tous ceux qui, samedi, participeront de près ou de loin au culte d'action de grâce pour ce qui fut partagé avec Samuel, pour la vie que Dieu lui a donnée, pour tous les fruits qu'il a portés autour de lui, au nom de l'amour de Dieu le Père, pour l'espérance qui a certainement donné son sens à tous les voyages et les rencontres de Samuel.
"J'ai l'assurance que rien, ni même la mort, ne pourra nous séparer de l'amour de Dieu manifesté en Jésus-Christ, notre Seigneur." (Romains 8, v 39)
Avec toute notre affection fraternelle.
Brunel family
June 3, 2024
Dearest Sam,
You've gone so young, yet with a fully lived life. You lived intensively, purposefully, and touched more lives than many of those who reach old age. I feel extremely privileged to have encountered such a precious soul like yours. You inspired me to challenge my perceived limits, and indeed reach for the sky. You challenged my intellect, my faith, my whole being… and I learned so much with and from you. What an inspiring soul you were!

I'll treasure the memory of you dropping by my door on a rainy day to bring me a book, before driving down to London - because it was important for you that I read that book and let you know what I thought about it. The endless hours that you put into reading my master's thesis, along with the care of using green pen instead of red, so I would not be overwhelmed by the changes. The tears in your eyes on Baptism Sunday because a lost sheep was found. Indeed, you were Christ-centred, Christ-loving, and full of compassion. What a generous, kind, and considerate person you were.

Thank you for enriching my life while you were - you will be missed!

Farewell dear Sam, and until we see each other again.
Mariam Haidara
June 3, 2024
The news of Sam’s passing was incredibly painful to hear. I met Sam at Herford in 2008 – we were two of the lucky ten chosen to read Geography that year. I remember our first meeting so vividly – he was easily the most intelligent and confident person I had ever met, and I was so intimidated during those first tutorials on geopolitics. Fortunately, Sam’s infectious personality, kindness, loyalty, and his incredible wit helped me overcome my intimidation fairly quickly and we soon became good pals.

Sam was always the life and soul of any gathering, his joy and amusement infectious to us all. Some of my favourite memories of Sammy include: the time he pranked the girl’s chalet on the geography fieldtrip to Scotland by exploding an egg in the microwave (it stank!); the handmade birthday cards courtesy of ‘SJB Reproductions;’ the acrobatic dance moves in Park End; and his many many Gilberts costumes that always incorporated a rainbow of face paints!

In more recent years, I was so excited when he told me that he was finally (!!!) starting a PhD. From his first foray into research (his beloved fixie bikes) Sam’s intellectual curiosity and brilliance was evident. Relistening to a podcast of his 2010 work recently, it struck me how poised and academic he really was at just 20 years old. I listen to his confidence, his mannerisms, his genuine enthusiasm, and recognize the influence he has had on my own academic style – although admittedly, it’s taken me much longer to get there! Those three years sharing an academic space with Sammy and our geoggers group were a privilege and have shaped me, professionally and personally, more than I ever realized.

Reading about Sam’s life and the global reach of his work, friendships, passions, and interests highlight his true embodiment as a geographer. It is devastating that he is no longer with us. I offer my sincere condolences to Sam’s family, friends, and the many people fortunate to have felt his tremendous presence and this most painful loss. Miss you Sam x
Kirstie Scott
June 3, 2024
It was with profound sadness that we learned of Sammy’s death. We had been praying for the protection and safety of Sammy the night that he died. He is a very great loss to society and humankind, and he will leave a hole in all our lives.

We first met Sammy in Oxford through his sister and our son and as usual he was exercising on his bicycle! Over the following fifteen years, or so, we got to know him as he developed from an undergraduate to a global cultural phenomenon. He applied his intellectual capacity to try and solve some of the issues related to the impact of technology on society. He focussed particularly on some of the poorest people in the world. Everything Sammy did he gave 110% of himself to and it is so sad that we will not see him again, this side of heaven.

We will continue to pray for Sammy’s immediate family.

With much love and blessings.

