The song may have ended but the melody lingers on...
Ute Hohn-Bowen was a much-loved sister and sister-in-law to Christel and Uwe, stepmother to Flor, Abby and Rory and step-granny to Molly, Sam, Lyra and Gaia -- and a dear friend to many, many people all over the world
Ute could only be described as a force of nature. A successful businesswoman, she had a unique ability to be funny, wise and naughty all at the same time, gaining friends everywhere she went. She lived a full life between her native Germany and her adopted homes in Argentina, the UK and Spain. She really was a citizen of the world.
Her international life took off when she went to work for Lufthansa in the 1970s. The airline work eventually took her to Buenos Aires, Argentina where she soon felt at home. Leaving Lufthansa, she moved to Ushuaia where she was working on sailing trips around Cape Horn before eventually chartering her own ship to run an expedition to Antarctica. The trip was a success and launched her into the world of expedition cruising where ultimately, she held leadership positions in the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO) and in companies such as Quark Expeditions, Oceanwide Expeditions and Society Expeditions, before finally settling at Antarpply Expeditions where she was a director for over 20 years. In 2020 Ute returned to her roots, spending more time with her family and oldest friends in Hamburg while regularly visiting her stepchildren and their families in Bath and Ibiza.
Ute will be much missed by all – and we hope the photos, tributes and stories of her through the ages which are posted here, will provide some comfort to those left behind, and serve as a testimonial to a truly extraordinary life well lived.

Memories of Ute
Por favor publique sus condolencias o comparta sus recuerdos aquí.
We have realised recently the sad notice.
We would like to express our sincere condolence to all the family and friends.
Ute was a so profesional person that I have met. Thank you so much for your collaboration, support and help during long years.
Viajes Tierras Polares’ team – Madrid (Spain)
You have been a solid rock in my life. Always there, always reachable even when currents took us to the most unexpected, distant and sometime difficult destinations. I miss you - I miss a friend, a colleague, a boss, a woman with whom I could always plan ahead, share small and big secrets, and look beyond obvious things of life. Today, blessed by a sunny day in Hamburg and with a handful of rose petals, I can still look at you as my solid rock forever.
I have many many good memories. Like others, I benefitted from her hospitality and love for good food. When making the long journey to Ushuaia on my own, she’d make sure I was looked after in Buenos Aires between flights, welcoming me at her apartment and feeding me well at local restaurants. Once, after a particularly delicious meal (though she and the waiter did team up to insist I try sweetbreads, yuck!), I went off to my flight to Ushuaia convinced I was speaking fluent Spanish. About an hour before I landed, the limoncello faded and my new super power went with it. I miss you, Ute, but I am grateful I shared my IAATO life with you and for the many mutual friends with whom we can continue to share wonderful stories about your amazing life! Amanda xxx
That evening (it was a Thursday evening to be exact) we met up and we were talking about this and that, we mentioned we were looking for a house in Ushuaia, she casually mentioned a house she knew for sale (boyfriend from the 80's).
We took that bit of infomration and when we returned to Ushuaia we went to look at the house and by the next friday (8 days later) the house was ours. If it were not for Ute, we never would have known.
And Ute continues to stay with us - we continually find old photos from the old boyfriend, and every once and a while, we find a gem of Ute.
Ute all of your fantastic traits shall be missed!
Laura & Fede
Ute will always be 'Queen of the Antarctic'; someone who bought a regal quality to the Court and encouraged everyone to be honest, dutiful, fair and respectful. To do that with a small and a radiance of positive energy was a very special gift. I will miss her a great deal...and always with a sad pang of loss....except for the twirling bra bit; that will always bring a smile. Be at peace my friend.
Ute was someone who we loved very much. She was direct, super intelligent, full of fun, very flirtatious, cheeky, and very naughty. She was a lady who loved life, gave lots of love and loved to be loved.
She adored her family and friends who she would often talk about and give updates on how they were all doing, especially Gaia, her youngest and newest family member.
Ute loved her life and loved her travel. Colin and I were fortunate enough to meet up with her in many different places around the world over the years. Our meet ups were always filled with lots and lots of fun and laughter.
Brexit created problems for Ute and curtailed her living arrangements in the UK. Giving up her Royal Crescent apartment was tough for her, but she found two lovely apartments in Hamburg and Ibiza and adored them both. They gave her lots of pleasure with their comfort, spectacular views and proximity to good restaurants and shops. Ute delighted in sharing time there with her family and friends.
When we visited her in Ibiza and Hamburg last year she was so relaxed and at ease with life. Since stopping work at the end of the year she had enjoyed furnishing her apartments and filling them full of things that brought her happiness. Her very last purchase was a designer lamp for her Hamburg apartment. It was waiting for her return so it could be delivered. Sadly, she wasn’t able to have that pleasure. Thankfully she was able to have time with her Karl Lagerfeld’s. These gave her great pleasure and always made us smile.
Wherever she lived, she joined a health club where she loved to swim, take saunas and join classes to try to stay fit. Sadly, her skin rash stopped her doing this in her latter months. So, she immersed herself even more into her sport.
Ute was an avid sports fan. It didn’t matter what the sport was; she would watch them all. Many a time watching one game on her TV and a different game on her laptop – all whilst texting her friends to share her own commentary and updates with like-minded people who would also be watching the same games. As a true sports fan, communication and distance never seemed to be a problem for her.
She loved her annual fix of Strictly Come Dancing. When she came to stay with us in Portugal last October everything had to stop whilst it was on the TV so she could enjoy it. SCD is not something we watch, but, if we had told her we wouldn’t be watching it she wouldn’t have come. She was that passionate about it and all the news and rumours that surrounds it.
Food was another of her passions. Although she never cooked for herself, she had favourite restaurants all around the world where she enjoyed frequenting. She loved Argentinian steak, which, until recent years, would be accompanied by a good Malbec.
Ute loved her clothes. She had a jacket, dress and shoe collection better than most. She also loved her many coloured puffa jackets and her large collection of hats – all of which were spaced out between her homes.
Shopping for clothes and jewellery with Ute was great fun. She loved to look good, have her hair and nails done, matching her outfits with her large array of handbags, scarfs, watches and jewellery. Her appearance meant everything to her.
She was a true friend, a beautiful person inside and out. We will miss our regular interactions and are thankful for all the great times we shared. There will never be another person like her. She loved her life, she loved to entertain people with her story telling about her colourful life in the world of travel and her ambassador role for Antarctica.
Colin and I are were pleased to have been able to join her in Ushuaia and travel to Antarctica on her ship SS Ushuaia in 2019. It was a truly unforgettable time. So many times we tried to encourage her to write a book or three as they would have been best sellers. We really wish she had done it.
Ute really was a truly inspirational lady, once met, never forgotten. Rest in peace our dear friend, you were taken far too early.
The world needs more Ute’s.
Rach & Colin Clarkson-Short xx

