Edmund Basil Rowlands

December  17th, 1932 January  12th, 2025
Edmund Basil Rowlands

Donate to Kipushya Hospital

The family wishes to thank everyone for their support and kindness at this time.

In lieu of flowers, please consider donating to Kipushya Hospital in Congo in honour of Eddie.

Thank you for your kindness and generosity as we celebrate Eddie and his amazing life.


Timeline of Eddie's Adventures

Born to Frank and Amy Rowlands
Dulas, Hereford
Eddie gave his heart to the Lord
Eddie saw his mother healed in an Evangelistic service. He began to meet with other people who were also in those meetings and were already Christians. However, no church was formed from that group but they did care for Eddie and prayed with him that he would receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Moved to Rotherham at the invite of David Powell
After Eddie attended Bonsall Holiday Christian camp, he met young people from a vibrant church in Rotherham and the lead pastor, David Powell, invited him to live there and found him a job with Betterwear.
Moved to Preston
Eddie was a conscious objector so instead of doing military service he was conscripted to do agricultural work and appointed to a farm near Preston. That's when he started attending Preston Assembly.
Eddie called to missions 
He applied to join the Congo Evangelistic Mission after William Burton and James Salter spoke at his church. 
Eddie starts serving God as a missionary in Congo
Following preparation, Eddie set sail for Capetown with Kipushya, Congo as his final destination. 
Eddie marries the love of his life, Heather Atkinson 
The wedding was at Kabondo-Dianda in December of 1959 and they were assigned to Katea to serve the Basongye. 
Eddie & Heather evacuate to Southern Rhodesia
Due to conflict after Congolese independence, Eddie & Heather evacuated to Southern Rhodesia. After a few months they moved to Kitwe in Norther Rhodesia. As the troubles persisted in Congo, Eddie and Heather were asked to care for the hostel that was being opened for missionary children from Congo and Rhodesia. There were 13 children aged 8 to 16. 
Eddie becomes a dad for the first time: Lloyd is born
Lloyd was born in November in Kitwe.
Eddie gets a new job
During this time, Eddie began to work for the Northern Rhodesia Cold Storage Commission, handling wholesale meat. This meant that the family and the hostel had a good supply of meat at a reasonable price. It also meant that Eddie and Heather were able to buy a little car to take the children to school in a Morris Traveller. Eddie worked from 4 am until 12 noon so was home when the children came home from school.
Paul was born in Kitwe
Northern Rhodesia
Return home to England for Furlough
Rented a little cottage in Longridge while Eddie visited churches to speak about their work and fundraise for their return trip to Africa. People were so caring and helpful, it was wonderful and amazing.
Alison is born and the family return to Africa
The family travelled by boat and sailed to Capetown and then travelled by car to Northern Rhodesia.
Return to Congon
After the conflicts in Congo settled dow, the family leave Northern Rhodesia and returned to Kipushya. Eddie began work in Bible translation in Kisongye. Heather was a teacher in secondary School.
David born and welcomed into the family
David was born in Kipushya
Return to England for furlough
As a family of five, everyone returned to Preston for furlough.
Return to the mission field in Congo
Eddie continued his work as an Evangelist.
The family move back to England and Eddie starts pastoring Glad Tidings in Margate
There were 25 members at the church. Eddie enjoyed meeting with pastors across Kent. Many IBTI students were hosted by Eddie and Heather. 


Memory wall

Post your condolences or share your Memories.