Philip & Rosalind
June 2, 2024
Where does one find the words? Sammy's beautiful life (ridiculous top knots and tashes included) has brought so much joy and laughter to so many! The summers I got to share with you all, welcomed in as part of the family, in La Drome, and family times at Jebb Street are memories I will always treasure. Boot camp Johns and Johnson will never be the same... I couldn't even keep up in the lake swims let alone the 120km cycles that Sammy wisely tackled without Nina and me!
A few memories that I'll forever now cherish are theo-philosophical chats stimulated by Tims book writing and Sammy's championing of it, melon and tomato salads over lunch, Josh Garrels washing up, Sam and Tim jamming together, drinking Nepalese tea you bought back, the simplicity of just being with you all...
My tears mingle with yours but so thankful that no a single one goes un-cherished by the loving Father we share with Sam. Trusting that the many shed because of Sam's passing will water and bring life to something as extraordinary as him!
Alice Self
June 2, 2024
Dear Tim, Evelyne, Marina and Luke,
We are devastated that Samuel is no longer with us. When we were with him, he was so positive, full of life and threw himself into any situation. Spending time with him was a tonic. He was doing so much with his life, and so much passion to help others and to improve the environment. Louise holds a dear memory of him playing the trumpet as Marina was walked down the aisle with Tim on her wedding day. Mark"s most recent memory is introducing Samuel to the delights o Divers Cove and then being pleasantly surprised that Samuel showed some understanding to an old man - a fond memory that will forever be associated with the reservoir. We are so sad for your loss and send you all our love and prayers.
Mark and Louise Tantam
June 2, 2024
I remember Sam so well from his time at Sevenoaks, and in particular in the music department where our paths would cross. He was a kind, thoughtful young man, and talented in so many areas. He evidently accomplished a huge amount in his short life, and was committed to making the world a better place. What a terrible loss for his family and friends to bear. I am so very sorry.
Arabella Stuart
June 2, 2024
Chers Evelyne et Tim
Je n’ai pas eu la chance de connaître Samuel mais en lisant les témoignages si émouvants de tous ceux qui l’ont connu, je me dis que son souvenir restera pour toujours comme une belle lumière dans nos cœurs.
Sa vie, si brève et intense, aura éclairé et réchauffé bien des vies autour de lui.
Qu’il repose en paix auprès de son Créateur.
Je vous embrasse très fort
Anne Moncet
June 2, 2024
Sam has left his mark on so many of us, in so many ways. I feel truly lucky to have enjoyed years of his wonderful friendship. He is at the heart of so many of my memories of Oxford and the years that have followed, from Hawthorns to London, the Alps to La Drôme, Cornwall to Scotland. He brought an unparalleled passion and energy to our geography group, in both our academic and social life - somehow just as at home debating in a tutorial, in nature, at Gilberts or on the dancefloor! I will never forget his warmth, his brilliance, his competitive spirit, his loyalty, and of course, the huge smile, sparkle in his eyes, and sense of fun that he brought to everything he did. He was truly unique, finding his own paths, and enriched all of us around him. He really did live life to the full. Losing him is so heartbreaking, but I have no doubt that he leaves behind a strong legacy. Miss you Sammy. Casey x
Emily Casey
June 2, 2024
I met Samuel for the first time at The Hawthorns School when I applied for the position of Science teacher. I was asked to teach a lesson as part of my interview and he was one of the pupils in that lesson. I was being observed by the head - his dad! - Tim Johns and, as an NQT, I was felling pretty nervous. Sam gave a great answer to one of my questions and I replied enthusiastically, keen to make a good impression for the lesson observation. Little did I realise it was Tim’s son! I must have done something right though as I got the job and I stayed teaching at The Hawthorns for 18 years!
I knew Sam as a cheeky school boy, always very able and talented and succeeding in everything he did. His sister, Marina, was also a student there and she set the bar high for Sam to follow.
I have many memories of Sam at school where I got to know him quite well as his science teacher as well as his personal tutor. He loved spending time with his friends, getting the balance just right between working hard and having fun. I remember his musical talents as well. I remember being woken up in the morning of our overnight ‘survival’ camp by Sam playing the trumpet as dawn broke over Lake Pitch! What a great alarm call!
Once Sam left The Hawthorns, it was lovely to keep up with his news through Tim and Evelyne. I saw him several more times as he grew up at school and family gatherings and I was always so impressed by everything he had achieved, especially the plastic recycling project in Nepal.
Evelyne shared many happy family photos with us from summers in France and festive celebrations so even though I did not know Sam well as a young man, I always felt I still knew him through them.
His sudden departure has left behind shock and confusion but it cannot detract from the most amazing life he has lived. What a huge amount to achieve in such a short time! He really has left behind a legacy and made such an enormous impact on the world. It does mean that his loss will be even harder to bear and I send all my love and support to all the family and friends left behind.
He was an incredibly special young man. A real inspiration for everyone who met him and got to know him along the way. I am pleased to have played just a tiny part in his life all those years ago.
Jo Rogers
June 1, 2024
Ahhh Samuel – so many happy memories.
Our earliest memory is of you in your early years running around The Hawthorns which always seemed like a happy place for you.
Then there was the skiing holiday our families enjoyed together and your fearless dashes down the black runs whilst we just concentrated on staying upright. Even at that relatively young age you approached everything with such passion. We could engage with you on philosophical matters about which you often felt strongly. What a truly amazing person you have always been.
Just a month or two ago we all sat together here in our house sharing our passions and seeing you smiling; always interesting and interested. How much you were loving your contact with young people as you sought their perception of social media for your PHD. How enthusiastic you were about C-me and what it reveals for those who take it. Little did we know what was to come.
We now have a gap in our lives, Samuel, as it will be for so, so many who knew you and loved you. Much louder is how blessed we have been to have had you in our lives. Your faith and faithfulness to our Lord and so many people and causes shouts louder than anything else. Thank you for who you are, and we look forward to being re-united with you in heaven with our Resurrection God. What a wonderful future to which we can look forward. In the meantime, may you rest in peace.
Simon and Sue Wilsher and all the Wilsher clan
June 1, 2024
Chers Evelyne et Tim, Marina et Luke,

