Remo Nardone
Enotria&Coe are extremely sad to share the news that our founder, Remo Nardone, passed away on Sunday 1st September at the age of 89.
Right from the beginning, when he founded his company in 1972, Remo’s profound passion, integrity and pioneering vision were infused into Enotria. A father-like figure to his team, Remo founded a company with an ethos that mirrored his personal traits: resilience, determination, drive, uncompromising customer service, a deep appreciation for the individuals shaping the industry and the connections formed through a shared love of wine.
Starting off working in hospitality when he moved to the UK, before moving into sales with merchants, F.S. Matta and Hedges & Butler, Remo realised that there was a gap in the UK market for quality wines from his homeland. Therefore, drawing on his cultural heritage, Remo founded Enotria, curating a specialist Italian portfolio tailored to meet the needs of the growing Italian restaurant community of the time. In line with this philosophy and approach, from the outset Remo made a strategic decision to establish exclusive partnerships with his suppliers, forging relationships that extended beyond mere business transactions, and many of whom Enotria&Coe are delighted to still work with today.
This philosophy remains central to Enotria&Coe’s culture - with our everyday mission to “care for our customers, people and suppliers” - and we are extremely privileged to be part of Remo’s legacy.
Memory wall
He had a great sense of fun and could be mischievous - I remember eating with him at a Japanese restaurant in Selfridges, one of those places where the food comes round on a conveyor belt, and after lunch he said "Let's go next door for a coffee". We waliked in and a man approached us, asking what he could do to help. Remo said "We'll have two double espressos" The man protested "But sir, this is a Fiat showroom, not a coffee shop". Remo was undaunted "I know that - I once bought a car from you, - but your coffee is good. Give us two double espressos". The man grumpily replied "Oh very well, but don't come here asking for coffee ever again". The coffee was excellent.
They don't make them like Remo Nardone any more.
It is very sad that he is no longer with us but i will keep many fond memories. He was one of the most important person in my life.
I address my sympathy to Ivy, Marco and Francesca
Eric Berneau
Ci uniamo a voi in questo triste momento e speriamo possiate dare a tempo debito le nostre più sentite condoglianze alla sua famiglia.
Brandino, Alessandra e il Team Vistorta
He was a pioneer in the wine business and a very succesful man, but I always remember him for his empathy and humanity.
It has been fantastic to be with him, since he always had an explosive joy of living also when working.
With the passage of the time the relationship turned into frendship, and it was moving me to receve his phone calls just to find out how I was doing.
I will always remember him very fondly. indeed, we have been all blessed to have him in our lifes and hug his family with my heart
Then I found this letter to Diego that Remo wrote a few years ago remembering that day, in March 1996 , from which it all began:
'' Dearest Diego,
With a lot of nostalgia and a little sadness, I think of our young age thirty years ago with our great desire to innovate, create and greedy for success.
Thirty years ago, I remember, our meeting took place, with the beautiful Francesca also present, at the Santini restaurant in the Pimlico area of London.
This meeting was historic for me not only because I was the first customer in the world to order Planeta wines from the first year of production, but also because from that day our successful collaboration and our close friendship were born 'then extended to our families and members of our companies and the beginning of my strict respect and admiration towards you.''
An adventure that became a great friendship between the families and with this memory I hug Ivy, Francesca and Marco tightly.
Thank you Remo who taught me and gave me so much!!
Francesca Planeta
I had the chance and the privilege of knowing Enotria when Remo owned and run actively the company. He was such an inspiration! I remember Remo with nostalgia in particular for his strength and determination, and for the passion that drove him to introduce and promote the Italian wines and spirits into the UK market. For his amazing work Remo will have the eternal gratitude of all of us.
Our thoughts are with you, the Remo's family and your team.
