Peter Jude McGrath
Please share your memories and photos to celebrate the life & legacy of our dad, husband, collegaue and friend, Peter McGrath

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August 12, 2024
Worked in Seven Bells for a summer. Peter was a generous fella. After our shift finished the staff would sit til 4 in the morning having the craic and Peter dished out the drinks. Also went to school with him, a year below me. Decent footballer too. Spent a day with him in Millisle as he refereed a game. Good wit about him too. Condolences to his family and friends. Taken far too soon.
August 8, 2024
One night at the track Peter showed me a referee assessment report he had just received for one of his games. The assessor had said Peter was “deceptively fit” and Peter wanted my opinion on how he should interpret this. I looked at the report and told him he had read it wrong. I told him the assessor had said he was deceptively fat, not fit. Peter grabbed the report back, quickly checked it and when he realised I was joking him, he promptly invited me to “go fu@k myself”. Only Peter could use such a phrase as a term of endearment! We laughed out loud and he would often use the phrase deceptively fit as a badge of honour when anyone ever questioned his fitness.
Life came at Peter fast and undoubtedly took him too soon. But not before Peter took one hell of a bite out of life itself. He ran an incredible race and leaves a massive legacy, that’s for sure.
My pictures below, sent to me by Peter, capture what were clearly his 3 greatest passions in life; family, refereeing and Toby. Just not always in that order 😂
RIP mate. YNWA. 💔
Life came at Peter fast and undoubtedly took him too soon. But not before Peter took one hell of a bite out of life itself. He ran an incredible race and leaves a massive legacy, that’s for sure.
My pictures below, sent to me by Peter, capture what were clearly his 3 greatest passions in life; family, refereeing and Toby. Just not always in that order 😂
RIP mate. YNWA. 💔