Le départ de Samuel nous a bouleversés.
Nous savions que Samuel était une personne généreuse et brillante. A la lecture ici de tous ces témoignages, nous sommes plus émus encore. Ils nous décrivent bien avec quels empathie et engagements Samuel partageait ses nombreux talents et sa foi.

Je me souviens lorsque je l'ai croisé qu'il avait ce sourire lumineux sur son beau visage et cette personnalité attachante et bienveillante.

Aussi bien doué intellectuellement que pour l'action, guidé par sa foi, Samuel ne ménageait pas ses efforts et son enthousiasme. Son sens de la pédagogie auprès des jeunes a fait des merveilles. Ses travaux au Népal et les recherches pour son doctorat sont la preuve de sa riche personnalité et de son implication concernant les questions de l'Homme face à l'environnement et aux défis du monde numérique.

Samuel était une belle personne qui a pleinement vécu sa vie et vous pouvez être fiers de lui.

Nous pensons très fort à vous et vous serrons dans nos bras pour partager amour et soutien.
Thomas se joint à nous pour vous adresser ses condoléances et gardera Samuel dans son cœur.
Agnès Daniel Thomas LEDAR
May 31, 2024
2 years ago, Sam joined our Bike Pilgrimage on behalf of persecuted Christian's. He would beat us to the top of hills, ride down them and then ride back to still best us to the summits _alovely crazy exuberance for God; oh how he will be missed, Robert
Robert de Berry
May 31, 2024
Dear Evelyn and Tim,
We were so very sorry to hear the sad news about Sam. He was a lovely boy and we have very fond memories of him. Thinking of you all at this very difficult time, you are all in our prayers.
Aruna Dalia
May 31, 2024
Kirstie Scott
May 31, 2024
I had the privilege of meeting Sam only once 11 years ago over dinner with Marjie my wife on the invitation of his dear parents Tim & Evelyne. I remember vividly to this day the impression Sam made on us with his warmth and welcoming personality, his wit, his smile and interesting contribution in conversation. He was indeed an extraordinary young man. Our hearts go out to Tim and Evelyne with great sadness on the loss of Sam. Indeed, Heaven’s gain and our loss. It is our prayer that strength and hope be your portion today and always.

“My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion for ever” Psalm 73:26

Andrew Tan
Andrew Tan
May 31, 2024
Dhanyabad Samuel, for all the many ways you inspired, supported and encouraged me and so many others from London to Langtang...