Antonella and the Nonino Family and team
RIP Remo
We have so many great memories when he was with us in the Douro. I do remember a particular visit to Quinta do Crasto with a group of top accounts from London that carried our wines. Remo arrived with the group at the Quinta and one of the guests had his golf clubs with him. I told the guest that Douro was not the best place to play golf and we were all laughing about it.
Well, during the lunch (this was in October 1997 or 1998) this golf aficionado set right next to my father and Remo and they immediately stared to talk about golf (my father is also a fanatic golf player). When my father Jorge learned that this guest had his golf clubs and some golf balls in his room, he asked him to get the gear right away.
The next thing you could see was my father and another 2 guests swinging golf balls into the river. Once October was already hunting season in Portugal, another few friends got their shoot guns and started to shot into the golf balls. I do remember so well the smile and joy on Remo’s face.
That was a memorable lunch followed by a great afternoon and dinner at the estate and we still share this story today with our friends and partners.
We are harvesting at full speed for the last three weeks and last Friday we had the chance to raise our glasses to our friend Remo Nardone.
On behalf of my mum, my husband Alan and myself, please accept our sincere condolences for your loss. Uncle Remo will be missed and well remembered in many of our hearts. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Trust uncle is at peace and in good rest in heaven. Where no more pain and suffering. One day we will all meet again.
Dear Francesca & Marco, you are blessed with great mum and dad; both love you lots; please look after auntie Ivy.
Lots of love & hugs, lulu, Alan, Auntie Ge xxx
Remo era un uomo di grande cultura, capace di alternare sia quella italiana che quella inglese con grande sofisticatezza, sia da un punto di vista personale che professionale.
L'ultima volta in cui ci siamo sentiti era durante la pandemia e sono molto dispiaciuto che da allora non ho avuto il piacere di bere un ultimo bicchiere di vino con lui.
Le mie più sentite condoglianze alla sua famiglia ed ai suoi amici.
Federico Carletti
Abbiamo conosciuto – tutti noi Planeta – Remo proprio all’inizio dello sviluppo di Planeta.
Remo lavorava già da tempo con Diego Planeta a diversi progetti di straordinario successo, per lo più legati alla Settesoli di cui allora e per decenni Diego fu Presidente. Il percorso con Remo ed Enotria è stato di straordinario successo e grazie a questo, abbiamo potuto avere relazioni con persone che oggi sono amici più che partner di lavoro; grazie anche al lavoro della nostra straordinaria Penny. Nominando Sergio ed Eric soltanto, credo che nessuno potrà offendersi.
I viaggi con Remo e i suoi “Marescialli” erano uno spasso. Ne ricordiamo sempre il primo, al Vinexpo nel 96 o 97 dove ad ogni vino, ristorante, formaggio o piatto che Eric – in quanto francese nostra guida – provava ad ordinare … fuoco incrociato Remo / Diego / Sergio e noi più giovani.
Solo alla fine del viaggio Eric si è accorto dello scherzo. Troppo tardi forse per perdonarci.
Remo con Diego, sono stati delle guide perfette per il mercato inglese, in tempi in cui … quello che succedeva a Londra poi succedeva nel mondo.
Per questo noi saremo sempre riconoscenti a Remo Nardone e a tutte le persone straordinarie da lui formate e da noi incrociate.
Ci sono alcune cose di Remo che mi piace ricordare.
L’istinto del business: una cosa quasi irrazionale, tipica della sua – e anche di Diego – generazione, un agire in modo istintivo, senza tanta analisi ma con pochissimo margine di errore.
La GIOIA di vendere: il piacere di fare un ordine sia ad un grandissimo buyer ma anche solo la cassa di vino al ristorante sotto casa. Remo provava letteralmente a vendere tutto a tutti e poi mandava Sergio…
E infine la capacità di costruire relazioni umane. Con i suoi, con noi produttori e con i clienti.
Tutti sempre felici di incontrare il suo sguardo penetrante e sentire la sua voce da attore.
Ad Ivy e ai suoi figli la nostra vicinanza e la promessa che in Sicilia, saranno sempre come a casa.
