Madam Victoria Iyabode Onitiri

Today, We bowed on our knees and cried Holy to the Lamb of God. We missed you but He (God) needs you. May your soul continue to rest in perfect peace. Amen
We mournfully announce the passing of Madam Victoria Iyabode Cecilia Onitiri, age 52.
Iyabo passed away suddenly on the evening January 10th 2025 of an "aortic aneurysm rupture", a bulge in the wall of the main artery to her heart.
Iyabo was born on September 24th, 1972, in London, United Kingdom, to the union of Pastor Sir Babatunde Onitiri KTC OSJ
from Lagos, Nigeria and Mrs Catherine Benardette Onitiri, (nee Baptiste), from Concord Grenada West Indies.
She was the granddaughter of Chief Madam Victoria Modupe Onitiri (nee Phillips from Abeokuta, Nigeria), and Pa. Emmanuel Idowu Onitiri, son of Pa. Lawani Idowu Onitiri of Lagos, Nigeria, deceased.
Iyabo was a quiet, gentle soul with a passion for film and creative arts. Growing up in the UK, she was known to many of her friends, colleagues and acquaintance by her English name Victoria or "Vicky".
She graduated from London College of Printing with a BA in Graphic and Media Design, Cultural Studies and Film Studies in 1999. She pursued careers in Graphic Design and Cosmetics. In her 30s she switched to Fitness and Personal Training.
She gave birth to her son Marcus at age 33 and became a full-time mum. In her latter years she continued to produce booklets, programmes, images for important family occasions and helped her father with editing content for his site onitiriministries.com.
Iyabo is survived by her son Marcus, her parents Tony and Catherine, her sisters Madonna, Sophia and Tola, her brothers Antony, Aki, Yinka and Ade.
Services will be held at St Giles Church, Camberwell. Please select the "Funeral" heading above for details and join the RSVP list below to be notified when the final arrangements have been made.
Family Tributes
My sister was born on the same day that her grandmother (Madam Victoria Modupe Phillips-Onitiri) died. According to Dad, he was literally on the phone to family announcing the birth of his daughter when they also told him that his mum had just died.
Because of this timing, my family believe that my sister is the reincarnation of our grandmother. The name "Iyabo" means "Mother come back" in Yoruba. To judge for yourself, click the label "Her Grandmother" to compare the photos of them :-)
We invite you to enjoy the photo gallery of Iyabo which shows a selection of photos starting from age 2 to 52.
Please add your fond memories and photos of Iyabo to the "Memory Wall" below. Let us remember her together - that kind big smile she greeted us with, her warm hearted compassion, her gentle caring nature.
I miss you Sis 🖤🖤
Antony Onitiri
I’ve found it hard to put our sorrow into words. We will miss your smile and warm, generous, gentle soul.
Rest in peace Iyabo.
Love your sister Madonna and nephews Freddie and Jasper
To Iyabo, thank you for sharing your beautiful heart, warmth and energy.
You will forever remain in our hearts, and the best of you will live on in those you leave but we will see you again.
Till we meet again
Yinka Onitiri
We have so many lovely memories with Iyabo growing up - both in Nigeria and here in the UK.
In Nigeria, going on trips to the beach and playing fun family card games in our parents' home in Lagos.
In the UK, we went on day trips together to various parts of the country, and singing along loudly to Michael Jackson songs in Iyabo's parents' front room in London.
When we moved to England, we lived with Iyabo and her parents, uncle Tony and aunty Cate, for around a year. As children, with so many of us under one roof, these were fun times. Iyabo was a kind, laid back and easy going person and was very easy to get along with. Thoughtful and considerate, she would never deliberately hurt anyone.
The last time we were all in contact, we all wished each other a happy new year 2025 and five days later Iyabo was the first to wish her cousin a happy birthday on our cousin WhatsApp group. It was a huge shock to receive the message about her passing a few days later.
Iyabo, your quiet and calm presence will be missed by us all.
Rest in Peace dear cousin.
Gboyega, Yemisi and Folake 🖤
Iyabo, mama of Marcus.
As this passage of time folds itself,
we that are left behind feel the pain and sorrow for your physical self,
but in trueness your breath lives in our heart were it can not be stolen.
Shared smiles and laughters anew for the skies for heaven pleasant gardens.
The linchpin of the family and the utmost diplomat.
So as we acknowledge all you've given as you rest beyond the waves.
A lifetime cannot outbrave.
Thanks for all the memories till we all meet again, as you rest in Christ Jesus.
Harvey Otis

