Bill Stewart

April  28th, 1944 December  30th, 2024
Bill Stewart

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil, and my cup overflows. Surely goodness and love has followed me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Ps 23:5-6


It is with deep sorrow and heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Bill Stewart, beloved husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, and devoted pastor. He peacefully passed away taking a nap in his favorite chair on December 30th, 2024. He had recently returned home from seeing his whole family. His mind was still strong but his body was ready to rest. Bill was 80 years old.

He is survived by his "Sweety" Pam, his son Aaron and his daughter Kristen with husband Doug Tencer, and by his 7 grandchildren- Dagan Stewart, William Stewart with Sage Lilledahl & great granddaughter Nora Stewart, Nate Stewart, Corban Stewart, Ilias Stewart, Paeten Tencer, and Reigha Tencer.

Bill was a man whose life was marked by love, faith, and selfless service to others. He was married to his devoted wife, Pam Stewart, for 58 years. Together, they built a strong foundation of love and faith that touched the lives of everyone around them. Their bond was a testament to the power of commitment, compassion, and mutual respect.

As a father, Bill was a rock—supportive, wise, and always there to lend a listening ear. He had two loving children who cherished his guidance and wisdom throughout their lives. Bill was also a proud grandfather of seven and a great-grandfather of one, each of whom adored him. His legacy of love will continue to live on in the hearts of his grandchildren and great-grandchild.

In addition to his family, Bill was a dedicated pastor and counselor who touched the lives of countless individuals. His unwavering faith, compassion, and ability to guide others through life's challenges made him not only a spiritual leader but a father to many in his community. His words brought comfort, his actions inspired, and his love for others was boundless.

Bill was a man of deep faith, always putting others first and showing kindness to all who crossed his path. His heart was as big as his spirit, and his influence will be felt for generations to come. He was a friend, mentor, and confidant to many, and he was extremely loved by all who knew him.
In lieu of sending flowers or gifts, we have created a GoFundMe on behalf of Bill Stewart to bless his cherished wife, Pam.
These funds will help ease any unforeseen financial burdens and allow her to focus on spending time with family during this time.


Memory wall

Post your condolences or share your Memories.

January 27, 2025
I was honored to have worked with Pastor Bill over the years. I was able to do administrative work for him and it was a joy to help him with whatever it was that was needed. I remember the times he would be "lost" :) when trying to do something on his computer and I would try to jump in and help him figure it out. The fun we had with his Mr. Bill doll is something I will always remember and smile about. I miss his sweet smile and seeing him during the week when he was on campus for elder prayer. My regret is that I didn't get to hug him more! I was very honored that he asked me to proofread his book prior to it being published and am so glad that I have a copy and can go back and read it through another lens this time. He had the best heart for helping others and I loved his passion for the Chaplain ministry and for always wanting to honor veterans. He was an amazing example of how to love others the way Jesus did. His commitment to His Heavenly Father was incredible and something we all should strive to have. He cherished his Pammy and all of his kiddos. I love and miss you Mr Bill and I know that you are smiling from ear to ear in the presence of your precious Father!! Looking forward to the day we will see each other again!!
Kimi Fiore
January 26, 2025
Pastor Bill was the true definition of what it means to love others like Jesus. During one of the most difficult seasons in mine and Ryan’s lives, he took the time to meet with us, guide us, and walk alongside us. He counseled us as we prepared for marriage and stood between us on our wedding day as we became one.

His impact on our lives extended far beyond that moment. Pastor Bill didn’t just change our lives; he changed the lives of our children and the generations to come. Because of his guidance, our children have the blessing of growing up with parents who love God and love each other. Ryan and I didn’t grow up with examples of a godly, loving marriage, but Pastor Bill became that example for us. He was the father figure we didn’t have, freely sharing God’s love with us and so many others without expecting anything in return.

While it brings me comfort to know that Pastor Bill is now in the presence of our Heavenly Father, my heart aches knowing he is no longer here. His life was a powerful example of what it means to serve others selflessly, to love like Jesus, and to live with purpose and devotion.

Pastor Bill’s legacy will live on in the countless lives he touched, in the marriages he strengthened, and in the faith he inspired. We are forever grateful for the time we had with him and the profound impact he made on our family.
Ryan & Victoria lee
January 26, 2025
I bought Bills book at the end of my 1st year on staff. He wrote this kind message on the front. He saw things in me that I didn’t see for myself.