Alessio Planeta
It’s hard to remember where to begin, but somehow when we met, Uncle Remo and I just clicked. We laughed at everything together, our sense of humour was nearly identical being both Leos. We bonded over many meals that were cooked by Uncle Remo sharing too many bottles of wines together. It’s really hard to believe that he’s gone.
For the last few years of my UK time Uncle Remo became the closest person to me, he guided me on business, he guided me on life.
I don’t know too many people that met Uncle Remo and didn’t have something wonderful to say about him. He truly had a gift to connect to people, understand them, make them feel special and like they mattered, and helped many of them. Everyone’s life was brighter having known Uncle Remo. I know I would not be the person I am today without him, I will not be in the wine business today without him. Until today I am hearing his legendary stories from people in the wine trade even in Shanghai. Uncle Remo not only gave me ideas, but he was always positive and believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. Because of him, my dreams were bigger, my achievements were bigger, my life was bigger.
When I open up our chat history. He always ended his message with “A big hug to you, Sam and kids.” And “David, keep your head high no matter what happens.” Let's honour Uncle Remo’s memory today and all days by being kind to one another, being loving, enjoying life and keeping our heads high.
On behalf of my mom Fiorenza (Carmine Nardone) and all our family, we're sending you all our most heartfelt sympathies for the passing of Zio Remo.
We have fond memories of the time Zio came to visit my Dad a few weeks before he passed (1998).
I remember enjoying lunch with Zio at a restaurant downtown Montreal where he introduced me to the best wine I ever had.
For someone who didn’t like wine, I understood then that it was about knowing how to choose a good bottle.
It's one of my most treasured memories that is still so heartwarming for me ..... even after all these years!
We have always been so proud of Zio and the legacy he built.... and more importantly for having found the JOY of his wonderful Loving Family. YOU are all his biggest treasures.
Sending you much LOVE & STRENGTH and wishing for your wonderful memories to fill your hearts.
I know for sure that the spirit of our Loved ones are forever with us.
May you find comfort knowing Zio is with you always and is at Peace enjoying some good wines with his Soul Family.
Sending BIG Heartfelt Hugs to everyone
With LOVE Paola and Fiorenza Nardone (Carmine)
Daniela and family, Sandra and family, Tania and family XOXOX
It was in a car accident of my mother and me in 1967 in Switzerland, that he was the first rescuer at the site. The car was liying on the car roof in a muddy pond, the water at least one meter deep. He jumped into the cold water, took me out of the car and reanimated me successfully. I was only five years old. My mother died three days later.
For me it is a great gift of live to have met him in person fifty years after the accident. His great smile and the warmth of his heart, I will never forget.
I am also greatful to have met his wife Ivy and I give my very heartfelt condolences to her and her family.
I got to know Remo when I had the wonderful (and unenviable) job of taking over the running of Enotria when he sold the business to new investors. It cannot have been easy to see someone else at the wheel of his company which he had nurtured and steered over many years. However Remo was kind, supportive and helpful but also not afraid to put me straight when he thought I had got things wrong! We became firm friends and I enjoyed his company immensely as well as learning a tremendous amount from him and gaining a passion for Italian wine.
Remo, I am proud to have known you, I thank you for all the things you taught me and may you now rest in peace.
Joëlle Marti Baron
Familia Torres
My heartfelt condolences go out to Ivy Marco & Francesca.I will always remember Remo with fondness , may he rest in peace
Kindest regards
Mark Heavey
Letizia Pasini
Export Manager- Cantina Colterenzio
Rest in peace Remo!
Alex Ferrigato
Sales & marketing director
Cantina Colterenzio
While working at MontGras Winery in Chile, I had the pleasure of meeting him and his wife Ivy, and I worked with his team at Enotria Winecellars for many years. The family culture he created at Enotria will never be forgotten.
