Ronald G. Stretter

April  9th, 1946 November  22nd, 2024
Mansfield, MA
Ronald G. Stretter

Welcome to Ron's memorial website where you can find information about his life and our celebration service.

We are gathering anecdotes about Ron that illustrate just who he was. Some of these will be shared at his service. We welcome serious ones as well as those that are humorous. Please click on the "Memory Wall" to share an experience you've had with him and add a photo if you wish. You also can share pictures in the "Gallery". 


Ronald George Stretter, 78, of Mansfield, MA, passed away on Friday, November 22, 2024. Born in Fort Collins, CO, to Ronald L. and Wanda (Saturley) Stretter, Ron grew up with his younger brother Bob in northern California, where he attended Mountain View Academy. Ron graduated from Pacific Union College, where he met his wife of 56 years, Donna Jean Greer. Ron’s life was built around faith and family. His family remember him above all as a loving husband, father, and grandfather. After Ron and Donna married in 1968, sons Robert Eugene and Jonathan Roy joined the family. Ron had a special, life-long relationship with Jonathan, whose disabilities kept him living at home. After relocating to New England to be closer to son Rob and daughter-in-law Elizabeth Bridgham of Janesville, WI, Ron was thrilled by the arrival of his two grandsons, Benjamin and Henry, whose regular visits were a highlight of his final years.

Ron’s Christian faith provided both personal comfort and a vocation throughout his life. After studying religion in college, Ron attended seminary at Andrews University in Michigan before embarking on a four-decade career as a Seventh-Day Adventist minister, working in California, Ohio, and Maryland, before returning to California and settling in the Napa Valley. Having loved his time as a counselor at Camp Wawona in Yosemite National Park during college, it is no surprise that part of Ron’s early career consisted of running summer camps for young people. In later years, combining a passion for youth ministry and a love of travel, Ron led dozens of short-term mission trips, building churches and schools around the world. Many of these trips were with Maranatha Flights International, a service organization dear to his heart and on whose board he served for many years. Ron also served the church as Youth Director for the Ohio and the Northern California Conferences, as well as Director of Youth and Family Ministries for the Columbia Union. He was involved in the design and production of several major “camporees” for Adventist young people in the Pathfinder program, including serving as the director of the 1989 Friendship Camporee. Everyone who knew Ron marveled at his gifts for organization, planning, and team-building. Whether in the role of a church pastor, a summer camp director, an administrator, or a Pathfinder leader, Ron’s love and respect for others was evident.

Ron had a mischievous sense of humor, sometimes to the consternation of his eldest son. His long-running and good-natured “feud” with his sister-in-law, Sharon Millard, led to many laughs. Sharon likes to say that Ron “gave her fits,” as they teased each other over the years. A man of many interests, Ron enjoyed woodworking and carpentry, hiking and camping, rock climbing, snow skiing and waterskiing, and the comedy of Garrison Keillor. Travel was also a life-long source of pleasure. A fan of the travel writer Rick Steves, Ron introduced his family to the world with trips to Europe, Central America, and the Caribbean, as well as all across the US and Canada. He seemed to enjoy planning trips as much as the trips themselves! Ron’s travels also gave him opportunities to pursue a favorite hobby, collecting pins for trading and display.

Ron is survived by his wife, Donna; his children Robert and Jonathan Stretter; his daughter-in-law Elizabeth Bridgham; his grandchildren Benjamin and Henry Stretter-Bridgham; his sisters-in-law Karen (Martin) Stretter and Sharon (Greer) Millard; brother-in-law Ken Millard; and nephews and nieces Chris Stretter, Stacey (Stretter) Vargas, and David and Kathryn Millard. He was preceded in death by his brother Robert (Bob) Stretter.

A memorial service celebrating Ron’s life will be held at 2:00 p.m. EST on Sunday, December 15, 2024 at the Foxboro Seventh-Day Adventist Church (308 Central St., Foxborough, MA). The service will be streamed here:

In lieu of flowers, memorials in Ron’s name may be made to the NBIA Disorders Association ( to support research into the disease with which his son Jonathan lives.