What was truly remarkable was that she, in so many ways, seemed fearless – well, perhaps not with cats – or dogs. But her bravery in reinventing herself multiple times through her life was inspiring: leaving Germany to move to Argentina; working on sailing trips around Cape Horn; chartering a voyage on one of the first Russian ships to operate as a tourist vessel in Antarctica; making “Fin del Mundo” her home then moving to the UK; and all the while helping build businesses and being hugely influential in the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators. She both inspired and kept the rest of us on track.
But one of the things that always struck me was that no matter where we went in the world Ute would make friends instantly with all around her. In India her opening gambit would be the Indian cricket team, in South Africa the springboks, in China by practising her few Chinese phrases (one of the seemingly few languages she didn't speak fluently). Anywhere we went, Ute would make the effort to establish a connection with whomever she encountered. On our last trip to Kochi in India, when she was already starting not to feel her full self, she made firm friends with the head of the food and beverage at the hotel within minutes of arrival. Anyone on the delegation just had to say “we’re with Ute” and we were given the best service for the duration of our stay. He saved the greatest care for Ute of course, even insisting on carrying her bags himself to the awaiting taxi on her departure. Ute’s infectious laugh, her almost childlike excitement at times, and her ability to be the life and soul of the party meant we were all happy to be in her orbit. I mean, who else could befriend a pop star at her 70th birthday party in Ibiza?
Ute was a pioneer and lived an extraordinary life . She added sparkle to the lives of those of us who got to work with her. Like many I suspect, when things go wrong on the road, in an airport or in a hotel, my first thought will always be “well, what would Ute do?”.
We will miss you, my friend!
A truly memorable
lady who will be sadly missed.
May you rest in peace ❤️
Un ejemplo de mujer en el mundo del turismo.
Que descanses en paz.
Most recently, last October, we reached out to her with some questions about voyage-related challenges and, despite being retired, she offered to discuss. We had a lovely Zoom chat and she shared her time and wisdom generously, as well as talking happily about her life as a retiree.
Oh Ute - we loved you and we will miss you. Heartfelt condolences from all of us at Peace Boat in Japan to Ute's family and friends.
The attached photo shows Ute engaged in high jinks at Union Glacier in the company of Natalie Green & Amy Babcock on 11 December, 2018. Ute was always up for high jinks
Ute visited Union Glacier after using her "Golden Ticket" which was something she had for many years but was always too busy to cash in until that time. Glad she could use it
The photo is a lovely memory for us of a great friend and wonderful professional colleague

Her wonderful sense of humour,,her elegance and outstanding intelligence made her unique and lovable.
Thank you ever so much for entering my life,and for sharing what will now be splendid memories.
Hasta la vista, dear friend.
John Rees
I met Ute while travelling to Ushuaia in 1988. She offered me a job for 6 months and I stayed 4 years working with her when she set up her travel agency and through her first steps to Antarctica.
By then, our connections to the world were a telex in her bathroom and fax received at Lapataia, a neighbouring shop...
We stayed very close following all her and her family's happy and sad news, but all our contacts started by "Ute, where in the world are you?"
Thinking of all her family, wherever in the world, and her friends.
She is now reunited with her Dearest Friend Doris.
My husband, Richard and I met Ute when we sailed on the Ushuaia to the Falkland Is., South Georgia and Antarctica several years ago....the trip of a lifetime!
Following the voyage, it was great to read about all of her travel adventures on her Facebook profile and see what a full life she led!
And there was always a lot of fun after the hard work - Ute always brought the fun 🥳
Kua hinga he totara i te wao nui a Tane (A totara has fallen in the forest of Tane)

Te fuiste demasiado pronto, pero sé que desde donde estés seguirás cuidándonos a todos como siempre lo has hecho.
I’ll miss u my dear! Love u ❤️

It was amazing, the trip of a lifetime. I cannot thank our dear friend 'Ute Ushuaia' (as I learned she was known) for making this dream trip possible. Because of her, we checked off a huge bucket list item - touching all seven continents. We are still friends online with many members of the Ushuaia crew, as well as fellow passengers.
The picture I am attaching could never have happened if not for Ute. (This is our Sara loving her time with the penguins). God Bless you, Ute.

We will miss her, and we send our sincere condolences to her family in Germany, the U.K., and Ibiza.