Memory Wall
We our thinking of you and our prayers are with you all at this sad time.
You were so cool and considerate and we all just loved being around you. Rest in peace my dearest buddy.
" Stay Gold Pony Boy" 💛

I met Iyabo in Nigeria in 1977 as a sweet 5yr old during FESTAC '77, with her senior brother Antony who never wandered far away from his sister.
Iyabo was an amiable lady, she was softly spoken, very cheerful and extremely kind. Iyabo would assist anybody in any way she could. She loved and cared a lot for her siblings and was like a mother-hen to them all.
The last time I saw Iyabo was at Yinka’s wedding last July where we took loads of pictures with her and Marcus. Who would believe that that would be our last goodbye. Dear Lord, we worship you. I pray that The Almighty God consoles the mother and father Iyabo left behind. More especially her beloved son, Marcus whom she loved with every fibre of her soul. May the good Lord bless Marcus with the wisdom of Solomon that he may live life in good health, happiness and wealth.
My condolences also go to Anthony, her big brother who was like a twin to Iyabo. Anthony I pray The Lord grants you peace of mind and the wherewithal to guide and care for Marcus, Amen.
To Akin, Sophia, Yinka, Ade and Tola may The Lord bless and keep you all. Once again, I send my heartfelt condolences to every member of the family.
I feel very sad. I pray God comfort, heal and strengthen her dearly beloved family, friends and loved ones.
Vicky has always been friendly, welcoming and willing to support church members.
Vicky was God-fearing and loved people so much.
May she rest in peace and the light perpetual shine on her!
Fr Stanley
September 24th 1972-January 10th 2025
The "Engine room" behind the production of the weekly sermons of PASTOR BABATUNDE ONITIRI of ONITIRI (How is today?) MINISTRIES as a result of her educational specialization.
It is with profound feeling of loss that we received the announcement of your sudden death your departure has left a significant void in the ONITIRI MINISTRIES and in the hearts of all those of us who had the privilege of appreciating these sermons, which we eagerly looked forward to every week! They have really impacted upon our lives.
We however take solace in the words of paul in 1st Thes.. 4:3 Your role in ONITIRI MINISTRIES is worthy of emulation, being confident that you belong to the category of saints referred to by paul in 1st Timothy 5:25
"Likewise also the good works of some manifesting beforehand……….."
We love you but JESUS loves you better! Continue to rest in the bosom of your creator to whom you belong.
To our beloved pastor and Brother SIR BABATUNDE ONITIRI, as we commiserate with the entire family and the ONITIRI MINSTRIES, we encourage you all in these words of the hymn:
"GOD moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform
His purposes will ripen fast unfolding every hour.
The bud may have a bitter taste but sweet will be the flower
GOD is his own Interpreter and he will make it plain."
Ola Toyo (Mother-In-Israel)
May her gentle soul rest in eternal peace with the Almighty. Amen.
Iyabo dearest, you will be sorely missed by everyone that knew you. We shall all miss your warm, gentle and loving disposition, your beautiful engaging smile that lit up your face always. Like a burning candle you’re still here and you will forever be. Rest on beloved, to rise in glory in Christ Jesus Amen
Dear Lord, I’m using this platform to pray for Marcus, please watch over him and protect him from the evils of this world, guide his paths and help him to make the right decisions and choices that will lead him where you want him to be. So shall it be in Jesus Name.. Amen,
Aunty Sayo

The funeral details have yet to be organised but once we have them we will add the details here.
In addition we have setup a WhatsApp list (broadcast only) called "In Memory of Iyabo" which you can join to keep up to date with the latest information.
Please RSVP with your email address or mobile number (for the WhatsApp list) to receive updates regarding the funeral arrangements.
Antony Onitiri
St Giles' Church,
Camberwell Church Street,
London, England
(Church will issue parking badges to enable parking nearby)
Cremation (1pm, family only):
Honor Oak Crematorium
Brockley Way
Reception (2pm - 6pm):
St Giles' Church,
Camberwell Church Street,
London, England
Note: Attendees not travelling to the crematorium will be able to stay parked and go straight to the reception as the parish hall is across the road from the church.
• British Heart Foundation ( https://www.bhf.org.uk )
• Childrens Heart foundation ( https://www.childrensheartfoundation.org )
Your generous donation will serve as a meaningful tribute, perpetuating the spirit of Iyabo by supporting a meaningful cause.
Together, let us continue the legacy of compassion and kindness that Iyabo embodied throughout their life.
For those who wish to contribute to the costs of the funeral, we have also setup a page at the link below to help us collect these donations:
Any excess funds will be donated to a heart charity.