Syble Stevens

March  18th, 1937 September  21st, 2024
Irving, TX
Syble Stevens


Syble (Batton) Stevens, age 87, passed away on September 21, 2024. She was born on March 18, 1937, to Oran Oswell Batton and Vida Ethel (Warren) Batton and was raised alongside her brother, Billie Gene Batton, on their family farm in East Texas.

Syble embodied the values of hard work and resilience, qualities that were deeply rooted in the faith and guiding principles instilled by her loving parents. After college, she moved to Southern California, where she became a successful entrepreneur. Later, she returned to Texas and built a thriving career in real estate, known for her tenacity and dedication. She earned a stellar reputation and formed lasting connections with clients and colleagues alike.

Throughout her life, Syble found peace and comfort in God’s plan, placing her trust in His grace. Preceded in death by her parents and brother, she is survived by her daughter, Eleni, her extended family of aunts, uncles, and cousins, as well as many dear friends who will miss her deeply. Syble was truly one of a kind, and her sense of humor left a lasting impression on everyone she met.

Charitable Donations

At Syble's request, no public service will be held. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that donations be made to a charity of your choice in her memory. In a final act of generosity, Syble donated her body to medical research, hoping to ease the suffering of others through the advancement of disease studies.


Sign the Guestbook and Share a Memory

Post your condolences or share your Memories.

October 15, 2024
Syble was one of a kind. A hard working women & very good at what she did, no matter the job.
She was funny, loyal & a good friend to us all!
We will miss you very much!!
Anita Malone
September 29, 2024
On a starry night, look up and see her twinkling bright. Sharing in your sadness and sending healing prayers and comforting hugs.
Sherri Werth
September 27, 2024
Syble was one of a kind, and I will miss her, as I know so many will also.
Pat Quinian
September 26, 2024
I enjoyed our friendship and getting together at all the events that we shared . I love you and will always cherish your memory.
Alice Santos
September 26, 2024
We moved into the neighborhood in 2013 and Syble greeted us with open arms. We felt very welcomed by our new neighbor. She was wonderful. We always looked out for eachother sometimes texting back and forth..."who's that car parked in front of your house". We will miss her. We truly loved her. May she find eternal rest.

Gus Ramirez
Gus Ramirez
September 25, 2024
Syble's Fur Babies: Sweetie Pee-Dee The Pekingese, Precious The Hungry, and Pee-Wee the tiny black cat.
September 25, 2024
Syble and I loved each other, and respected each other tremendously. She had a wicked sense of humor, was fiercely loyal to her friends, and was always someone you could count on. She loved a good steak and a martini! Oh, and she loved cats! I picture her in Heaven feeding stray cats! We worked together in real estate for about 25 years. She was the GOAT and I will miss her so much! ❤️
Karen Gearhart
September 25, 2024
Although I never met Syble in person, I feel as though I knew her through the wonderful stories her daughter, Ellie, shared. It’s clear she was a kind, joyful soul who brought light to every moment and had a deep love for life. I’ll truly miss hearing those stories. My thoughts are with her family and friends during this time, and I hope they find comfort in their cherished memories.
Kimberly Nasca
September 25, 2024
Though I never had the pleasure of meeting Syble in person, I feel like I got to know her through the stories Ellie shared—especially about her love for her cats and her notable skills for being the life of the party! Her strength, and warmth, both toward people and animals, were clear. My thoughts are with her family and friends during this time, and I hope her memory brings them comfort and peace.
Michael Roy
September 25, 2024
I’ve come to know the extent of Syble’s fabulousness through the many stories shared and what’s certain is that her legacy and energy will continue to shine through in every memory.
Shannon Cheatum
September 25, 2024
Granny, Pa-Paw, Mom, Uncle Billie, and Brooke.
September 25, 2024
Syble and Patsy - The good ol' days!
September 25, 2024
Mom was a shining star in this life, and now her light will forever illuminate the sky, glowing radiant and brilliant among the stars.
September 24, 2024
Fun with Friends

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