Samuel Senwu Pani

May  5th, 1940 June  29th, 2024
Samuel Senwu Pani

Papa's Biography
Papa's Biographie

Samuel Senwu Pani: A Journey of Resilience and Achievement

 Samuel Senwu Pani, born on May 5, 1940, in Bamena to palm-wine tapper Nchanwou SA’Achuanlong and farmer Pauline Chakunte, embarked on an extraordinary life journey. His early years in Njekunswe near the chief’s palace shifted dramatically when, at five and a half, he moved to Victoria (referred today as Limbe) on January 3, 1946, under the guardianship of his uncle Simon Chanda. Excelling academically at Basel Mission Boys’ School, he topped his class and earned his first school leaving certificate in 1954.
Awarded a full scholarship to Basel Mission College, Bali, Samuel thrived, becoming head boy and excelling in competitive exams. In July 1964, he began a pivotal role as a CDC field manager. This did not last long for, in July 1964, he was successful in the entrance of  prestigeous School of Administration and Magistracy ( commonly known as ENAM) which took him to then best School of Administration (IIAP) based in Paris (France) in 1968 where he earned a post graduate diploma in Public Administration. Upon returning to Cameroon, Samuel’s career in administration flourished, culminating in his role as SDO for Mbengwi, advocating for honest governance.
Samuel's resilience shone through personal and professional challenges, including surviving a severe car accident while serving as Secretary General in Buea. Despite a promising future in the territorial administration, he accepted a higher position in the Central administration of Cameroon as from 1976 as he held important duties: Director of General Administration in several Ministerial departments and Governmental Institutions (Post & Telecommunications, Scientific research, Higher Education); (ii) Technical Adviser (Post & Telecommunications). Foreseeing his retirement, he took the option for transmitting his know-how and skill to the younger generation of Civil Administrators as he accepted the post of Associate Professor at ISMP. He also began constructing a family home in Okolo, moving in by December 1995, thanks to the kindness of neighbor Konguep Thomas.
Samuel's personal life, marked by overcoming the challenges of polygamous family dynamics, led to his marriage to his perfect bride Christiana Choumkwa on April 6, 1966. Their union, enriched by love and perseverance, saw them navigate frequent relocations and hardships together. In 2002, Samuel's daughter Lydie brought her children to stay in Cameroon, where they spent 2yrs and 3 months and in December 2004, Mr. & Mrs Pani relocated to the USA for better medical treatment. Arriving on December 12, 2004, Samuel received extensive medical care, significantly improving his health and deepened his already unwavering faith and relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Samuel attributes his life's success to the Almighty God, who sustained him in this journey, his wife Christiana who has been by his side in good times and bad times.

He expressed deep gratitude to his children Willy, Pelagie, Lydie, Pauline, Jerry, Oliver, Sam, Mirelle, Innocent and Serge and their respective spouses – the Fomenou family and the Nana family and the entire Mba Sa’aTchoualong family for their steadfast support through all trials and triumphs.


May 5th
The birth of Papa
Samuel Senwu Pani was born
January 3rd
A change of location for Papa
Papa moved to Victoria/Limbe under the guardianship of his uncle Simon Chanda
A success
He had a pivotal role as a CDC field manager and then further went on to complete a succesful entrance exam of the prestigious School of Administration which took him to the best French School of Administration based in Paris,France in 1968 earning a post grauate diploma in Public Administration
Paris, France
April 6th
Papa married his perfect bride Christiana Choumkwa and were later blessed with 9 children
He took a higher position in the Central administration of cameroon holding important duties!
Family home
Papa began constructing a family home in Okolo moving in swiftly due to the kindness of his neighbour
Papa's daughter Lydie brought her family to cameroon to live there from America
December 15th
Another Relocation
His son Samuel Jr. facilitated the relocation of Papa and Mama to the Usa for better medical treament etc recieving extensive care significantly improving his health



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October 24, 2024
L’annonce de ton décès m’est parvenue comme un couperet pour mon esprit. Les souvenirs que j’ai de toi sont si merveilleux que la pensé de ton départ apparait comme une rupture avec tant de beaux souvenirs.
Tu as été plus qu’un père, un model d’inspiration un livre ouvert des valeurs humaines qui malheureusement disparaissent à la faveur des clivages et des stéréotypes inimaginables.
Ce que j’ai appris de toi ne peut être limité aux écrits. Tu m’as fait l’honneur et le privilège d’accepter être mon parrain lors de mon mariage en 2009. A ce jour, je n’ai connu personne aussi inspirante ne sachant transmettre que de l’amour et la tendresse.
De ma tendre enfance, jusqu’à ce jour, je ne me souviens pas t’avoir vu en colère ou avoir le moindre ressentiment vis-à-vis de quiconque. Te décrire, parler de toi ne pourrait se faire à une circonstance douloureuse comme celle de ton départ. Je reste convaincu que le plus grand hommage que je puisse te rendre serait de porter les mêmes valeurs qui t’ont définies, et surtout, de transmettre les mêmes valeurs autour de moi. Je ne saurai te dire d’aller en paix, parce que la paix tu l’avais déjà. On ne vit pas une vie comme la tienne sans avoir la paix. Chaque souvenir de toi évoque un sourire, une pensée, un bonheur, et contre toute attente un gout d’inachevé, parce qu’on ne s’ennuyait pas en ta présence. Il doit certainement avoir tant de joie dans le ciel de te recevoir à la table du Saint des saints. « J’ai combattu le bon combat,,,,,, » prends tout son sens à présent parce qu’on ne saurait définir le soir d’une vie avec autant de similitude dans le sentiment du devoir accompli. Merci d’avoir existé dans ma vie, dans la vie de tout ceux qui auront appris de toi, Merci à Dieu de m’avoir accordé la grâce de te compter parmi mes modèles. Que le Seigneur Jésus-Christ sanctifie ton âme et que ton souvenir demeure pour toujours.
Julot Ngongang
October 24, 2024
May Papa's soul rest in perfect peace.
Lokendo Martin
October 15, 2024
Tambu, My brother, My brother-in-law, My friend, My confidant, My right-hand man, mentor to my children, My secret weapon....

You were always the closest person to me in my most difficult moments. You will call me with advice and suggestions whenever you thought they would have a positive impact in our lives. You laughed with us, cried with us and shared everything with us. You were always present even before I had time to call, and your presence was felt even when you were not physically present. Tambu, you touched all of us, you inspired all of us, you uplifted all of us and we are all better today because of your endless concern about our wellbeing. My brother, from my heart - my wife, my children and I - join together to tell you THANK YOU!

Tambu, your life is a testimony of kindness and service to fellow man. You were a friend to anybody in difficulty, and you made everybody feel important and appreciated. You set a lasting impression on the lives of everyone you met and made an undeniable impact in the lives of so many. You were always giving and never expecting anything in return. I have never seen somebody who was so passionate about the success of others.

Who are we going to call for advice? Where are we going to find another hand to hold? Who is going to be our listener? Who is going to tell us "I understand"? Who will pay us that surprise visit that uplifts an entire day? Where will my children go for refuge? Who shall we call when we need that special one in the civil service? Who will follow our dossiers in Yaounde? It is hard to accept that you are no more.