August 8, 2024
What a day

August 8, 2024
What a day 😂
August 7, 2024
I first met Peter in and around 1997/98 time. I had been away at university in England for 4 years and during that time my old school buddy and good friend was starting to make a name for himself in Irish boxing (Stephen Kirk). It was time for the all Irelands in Dublin, which was also an excuse for a weekend on the drink after the fights. Stephen told me that whilst I was away he had gathered a bit of a following in boxing from a group of lads from Ardoyne and they would be travelling down to Dublin to watch Stephen fight in the all Irelands and that we would be all hitting Dublin night life together after the fights. Now I hailed from the Ballygomartin Road and Stephen from the Woodvale Road. We both had gone to the Boys Model school on the Ballysillan so I thought I initially picked him up wrong “I thought you said Ardoyne for a minute there” was my reply. Stephen said yes they are a good bunch of lads. The trip down to Dublin I kept thinking how’s this gonna work coming from opposite sides of the community. We were to meet them in a certain bar once we got there. I remember seeing this group of lads at the bar drinking and laughing with this one particular fella in the middle of it all having the craic and making the rest of the lads laugh……… The same guy grabbed me and dragged me to the bar insisting he was buying me a drink and made me feel like I had been one of his mates for years. That guy was none other than Peter McGrath. It wasn’t long before I was fully initiated by being Slagged by Peter who could cut you to the bone one minute then put his arm Road you and buy you a drink the next. Stephen was right these were a great bunch of lads and we had a blast that weekend. I do believe it was cut short as our hotel had to be evacuated because a group of drunken lads had let off the fire extinguisher which didn’t contain water but dry powered which filled the corridors. We spent a few hours in the Garda station before being let go with a slap on the wrist.
From that moment on we formed a good friendship and regularly we all met on a Saturday night in Belfast over the following years for legendary nights out.
The stories and laughs we had over those following years are too many I wouldn’t know were to start.
One of my fondest memories later after our first meet in Dublin was a “lock in” at the old Clifton Tavern one Christmas Eve after being in the Crown Bar. That Christmas Eve “lock in” was a night I will never forget for the rest of my days….. those in attendance will undoubtably fondly remember it 👍
I’m thankful I got to spend an afternoon with Peter at the cup final at Windsor Park back in March past were Peter being Peter generously provided a table in the hospitality lounge and bought the drinks. We personally had a really good talk that afternoon about life and the cards we have been dealt. That conversation I will never forget especially because it was without any banter and Peter was opening up to me.
When I dropped him home after the football, we promised to meet for coffee in a few weeks time.
We never did get that coffee Peter 💔
Rest easy buddy……. No more pain.
From that moment on we formed a good friendship and regularly we all met on a Saturday night in Belfast over the following years for legendary nights out.
The stories and laughs we had over those following years are too many I wouldn’t know were to start.
One of my fondest memories later after our first meet in Dublin was a “lock in” at the old Clifton Tavern one Christmas Eve after being in the Crown Bar. That Christmas Eve “lock in” was a night I will never forget for the rest of my days….. those in attendance will undoubtably fondly remember it 👍
I’m thankful I got to spend an afternoon with Peter at the cup final at Windsor Park back in March past were Peter being Peter generously provided a table in the hospitality lounge and bought the drinks. We personally had a really good talk that afternoon about life and the cards we have been dealt. That conversation I will never forget especially because it was without any banter and Peter was opening up to me.
When I dropped him home after the football, we promised to meet for coffee in a few weeks time.
We never did get that coffee Peter 💔
Rest easy buddy……. No more pain.
August 7, 2024
Well Skeetz, where do you start. As many have said you were one of lifes givers. Mind you, thinking back I'm getting a bit worried about that statement. There were many a time I stayed in your spare room after a night out only to wake up the next morning with you laying beside me in bed. "Sleep walking" you used to say - please God let that have been sleep walking 🤣. A great story I always remember was at my Father's wake in Holmdene gardens. The living room was full of people and my cousin John Patterson from Turf Lodge was there. John was a right character and was Sleggin everyone from the moment he walked in. I knew you were on your way over so I stepped outside and rang you. Peter I said, my cousin is here and he's Sleggin everyone, will you fix him when you get here. No problem you said. Well you walked into the room and said a few hellos and then turned and pointed to John who was sitting in the corner " I know you" you said, and the room went quiet - "the last time I saw you you were being fired out of a cannon at Duffy's circus". The whole room fell about in stitches. To give some context John was about 4 foot 8 with a bald head. There wasn't a peep out of John for the rest of the day, I spent the rest of the day still in stitches. Love ya son!
August 7, 2024
1995 FA Cup Final in the Seven Bells.
The Far away beauties are in with some nutjob and annoying kids, the Dog tells them the kids have to leave as it's not after 7pm. Myself, Big Reapo and Peter have been there all day. We working on the nightclub later that night as well. Anyway it all goes to shit, the nutjog with the FABs decides the kids aren't going anywhere and decides to wreak the pool table lights with one of the cues. He ended up battered inside the ladies toilets 🤔🤔, no idea how, ahem.
Anyway, during all this the cops have been called and they're at the bottom of the alleyway into the bar. Reapo opens the front shutter and legs it, Skettsy can't walk ffs, nevermind run so I'm in a dilemma, do I stick with the dog or leg it? I stayed, split my head open in the peeler jeep after they arrested me and McGrath. Took the both of us to the station on the Antrim road, I told it was self defence and was then interviewed by the on call doctor who asked what happened to my head. McGrath is being taken into another cell for his interview, sees my head and starts shouting about police brutality 🤣. Stuck back in the cell, 15 mins later he starts shouting about the Birmingham 6 and to say naffin, Christ I was in tears, this went on for ages. Anyway, I got out and they kept him in. I think the cops on duty that night earned their money, he was doing my head in as well. 🤣🤣
The Far away beauties are in with some nutjob and annoying kids, the Dog tells them the kids have to leave as it's not after 7pm. Myself, Big Reapo and Peter have been there all day. We working on the nightclub later that night as well. Anyway it all goes to shit, the nutjog with the FABs decides the kids aren't going anywhere and decides to wreak the pool table lights with one of the cues. He ended up battered inside the ladies toilets 🤔🤔, no idea how, ahem.
Anyway, during all this the cops have been called and they're at the bottom of the alleyway into the bar. Reapo opens the front shutter and legs it, Skettsy can't walk ffs, nevermind run so I'm in a dilemma, do I stick with the dog or leg it? I stayed, split my head open in the peeler jeep after they arrested me and McGrath. Took the both of us to the station on the Antrim road, I told it was self defence and was then interviewed by the on call doctor who asked what happened to my head. McGrath is being taken into another cell for his interview, sees my head and starts shouting about police brutality 🤣. Stuck back in the cell, 15 mins later he starts shouting about the Birmingham 6 and to say naffin, Christ I was in tears, this went on for ages. Anyway, I got out and they kept him in. I think the cops on duty that night earned their money, he was doing my head in as well. 🤣🤣
August 7, 2024
What I can say about Uncle Pete or Skeet as his mates called him in his younger days. He was one of a kind that's for sure. He has given me so many memories to look back and laugh about. I could tell a few stories about our holidays and nights out but I think they would be inappropriate given we are in Church. I can hear Peter saying go on tell them with a cheeky gin on his face but I am going to keep the stories to myself as they are special memories we share together. Any one who knew Peter knows he was good banter, quick on the mark and could get away with somethings that others wouldn't. He also loved a wee drink at times, he is the only person who would have got 4 taxis home when he was having a drinking session. The last few days have been so surreal talking and listening to all the story's from his life long friends is just a reminder of how much Peter was loved by everyone even those he tortured on a daily basis. I haven't just lost an uncle I have lost a best friend and awful drink budding. I love and miss you loads uncle Pete…

