Ruby came into my life via our small church in High Point NC when I was in middle school and her family moved to the area. Ruby's energy was immediately electric to everyone including this introverted middle schooler. She was a year older but we quickly became friends and official besties with our requisite matching halves of a BFF necklace charm.
I feel like I should be writing this on notebook paper rather than a laptop because that's where so much of our communication took place. We would write long and rambling missives about how bored we were in class, asking what each other was doing that night, that weekend or of course obsessing over boys, and NKOTB our favorite boy band. I'm grateful I have kept many of these intricately folded notes, and now they are evermore treasures to remember her by.
We shared many typical and fun teenage moments together, from hours talking on landline phones, church camp, youth group trips, NKOTB concerts and being groupies, to perfecting the big "cinnamon roll" bangs of the time, sharing a fondness for stonewashed jeans, and popping out to the car to listen to Casey Kasem's top 40 on Sunday mornings before church, just to name a few.
Ruby was vivacious and could recite movie dialog with amazing precision and loved to laugh. She blended right into other friend groups and made everyone feel like they were her favorite. We may have been left in her wake sometimes, but the ride was always worth it.
We lost touch for quite a while when she moved to Ohio for her senior year of high school. Her bubbly handwriting matched her magnetic personality and so I'm comforted to come across a quote she offered me when I was worried about her. I'd like to think she might still offer them to us all now.
Be true to yourself and you will never fall!
- Beastie Boys
I'm grateful that we reconnected several years ago via Facebook. It was obvious she had the biggest heart for Jasper and loved being his mom.
Ruby will be sorely missed. The world is a little dimmer without her presence.
I'm still processing this huge loss, but as I sit here watching the Emmy Awards I hope she is at peace and watching as well from the best seat in the house.
LYLAS always Ru-Bird!
Janet Guertin
I'm heartbroken over this. You always had a smile and cared so much about how I was doing. I will miss you and always remember how kind and caring a person you were. Rest in peace and shine bright wherever you are.
I'm rocked by this news. Ruby and I acted together in two plays and I always appreciated her talent and generosity. She was a delight to work with and fun to banter with backstage. I was sad to hear she had stepped back from theatre. Jasper, know that your mom was spirited, smart, hard-working and a really good actor. She had her struggles but you should be very proud of her.
Don Plant
You always shone bright with that million dollar smile. The world is duller without you in it.
Kim Rhindress
Ruby, your big heart and generous spirit touched everyone who met you. I was just talking about how when we were kids, you would sit inside with me during fireworks at the lake because I was scared of the noise. You kept me safe and held me close. I hope with all my heart that you’ve found some peace on the other side. <3
Joleen Smith
Ruby was a teenager and I was one of her youth group leaders in church. What a love of life and the future she carried about her. She always loved acting and was great at it. But she was an amazing big sister to her siblings. I would've called her breezy at that point in her life. I am so sad that her life fell short of what it could've been. But I know God is in control and He holds her in His hand. You will be missed Ruby. XXOO
Suzanne Shelvock
We only met briefly - but how I wish I had been able to get to know her. Over the years I'd heard so many wonderful things about her as a person, and as a performer. It sounds like she was truly a light, and a force in the community. Sending my deepest condolences to all her loved ones.
Lyndsey Wong
Robyn, Ruby, MST, and my Rock. You were my better half. I will always remember when we would wake up beside each other and we would tell each other "Today's going to be a good day!" Every time we did it was a good day! Memories like that I will never forget and I will cherish every single one of them. You have the biggest heart and so accepting to anyone and everyone, you would always help people no matter what. These are just some qualities that you have. Every picture of you, you always have such a beautiful huge smile on your face that would make anyone smile back. You were always there for me no matter what and had my back. I know you are still here with me in spirit! You are such a beautiful lady inside and out! This isn't goodbye we will see each other again. Me and Drake(our puppy) miss you so much babe and just lost without you. I will take good care of our fur baby! I will cherish the memories that we have together and will always be grateful for having such an amazing lady enter my life! I LOVE YOU BABE AND MISS YOU SO MUCH! XOXO
Andy Newman
Ruby, I never got the chance to hug you in person or introduce you to my babies but a few days ago Eran showed me a message you sent to him about what you hoped in his future wife. I wept. I hope to make you proud and you would love all these mini Eran's we are raising they are as sweet as their daddy. I am sad for the time we didn't get. You were absolutely beautiful just like your mom and sisters. 💛
Jordan Barnes
We were rehearsing for Crimes of the Heart (the show where she memorized her huge role in like a week). I had just learned of my sister's death and decided to "push through" the rehearsal. I ended up breaking down in the middle of a scene. Like full on sobbing, snot and everything. Ruby, who I had only met a few times before, rushed over and gave me a huge hug and didn't let go until I was okay again.
It took a while.
In what could have been a very uncomfortable situation, Ruby charged in recklessly with love and compassion. That single act sums up who she was to me. I'll never forget that hug, or her, really.
Ruby was not only a gifted actress but a truly giving and compassionate soul. She brought warmth and light to every role she played and touched the hearts of everyone around her. As a cherished member of the Kelowna Actors Studio family, her spirit and generosity will be deeply missed, but her legacy of kindness and talent will continue to inspire us all
Randy Leslie
My heart goes out to Ruby's family and friends. I went to school with both her father and mother, Peggy and Bob, Sending prayers and hugs to you. and your families.
Deborah Schultz
A very skilled and talented actor. I respected her staright shooter, real talk. We had some deep and honest discussions over the years. I just want to point out that she memorized the script for "crimes of the heart" and was off book for opening night in 5 days. An extremely impressive feat for any actor at any level. She will be missed.
Casey Easton
Ruby was larger than life. She was one of my closet friends when we were young. We have not stay in touch like I would like. She was beautiful inside and out. I will always love her.
Though I only met Ruby a handful of times, her warmth and personality made a lasting impression. She had an incredible smile and bubbly spirit. Had been praying for her from afar. God must have needed another angel. My deepest, heartfelt condolences for her friends and family.
Vanette Block
Vanette Block
I was blessed to see Ruby on stage. I was blessed to share so many special moments. She was every day to me. She was present every day. I miss her so much. This is not good bye. It's see yah later!! I love you Ruby!!!
Sheri Dobie
Rest in paradise, Robin.
This hurts my heart so bad. I love you and will miss you terribly. Now you're up there with Georgie. I miss you both so much.
Angela Arkesteyn-Vogler
Ruby (Robyn) as what I would call her was a huge role model in my life she took me under her wing as her own and I’m so grateful to have known her I loved her very much she taught me how to drive amongst many other things and was always there if I needed anything at all I miss her very much
Milah arsenault
Bird, thats what i called her , from the first time I met her we clicked and enjoyed each other's company, there were spells when I didn't see her, ( I lived in Vernon ) when we did connect again ,
she always had the greatest smile and it was like we had just talked yesterday. I will miss her dearly, a small piece of my heart went with her. Loves honey, you'll be with Tony again. Say " hi " to Stan for me .