Your last visit to us in Maryland is still fresh in our memories. We still remember the hugs and the great joy of meeting again. I remember when we ask how you are doing and you will say "I'm doing fine, Tabah" or "I'm feeling better Mawah". My brother, you actually showed your love to us by visiting and giving us comfort before your departure. You were the kind of person who never wanted to see anybody sad or uncomfortable. We wish we knew this was the kind of feeling well or feeling better you were talking about.

Though we were in Boston for the wake keeping, it's still hard to belief you are truly gone. We are missing you Tambuh. We are missing your nice conversations - trying to make everybody happy. All the valuable lessons we learnt from you will stay with us.

I thank Ngounchou and the children for the great love and concern they extended to my beloved brother in his last days. Pastor Morris, we pray that God rewards the goodness you showed papa Pani. To all of us, Papa Pani is leaving behind a legacy of family, love, forgiveness, sharing and we must always uphold these values.

Please join us in singing this song CH58

God be with you till we meet again...
By his counsels uphold you,
with his sheep securely fold you,
God be with you till we meet again.
Till we meet at Jesus' feet,
Till we meet again, till we meet again,
God be with you till we meet again.

From Papa Paul Limen, Mama Emilia Limen and children.
Papa Paul Limen, Mama Emilia Limen and childr
October 14, 2024
Papa, you were a man with a large heart, your love transcended ethnicity, familiarity and social class. You always wanted to give, to make others happy. You went out of your way to ensure that those around you were happy.
You taught us that you can be successful and remain humble, you valued everyone, great and small, even the servants at home. I remember when we would visit a family and as food was served, you would ensure that your driver was served too. You would ask the servants if they had eaten everyday.
You challenged us to work hard and inspired us to aim high always, you rewarded hard work with trips above which made me want to work even harder at school.
You exposed us to the good things of life: holidays abroad, meals out, I remember our Sunday afternoon trips to Mont Febe where we had brunch and sometimes spent the afternoon by the pool. Papa you gave us a good life, you taught us how to enjoy the good things of life.
You taught us the value of extended family relationships; you looked out for your siblings. I watched you support the weaker ones in the family when the need arose. I remember Christmas in the village where you would throw a party for the entire village to come and eat.
You instilled the importance of faith in us, we never missed a Sunday service, you would gather us around you now and again and we would sing hymns and you would play the accordion. You loved music and you bought an organ and hired a piano instructor so we could learn to play the piano.
I could write a book from our childhood experiences, we had a beautiful childhood.
The night you went to be with the Lord, I vividly remember the sound of your joyful voice and was happy because we looked forward to your visit with us in the UK. Though you didn’t eventually make it, I am grateful that I spoke with you 4 hours to your passing and we had a good chat.
Papa rest in the bossom of our God, your legacy surely lives forever.
I love you
Pauline Pani Limen
Pauline Pani Limen
October 14, 2024
Dear “Tambou”, as we fondly called you, the news of your demise sent shock waves through our spines, but we know that only God has the final say. May His name be glorified.

Menkep Tagni Pani was a humble, kind- hearted, loving, caring, generous and God fearing man and brother-in-law to us, who assumed the role of our father after he got married to the eldest child of the Mbanya Family, Ma Christina Tchoumkwa Pani. We were special beneficiaries of his largesse when we each graduated from medical school - as he organised a reception for each of us at his home – that was how caring and selfless Tambou was, something he manifested to us throughout his life.

Today, though we stand in the valley of the shadow of death, mourning his loss, yet we stand in the light of the greatest hope the world has ever known: the hope of the glorious resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Today, though we stand in the presence of death and remember our beloved Pa Pani, we stand on the threshold of life: the “abundant (eternal) life” which our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, has promised to each and every one of us who knows Him and lives according to His word.

When we think of a biblical verse that best describes the life of our beloved Papa Samuel Pani, a verse from Psalm 23 comes to mind: “Thou anointest my head with oil, my cup runneth over.” As we reflect upon the life of our beloved Pa Pani, we realize that through God’s love, grace, and mercy, his life was not only abundantly blessed, but that “his cup ran over.”

We thank God that through Tambou’s life, his immediate family, and his enormous “extended” family were positively impacted. In fact, he was a beacon of kindness as he brought love and happiness and joy to everyone he met.
May the Holy Spirit comfort us and give us strength to cope with his loss, and may he find eternal rest, and dwell in the house of the Lord forever. “Rest in perfect peace, Tabou”

Dora, Jean Claude Mbanya and children
Dora, Jean Claude and the Children
October 12, 2024
To my dearest papa Tagni Tambou Samuel Pani.
You have been a father to my children and myself. We thank you so much for your care, your love, and your presence. We miss you, We will never forget you Tambou. May your soul rest in perfect peace.
With love and gratitude from Tchaagah Honorine as you used to call me affectionately.
Claire -Honorine Tchaptchet and family.
Claire-Honorine Tchaptchet
October 12, 2024
Cher papa, aujourd'hui nous parlons de toi au passé car tu n es plus. Ce passé ne restera pas passé mais si je peux le dire ainsi, tu resteras un passé présent car je garde des souvenir multiples.
Je me souviens,de mes vacances à la vallée de la mort. Chaque soir quand tu rentrais, j avais toujours droit à un petit paquet. Si ce n était le soya, c était yaourt ,croissant. Comme j etais plus petite que les autres, tu protegeais mon paquet et moi en me demandant de venir rester à coté de toi afin d être libre de partager avec qui je veux ou de refuser .
Je me souviens, de cette grande salle à manger, toi assis au bout de la table avec nous tout autour entrain de manger . Tu ne mangeais jamais sans offrir les morceaux de viande de ton assiette.toujours en mode partage.
Je me souviens, de tes voyages au village . Ton retour nous faisait toujours rire car tu ne rentrais pas seulement avec les vivres. Tu ramenais toujours 1 ou deux enfants en disant voici les enfants de mes frères. Ils vont rester avec vous.
1 jour tu es allé au village nous attendions 1autre enfant car tu n aimais pas revenir seul. Grande était notre surprise. Tu as ramené cette fois un chien nous avons tellement ri au point de dire sûrement tu n as pas trouvé 1 enfant à ramener.un de nous t a demandé comment tu peux aller ramasser le chien de chasse au village pour la ville?
Tu as toujours été un papa pour tous les enfants qui entraient dans ta maison.
Tu as toujours détesté la discrimination et quand tu constatais que quelqu un etait tres calme,tu prenais un peu de temps pour lui demander si tout va bien.
Quand il y avait un évènement à la maison, maman magni savait que s il y a 50 invités déclarés, il fallait prévoir plus car pendant tes balades, tu invitais les gens à venir manger. Quand elle se plaignait et demandait pourquoi, tu disais We will share what is there en partant pour éviter de tirer la discussion.
Tu étais 1 papa partage,amour,paix et rassembleur.
October 5, 2024
Today, I celebrate and honor the life of my father, Samuel S Pani. I am filled with a mix of sadness and gratitude. Sadness for the loss of a man who meant the world to me, and gratitude for the countless memories and lessons he left behind.