August 7, 2024
Great guy, better friend,(Sean will you run up to my ma,s house and tell the big bro I'm drunk,can he work today,)
August 7, 2024
Like all great comedians that you go and see for two hours you laugh outrageously then cannot remember much of what they said on the way home. That was a conversation with Pete and that was his genius, the ability to make you cry with laughter. That takes real intellect. RIP Genius. Xx
August 7, 2024
What can I say about my crazy friend peter well he was a massive character let me tell ya …I could write a book that would be a best selling as Peter was such a unpredictable and funny as fk guy …
I remember one year we went on holiday to Spain and on the last day we had to leave in the morning… but Peter had another idea lol ….
So the janitor came to the room to do maintenance and banged the door ….
Peter who may I say like to Rome about bollock naked with his tiddler out as he called it lol 😂
Peter went and answered the door buck naked and continued to slag the guy calling him everything jokingly… the guy who was standing gobsmacked with a tin of paint in one hand and a wet white paint brush in the other looking shocked looked at Peter and slapped the paintbrush on peters tiddler and they both started laughing like fk lol
Peter was shouting that fker assaulted me as he walked in with the tiddler covered in white paint 😂😂😂
This is one of literally thousands of absolutel crazy funny moments I had with my mate Peter he was so much fun to be around as he was so unpredictable and no one new what was coming next with him ….
Myself and all PETER’s mates have had so many funny nights out holidays and even just having a laugh at home there was always a hilarious story or some event that had happened when Peter was around….
Myself and Peter and young Eamon shared a room on holiday one year we were all out on the beer all night but young Eamon was tired and went back to the room the place had lots of mosquitoes that week and Eamon was fast asleep so later on Peter came in pissed and open the balcony sliding doors and went to bed I stayed out that night and obviously the mosquitoes came into the room in there droves …
By this stage Peter had pissed the bed he was in and if seemed to have worked as mosquitoe repellent as he was totally untouched and young Eamon got up the next morning looking like he had been beat with a golfing shoe from head to toe with bites lol ….
So many stories to tell …
Many’s a time I had to baby sit Peter as he always got drunk quicker then me lol but he had an amazing recovery time and if put to bed for 90 mins was able to get up and go at it straight away again like nothing had happened lol
One time we were in London and on the beer lol our friends mum Jason lived there in a big mansion… we were staying there that night but Peter got pissed and we couldn’t get in to any bars so we decided to take Peter to Jason’s mums and put him to bed ….
We tucked him in and were just about to leave the room when I seen him trying to light a cigarette in The dark I then released we can’t leave him here as he’ll burn the place to the ground lol so we got him up give him a shower got him dressed and took him out with us for the night were he got his second wind and was fine the rest of the night….. one thing Peter was brilliant at was slagging he was so funny and didn’t give a shit who he slagged but you could bet your bottom dollar Peter didnt hold back on anyone… even absolute strangers were fair game lol and he often pissed people off but that was what made it so funny he just laughed …. The circle of peters close friends about 20 guys that all know who they are and in that group there are some quality slaggers and when we all got together it was priceless Peter was in his element… not everyone was as witty as Peter so they new on a night out they were gonna get it with both barrels as he loved an audience and the more people the better to get his attention and humerus antics
I’m sure I could go on for days
We used to go to the landsdowne years ago and the lads had a big table and were all having a brilliant night … but me and Peter noticed the an arm kept slipping in and lifting a half drank pint that wasn’t in our company lol he said to me watch this so his pint was quarter full so he pulled away and topped it up himself lol if you know Peter you know how
He then set the pint back she
She took it 😂🤣
I remember one year we went on holiday to Spain and on the last day we had to leave in the morning… but Peter had another idea lol ….
So the janitor came to the room to do maintenance and banged the door ….
Peter who may I say like to Rome about bollock naked with his tiddler out as he called it lol 😂
Peter went and answered the door buck naked and continued to slag the guy calling him everything jokingly… the guy who was standing gobsmacked with a tin of paint in one hand and a wet white paint brush in the other looking shocked looked at Peter and slapped the paintbrush on peters tiddler and they both started laughing like fk lol
Peter was shouting that fker assaulted me as he walked in with the tiddler covered in white paint 😂😂😂
This is one of literally thousands of absolutel crazy funny moments I had with my mate Peter he was so much fun to be around as he was so unpredictable and no one new what was coming next with him ….
Myself and all PETER’s mates have had so many funny nights out holidays and even just having a laugh at home there was always a hilarious story or some event that had happened when Peter was around….
Myself and Peter and young Eamon shared a room on holiday one year we were all out on the beer all night but young Eamon was tired and went back to the room the place had lots of mosquitoes that week and Eamon was fast asleep so later on Peter came in pissed and open the balcony sliding doors and went to bed I stayed out that night and obviously the mosquitoes came into the room in there droves …
By this stage Peter had pissed the bed he was in and if seemed to have worked as mosquitoe repellent as he was totally untouched and young Eamon got up the next morning looking like he had been beat with a golfing shoe from head to toe with bites lol ….
So many stories to tell …
Many’s a time I had to baby sit Peter as he always got drunk quicker then me lol but he had an amazing recovery time and if put to bed for 90 mins was able to get up and go at it straight away again like nothing had happened lol
One time we were in London and on the beer lol our friends mum Jason lived there in a big mansion… we were staying there that night but Peter got pissed and we couldn’t get in to any bars so we decided to take Peter to Jason’s mums and put him to bed ….
We tucked him in and were just about to leave the room when I seen him trying to light a cigarette in The dark I then released we can’t leave him here as he’ll burn the place to the ground lol so we got him up give him a shower got him dressed and took him out with us for the night were he got his second wind and was fine the rest of the night….. one thing Peter was brilliant at was slagging he was so funny and didn’t give a shit who he slagged but you could bet your bottom dollar Peter didnt hold back on anyone… even absolute strangers were fair game lol and he often pissed people off but that was what made it so funny he just laughed …. The circle of peters close friends about 20 guys that all know who they are and in that group there are some quality slaggers and when we all got together it was priceless Peter was in his element… not everyone was as witty as Peter so they new on a night out they were gonna get it with both barrels as he loved an audience and the more people the better to get his attention and humerus antics
I’m sure I could go on for days
We used to go to the landsdowne years ago and the lads had a big table and were all having a brilliant night … but me and Peter noticed the an arm kept slipping in and lifting a half drank pint that wasn’t in our company lol he said to me watch this so his pint was quarter full so he pulled away and topped it up himself lol if you know Peter you know how
He then set the pint back she
She took it 😂🤣
August 7, 2024
Kidso where do I start….I will miss your witty sense of humour, the insults, slobbery kisses, direct advice which words I couldn’t use. But most of all making people laugh and sometimes cry! lol but most of all you nearly 40 years of friendship and never a cross word. Your amazing wife Shauneen took over my role many years ago of getting you home and that she did right to the end.Love and miss you big son xxxx