Samuel had such a huge positive impact in his lifetime, so evident on this page. He is so missed. My thoughts and prayers are with all who are grieving in this time. I know his impact will continue.
Sarah Cleary
May 30, 2024
We join everyone else in these wonderful tributes in saying how devastated we were to hear of Sammy's death. I am the cousin of Tim, Sammy's father and I am joined by my partner, Dave Merrick, daughter, Cassne Hague and son Keiran Merrick in sending our heeart felt condolences.
I know Sammy was a highly prinicpled, dedicated and responsbile young man. He was talented and resourceful in his support for others and in his fabulous international projects in Nepal and elsewhere, his PhD work, his tutoring and teaching. Always committed to social justice and solidarity. He was the sort of young man we want our young men to be ....... providing an alternative to macho and aggressive masculinity. A model of a better way to be a man, warm and caring and always living as responsibly as he could.
With our love to all the family. .
Gill Hague
May 30, 2024
I was devastated to hear the news about Sam. He is truly the most talented person I’ve ever met. Sam and I first met back at sixth form in Sevenoaks, he was the year above me and known as the ‘geography god’(!). We became friends, and inspired by his passion for all things geography, I followed in his footsteps a few years later to study at Hertford. Always on a bike out somewhere, I will never forget your cheeky smile and your (sometimes dubious) hair styles - topknot a personal favourite. We only overlapped in Oxford for a year but I will always remember the amazing times we had on the ski trip and the raucous geography events. You truly lived life to the fullest, making more of an impact in your life than people do in a lifetime. You will always continue to inspire me and I’m sure everyone who’s ever been lucky enough to know you. Sending my heartfelt condolences to the family, I can’t imagine the pain you are going through and I’m so sorry for your loss. Rest in peace Sam. I will miss you hugely, you are truly one of the greats. Lucy x
Lucy Phillips
May 30, 2024
I’m not sure I can find the words to explain how wonderful Samuel was, even for those of us who only knew him a short time. Samuel joined St Stephen’s, at a time when it seemed particularly small and weak. Despite being seemingly small and weak, he came in with big plans - plans for (theologically correct!) music, for how we should be reading the Word of God and for how we should best serve our young people.

He filled our small church with visions of the goodness of God’s Kingdom, and through his actions reflected Jesus so well. We are taught as God’s children to love the Lord our God with all our heart mind and soul, and neighbour as self, and Samuel modelled this love for the Lord and neighbour consistently. There are countless stories of ways that Samuel offered himself up in service of St Stephen’s.

He was much loved by all of us, especially the Youth, who he attracted so effortlessly with his ‘unserious’ persona, to quote just one of our young people. He was viewed by our young people both as a friend and older brother. It was through this ‘unserious’ persona, that he was able to offer wisdom and counsel to so many of us.

I can’t wait to see how the Lord will use your many talents in service of Him in the new creation brother! (There will be so much for you to do!) But for now, Samuel, you are dearly missed.

My prayers are with his family, who it was clear he loved deeply.
Nikol Gashi
May 30, 2024
You clearly mean so many things to so many people, Sammy J. It's difficult to know which of your many qualities to mention on this sad occasion, but maybe that's the point – you had it all, and that's what drew people to you. You even made a top-knot look good.

You leave behind a whole heap of emotions among those who were touched by your beautiful spirit. The main lesson you've taught me is to just go for it, with kindness, abandon and fun.

I'll be cycling those Bosses de Provence as we planned to together. You'll be there by my side – if not just in front of me, as per usual.

Tchô mon beau.
Jerome Mayaud
May 29, 2024
Writing about Sam is an impossible task because words cannot convey to anyone who didn’t know him how unique he was. He had a brilliant mind, warm heart and endless energy; he also taught us all how to truly live.

When Sam entered Hertford College in 2008, it was clear that he was not in the business of wasting time. He was immediately immersed in a world of bikes, music, sport and geography, and managed to acquire countless close friends spanning across year-groups, in different colleges and even in the MCR. Each holiday we would congregate at Hawthorns and he would cajole us into an afternoon of sports, bbqing and a night out at Liquid where our arrival would cause locals to swiftly evacuate the dancefloor. He was also jammy – the way he managed to trick Emily into taking us all to Cornwall for a summer holiday and the fixie bike he won in the street being two of my favourite examples. Of course, he was also uniquely talented at winding me up, and I soon found that I had another brother to tease me. It was also infuriating that he was excellent at everything! After our Gaudy reunion in 2019, Sam and I shared how we found reminiscing about such a fantastic time bittersweet, because we missed Oxford and the frivolities of youth so much.