My father was a man of integrity, kindness, strength, honesty and his presence in my life has shaped me in ways words cannot fully capture. He was not just my father but also my mentor, my protector, and my friend. His love was a constant source of strength, and his wisdom guided me through life's many challenges.

One of my earliest memories of my father is him coming back from work some evenings with sandwiches from Calafatas and soya, and we all share and eat. This moment, like so many others, exemplifies the love and dedication he showed to our family every single day. His laughter was infectious, his advice was priceless, and his hugs were the safest place in the world.

My father taught me the value of hard work, honesty, compassion, giving and helping the less privilege. He led by example, showing me that true strength lies not in power but in kindness and humility. He was always there to lend a helping hand, not just to our family but to anyone in need. His generosity knew no bounds, and his heart was as big as his spirit.

As I reflect on his life, I am reminded of the countless ways he made a difference. Whether it was through his work, his community involvement, or simply the way he loved us, he left an indelible mark on everyone who had the privilege of knowing him. His legacy is one of love, and it is a legacy that I will carry forward in my own life.

Though he is no longer with us in body, I feel his presence every day. In the gentle breeze, in the warmth of the sun, and in the quiet moments of reflection, I find comfort in knowing that he is still with me. His spirit lives on in my heart, and his love continues to guide me.

To my father, I want to say thank you. Thank you for being my hero, my role model, and my greatest supporter. Thank you for the love, the lessons, and the memories. You have given me the greatest gift of all – the gift of knowing that I was, and always will be, deeply loved.

Rest in peace, Dad. You may be gone, but you will never be forgotten. Your legacy lives on in all of us, and your love will continue to light our way.
Sammy Pani
October 4, 2024
Comme il est difficile pour nous , tes enfants endeuillés, de rédiger ce discours, cet éloge pour te rendre hommage une dernière fois.

Tu as toujours su nous montrer à quel point tu tenais à nous.

Aujourd'hui, c'est à nous de te dire à quel point tu vas nous manquer, pour le reste de nos vies.

En bon rassembleur
tu as été un véritable pilier pour toute la famille. Tu as toujours su diffusé l'entente et amour autour de toi. Tu as toujours prôner la paix entre nous. En plus d'être un papa aimant, tu étais sensible et très généreux envers tous.

Lorsque nous avions besoin d'une épaule pour pleurer, tu étais toujours présent.

Nous ne pouvons pas exprimer ici tout ce que nous avons envie de te dire, mais nous souhaitons que toutes les personnes présentes en ce lieu sachent à quel point tu vas nous manquer car tu viens de prendre le chemin de toute la terre.

On n'est jamais bien préparé au départ d'une personne que l'on a aimée pendant toute sa vie. Tu laisses un vide dans nos cœurs et dans celui de tous ceux qui t'ont connu et aimé.

Nous t'aimons papa et ton souvenir restera à jamais gravé dans nos cœurs.

Repose en paix et que le Seigneur t'accueille dans sa félicité.

(Les enfants Nkonkep)
Pa Jacob's Family
October 4, 2024
C 'est ainsi que nous t' appelions affectueusement. Merci de nous avoir transmis de vraies valeurs ,notamment le pardon et l amour .tu demeures à jamais ce père , ce guide qui a su toucher tant de cœurs.

Repose en paix.
October 4, 2024
Papa Mekem n'était pas juste un grand frère pour moi, mais mon père, mon ami, mon confident. Ayant perdu notre papa très tôt il m'a accueilli chez lui avec sa tendre Epouse maman Ngoutchou dans ma prime adolescence. J'ai expérimenté l amour parental bien qu'ayant été orpheline très tôt. Papa voulait tellement faire de moi une femme accomplie qu'il m'a soutenue pour mes études, payé ma formation professionnelle formation au terme de laquelle j'ai pu sous son encadrement, avoir un boulot. Papa m'a toujour témoigner d'un amour et d'une affection particulière. Papa ta course est terminée va et repose en paix tu restes à jamais dans nos cœurs papa Tabou je t'aime.
Maman Fany Mepipyou
October 4, 2024
Tribute to dad Tagni Pany Samuel
Tambou Pany, worthy son Bamena has just kicked the bucket. This patriarch has left
indelible stains on the hearts of his people. Our father Fossi Lucas and the Tchakountio
Ngongang Henri family were part of it. He never failed to pay a courtesy visit to papa
Fossi Lucas in Melong when he came to see his brother dad Jacob Nkonkep. I
appreciated the respect, courtesy, and kindness of this high-ranking official of the state,
even a civil administrator of his state.
He was a father, kind, sociable, helpful, always cheerful, who loved his village and
supported the executives when he had the opportunity.
President of the Toulah neighborhood development committee, thanks to him, the
United States embassy contributed financially to a project to build a primary school in
this neighborhood and which saw the presence of the United States ambassador who
came personally on the day of the inauguration
Tambou rest in the peace of your God
Receive our condolences Ngoutchou and the great family
On behalf of the Fossi Lucas family and the Tchakountio Ngongang Henri family
Mrs. Adèle Tchakountio
September 25, 2024
Tribute to a fallen Hero Papa Tagni S .S .PANI
I feel so disheartened writing about you in the past Papa Tambou.You were special in many ways and your passing on has created a vacuum that cannot be filled by anybody.
You became the first son in-law in the Mbanya dynasty when you got married to our sister and the eldest in the family, Mama Magni Christina Choumkwa. In this capacity, we considered you more of an elder brother with all what it entailed. And you played that role perfectly with love and enthusiasm.
I vividly remember that whenever you visited Kumba you showered us ( mothers and children) with love and generosity without discrimination nor hesitation nor limitation.
I equally recall with admiration that even strangers you knew little about and other visitors benefitted from your largesse.
The doors of your home were opened to everybody and there was always enough room and food for all, no matter the circumstances, be it during the day or at night.
As a seasoned top Civil Administrator you facilitated job opportunities to family members and friends. You impacted the lives of many individuals in one way or the other.
You were a man of great qualities: kind, caring, generous, gentle, sociable, humble genuine , simple, peace loving and especially a unifying- family -engineer.
We thank God and give Him all the glory and honor for the eighty-four years He blessed you with in this earthly world. We are confident that you are going to be with your Creator in His Heavenly Kingdom where glorious light will shine upon you forever and ever IJMN.
Papa Tambou, you will be deeply missed, but rest assured your memory will continue to live in our hearts. May your gentle soul rest peacefully in the bossom of the Lord.
Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Pa Mbou.
Claudine Mbanya Ngantcha
Claudine Mbanya Ngantcha
September 24, 2024
Je suis maman Fany la sœur cadette de papa Samuel, que nous appelions affectueusement "Pa ‘a SAM”. Nous sommes issus d'une fratrie de 6 dont je suis la seule fille; papa étant le deuxième né et moi la dernière. Chacun de mes frères est spécial et je rends Grâce à Dieu pour leur vie. Deux d'entre mes 5 frères nous avaient quitté il y a quelques années à savoir papa Jacob NKONKEP et papa Paul NANDA. Aujourd’hui, nous pleurons papa SAM qui s'en est allé. Papa n'était pas juste un grand frère pour moi mais mon père, mon ami, et mon confident. Ayant perdu notre papa très tôt, il m'a accueilli chez lui avec sa tendre Épouse maman NGOUTCHOU dans ma prime adolescence. J’ai bénéficié de leur encadrement, de leur chaleur et de leur soutien et grâce à eux j 'ai expérimenté l'amour parental bien qu’ayant été orpheline très tôt. Papa voulait tellement faire de moi une femme accomplie qu'il m’a soutenue pour mes études et payée une formation professionnelle. Formation au terme de laquelle j’ai pu obtenir sous son encadrement un boulot. Papa m'a toujours témoigné d'un amour et d'une affection particulière et ceci a toutes les étapes importantes de ma vie. C’est toujours lui qui a organisé mon mariage, qui a soutenu mon époux et toute ma progéniture par la Grâce de Dieu. Il a été toujours présent et sa générosité à mon égard a toujours été sans faille. Il ne se passait un jour sans que nous échangions de nos nouvelles malgré la distance; et ses précieux conseils et encouragements m'étaient si précieux. Papa a combattu jusqu'à la dernière minute, gardant la tête haute et la foi, mais le Seigneur en a décidé autrement. Rassembleur hors pair, homme de paix et d'amour, il a été. Ta course est terminée papa et tu restes à jamais dans nos cœurs papa TAMBOU. La mort n'arrête pas l'amour. Va et repose en paix papa. Nous t'aimons.
Maman Fany Mepipyou
September 20, 2024
My Dear Pa Pani,