August 7, 2024
Peter, it has been an honor and a privilege to call you a FRIEND!
Not only as a friend, but also as an esteemed colleague!
You lit up a room upon entry, always with a happy cheeky smile on your face.
No matter wherever we went, to appointments or socially you chatted away, sometimes to people you'd only just met, like you'd known them forever, you certainly had great social skills.
You made going to the track on Wednesday evenings enjoyable, always encouraging colleagues who where struggling and getting them through it.
You were extremely generous to a fault, wherever you went.
You will be sorely missed, especially by Shauneen and your immediate family, but also by everyone who knew you.
The world has lost a true gentleman!
I have extremely fond memories of our times together that I can treasure, and I thank you for the time you have given to me my friend.
So, the angels will now take care of you, until we meet again ............
Not only as a friend, but also as an esteemed colleague!
You lit up a room upon entry, always with a happy cheeky smile on your face.
No matter wherever we went, to appointments or socially you chatted away, sometimes to people you'd only just met, like you'd known them forever, you certainly had great social skills.
You made going to the track on Wednesday evenings enjoyable, always encouraging colleagues who where struggling and getting them through it.
You were extremely generous to a fault, wherever you went.
You will be sorely missed, especially by Shauneen and your immediate family, but also by everyone who knew you.
The world has lost a true gentleman!
I have extremely fond memories of our times together that I can treasure, and I thank you for the time you have given to me my friend.
So, the angels will now take care of you, until we meet again ............
August 6, 2024
Fond memories of my cousin, Peter as the snotty nosed 3 year old who followed us everywhere when we were home for a holiday in 1975, he told everyone he was going to Australia with his, me, sister, I will try to find photos.
We had a great time and many laughs, when he came to Australia fond memory of him saying the beer in Australia was off when he had a "bad" night🤣
When I visited home in 2016 He and Shauneen, treated me and my friend like royalty, we had some great nights at the bar 🥰
Peter you made an impact and have left happy memories for us all to remember you. FLY HIGH CUZ 💔
We had a great time and many laughs, when he came to Australia fond memory of him saying the beer in Australia was off when he had a "bad" night🤣
When I visited home in 2016 He and Shauneen, treated me and my friend like royalty, we had some great nights at the bar 🥰
Peter you made an impact and have left happy memories for us all to remember you. FLY HIGH CUZ 💔