February 7, 2025
Eddie was a wonderful example of what you'd hope to see in a pastor. Always loving, warm, approachable,
comical , non judgemental, wise. Simply put, a Man of God pointing us to Jesus.
Karen Healy
February 7, 2025
Eddie was a phenomenon! Surely one of the greatest examples of Nehemiah 8:10 lived out - "the joy of the Lord is my strength". Through all my interactions with him, Eddie was an an inspiring man after God's heart, who led with integrity and wisdom. And fun, such fun! Always welcoming me throughout the ages and stages of life, from childhood to teenage years to adulthood. A pillar of strength in his church and family, and a servant of God building His kingdom in so many areas of life. It's incredible to think of this man of God now part of that great cloud of witnesses, spurring each of us on and encouraging us to keep running the race He has set out for us.
Brin Linsell
February 7, 2025
Eddie’s life, and legacy, leave a mark in our hearts, and on our world!
We are so grateful for the times we have shared together, and the example Eddie has sett for us to follow!
Joy Gascoigne
February 6, 2025
To Eddie, aka Sir, aka The Bishop, aka The Wordsmith, aka My friend - I'm so privileged to have known you for more than half my life and to have worked with you for the last 11 years. I still want to drop you a quick email to "just pick your brain about something".

Thank you for your wise words, and your down-to-earth, honest and direct way of talking. You were a constant encourager but also not scared of saying it how it is. You inspired people to do better, yet never judged and I am certain there will never be another like you.

Thank you for blessing Gav and I with the honour of being added to the huge list of people you married. What a day! A great excuse for a new tie of course!

I will always remember going wedding anniversary gift cherry tree shopping with you and Heather, "of course it will fit in the car, it just might be a bit uncomfortable on the journey home". Cherry blossom time will always remind us of you both.

You are very much missed with sadness, but your legacy means we will always remember you with a twinkle in our eyes.

Much love.
Hannah Young
January 31, 2025
Uncle Eddie as you were first known to me. Such a cool person full of fun and mischief. Always loving Jesus. Full of non religious ideas and definitely not conforming. Worshipping to this cool band called ABBA!!! We laughed so hard ! Heaven will be all the more wild and happy because you have arrived.
Steven Leeming
January 31, 2025
To my pastor, mentor, connect group leader, encourager someone who was a champion for everyone & someone who i called my friend passed away.
I just wanted to say thank you Eddie Rowlands for everything you said and taught me, you were an amazing person & someone I respected very very much.
I will miss you so much.
Eric Hudson
January 31, 2025

My first meeting with Eddie was early in the 90’s. I was invited to a Mother’s Day Sunday morning service at the Plaza Margate. As a visitor I was taken to the middle of the second row and sat next to Eddie with my 6 year old daughter. Eddie was very welcoming, patted my daughter on her head.
Later that year I accepted Jesus as my saviour I attended the Sunday evening services. With a smaller congregation than the morning services the evening services were relaxed and cosy. Some Sunday evenings Eddie would pull up two armchairs in front of the stage and audience then invite someone to sit with him and have a chat. One evening it was my turn to sit with him. He asked me questions about me, my family and my life. Eddie always so gentle, so loving and such fun.

In 2005 my daughter moved away for her new career, Eddie and Heather, always remember her by name and always ask after her.

I have many more lovely, fun memories and I echo others sentiments.