The last conversation I had with Bill was the day I did my first COL. It was a young lady who took her life. Bill was here for the Ironman group. After I told him would I was there, he looked at me with his big smile and said "I'm so proud of you Arthur. Your love for the Lord and heart to serve is incredible!" He was always encouraging me.

One Christmas, Pam and Bill gave me a pair of Christmas socks. I where them anytime I wear dress shoes and I always think of You guys when I put them on. I will miss you very much Brother Bill!
Arthur Brown
January 26, 2025
Bill Stewart played a big part in the change that has happened in my life, with one simple act of kindness my life was changed and set on a completely different path.

I was an atheist when i first met pastor Bill Stewart at the men’s breakfast at pure heart church.

There was a men’s retreat coming up, called thrive, and he was graciously offering to pay for whoever couldn’t afford to go.

He paid for me to go, and while up there I surrendered my life to God.

His obedience and willingness to be used by God to reach others lead to my life changing drastically and I am forever grateful.
Devon StClair
January 25, 2025
Bill would want us to put the "fun” in funeral. 😊 👏Bill was truly a man after God's own heart. He was a godly example and witness. Bill had a “happy place” that he would go to and camp on the rim. I was always hoping to join him sometime. But he is now in another happy place and one day I will join him in that “happy place”. 😊

Over the past few days I’ve been reflecting on our good times we’ve shared with he and Pam, Coastline, San Diego, Alaskan cruise, the infamous dog biscuit, our Jeep trip together through Walnut Canyon, etc. In fact, my first Jeep trip was with Bill in the Florence area before I had a Jeep. And great reminders and memories going through photos and videos.

One such Jeep trip was to Crown King. There was one obstacle that I didn’t do. I would ask Bill later if he thought I could do it. He of course, said yes, after the fact. 😊 He always needled me, “Larry you could’ve done it”! 😆👏

And then there was that Jeep and camping trip to Chimney Rock near Tucson.. We’re not sure what happened, but we never did find Chimney Rock. Bill blamed me for that and I blamed Bill for that, ha ha. We set up camp and since it was going to be about 30° that night we talked how if it got too cold we would jump in the Jeep and not tell anyone. 😊 During the night I heard Bill call over to me that he was freezing. The zipper on his sleeping bag had a “malfunction” and he couldn’t get warm. So we did after all jump in the Jeep.

Before we went to bed, Bill told me about the heart medicine that he takes. He showed me where it was just in case he wasn’t able to get it for some reason. I told him that I would get it for him. With it in my hand I told him I would ask him “how do you like me now”! 😊

Pam, you are loved and we continue to pray for you. 🙏 And we pray that your faith and trust in Jesus will continue to strengthen you. And that your family and friends will continue to encourage you, as well as your memories of Bill. This has been hard to write, but I know this time is harder for you.

As I write this, my emotions are exceedingly heavy. But Patty and I know that you and Bill are the godliest couple we know.

But the emotions and tears I have are very selfish. I am reminded of that song "I Can Only Imagine". As we know, Bill is in glory and he no longer imagines. 🙏💕 Love Larry
Larry Brockhaus
January 24, 2025
I first met Pastor Bill in the fall of 2016 @ Pure Heart church when he became my counselor and helped me get through a divorce and some medical issues that I was facing. Through him, God brought light into a dark situation and Pastor Bill said to me, “I see something in you… a calling to lead others” and he suggested that I sign up for the Chaplaincy class @ Pure Heart that would be starting up the following year. He had a way of making others feel good themselves and never passed up an opportunity to say, “let me Pray for you”! Through the next 8 ½ years he became a mentor, Dear Friend and Brother in Christ. He came to up to Heber-Overgaard, AZ about a year and a half ago and stayed with my wife and I on one of his “get away to be with God” trips and he and I sat down @ 5:30 in the morning before he was going to head out and he said “Russell, God told me this morning that you are supposed to plant a church up here!” I replied and said, “God hasn’t told me that”, not realizing that God was telling me that at that very moment through Pastor Bill! Needless to say, we planted a church in Heber-Overgaard, AZ! I have nothing but love and respect for him and I know that he came face to face with Jesus as he had talked about so many times before in looking forward to that day! My Prayers go out to Pam and all of his family, and I will have a couple of wings for him every time I go to Crazy Mike’s Wings! Love and miss you Brother!
Russell Shrum
January 19, 2025
If ever there was a man who lived up to his calling as a shepherd, it was Bill. I had the privilege of working with him when he served as the Executive Pastor at Coastline Community Church in Encinitas. Bill was the ultimate servant leader who absolutely loved his neighbor as himself.