August 6, 2024
Peter I love you so much my heart is breaking .
I will always treasure our memories yes I did torture you but you surely got your own back we had our laugh and over the last 2 year we had many tears and you did suffer and you put up some fight but you not in any more pain. What I would give now for you to be here watching law and order.
I love you so much your wife well u did have a few name for me but I won't posted but wife was definitely not one
Love you always 💔💔
I will always treasure our memories yes I did torture you but you surely got your own back we had our laugh and over the last 2 year we had many tears and you did suffer and you put up some fight but you not in any more pain. What I would give now for you to be here watching law and order.
I love you so much your wife well u did have a few name for me but I won't posted but wife was definitely not one
Love you always 💔💔

August 6, 2024

August 6, 2024
Peter was one of a kind, in my early days of refereeing he was a constant support and his counsel on many occasions meant so much. In later years as a supporter I always enjoyed watching games he officiated in. Honest and fair. As a person he was a gentleman who will be missed so much by all who knew him. No more pain mate. Sleep tight 💔 Davy
August 6, 2024
Peter, our get-togethers, so many one-liners & laughs, and so many songs, to include Haddaway, Level 42, Footsteps on the Dance Floor, Bobby Brown, etc etc. will always keep you with us. God bless you. 😇🙏

August 6, 2024
Until we meet again ❤️❤️❤️

August 6, 2024
I remember Peter so fondly thru being his personall taxi driver for a short spell and in that time of running Peter home from the bar has to be some of the funniest times of my whole taxi carrer,he would have legged every person on the road from the Cliftonville to the Hightown,and some of the sleggings he had for certain people where Comedy Gold,I never escaped the barrage either but couldn't say nothing back as I was laughing so much.Rest easy Peter,I'll miss your banter and your infectious smile,GBNF.
August 6, 2024
Anytime I was in your company Peter you definitely made me laugh. My Fondest memories were playing for new lodge Celtic with you around 38 years ago in a football competition in Newry.
A Great time in Glasgow also with being in your company . A very generous person and very popular.
Rest easy Peter , prayers said for your family at this sad time .
A Great time in Glasgow also with being in your company . A very generous person and very popular.
Rest easy Peter , prayers said for your family at this sad time .
August 6, 2024
Well where do you start with peter lol lol some of the things he said to people and customers isn't fit to be posted online lol one of the best laughs I had with peter was on a Sunday drinking session we were in a club with a friend both a bit under the weather when we thought it was a good idea to make our way back to McGrath's bar unfortunately shauneen was one step ahead of us as when we arrived we walked in and she turned us both around and marched us out to a waiting taxi I told her ur not my wife or keeper so I was allowed in on the other had McGrath himself was put into a taxi and sent on his was only to appear a few minutes later after taking the taxi around the block and giving him a score for his trouble lol and then was allowed entry to his bar before being sent packing again after one drink lol rest easy peter and don't be insulting the big man above as he might send you down below lol
August 6, 2024
I will always remember some of the stuff he used to come up with for making us laugh and how generous he was when looking after his colleagues at the bar!
Training and games were so much more fun when Peter was around.
I will never forget of the time I gave him a lift home after a few drinks he had when neither I knew where his house was nor he was in a position to guide me accordingly.
You will be missed my friend!
Training and games were so much more fun when Peter was around.
I will never forget of the time I gave him a lift home after a few drinks he had when neither I knew where his house was nor he was in a position to guide me accordingly.
You will be missed my friend!