I was so saddened to hear of your passing. It feels like only yesterday we were together celebrating at our wedding in California. I am so blessed and honored to have had you there with me on that day, and even more blessed that I could call a wonderful and upstanding man as yourself my Godfather. I know Auntie will miss you, and so will we. Though we did not meet often, I will cherish the times we shared. Rest in peace with the Lord. Adieu Uncle, adieu

Dionne Fodje and Family
Dionne Fodje
September 15, 2024
Hommage à un Baoba Papa Tambou SAMUEL PANI
Papa Mbou comme je t'appelais tu étais une icône dans la famille et ton départ laisse un grand vide. Tu étais une personne incomparable avec toutes les qualités exceptionnelles et rares. Une personne qui se souciait pour le bien-être de tout le monde. En tant que premier beau fils de la famille, tu nous avais tous considérés comme tes cadets et tes enfants.
Un papa distributeur sans distinction aimant tous ceux que tu rencontrais. Preuve en est que tu avais trouvé le travai à ma belle sœur tout simplement parce que arrivant chez moi tu avais constaté qu'elle ne faissit rien.
Papa Tabou tu étais un rassembleur un conseiller qui mettais tout ceux qu'il rencontrais sur le bon chemin. Un papa nourricier qui prenait soins à tous les siens même les passants. Ta maison toujours pleine même pendant ton absence.
Papa avec ton humilité envers les grands comme les petits, tu venais me demander la permission pour voyager avec mon mari. Papa je me rappelle de ce que tu me disais : ngoutchou je voudrais que Tawa m'accompagne au village. Prend cet argent et reste manger ce que tu veux. Je viens vous rendre visite dès que maman magni te dit tabou voilà la voiture d’Emilienne. Immédiatement et étant content, tu sortais l'argent pour me donner en disant: Emi met de l'essence avec.
Papa Dieu sur qui tu avais mis toute ta confiance t'avait créé pour servir les autres et merci parcequ'Il t'a permis et t'accordé le temps de faire le désir de ton cœur jusqu'à la fin de ton séjour.
Papa tes œuvres sont nombreuses qu'on ne peut pas tout citer. Tu vas beaucoup nous manqué mais nous savons que tu te reposes auprès du Père dans son royaume.
Papa Tabou repose en paix, à toi les fleurs, à nous les pleurs
Mbanya Tchafa Emilienne
September 13, 2024
Tribute to a fallen Father, Brother in-law and Mentor Menkep Tagni PANI Senwu Samuel

Tambou, you have departed from the troubles of this world to our Lord to enjoy eternal rest without pain having benefitted the grace of God to leave a life on earth over two decades of the biblical age of 70 years. To God be the glory, honour, praise and adoration.
You became an integral part of the MBANYA FAMILY as a SON in-law when you married the first daughter and child of a family of 23 children. You henceforth evolved in the family taking your responsibilities squarely by showing love and concern to all the mothers and children without discrimination. You guided and counselled the siblings of your wife Mama Magni Christina Choumkwa Mbanya sp Pani all through your life on earth.
I spent a good and significant part of my life with you and around you from the days of my college school age up to this year physically and/or on the phone at home and in Boston whenever I was there. Though your junior brother in-law, you never had an outing with your bosom friend for relaxation without having me in your company. I enjoyed every bit of the time I had in your company. Your simplicity, humility, generosity, pieces of advice, concern for my career in animal research and most significantly your parental love, care and nurture of my son shall remain evergreen and indelible in my heart. The impact you made in my life and in the lives of my nuclear family members in particular, and in the Mbanya Family in general, would constitute a subject for a book write-up and not for this tribute limited in space.
Papa Tambou, Menkep Tagni, you ran the race of faith to meet your redeemer; you ran the race of faith to meet your King; you stood firm on the solid rock Jesus that never failed you. I believe that you have gone and have been received by the Lord your King and resting in peace in His heavenly Kingdom.
May your soul Rest in Perfect Peace.
Dr DjaSob Mindoh Mbanya Justin Nchadji /Brother in-law
September 11, 2024
My heart aches as I recall the news of Papa Pani's sudden departure. Esther's words shattered me, and I knew that our visit to 4 London Road would never be the same. Walking into your apartment and seeing your empty seat confirmed the harsh reality that the Eagle had indeed flown away.

I still hold dear the memory of our conversations and prayers just days before you left us. I was relieved to hear you were doing better, not knowing that you were preparing to bid farewell. Papa, thank you for being a father not just to your children and grandchildren, but for embracing Esther as your granddaughter as well.

Esther has been diligent in updating us about your condition, and we prayed earnestly for you. Now, as you depart, she will be left to spread her wings without you by her side. Your loving smile and quiet, gentle presence will be sorely missed. Your consistent discipline in reading the Bible, taking walks, and staying informed through the news will remain in our memories forever.

Our visits to 4 London Road will forever be marked by the absence of your wise discussions about faith and our beloved Cameroon. You fought bravely, finished your race, and stayed true to your faith.

Goodnight, Papa. We'll see you in the morning.

Daniel & Rose MBIWAN
Daniel Mbiwan
September 10, 2024
From Levis Mbanya and Family

It is with a heavy heart and deep sadness that we say goodbye to a man who meant so much to us, Papa Pani. He was a loving, caring, and generous soul who touched the lives of everyone around him in a profound way. When we visited him in Boston back in 2019, we were welcomed into his home with open arms, as he embodied the true spirit of hospitality and warmth. His kindness and sincerity were felt immediately, and his gentle nature made us feel at ease from the moment we arrived.

What stood out the most during our time with Papa Pani was his love for family and how much he cherished those moments spent together. I will never forget how he would take the time to walk my two daughters around the compound. No matter what he was doing, he always found time for them, sharing stories and ensuring that their stay was filled with joy. His patience, laughter, and the simple pleasure he took in those walks reflect the kind of man he was – selfless and always putting others first.