Whereas the rest of us took conventional paths after university, Sam had the will to leave a corporate job in which he flourished but was not stimulated in order to pursue his passions. It was undoubtedly difficult to forgo the salary and career structure, but he was able to adopt a lifestyle in which he could simultaneously freelance as a consultant, run a charity, study for a PhD, ski, bike and travel.

Over the years, it was a delight to get to know Sam’s friends in Montroc, who were invariably friendly, interesting and better at skiing than me. It felt like a bootcamp in disguise as we were constantly running for a bus, train or the last ski run, skis and helmet in hand, because of Sam’s insistence that we didn’t waste a second where we could have been in Chambre Neuf, teasing Swedes and dancing on tables. Sam’s faith was also very important to him, and he would robustly defend it during philosophical debates over dinners of tartiflette and raclette. In between, it was always fantastic to meet up with Sam, catch up on his adventures, and exchange ridiculous dating stories. He made long runs more bearable when I was marathon training and in difficult COVID times our cycle rides around Hyde Park were a solace to me. Sam was always interested and interesting, with an intimidatingly fierce mind and a willingness to offer a new perspective and challenge me. Sam was always immensely proud of his parents, sister, brother-in-law, niece and nephew, and would always talk about how much he loved spending time with them and how he missed them in Nepal.

I can’t help but be haunted by a “future Sammy”, presiding over an assembly of inspired schoolchildren, with a sporty, bilingual wife and beautiful, kind children, and continuing to nurture a huge network of friendships. It is a tragedy that he didn’t get this time. However, I believe Sam will have viewed death philosophically, pondering the meaning of life. Frankl comments on how life never ceases to have meaning, even in suffering and death. Given that his time was cut short, I’m grateful for Sam’s insistence on making the most of every minute he had. He lived life to the full, he loved deeply, and he was adored by so many of us. He will always continue to have an enormous impact on his family and friends and we will miss him terribly.
Celia Carr
May 29, 2024
You were such a bright, shining star, now burning bright in the lives of so many.
Bob Fretton
May 28, 2024
I was so sorry to hear of this news. Sam and I studied Geography at Hertford together and I have such wonderful memories of him that I'll continue to cherish. He was a force of nature with such a wide and inquisitive mind it was often a struggle - but a real privilege - to keep up with him. It has been lovely to see all he got up to in the decade or so since, and what lasting impacts he had on people's lives. My deepest condolences to his family.
Amy Longdon


What was Samuel's favorite Travel destination?
Langtang; la Drôme; home
What was Samuel's favorite Sport?
Skiing, because he could never admit it was cycling.
What causes were important to Samuel?
PSD, Nepal.  Digital dehumanisation
What was Samuel's favorite Food or Dish?
To cook: Nepalese Pork Potatoes
To eat: Birscher muesli

What was Samuel's favorite Drink?
Water & milk. He was an athlete.
What was Samuel's favourite Music 
Josh Garrels - Farther along 
Playing 'Te Deum' - Charpentier & Last post

What was Sammy's favourite Event?.
La Drômoise - 120+km cycle race
Satellite Festival

Thanksgiving Service

A Memorial & Thanksgiving Service at St Mark's Kennington, Samuel's Church in London, followed by a wake at Montgomery Hall, opposite the Oval, were held on Sat. 8th June, 2024. A recording of the full service and the tribute video of Samuel shown at the service, are available in the video section of this website.  
St. Mark's Churchyard, Kennington Park Rd, London SE11 4PP
Wake at Montgomery Hall, 58 Kennington Oval
08-06-2024 / 2pm
Livestream recording 


£ 21,602
Raised by 69 people
In honour of our beloved Sammy donations can be made to The Samuel G Johns Foundation, which is in the process of being set up. This will support individuals and charitable initiatives close to Sammy's heart such as youth education, environmental sustainability and furthering our understanding of the societal impact of technology. See for example:

We are grateful for £20,000 already raised (which has been transferred to a high interest account) & invite you to continue the legacy of generosity and kindness that Sammy embodied throughout his life.

Current donations are held in trust and will be transferred in full into the foundation once legally constituted. Disbursements to initiatives that achieve the foundation's purpose will only commence once the foundation's team, governance and reporting mechanisms are in place. 

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