August 6, 2024
The customary Monday morning call
"Alright GMAC what's happening"
We had long conversation laughs and experiences together in our refereeing careers.
Farewell Peter not goodbye. We will have plenty to talk about my friend when we meet again.
"Alright GMAC what's happening"
We had long conversation laughs and experiences together in our refereeing careers.
Farewell Peter not goodbye. We will have plenty to talk about my friend when we meet again.
August 6, 2024
My fondest memories are the angry phone calls you'd receive after landing in the bar after a Cliftonville game asking why you hadn't let him know so he could have sorted soup and sandwiches. Always the host and always looking to give back.
Will be sadly missed by many, many people.
Will be sadly missed by many, many people.
August 6, 2024
Peter McGrath Sagatarias 18.2 - Two litre white.
❤️Neill & Karen Gillespie
❤️Neill & Karen Gillespie

August 6, 2024
From Djing at the Opening night of McGrath's Bar .and many nights after , I have known the McGrath families over 35 years
Peter was always welcoming and friendly. Stubborn as a mule sometimes 😄 but we had some great banter over the years when I popped in on occasions for a coffee ( bring your own milk.) and we put the world to rights .lol.
I'll say nothing about our Take your Pick gameshow episodes .🤣
Some craic over the years
He will be sorely missed
R I.P. my friend
Peter was always welcoming and friendly. Stubborn as a mule sometimes 😄 but we had some great banter over the years when I popped in on occasions for a coffee ( bring your own milk.) and we put the world to rights .lol.
I'll say nothing about our Take your Pick gameshow episodes .🤣
Some craic over the years
He will be sorely missed
R I.P. my friend
August 6, 2024
Peter was one of life's true gentlemen. I helped him with fitness work whilst he was a Ref. We grew to become friends and had the occassional night out. Our best was watching boxing in Belfast, front row seats, which Peter treated me to. We had eaten and drank too much wine prior to the main fight. We fell asleep and were asked to leave because the event was live on Sky. He defied all the science I learnt at university, slightly overweight, smoked, enjoyed a beer in his bar but still manged to ace every fitness test and outrun people half his age. The world has lost a man that made everyone smile. My thoughts are with his entire family
August 6, 2024
So sorry to hear of Pete’s passing we can over to visit with a mutual friend and Pete made us feel so welcome, he cleared the bar saying his friends from England were over..
One of my girls commented on how nice the Easter basket that was being raffled was and he took it off the bar and gave it to her…
We stayed in contact although probable only spoke one a year on FB but he is a fella who once you met you would never forget RIP my friend from your friends across the water💔💔
One of my girls commented on how nice the Easter basket that was being raffled was and he took it off the bar and gave it to her…
We stayed in contact although probable only spoke one a year on FB but he is a fella who once you met you would never forget RIP my friend from your friends across the water💔💔
August 6, 2024
Dad I love u so so much i can’t believe this has happened you didn’t deserve this you were my number one my best friend all u wanted to do was watch me play football love you forever [ love your baby girl Jessica]

August 6, 2024
Dad, I love you beyond words and miss you terribly already. There are too many great memories we have, from family dinners, holidays, parties at McGraths, and even in your last month's & days. You were always the first to buy a round, crack a joke and to be there for us no matter what. If I had to pick one, my favourite memory is our time together in London, taking the city by storm, hitting up every bar, show and even river cruise (which you hatedddd, sorry lol). Love you always and forever, your daughter, Aisling