Papa Pani had a special way of making every moment feel important, and it was in these small gestures that his greatness shone. He didn’t need grand displays to show his love and care; it was evident in his actions, his words, and the way he made you feel like family. His calm demeanor, wisdom, and ability to bring comfort to those around him were qualities that defined him.

Though he is no longer with us, the memories we created with him will forever remain in our hearts. His legacy of love, kindness, and compassion will live on through the countless lives he touched, and I feel blessed to have known such a wonderful man. We have lost someone irreplaceable, but we take solace in the fact that his spirit will continue to guide and inspire us.

Papa Pani, you will be deeply missed, but your memory will live on in our hearts. Thank you for all the love and light you shared with us. May you rest in eternal peace.
Levis Mbanya
September 7, 2024
From and on behalf of the Ambe’s,

To the Pani’s, the Mbanya’s and the friends of both. I join you in abstention due to unforeseen circumstances both to console, condole and bid farewell to our fallen hero, Pa Pani. “How do the Mighty fall”!!! The tidal waves generated from this are still reverberating gently to all the nooks and corners where his presence was represented.

I looked up to Pa Pani both as a big brother, a mentor and the Dean of the Mbanya’s In-Laws. His foot prints and shoes in my opinion will be hard to fill by any of us.

Manyi Christine, I will be remised if I don’t state unequivocally that beside every successful man there’s a great partner and that’s what you were, is now and will continue to be for us all. Pa Pani and you are a match made in Heaven and so intertwined that Pa’s story will be grossly incomplete given you two were a perfect team loved , envied and worth emulating. Thank you for the love you gave him onto his last breath to say the least; the children and grand children are blessed with your presence as the anchor of the family.

All of us the extended families and friends are very privileged to have known and been a part of your family.

Pa Pani per St. Paul, ran a good race, fought the good fight, won it all, has received his crown and is celebrating now. While we’ll miss his presence here below, let’s celebrate him.
Let’s not forget he’s our Ambassador or better still, our intercessor now in Heaven. Grace, Peace and blessings to You’ll; and lot love from God our Father in all your goings and comings.

-Dominic Ambe
Dominic Ambe
September 2, 2024
Papa you looked after all of us - my father my mother and my siblings . You gave us soo much love and made sure we archived and you were proud. You were one of the kindest and caring person we knew. You were genuinely kind and caring and may God look after your gentle soul.
I thank you immensely for being there for us.
As you join my father in heaven continue to be there for each other.
Rest in eternal peace.
Priscilla and Blaise.🙏🏿❤️
Priscilla and Blaise Nkwenti
September 2, 2024
Cher Papa ,
Comment commencer ton éloge sans qu’un sentiment d’immortalité ne vienne immédiatement à l’esprit. Certes, l’immortalité est perçue et vécue de manière différente selon les cieux, les cercles, les âges et les croyances. Aujourd’hui, en cette circonstance douloureuse, il n’y a pas lieu d’entrer dans les joutes oratoires y relatives. Il n’y a pas lieu non plus de cataloguer, tellement ils sont nombreux, les actes que tu as posés pour finalement choisir sous quel ciel, dans quel cercle, dans quel âge et dans quelle croyance il faut se situer pour te mettre à la place qui est la tienne, à savoir dans l’intemporalité de notre mémoire collective. Pourquoi ? Parce que ta philosophie dans la vie avec ton prochain a été et restera universelle cher papa Menkep Tagni Samuel SEWNU PANI.
Les nombreuses et riches relations que tu as créées et entretenues tout au long de ta vie avec la famille, tes amis, les amis de tes amis, et même avec tes serviteurs sont éloquentes à tous les égards. En ce moment, je pense en particulier à ton complice, ton alter-ego, ton frère papa Samuel NKOUAMEN NJOMEN, tous deux récents enfants immigrés bamiléké à Victoria, alors que vous aviez respectivement 9 ans et 5 ans exacts. Depuis ce temps, vous avez été ensemble « de tous les défis, de tous les combats, de tous les événements de la vie des familles, de toutes les confidences, de toutes les aventures, … », jusqu’à sa mort en 2010, soit près de 66 ans, OUI 66 ans depuis vos débuts difficiles mais solidaires au Cameroun britannique d’alors.
A l’encontre de tes ennemis, toi notre regretté et vénéré papa Menkep Tagni Samuel SEWNU PANI, tes actes étaient en accord avec le Président Abraham LINCOLN qui déclarait en son temps: «Do I not destroy my ennemies when I make them my friends?». Comment appréhender ton adhésion de facto à cette déclaration célèbre sinon par le sens aigu de la miséricorde et de l’apaisement qui t’ont toujours caractérisé?
En un sens, la vie d’un homme se prolonge bien après sa mort lorsque son héritage lui survit. Cher papa Menkep Tagni Samuel SEWNU PANI, au moment où tu nous quittes, l’intemporalité des valeurs de rectitude, d’amour, d’honnêteté, d’extrême bonté, de fidélité, de compassion, et OUI ! ne n’oublions pas, d’enjouement communicatif permanent que tu m’as insufflé dès l’âge de 9 ans et as inspiré à tous ceux qui t’ont connu de près constituent ton héritage le plus précieux, celui que nous avons tous la chance et le bonheur de partager.
Grâce à tout cela et grâce aussi à ton orthopraxie, tu resteras, cher papa Menkep Tagni Samuel SEWNU PANI, la référence que chacun d’entre nous cherche ou devrait chercher à atteindre. De ce point de vue, le sentiment qui prédomine en nous en cette période de douleur et de profonde tristesse est bien ton immortalité dans nos cœurs et dans nos mémoires.
Nous te pleurons aujourd’hui mais croyons que nous nous reverrons.
Tabah Davies et les Menkam Samuel NKOUAMEN NJOMEN
Tabah Davies et les Menkam Samuel NKOUAMEN NJ
August 28, 2024
What a privilege to have known papa Pani!Well known in the anglophone comunity in Yaounde.My dad would hardly let me sleep over in friends home.The only home where I slept over in my childhood was at the Pani's. A simple God fearing home where I was always welcomed not only by my childhood and life long friend and sister Pauline whom I met in secondary school, but by the entire family. Remember on one occasion, when my dad came to pick me up and he and Pa Pani got into a long conversation with my dad and I discovered they shared many common values.No doubt Pauline and I got to bond easily.Papa Pani is an epitome of a successful life. A God fearing man, blessed with a beautiful and caring wife,with several children and grandchildren. As I read through other tributes and his life history, had no doubt of the testimonies of the generous person he was. A life worth celebrating, a model indeed to follow by all his loved ones and all who came his way.We say thank God for a life well spent.Peacefully back to his maker.Rest in the bossom of the Lord.
Noella Njende
August 18, 2024
In loving memory of Papa Samuel Senwu Pani, a man whose presence brought warmth and joy to all who knew him. To my wife's father(Papa Limen Paul), he was more than a friend; he was a brother in every sense of the word. Papa Pani's caring nature knew no bounds—he was always there, a steady presence who never failed to ask how we were faring, always concerned about our well-being.