Streaming Information

Ron's service was live streamed from the Foxboro SDA Church's You Tube channel. Here is the link where you can still watch it:


Memorial Slideshow and Pathfinder Videos

Memory wall

We'd love to hear your memories and stories of Ron! Please post your anecdotes here.

December 21, 2024
I knew Donna first in 1963-64 at Rio Lindo Academy where her family helped me adjust to US life as an MK (missionary kid), having grown up in Latin America where her parents had also served. Then in 1964-68 Ron and I were religion majors and became good friends sharing many classes together. We also served in church summer camps ie Pinecrest and Wawona, where I was impressed by Ron's leadership and dedication to youth ministries. He was one of the best youth leaders I've ever known, and he leaves a wonderful legacy! I will miss him greatly!
Robert (Bob) Ford
December 14, 2024
Ron's father and mine served as treasurers of the Central California Conference so we played together from being toddlers and then working together in our careers together at the Columbia Union. Ron was one of the most organized individuals I ever worked around with back-up plans for almost any contingency. Our closest association was in the Columbia Union when he involved our entire office in planning and executing the Friendship Camporee which great from a regional event to a national one. His constant optimism was an inspiration to me. The care Ron and Dona showed to Jonathan was a constant inspiration as we lived near each other in Angwin, CA. He will go down in my memory as one of the best youth leaders I was ever around. What a blessing he was to so many.
Dick Osborn
December 13, 2024
During the PUC summers of ‘66 and ‘67, Ron and I worked at Wawona Summer Camp in Yosemite, teaching classes and assisting the directors. Ron was easily the most mature and creative college worker, entrusted with the camp’s new speedboat/lake activities, organizing campfire programs and hikes, all done with unflappable cheer.
Mail-time each day was a contest to see who had receive a prized letter - from Donna to Ron, or Bryan to me?
June 9, 1968, at PUC was a full day of graduation in the morning and marriage in the afternoon for Ron & Donna - another evidence of planning prowess! Bryan and I wed 2 days later, each couple being part of the other’s service. Even our honeymoons overlapped in Yosemite.

Our work paths diverged from there, coming together in the DC area years later. A happy coincidence occurred as their oldest son Rob and our son Brandon became close friends, thru PUC and up to this day as family men.

Ron’s humor, optimism, love for family, leadership skills and adventurous spirit will be cherished by all who were privileged to know him.
Carole Walde Breckenridge
December 11, 2024
There are so many wonderful memories I could share. Elder Stretter , next to my father, was the most influential man in my life. I worked with him at Camp Mohaven for all the four years he was Camp Director. His passion for the youth of Ohio is unmatched. His motto for the youth of Ohio was Our Hope Is Our Youth. It was obvious in all his actions. During staff week that first year he shared the amazing story of how he and Donna moved their family across the country. He was quick to share how God worked in his life.

Even with his busy schedule he always made a point when he was in Southern California to come and visit me in my dorm room at La Sierra. He entrusted to my brother Kevin and myself all his well organized notebooks of information from each year he was director at Mohaven. Such wonderful memories