I just wanted to send my sincere condolences to his family and loved ones. My prayers will accompany him and his family during the Requiem Mass to be celebrated at noon on September 18th.
I am forever grateful to him for not only taking a chance on me as a young and inexperienced wine rep in 1999, but also in backing me along my journey when others doubted me. We enjoyed many lunches together, nerve wracking chats in the office where he would ask my opinion on company defining decisions (and would then instruct me on why I was wrong), and even the odd visit to Italy, (where once he got Angelo Gaja to blame me for breaking the orange juicing machine in our hotel!).
Each meeting with Remo was a life lesson and my admiration for him and the way he ran Enotria holds fast to this day.
What a loss to the industry this is and my thoughts go to his family at this very sad time.
Thinking of you at this difficult time
Simon Stagnell
Armit Wines
Our deepest condolences and a warm embrace to the Nardone family.
With heartfelt sympathy,
Best regards,
Giovanni Ciani Bassetti
Vi prego di passare al momento opportuno le condoglianze da parte della famiglia Sartori e di tutto il team.
Andrea Sartori
Mi unisco al cordoglio di Enotria e della sua famiglia
Con affetto
Stefano Benini
Fabio Cascione
Un pensiero,
Alberto Lusini
CEO, Angelini Wines
Non l’ho conosciuto personalmente ma ieri è stata l’occasione per parlarne lungamente con Paolo Bisol, che porge indirettamente le sue condoglianze alla famiglia e a voi che gli eravate affezionati.
Paolo lo ricorda come un uomo di grande generosità e un grande lavoratore. Parlavano spesso durante le trasferte in UK e gli raccontava di come i primi tempi fossero stati intensi e di gavetta.
Se lo ricorda come un precursore del marketing, che diceva essere “common sense” e delle sue strategia di mailing cartacee per creare awareness sul nome di Enotria.
Ricorda anche gli splendidi portfolio tasting, tra cui uno a Whitehall e una bellissima cena da Le Gavroche con tutti i proprietari delle cantine.
Insomma, tanti ricordi che hanno fatto emozionare anche me e “conoscerlo per la prima volta” con affetto e stima.
Che riposi in pace.
Laura Mayr
General Manager
We don't have material to add to the memories, but we keep alive the good relationship between Serena and Enotria and the human values that connect us .
Best regards,
Luca Serena
Serena Wines 1881
Certamente la perdita di questo uomo e di questo personaggio rappresenta un momento di tristezza, ma penso che il suo lascito ed i suoi insegnamenti saranno per voi e per noi il motivo di poter guardare al futuro con serenità e positività.
Un abbraccio forte a voi tutti.
Federico Delvai
International Sales & B.D. Director
Angelini Wines & Estates Società Agricola a r.l.
Ha dato molto al vino italiano in UK e sono certo che abbia creato ottimi ambasciatori che ancora possono dare molto al vino italiano.
Sentite condoglianze al tutto il team Enotria.
Paolo ha avuto la fortuna di conoscere ed apprezzare a lungo questa grande persona. Io invece sono arrivato a Londra solo nel 2008… ma ricordo, adesso come allora, l'umanità e la “gravitas” di Mr Nardone, un vero gigante del vino.
Grazie Mr Nardone per aver reso il mondo un poco migliore e in particolare la nostra vita di gente del vino tanto più facile e bella.
Since then Remo Nardone and the Colombini family have been bound together not just by business, but above all friendship and affection.
Now, all of these players have gone somewhere else, but they remain for ever as a reference point for the new generations.
Our journey with Remo and Enotria began back in 1978, when, thanks to him, we made our significant debut in the British market, becoming one of the first Barolo brands to approach wine distribution in an organized and innovative way.
Remo was a visionary entrepreneur, an innovator, and a charismatic person with a deep passion for his work and for the world of wine. He built valuable relationships and established a company with a team of passionate individuals who shared his vision—and this was the key to Enotria’s extraordinary success.