Whenever we visited him, his home was a place of warmth and festivity, a reflection of the generous spirit that lived within him. He welcomed us with open arms, and the laughter, the stories, and the feasts were more than just gatherings—they were memories being woven into the fabric of our lives.

If love could bring back the departed, we would have found a way to buy him back from that realm, to keep his light shining among us a little longer. But while we cannot bring him back, we carry with us the lessons of his kindness, his care, and his unyielding dedication to those he loved.

Papa Pani, you will be deeply missed, but your legacy of love and generosity will continue to live on in our hearts. Rest in peace, dear Papa Pani. Your memory will forever be a blessing to us all.
Walter & Bridgette Gweh
August 11, 2024
Papa pani was such a lovely father. He showed me unmatched love and concern. He was a father par excellence. He wouldn't stop checking on me and my family. Such that a week before he passed on, he did, in fact, call me. Such was a man full of love for his children. He indeed treated me like one of his beloved children. We will surely miss him. May he rest well in the bosom of the Lord.
John Njike
August 11, 2024
Dans la VIE de cette vie que Dieu nous accorde, nous avons la grâce de rencontrer, de côtoyer, de vivre avec des personnes et à un moment donné on peut définir, par rapport à certaines appréhensions dire ce que cette personne peut être représentée par la conception humaine, du ressentie, de la limitation... J'en passe.
Mais sincèrement je ne trouve pas d'accordéon pour définir papa Tabou.
Il était extrêmement AMOUR.
T'oublier sera difficile et tes actions comme un écho sera un chant d'action grâces à Dieu qui va rythmer désormais nos quotidiens.
Va et Repose en paix.
Nicole Virginie Kemtsu
August 11, 2024
I greet you all in the wonderful name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST 🙏
I bless GOD for the life of papa Pani and i praise GOD for such an amazing family.
Papa Pani was.a man of GOD own's heart. A good father to his family and to everyone. He considered everyone as his own and he opened his door to everyone. He extended his boundaries and served with love and compassion.
Great people serve. A father to the nation.
Papa Pani spoke with wisdom and faithful instructions was in his tongue.
Surely, the goodness of GOD will follow him to his 4th generations.
May his precious soul rest in perfect peace.
We give GOD all the praise and glory. 🙏
Janet Mbanya
August 10, 2024
Dear Sammy,
Do accept my condolences on the passing on of your dad. May you and you family be strengthened at the memories you shared together.
Faustina Manje Bota
August 10, 2024
Before going to the tributes' part I went through all those beautiful pictures and they brought back some memories. I had tears in my eyes because indeed a GIANT has gone. Daddy Pani was a GREAT man.

I was around 11 years old when I went to his house in Yaounde to spend the holidays at their former house at Vallée de la mort. If my memory is still correct I went there with my big sister Djanang Ghoyep Josiane and we had a wonderful time there. Daddy has never discriminated as far as I am concerned. My family had nothing back then but he loved and respected us❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️. He is even the one who trained my Dad Ghoyep Rene and helped him to join the army and become a gendarme🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿. We owe him so much and we are grateful for everything🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿.

When Daddy Pani was in our city in Bafoussam or else where he always spent the nights at our place not because he was not able to go to an hotel or to another house but because he loved my Dad and our family so much despite our poverty back then.

A GOOD and SELFLESS man he was. For me also he did so much. We cannot question GOD for his departure but rather we should THANK the ALMIGHTY for this GIANT HE placed in our family🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿. Fare well Daddy Pani, I love YOU and I pray that GOD continues to bless ALL your children and their children in JESUS name I prayed amen🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿❤️🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿

Guylaine Grace Djomo Ghoyep
August 9, 2024
Pa Tabou,

How do l even begin to eulogize you? Even as I write those words I grieve in regret because of the gravity of this loss! You were a great man. A selfless individual, in all capacities.

You were the Mbanya’s first brother in-law. As a young girl, l admired the love l saw between you and my sister, Ngoutchou Christiana. You did not only treat her as a queen, everyone who crossed your path experienced your generosity and kindness. I vividly remember keeping your treats as souvenirs. We all looked forward to enjoying your many many gifts when you would come to Kumba, because your kindness knew no boundaries. You treated all the mothers and children the same.

If it was family, you gave sweet gifts, and love. If it was friends you gave jobs, if it was acquaintes you provided assistance. You used your administrative director position to be a blessing to so many.

Your quality was known everywhere you went, and everywhere you were, people felt your warm and welcoming presence.

We lost a great man, our hero! Sleep well Pa Tabou. May all the angels and Saints usher you into Heaven. We thank God for the many years we enjoyed you on earth. RIP

Sidonie Ambe
Sidonie Mbanya Ambe
August 9, 2024
Tribute to a fallen hero
Papa Pani, you were a people's person and a force l personally enjoyed reckoning with. You were more of a brother to my father than a friend. Nature has a way of knotting the relationships of good people as it did for the Panis and the Limens and we ended up as family.

Papa, you stood by me, advising and directing me in many situations from childhood till now. The beautiful moments l spent with you in Bafoussam and Yaounde are still fresh in my memory. Your visit to me at my first work station in Maroua was so uplifting, especially at that moment when l was depressed for being compelled to go far away from home owing to work imperatives. You facilitated my adaptation to that new and strange environment by introducing me to the then Governor of the Far North as your son, a relationship the Governor took seriously and treated me as such thereafter.

Your problem-solving skills as a public administrator were not only felt in public offices but also greatly felt at family level. I cannot forget too soon the role you played in diffusing the tension and paving a way forward during the funeral of my mother. Thank you for helping me build resilience in the face of life's challenges.

When l informed you that l am in the USA, you didn't relent your effort to create time to check up on me where l was lodging. You even invited us to spend time with you and that evening was well spent. Little did l know that was the last time l was going to set eyes on you. Thank you so much for your concern and wise counsel that have always kept me going. Immense thanks for all you have been to me and to the entire Limen family. Your legacy lives on.

Tambuh, may your loving soul find eternal rest in God's bosom.

Limen Alfred Limen
Limen Alfred Limen
August 7, 2024
My sincere condolences to your family. May your dad's soul RIP 🙏. May you all be filled with loving memories of your time together.
Andin Njike O
August 7, 2024
So sorry to hear about the lost of your Dad sister Pauline. May his soul rest in peace. Papa has done so well in his lifetime. During his life, he had made you so proud and was always be there for all of you, despite that he had 9 Children, none of you lack his attention and love.