Eddie you loved us as your family, encouraged us, supported us and helped us grow.
We will miss you Eddie.
Janet Coleman
January 30, 2025
In the short time that I knew you Eddie, I can't thank you enough for your encouragement and wisdom.
Gone to be with Jesus, you will be missed.
Clare Wright
January 29, 2025
I came to Margate in the year 2000 and was taken into the house in College Road. After 3 weeks of Heather’s lovely meals they found me a flat and off I went to begin a long healing process after a traumatic time in my life.
Eddie has been there during many other traumas including war torn Congo, divorces, deaths ( including his beloved son Paul) , and domestic infighting at church. Never did he panic, he would just say, “ Oh the Lord is in control!”. He had his feet firmly on the Rock of Ages, and now he is in his glorious presence.
See you later,Eddie!
Rachel Wilson
January 29, 2025
In 1979 I remember the Freckled family (so many freckles!) arriving in Margate at Glad Tidings church. Pastor Eddie made quite an impact, he danced (unheard of!) and played the tambourine. At the time I was a teenager and wasn’t that committed to church life. Eddie invited me to their house and got the Scalextric track out - he obviously knew the things that would attract a young guy’s attention! Eddie loved technology, I remember him having a ‘golf ball’ typewriter (swap out the golf ball to get different fonts) before computers took over. He was also one of the first in the church to have a PC. He spent hours editing his videos in The Cabin in his garden.
I remember him often talking about Jesus to cashiers or other people that he met, invariably finishing with a hearty “God bless you!”. A great man.
Malc Wickenden
January 27, 2025
What a privilege was mine to have Eddie and Heather next door at Kipushya Mission in 1967. Though good times and scary, Eddie was my mentor and Big Brother as a new Congo Missionary. All my family hold Uncle Eddie in high regard and remember him with heartfelt appreciation.
With all our love Ken and Esther Herschell, Andrew Robyn, and Benny
Ken and Esther Herschell
January 24, 2025
Looking back at some memories of mine with Eddie, I remember going through a very hard moment in my life it’s at these moments some people shine, Eddie and Heather did with care, concern and love.
One particular memory was at Westgate beach café on a sunny day with Heather and Eddie, his words to me of encouragement without judgement. It was at this moment, I saw the wisdom, kindness and love of a fathers Pastoral heart.
Some funny moments when passing Eddie in the church hallways, sometimes we would say hello, and then laugh with joy of the Holy Spirit no words, just Eddie, laughing with joy.
Thank you for your father’s heart, Eddie, allowing our heavenly fathers to shine through ,can only imagine your joy and jubilating dancing now until we see you again…💙
Jules Bailey
January 23, 2025
I've posted a photo of Eddie with Ed Silvoso in 1997. I consider my friendship with Eddie to have marked the 'Golden Age' of Thanet Churches working together. A true friend when encouragement was hard to find in other places.
Kerry Thorpe
January 23, 2025
I first met Eddie when I joined at The Plaza back in the early 90’s. His sincere, bouncy greeting warmed me immediately and I felt ‘at home’ - I’d found the right place!
One memory (among many!) I have of Eddie was when I broke down in tears after the Heaven and Hell production. Eddie obviously felt for me and approached me carrying a mop and bucket!! Oh how he can turn our waterfall tears of weeping into tears of joy and fun! A glimpse of how it is in heaven. And what I pray for all the family now.
Eddie you have loved us as your family. Supported me when I needed it. Been as a father and a brother. An encourager and joy giver. See you again!
Janice Beukes
January 23, 2025
I first met Eddie when i joined the church in the mid eighties at Glad tidings. My dad and nan came with me on that first day and Eddie gave us all a very warm welcome as he always did. A humorous moment came when he said to my dad about my nan, "is this your wife?" My dad said, "no, this is my mother!" He then said, "Oh glory be!!" We all laughed!Thank you Eddie for being such an amazing Pastor and encourager to me. You encouraged me to walk in my calling and strengthened my faith in the Lord. We will miss you until we see our Saviour. Thankyou, Stuart and Ruth
Stuart Thomson
January 22, 2025
I first met Eddie as a young Home Missions Herald c. 1981/82. I was blessed to meet him, Heather and as far as my memory serves me correctly all the family. We were based for a few weeks in Folkestone and visited Glad Tidings. The Rowlands' welcome and hospitality at that time has never been forgotten. I had the privilege of attending Mattersey Hall in 1982 and while there caught up with Alison who also came as a student, I think in my 2nd year? Over many years, it has been a joy to meet Eddie and Heather at conference and both their greetings were always warm. Praying that God's perfect peace will surround you as a family and His love fill your hearts at this time. God bless you.
Andrew Georgiou
January 22, 2025
My family first met Eddie when he moved to Margate and my dad was pastoring at another AOG church in Margate, we all became very good friends and even when we moved out of Margate we kept in contact and would visit regularly when we came to visits family in Kent.
Eddie was a kind man who I had a lot of time for. He took time to preach the gospel at my mums (Janet Pearson) funeral back in 2007. He kept in contact with my late father (David Pearson) and was constantly asking after me and my sister Debbie.