What a joy it was to develop a friendship with Bill and Pam... the kind that included Jeep journeys, an Alaskan cruise, and many spontaneous outings in search of ice cream.

That special place in your heart that is created when someone loves your children has a big ache in it right now, but God was glorified in Bill's life so our "light and momentary affliction" is so worth it!

Knowing Bill was available to offer gracious prayer support and the compassion, wisdom and counsel that only comes from God was a blessing I'll cherish forever.
Patty Brockhaus
January 13, 2025
Larus and I met Bill and Pam over 30 years ago in Durango, Colorado at New Life Church. They started off being our Sunday morning Marriage class teachers and quickly became our dearest friends. Over the years we shared time in many Bible Study small groups all the way up to today in our Home Fellowship group at Jim and Mary Tewalt’s. We spent many wonderful times together and traveled SO MANY places with them…..Hawaii, Greece, the Mediterranean, a cruise to the Panama Canal,, Cabo San Lucas with all of their family, who we came to love and adore, and a cruise to Alaska where we renewed our marriage vows performed by Jimmy Evans. They were such a team……Bill and Pam went together like Bacon and Eggs or Popcorn and Movies, which we did with them a lot also. Larus and Bill hunted together several times while Pam and I went cruising to the Caribbean. We shared many intimate times with them talking about The Lord. Bill was the most compassionate, personal, knowledgeable, caring, loving, REAL man I have ever met. We will miss him so much. I always knew I could call or text him and ask for prayer in any situation. Our DEEP condolences to sweet Pam, Aaron, Kristen and their awesome, FUN LOVING grandsons, grand daughter and now precious Nora. We love you all and grieve with you at this time but know we WILL see Bill again and are comforted to know he is no longer in pain.
Diane and Larus Durnell
January 13, 2025
I am grateful for the countless conversations and prayers over the years. I was so looking forward to you resuming partnership in our chaplain Ministry. I am forever grateful I was able to visit with you and Pam in November! Love you Pastor Bill, thank you for everything... till we meet again in GLORY ...
~ Karen Franz✝️❤️
Karen Franz
January 12, 2025
So many of my earliest memories have the Stewart family in it.
We were a crazy, rowdy, good group of kids and I hate to say it - but so much of the time I was the instigator of some of the crazy things we did. Like hiding all the kindergarteners from our homeschool teacher by having them go through a window in our homeschool house, where we hid them outside, Our homeschool house was next door to Bill and Pam. Playing Eek-A-Cat at the Stewart’s and using their fiberglass bath tub as a base. In the thrill of the game, several of us ran and jumped into the bathtub and cracked it. We had endless adventures, campouts, church services, sleepovers, beach days, etc. But, no matter what happened, Bill showed me love. I will not ever forget his big smile and how he made me feel valued and special.
Bill had a beautiful way of sharing God’s love. .

I am so sorry Bill is gone, but I am grateful that Bill loves Jesus. Because someday, we will all be reunited, celebrating the love and joy of our Father. Thank you Bill, for being that beautiful example of Jesus to me. So much love to you all. Staci
Staci Redmond
January 12, 2025
My condolences to the Stewart family. For a short season I ministered as chaplain at Pureheart in Glendale. Bill was in charge of the emerging chaplaincy program. He was a very kind and gentle soul and had a joyful spirit. His love of the Lord showed in his walk and application of life from what I have seen. A good man.
Raymond Brittain
January 11, 2025
This was Popi and me getting some sushi together on a trip he came to visit ❤️ I will always cherish these special moments we got to have together
Paeten Tencer
January 11, 2025
Dear Pam, Kristen, Aaron, & family,

Tender, heartfelt condolences.