I pray that God will be there with Mama, and may God help her to take this lost with courage, so that she can live well to enjoy all of you that Papa left behind. I send my sincere condolences to the entire family. May God of all comforts bring peace to you all, and comfort you in Jesus name. Amen.
Mrs Janet Dagiloke
August 6, 2024
La particularité des grandes personnes est celle d'impacter dans la vie des autres à travers les œuvres qu'ils accomplissent, l'héritage qui reste perpétuel à travers leur descendance et les valeurs que ceux-ci incarnent. personnellement je n'ai pas eu la chance de vous connaître, mais je béni l'éternel pour vôtre vie sur cette terre et celle a venir car a travers votre fille qui est ma Patronne, je peux facilement comprendre les valeurs qui furent les vôtres: la discipline, l'amour du prochain, la considération de l'autre, la justice et surtout le respect des valeurs morales. Je peux dire sans risque de me tromper qu'une grande bibliothèque s'en est allé, mais à travers votre progéniture je reste convaincu du précieux héritage que vous laissez au monde en général et donc j'y bénéficie en particulier. Merci et que Dieu dans la prescience de son amour vous accorde une place de choix auprès de lui.
July 30, 2024
My Grandfather's passing has left an immense void in my heart, one that will never be filled. He was the head of the Pani family, and a man respected and loved by many people including me. always greeting me with a happy and caring smile and always complimenting my appearance. His presence brought so much joy and comfort, and he had an incredible way of making me feel special and valued. The time I’ve spent with my grandfather has kept lifelong memories, memories of our time together, the conversations we have had, the places we have been too and the lessons he has taught me.
My Grandfather was extremely caring and would always check up on me through calling me with grandma by his side and we would talk about school, life and how he was doing.
Even in person grandpa was always caring for me as he would check up on me and my brother when we went to visit him and would always try to interact with up stirring up conversations about sports as he was into sports and the politics of Cameroon as those were topics he was very interested in, me not being very knowledgeable in those topics learnt a lot from grandpa as we would talk for hours about these topics.
People have always told me, “You don’t realise how much you will miss something or someone until they are gone” I always took this quote lightly and never truly felt it as I had not lost anything until the passing of my grandfather. I now understand those words and it has taught me to cherish everyone around you while you still have them. Every living creature is destined by death, and you should cherish any moment you have with the people around you because eventually they will leave.
I will forever be rest assured with one thing though and it was that my grandfather died a believer. He believed Jesus Christ died on the cross for his sins so that he would not go to hell, and he meditated on the word of God. I can be rest assured my grandfather is in heaven right now enjoying his time with Christ, so we will meet again one day.
I will forever miss my grandpa and who he was as a person and as a grandfather to me and the whole family.
Joel and Daniel Pani
July 27, 2024
My Grandpa, Samuel Pani, was kind and joyful. He was sweet and endearing to everyone—me, my siblings, my mother—everyone. My mom would always tell me that grandpa knew and helped many people and was very charitable as well. He would call to check in on people every day, from Cameroon to Europe to the U.S. That's just who he was.

Whenever we talked, whether on the phone, when we came to visit, or when he came to visit us, he would laugh and show his signature smile without fail. He would always ask me how school was going and every time he would say he was proud of me and to continue doing well, To continue to work hard and diligently. I remember when I was invited to join the NHS for my school and had finally received my certificate establishing me as a member, he had sent a voice message to my mother. In the message, he congratulated me saying that he was very proud of me and that I had respected the family. I was grateful to know that he was proud of me and that he would take the time to personally congratulate me and share kind words with me.

It's so strange to see someone who's known you since day 1, someone you could easily call, not be there to pick up your calls anymore. I knew him as generous, patient, loving, and above all, God-fearing. I hope to be able to show these same traits in my lifetime as well.

Rest well, Grandpa.
Shekinah,Shiloh and Sam Pani
July 26, 2024
Today, we gather to celebrate the life of my grandad Samuel Pani, a truly incredible man who
meant a lot to me and our entire family. As his grandson, I feel so lucky to have had him in my
life. He was more than just a grandparent; he was a mentor, a friend, and always there to
Grandad was the kind of person who always made everyone feel welcome. Whether it was
Christmas or New Year’s, his home was the place to be. I’ll always remember the laughter
and joy that filled the room during those times we spent with him as a family and the dinner
we had. He loved bringing us all together for Sunday dinners, where we’d share stories, eat
amazing food cooked by grandmom Christiana Pani and just enjoy each other’s company.
Those moments are some of my favorite memories.
Grandad loved to travel, and I know he had some amazing adventures. He was always busy
planning his next trip, but he never forgot to check in on us or invite us to join him for family
dinners. He made sure that no matter how busy life got, we stayed connected.
As I look to the future, I’ll carry his words with me: to focus on my studies, to work hard for
my goals, and to do everything for God’s glory. He had a strong faith, and he showed me how
important it is to live with purpose and integrity.
Though it’s hard to say goodbye, I know that Grandad’s spirit will always be with me. I’ll
strive to make him proud by living out the values he instilled in me. Thank you, Grandad, for
everything. You will be missed more than words can express, but your love and lessons will
stay with me forever.
Deron, Ariel and Jude Forteh
July 26, 2024
Papa. There are so many words that could said about the man that was and will always be our grandfather. His heart when described by our parents and from what we got to see and experience, was huge. His loving and tenderhearted nature is one that formed his children and even us. Even now with his passing, his laughter and smile echos in our minds. All of us sisters have memories of his passion for sport, the news and his consistency with journalling and immaculate handwriting. Being involved in writing his biography and getting to know so much about him. It’s no wonder his mind was so alert. He cared so much about our lives and our futures with every phone call we had. How we wish we had the last chance to see him in our home town one last time, but with that said the memories and beautiful last opportunity that we had in Cameroon to embrace him and experience him face to face is one we can never forget.

The greatest opportunity that we got was seeing him respond to an alter call and give his life to Jesus. Papa truly has lived a blessed life. The mercies of God in his life to see his children’s children is an honour not many around him were privileged to see. Not only did he see this but he experienced and left with peace and harmony amongst his children with no strife. Sickness didn’t take him out, he left when he was called home. Even his leaving attest to the strength in his character. If there’s one lesson Papas life has taught us that we can all take on is God honours those whose hands are extended and hearts are pure.