I could share a whole book worth of funny stories . Maybe I will write that book. So thankful for God's promises that we will meet up again that glorious day.
Robert Sciulli
December 11, 2024
I was Ron's secretary when he served in the Ohio conference. I was always so impressed with his organizal skills at such a young age. I believe he was in his late twenties. He had such a kind way about him and always treated me with great respect. He had me embroider a quote "Bloom Where You are Planted". He told me he hung it on all his office walls wherever he went. He was a great man and friend. 🙏🏻
Mary Parrett
December 11, 2024
My first meeting with Ron was in the days of church Ministries. He was the Youth Director in Columbia Union and I had just agreed to accept a call to do Children’s Ministries. The most memorable time of my work life had began. Ron was a leader who knew how to make others leaders by challenging them and then supporting them as they grew. He gave me a number of assignments (like the children’s fun tent) when I had never even been to a camporee! When I tried to get him to tell me what to do, he asked what my job was. When I told him children’s Ministries, his answer was, “you’ll figure it out. I have confidence in you—and I did. If I had a specific question, he always helped me find the solution but he rarely ever told me what or how to do it. He used to tease me that if he ever accepted a call somewhere else, I would become the next Youth Leader for Columbia Union. I laughed loudly about that possibility. When Ron accepted a call to the west Coast—guess what. I was given the Youth Director job.
Ron had a great skill in choosing people to do a job and then enabling them to do it. He was never picky or pushy and very affirming. We had fun but we worked together and with Jim Clements got the job done. I have had the opportunity to work under or work with many excellent church leaders in my years of working for the church. Ron was one of the best. He was gifted in knowing how to grow leaders to be the best they could be.
Barbara Manspeaker
December 10, 2024
I remember the last [MVA] reunion he came to, I think it was the 50th, We had the sweetest conversation over breakfast.
He was such a kind and thoughtful listener.
Such an encourager.
I know his family will miss him greatly but his memories will always follow him and be a great tribute to a life well lived.
Mountain View Academy, Class of 1964
Karen Bolejack Rausch
December 10, 2024
I know it's a cliche, still it seems to me that it was just yesterday or at the most a few days ago. I only knew him the four years at the academy. Nevertheless when I think of that time my mind is flooded with pictures of Ron and his brother Bob. He was always just there something solid, someone to depend on always. I think that's what most stands out to me about Ron. Last time I saw him was at the 2014 reunion. We stayed in the same motel that had a breakfast bar. When we would meet up at breakfast he and I would chatter on about politics, religion, or history as it related to the Bible. We seemed more interested in future events or past events of a great distance rather than the reunion or academy days. Always wanted to have another big long discussion with him but never got around to it. Please extend my condolences to the family and tell them I said I thought he was a really great person unafraid to stand up for what he believed in.
Mountain View Academy, Class of 1964
Roland Ott
December 10, 2024
Ron was a very organized leader! He was respected by administrators, coworkers, youth leaders, and the young people his team ministered for! His love for Jesus was apparent! His gleaming eyes as he smiled always communicated enthusiasm and zest for life! Sad for family. Many prayers!
Jeanie Haldeman
December 10, 2024
What stands out brightly in my mind is Ron’s mentoring gift. During the time we served the PUC Church together, he gently encourage and direct my ministry to the youth. I clearly remember a defining moment when he directed my attention to a picture on his office wall. It was a picture of a vibrant sunflower with the inscription “Grow where you are planted.” That moment spoke volumes to me. His mentorship legacy deepened when he became the NCC youth director. He took the conference youth pastors on yearly retreats to develop and strengthen our leadership and ministry. I so enjoyed and benefitted from those events which included get always to Yosemite and numerous houseboat trips. It is a truth that God wants us to flourish and thrive exactly where He has planted us. Ron’s legacy of mentorship lives on.
Roy Hager
December 10, 2024
Ron was the only pastor who ever invited me to park my motorcycle in front of the pulpit in the sanctuary as I shared a message related to my sabbatical. What a classy and fun guy. He is already deeply missed!
Marvin Wray
December 10, 2024
I met Ron at the Foxboro SDA Church and it was clear from the beginning what a love for the Lord and all things kids/pathfinders he had. I also learned he loved to share stories. I'll remember Ron sitting at the fire during our Bethlehem Village event, telling stories to all the visitors that stopped by. I'll remember him sitting up front with the kids (and adults!) during the communion service foot washing portion, explaining through story telling what the service was all about. I imagine one day I'll see him sharing stories of all the many pathfinder camporees with all his new friends in heaven. Until then, our world is a little dimmer as one of it's loved takes a well deserved rest.
Paula Vogler
December 9, 2024
The Stretter family has been part of my life since I was probably 7 or 8 years old! Memories of our families’ time together at Camp Mohaven in Ohio come to mind as well as my dad being privileged to help Pastor Stretter at Pathfinder Camporee. Even as a young child I was aware of his love for God and love for others and I saw his faithful service to both.