What a joyous spirit and wonderful soul--and a gift to have known him.

May gentle comforts and love be with you (all),

Melissa Shaffer
January 10, 2025
Our daughter Nora was Popi’s first great grandchild. Mimi and Popi planned a trip out to San Diego to meet her. To spend one on one time with all of us when she was 3 months old. We swam in the pool to escape the heat wave, played games, and cooked dinners together. Mimi even made Will her famous German chocolate cake for his birthday and Popi said “WOW MIMI, WAY TO GO! This is the best cake you have made yet! You are just so good at this!” I’m sure he’s eaten a lot of German chocolate cake in his life but that just goes to show what a lover he was. Their marriage was inspirational and one to look up to. We will cherish the moments we spent together and miss him dearly! Love you so much Popi!
Sage Lilledahl
January 10, 2025
I got this while I was praying for the family last night.
Pastor Bill Stewart, Might Man of God. Many of you have heard he passed away recently. He was truly loved and will be missed. I was praying for the family when I was suddenly caught up in a vision. I was outside the gates of heaven and noticed a lone figure near the edge of heaven peering toward the Earth. At once I knew it was my dear friend Pastor Bill. I walked up and asked him what he was doing? He told me you know I just sat down for a nap and woke up here so I know I must be dreaming. He informed me he was waiting for a uber to take him back home. We both laughed and he told me seriously its not my time. I left so much undone. I have grandkids to teach about Jesus. So many people need the encouraging words and guidance the God gives me. So many seeking God that I was helping to find the path. Only the Lord knows how Pam is going to handle all those grandkids without me around. Did you see her to do list she had for me? Once again we were laughing and I assured him that it would all be ok. Mighty man of God it time to rest. You fought the good fight and Peter is waiting at the gate with your robe and crown of life. There is a celebration planned for you later today, you don't want to miss it. Yes, before you ask Jesus will be there to welcome you home but your the honored guest so try not to be late. He told me to tell everyone he loved them and was sorry he didn't get to say goodbye. Today though he has new member orientation and so much wonder to behold.

I will miss you Pastor Bill. You were the light of God to all who crossed your path. I enjoyed all our conversations and times of ministry together. Thanks for being a true servant of God.
Reginald Brister
January 9, 2025
"I am incredibly blessed that Pastor Bill Stewart has been an important part of my Christian journey for the past 17 years. When we first met, he was the pastor overseeing the Life Together groups. From that point forward, he became a cherished mentor. I later had the privilege of serving under him in the chaplain ministry, where his caring heart was evident. Whenever I shared bad news with him, I could always see the love and compassion in his eyes. It was truly a joy to work alongside him.
Recently, I was excited to once again work with him in the chaplain program, and he, too, was eager to be part of this renewed journey. My heart aches at the thought of not seeing him, but I smile and am filled with joy as I reflect on all of my wonderful memories."
Susan Curtis
January 3, 2025
This was when Popi visited me in Encinitas. I took him to get some steak dinner❤️
Nate Stewart

Family tree

Other family members
Nora Emily Stewart
Great Granddaughter
Faye Kenneth Stewart
Gladys Polly
Pam Stewart
Aaron Stewart
Dagan Stewart
William Stewart
Nate Stewart
Corban Stewart
Ilias Stewart
Kristen Tencer
Paeten Tencer
Reigha Tencer
Pam Stewart
Aaron Stewart
Dagan Stewart
William Stewart
Nate Stewart
Corban Stewart
Ilias Stewart
Kristen Tencer
Paeten Tencer
Reigha Tencer
Bill Stewart


A Celebration of Life in Memory of Bill Stewart

We invite you to join us in honoring Bill Stewart at a Celebration of Life gathering in Glendale, Arizona.
Your presence would mean the world to us, but we completely understand if you are unable to attend.
We would be deeply grateful if you could share a story or photo of Bill on the Memory Wall connected to this website. Hearing about the impact he had on the lives of others brings us comfort and joy as we remember our beloved Husband, Father, Popi, and Friend.

Thank you for your support, love, and for sharing your cherished memories of Bill.

With heartfelt gratitude,
The Stewart Family  
Pure Heart Church
14240 N. 43rd Avenue
Building 700
Glendale, AZ 85306

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