Thank you Papa for all you have done and for being the true Patriach of the family. It is without a shadow of a doubt that a piece of you lives in all of us.
Jemima, Joella and Jessica Limen
July 26, 2024
In this life, we all start out with big questions: Who am I? What's my purpose? What do I want to
achieve before I'm done here? Everything in this world is fleeting—money, moments, and even
people come and go. But what really sticks is the legacy we leave, the memories we create, and
the impact we have on those who stay behind. We are not defined by how we die, but by how
we live!
Samuel Pani, my Grandpa, or as many knew him, “Papa Pani” or the “Cameroonian Father
Abraham,” truly lived a life that echoed these values. He wasn't just mourned at his passing; he
was celebrated for the vibrant life he led and shared with all of us. He was the chill, gentle spirit
in our family, humorously balancing out Grandma’s more stern mom-like vibe. Every time I hung
out with him, he'd welcome me with a big smile and a hug, making me feel right at home.
Grandpa was all about putting others first. Even in his final days, he kept his pain to himself, not
wanting to worry anyone. His wisdom wasn’t just deep—it was practical, rooted in real love and
concern for us. From cheering us on in our education to supporting our mom after we lost our
dad, his words stuck with us.
Reflecting on my family, it's amazing how two people, blessed by God, built such a connected
and successful family. Managing ten kids and seeing them thrive worldwide? That's a legacy
any dad would be proud of.
Now, Grandpa’s up there with God, looking down on us. I hope he’s proud of the legacy he’s left
and the fire he’s lit in us to keep pushing and building our own paths. We miss him heaps, but
we’ll carry on his legacy until we meet again.
Uche, Ugo and Ifeanyi
July 26, 2024
Mon grand-père nous appelait très souvent
En appel vidéo pour nous voir et pour que
Nous le voyons aussi. Même s’il commençait
A devenir âgé, il ne nous a jamais oubliés
Pendant sa maladie, grand-père prenait
Toujours la peine de prendre régulièrement de
Nos nouvelles.
Je remarquais sa ténacité, son courage face
A la maladie, ll n’oubliait jamais de demander
Comment vont les parents et les enfants, il
Nous parlait à chacun son tour pour savoir
Comment on allait et si on travail bien à
L’école et à la maison.
Grand-père est une personne totalement
Remarquable, il savait comment nous parler
Pour que nous allions bien, il savait donner de
Très précieux conseils aux parents
Akil, Ahmes,Anaelle and Amari Pani
July 26, 2024
Euology about Samuel Pani
My Grandpa and namesake, Samuel Pani, was a man known by many. Most people knew him on the surface as a kind and loving person, but there is more to his kindhearted nature than it seems. Grandpa was a man who feared and loved God. Whatever he did, he always put God first and always reminded us children to keep God with us in everything we do. Growing up, I was always told about Grandpa and how he took care of his family. I used to speak to him a lot as he would call to check up on me and my siblings. In these calls he would also ask how my schoolwork is going and whether or not I’m keeping up with my studies. This was just one of the many forms of interactions I had with Grandpa were very fun and calm. There was one time he came to my house a couple years ago and we used to watch mma fights together. It was one of his favorite things to watch on television. There was another time when he came to Houston in 2023, it was very nice to see him in person once again. I met with him at Uncle Serge’s house where I saw the two talking outside at the entrance to the house. He looked very peaceful and happy as he was able to talk to both of his sons, Uncle Jerry and Uncle Serge at the same time and in person. Seeing how he has passed, I regret not calling him more and checking up on him. His passing has such an influence on not just the Pani family, but all the people he met during his long-lived life. He was such a warm influence on those around him and brightened everyone’s day. Though he has passed, the legacy he has left behind will never end and we will continue to remember the things he has done for us all. We miss you Grandpa and we all hope to see you again someday in Jesus name.
Sam, Jayden and Josh Pani
July 26, 2024
I want to reintroduce Samuel Pani–better known to everyone as “Papa”
Everyone here, in some way, shape, or form, has had their lives positively impacted by Papa.
Mine was, as well. Some know him as a friend, a father, and a grandfather, but few had the
privilege to experience life with him as I did.
When I was around 4, Papa became a constant in my life. Around that age, I was sent to
Cameroon to live with him and his wife, Christiana Pani, also known as Mama. As such, as I grew
up, I was able to experience childhood with him as if he were a father. He raised me and my
brothers with love, kindness, and gentleness–never treating us as anything less than his
When we returned to the States, my family had the honor of housing Papa and Mama with us
when they arrived. We shared the same space daily, and as such, they had a constant influence
on the lives of not only me and my brothers but also my parents.
Papa taught us not only how to conduct ourselves as growing young men but also how to
present ourselves to the world. He taught us with gentleness–never raising his voice. Whenever
there was a lesson he wanted to teach us, whether it be because we made a mistake or we got
ourselves into trouble, Papa would always calmly impart his wisdom to us. Those lessons
became a part of how we shaped ourselves.
I remember one incident in particular where my brother and I fought. After all these years, I
have no clue what it was about–it couldn’t have been for anything meaningful then and is a
faded memory by now. What I do recall, however, is Papa coming to our room and separating us
even though he was an older man and could have gotten hurt doing so, he didn’t want to see us
brothers hurting each other more. That was the kind of man he was–someone who would put
himself out there to help others, even if it came to his detriment.
It wasn’t just my brothers and I, however. Papa radiated serenity and positivity in a way that
would attach to those he interacted with, such as my mom and dad. He was just that kind of
individual whose presence made people around him better for it.
Above all, he was a man who feared God.
I want people to remember how positively Papa’s presence impacted their lives. The sacrifices he made for people. How Papa was not just a friend, father, grandfather, or husband, but a light
into our lives
Jordan,Jason,Justin,Jamil and Hannah Ndansi
July 26, 2024
Grandpas eulogy
Today we gather to remember. To remember the remarkable life of our dear grandpa - or as some of the millennials of the family say “papa” - Samuel Senwu Pani. A man whose mere presence lit up every room, and warmed every heart.

When visiting Cameroon in the summer of 23’, I experienced his compassion as he wholeheartedly welcomed me into his home and let me stay there for the majority of my time there. I can remember the sweet moments when he shared his wisdom and insights through deep conversation. Grandpa was never selfish, especially as he offered snacks , like fresh, saccharine fruit, at any given moment with me; probably not taking no for an answer! He was a paragon of morality (as I have heard of his charity) giving shelter to many friends and family members, frequently putting others before himself. He was purely and truly selfless.

These good deeds are why I am one of the many name sakes in the family to grandpa. His name means God has heard in Hebrew and encapsulates a role of God’s servant.

It is inevitable to touch upon his great parenting skills, raising up 10 largely successful children, grounded with fine morals: Willy; Pelagie; Lydie; Pauline; Mirelle; Sam; Jerry; Olivier; Serge and Innocent. Additionally, grandpa has 35 beautiful grandchildren!

Despite the few moments I could relish with him, I am extremely grateful for my pleasant experience in Cameroon. God has blessed grandpa with 84 years, a spiritually wealthy life and a loving support system. You will be dearly missed grandpa. Thanks for all you have done for us. You’re in a better place now. Rest in peace…
Sam and Ethan Tchoya


Please join us to pay a last tribute.
We will come together to remember and pay tribute to the wonderful person, Samuel Senwu Pani. While we mourn the loss, we also aim to cherish the moments shared and the joy brought into our lives. Your presence would mean a great deal to us during this time of remembrance and reflection.

Please RSVP
To help us with planning, please confirm your attendance for the Boston events:

September 6th, 2024

-Viewing and Funerals service
Venue: Hellinic Cultural Center
41 Broadway Street
Lowell, MA 01854
Time: From 4pm - 9pm

September 7th, 2024
Celebration of Life

Venue: Hellinic Cultural Center
41 Broadway Street
Lowell, MA 01854
Time: From 5PM - 12:30AM

There are 6 hotels available within distance of this location:

1. Sonesta Select Boston Lowell Chelmsford
30 Industrial Avenue, East, Lowell, MA 01852 USA.

2. Holiday Inn Express Chelmsford, an IHG Hotel
8 Independence Drive, Chelmsford, MA 01824 USA

3. Element Chelmsford
25 Research Place, Chelmsford, MA 01863, USA

4. Fairfield Inn Boston Tewksbury/Andover
1695 Andover Street, Tewksbury, MA 01876, USA

5. Hilton Garden Inn Tewksbury Andover
4 Highwood Drive, Tewksbury, MA 01876, USA

5. La Quinta by Wyndham Boston-Andover
131 River Road, Andover, MA 01810, USA

6. DoubleTree by Hilton Boston-Andover
123 Old River Road, Andover, MA 01810, USA

41 Broadway Street
Lowell, MA 01854
September 6th-7th

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