Even more special, however, is the fact that on the day of Pastor Stretter’s memorial service, December 15, it will be exactly 33 years since he pronounced my then-fiancé and me “husband and wife!” His type of premarital counseling for us was unconventional. He invited us to spend several days with him and his wife in their home in Angwin, CA. Aside from receiving wise counsel, we were allowed to just be us while with godly eyes he observed. His kind words, loving smile, and warm chuckles are remembered. My husband particularly remembers Pastor Stretter’s joke about how to get peanut butter off the roof of your mouth.

Please remember, this old sinful world is not our home. Let’s all plan to meet together in our heavenly home!!
Lori (Ingram) Supit
December 8, 2024
What I never expected happened when I joined pastor Lou Venden's team at the PUC church in 1991. Besides the hard and new work of becoming a pastor, I 'gained' 3 brothers! Of the three, Mike Dunn, Roy Hager and Ron Stretter—Ron was the most protective of me, looked out for me and became my friend.
Most of us know Ron's multiple and very impressive talents but during my first year at PUC I was privileged to see another side of Ron. As fellow pastors of the PUC church we used to meet on Thursday mornings for an undisrupted where nobody would find us—the bride's room, of all places! During that hour we shared with each other from our hearts. No agenda (hard for Ron) but talking, supporting, praying and caring. We grew close during these hours and we became a team that deeply cared for each other. Thank you Ron for showing your heart, for being my big brother, and for looking our for me.
Marit Case-Balk
December 8, 2024
I’ve been on Ron’s team since the late 70s, leading canoe trips, international Pathfinder Camporees, Mission trips, Youth congresses, and pastoral staff at PUC and an Elder when he pastored Elmshaven. I’ve seen his tireless work ethic, incredible organization, love of shared meals, and delight in surrounding himself with people who love kids.

God used Ron to guide me into conference Youth Ministry and eventually college chaplaincy. He taught me why organization is key to ministry and the essential role of recruiting, training and equipping a team - members who sometimes become life friends. Ron freely shared his love for Donna, Rob and Jonathan. I wish I could have seen him as grandpa.

Ron impacted my life calling more than any other person. I look forward to catching up with him in eternity.
Mike Dunn
December 4, 2024
Ron showed up at our wedding as “an uninvited guest” (his words). He was visiting Al Williamson, one of our pastors, and Al invited him to come along since we were “Pathfinder people” but told Zein he’d need to wear his Pathfinder uniform or at least his scarf! He showed up properly adorned! He even discovered one of his work associates was one of our bridesmaids! Within about 10 years, we would end up working alongside him in NCC for several years as part of youth ministry and as Pathfinder Area Coordinators!
Mark & Sherilyn O'Ffill
December 4, 2024
My earliest memory of "Pastor Ron Stretter" goes back to his first year as the young youth director in the Northern California Conference. He hired me to be on his Pinecrest Camp staff as a counselor. Following our week of staff training, I had my own cabin for Teen Camp. As a 16-year-old myself, it turned out that one of my campers was older than I. During staff training, Ron had referred to the book "Help! I'm a Camp Counselor" which told us if we found a camper carving his name on a tree, instead of stopping the camper with a "No, don't do that!" we should redirect them by handing them a piece of bark retrieved on the ground, and let them engrave their name on a piece of wood they could take home with them. But there wasn't anything in the book about having campers older than the counselor. Ron told me we should keep that a secret between he and I, and he supported me in functioning as the camp counselor regardless of my age. That's how Ron supported his staff, and me in particular—then, and many times since then. It shaped me as I continued in youth ministry since that time and continues in the present.
Steve Case

Memorial Service

We invite you to the memorial service and celebration of life for Ron. If you are attending in person and have a Pathfinder scarf, please wear it in honor of the importance Pathfinders played in Ron's ministry.
Foxboro Seventh-day Adventist Church
308 Central St., Foxborough, MA 02035
December 15, 2:00 pm EST
Virtual event


Ron was very passionate about supporting the NBIA Disorders Association, an organization that supports families who have individuals like our Jonathan and researchers who are working hard to find treatments and ultimately a cure to this rare disease (Neurodegeneration with Brain Iron Accumulation). If you are able to make a donation to this organization for scientific research in honor of Jonathan who has BPAN (beta-propeller protein-associated neurodegeneration), we would appreciate it. Here is the link:

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