The foundations Remo set for his business many years ago remain highly relevant today, reflecting the strength and clarity of his straightforward principles.
Today, we continue to reap the benefits of this remarkable legacy, and the values on which our partnership with Enotria was built 46 years ago continue to guide and inspire our actions and vision for the future. We will always be forever grateful to him.
On behalf of all the staff at Fontanafredda, please accept our deepest and most sincere condolences, and kindly extend them to his dear family.
Roberto Bruno
Managing Director
Fontanafredda SRL
Remo was a passionate man, an entrepreneur, a lateral thinker and above all patriarch of Enotria. He was a good leader as far as I was concerned, giving clear direction of his ideas and strategy and with it the scope to go out and get the job done, the sales achieved and with sound financial results. Our relationship blossomed very quickly.
He had a good sense of humour and was generous in so many ways, not only to those close to him but the trade and Italian community at large.
I learnt much from Remo with his savvy commercial mind an infectious Italian marketing flair but like most people, Remo could get upset and his direct approach in letting people know where he thought they were going wrong could hurt, but he did it to help people improve and correct their ways.
I have so many wonderful memories of trips to suppliers, meetings & trips with customers as well as moments at the office in Chandos Place, Park Royal (one of Remo’s homes). He was always alive, energetic, and stimulating to be with throughout the seven years I worked at Enotria. We only had two occasions when we disagreed about something, and whilst each was followed by deafening silence, within hours we were back together, side by side driving Enotria forward.
To this day I can hear him say ‘Christ, Chreese!’ and when he was hovering by the Expresso machine saying ‘You, fa’coffee?’ or singing Italian opera at the photo copier!
On one of our trips seeing suppliers post vintage, sorting out pricing for the following year we had to extend our stay by 2 or 3 days as the negotiations were not going to plan, according to Remo that is. Of course, I agreed to stay the extra time but requested I had time to go to church on the Sunday morning, so no meetings between 10.00 – 11.00. The Sunday came and I walked across the square from the Due Torri Hotel in Verona to the imperial Basilica di Santa Anastasia. Not being Catholic I had to find a quiet place to pray, reflect and meditate. After 15 or 20 minutes I heard this person coming into church calling out for ‘Chreese, Chreese, Chreese’ and looking behind the confessional curtains and causing a commotion in the church. When Remo want to speak to you, you needed to be available.
A lover of good food, good wine, fast cars (Ferraris) and like all entrepreneurs obsessed by his business – Enotria – and devoted to his family and all those who worked loyally with him.
A man with a big heart, real talent and ability which all came from the humble beginnings of Cassino. A true lion who deserved his success.
Thank you for everything you did for me.
REMO – May you Rest in Peace and Rise in Glory.
I learned so much from him and I have always admired his determination and incredible business acumen. I have huge respect for his achievements and gratitude for the family culture he created at Enotria; it was always hard work but with plenty of fun and hospitality thrown in. Remo drummed into everyone in the team the importance of a sense of urgency and empathy with our customers; it was a successful formula and he will be well remembered throughout the wine trade.
My sincere condolences to Ivy, Marco and Francesca
His visionary leadership, dedication to excellence, and kind spirit have inspired so many, and his loss will be deeply felt. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. We hope that the cherished memories of Remo will provide some comfort and solace.
With our heartfelt condolences,
Emanuele Corino
On behalf of the Corino Family
There will be a reception a short walking distance from the church at The Hound, 210 Chiswick High Road, London W4 1PD
The committal at the crematorium will be private/family only.
All enquiries to the Funeral Director: info@exithere.com 020 8050 2000
247 Chiswick High Road
W4 4PU
Cancer Research UK: https://fundraise.cancerresearchuk.org/page/remo-nardone
The Alzheimer's Society: https://www.justgiving.com/page/remo-nardone
Princess Alice Hospice: https://www.justgiving.com/page/remo-nardone-princess-alice-hospice