One of my memories of Eddie was when we were at their house for dinner and Eddie went to shake a bottle of Tomato Ketchup but didn’t realise the lid wasn’t on properly and tomato ketchup went all over the wall. Another was when we attended Glad Tidings for a little while Eddie was leading the communion, and when he was breaking the bread he told the congregation not to take a little piece of bread because when Jesus was whipped it wasn’t small bits of flesh that came off his back, it came off in large chunks, and as the bread represents his body just rip off large chunks bread.

Overall Eddie has had a big impact on my life and will be missed, but we rejoice in the fact we will see him again one day.
Mark Pearson
January 22, 2025
I met Eddie at Bert Mitson's Bonsall holiday camp. Eddie was a great help to Bert Mitson and I think vice versa. I was pleased to have spent time with Eddie. So sorry to hear that he has gone to be with the Lord he loved. I pray his family will know God's comfort.
Mike Johnson
January 22, 2025
Eddie was a unique pastor and friend – once met, never forgotten. He had a strange but effective way of meeting new people whereby he would ask the person’s name and then use it several times in his first conversation with them. After that he would invariably remember them.
My favourite memory of Eddie was in the 1990s when I worked as his PA. He was unstoppable and always full of life.
I arrived at the Plaza church building one morning to find him “fixing” the front doors which were swing doors that were always getting stuck. (No job was outside the remit of the pastor !) This involved lifting the door out of its socket and greasing the hinges with some black grease concoction.
At the time he was wearing quite a nice pale shirt so I said to him “Eddie, what are you doing? Heather would go mad if she saw you!”
The next thing I knew, there he was in his string vest up to his elbows in black grease on Margate High Street where he continued to “fix” the doors whilst greeting the many passers-by who happened to know him.
There were also the regular trips to the meeting of the Vera Bassett Fund committee mostly in Chatham. The committee comprised up to 6 Assemblies of God pastors – Colin Blackman, Dennis Robson, Veyne Austin etc. The meeting would take the form of a fairly formal discussion on the distribution of the funds followed by a fish and chip lunch, then a rousing singalong of old hymns and choruses with Dennis on accordion and Eddie on harmonica. The very best type of “Men’s club”.

Julie Wickenden
January 22, 2025
Dad! You have been fun, tender, full of stories, quotes and jokes. You made me feel safe. You helped me through the toughest of times. You picked me up from ports, airports, train stations and roadside break downs at any time of day or night. You have been so generous with everything: time, food, money, knowledge, faith, treasured possessions, and hospitality. Most of all, you have loved my children, Jordan and Adrien, in exactly the same way. And my friends, too. You sprinkled or should I say, doused, our lives with humour, laughter, hilarity, warmth and kindness. You loved mum! I watched how you loved her. Well, you had such a way of making me feel special, making my heart shine with your love for me, glow with pride. And yes, even when you could make my face go red with an embarrassing story or two , somehow it still made me feel loved!
I will miss going shopping to choose a new tie for your birthday, having Saturday coffee together, listening to your childhood stories.

Ahhhh Dad, you’ve given me a lifetime of love and joy.

I will keep dancing through life with you in my heart.
Mrs Alison Smith
January 21, 2025
Dad! What a wonderful father! I guess lots of people say that about their fathers. But mine really was the BEST!! He made life an adventure! Camping out under the stars in the middle of the Congo bush on our way to and from school in Zambia. Frying eggs and pancakes on a spade cos we had forgotten the frying pan!! Singing "O NO ITS NOT AN EASY ROAD...." at the tops of our voices as slid and slipped allng the muddy tracks! Ahhhh! Those were the days!
Lloyd Rowlands

Favourite Quotes

If you're outgoings exceed your income, then your upkeep will be your downfall.
Come on in! Sit down, and give the floor a rest!
The secret to a long life -the more birthdays you have, the longer you live!
Do your giving while you’re living, then you’re knowing where it’s going!
Go to bed the same day you got up.
When the going gets tough, the tough get going.


Please join us to pay tribute to Eddie Rowlands.

Your presence would mean a great deal to us during this time of remembrance and reflection.

1 PM - Committal at Margate Cemetery

2 PM - Thanksgiving service at Holy Trinity Church Margate

Followed by a buffet at New Life Family Church

Friday 7 February 2025

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