Oluwatohungbogbo Toluwalope Akinbo (nee Ibirogba)

Those who touch our lives, stay in our hearts forever. Oluwatohungbogbo Tolulope Akinbo, you touched many hearts beautifully and eternally
Oluwatohungbo Toluwalope Ibirogba, NRN, NRM, Dip Oph, B.NSc, known as Tohun by friends and family, kicked her way vigorously into the world and into the family of late Mr Ibukunoluwa Olawale Ibirogba (Baba "Oro-Agba"), also a Nurse, and late Mrs Fausat Mojisola Ibirogba at Randle Health Center on the 8th of July 1977.
She started her professional working career at Good Tidings Hospital, Fashoro, Surulere in 1999, moved to Crystal Hospital, Akowonjo Road in 2000, then to Finnih Medical Center in 2002 from where she moved to the Lagos State Ministry of Health in 2003 where she worked in the Blindness Prevention Program (BPP) Unit and later Directorate of Medical Training and Administration (DMAT) till her being called to rest by her maker.
Oluwatohungbogbo loves adventure, hiking, traveling and playing scrabble. She has an infectious hearty laughter and smile that is spontaneous and as natural to her as the Sun to daylight. Disciplined yet compassionate and a tireless diligent worker who often quips to the children and those around her during tasks or chores “What is worth doing at all is worth doing well”.
Oluwatohungbogbo was a dedicated and passionate Christian whose motto was "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" from Phil 4:13. This was not just head knowledge but deeply heart engraved. She approached everything she did with a dedication and selflessness that characterized her nature, be it in serving as the pastor's wife in the United Church of God, an International Association where she fellowshipped, her tasks in various areas of her professional career, or being a mother, wife, neighbor, friend and human being. Her unwavering faith in God was the source of her strength throughout her battle with Acute Myeloid Leukemia that she bravely battled, refusing to be daunted, discouraged or cowered by the many trials along her way until the Lord in His wisdom chose to call her into rest till the time when she would be resurrected an immortal being, with an incorruptible body at the sound of the last trumpet as stated below in one of the core scripture she hangs her hopes on:
"Brothers, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you will not grieve like the rest, who are without hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, we also believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Him...For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a loud command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will be the first to rise" 1 Thessalonians 4:13-14, 16
This hope of resurrection provides solace and comfort knowing that She is just resting and sleeping till the time of her change.
Oluwatohungbogbo Toluwalope, AKINBO, you are missed deeply already and your memories will warm our hearts till we meet to part no more.

Memory wall
When you were around Tohun there was peace and kindness and a serving attitude to everyone around her. She was strong yet loving (to quote a saying – She “was steel and velvet” at the same time. She was committed to God, family and friends and would never betray that commitment.
We have many fond memories of the time we spent with Tohun and family. Even the times that we may have been in a predicament, she kept the environment calm and lighthearted. We remember times when I did wash in buckets with her, cleaning chilis and serving at the Youth Camps and Fall Festivals. She was an awesome hostess and took care of all of our needs.
Truly an awesome lady that words cannot describe. We are so blessed to have had her in our lives.

It was a rather rude shock to hear of passage to the great beyond today. I never knew of any illness but it pleases God allow your passage. My heartfelt condolences goes to your husband and children at this time. Your were a great soul with a large heart of gold in my estimation. You touched my life remarkably the first time ever I met at your home. Even when ask nor expected your kind gesture of a free surgery that restored my eye site. You will be greatly missed and long remembered for her every kind deed. Be comforted in Christ.

You showed braveness when others would have given up, you smiled even through your excruciating pains, you were always grateful to God Almighty and ever courageous.
The good and comforting thing you left us with is that you met with your creator before you departed and He said He will give you rest
OLUWATOHUNGOGO TOLUWALOPE AKINBO, a great name for a great woman.
You were an Examplar
You lived by the scripture and act like the scripture
Thank you for being a wonderful you
Missing that comforting smiles of your's
Adieu great one

Kind and gentle, but strict when need be.
She carries with her a stick to correct you,
But she also carries her first aid kit to ensure you don't die.
I didn't get to know her for so long,
But the memories of her that I have, I will never forget.
You can never really forget about the people that impacted your life. Can you?
In my eyes she was a goddess come to us in human form.
An angel without wings.
She was caring to a fault.
I never saw her get angry.
A smile was always plastered on her face.
Even in the moments that she was,
She would just look with a silent but knowing smile, and you would know that you were in trouble.
She was the voice of the voiceless, always very supportive and ready to pour herself out.
She was a mother to all who were willing to humble themselves as children.
She was an adventurous woman.
She would look danger in the eyes without a speck of fear in hers.
Maybe she did fear, but she never let it stop her.
These memories of her will forever be etched in stone, engraved on the slab of my heart.
We love you, but God loves you more.
Till we meet again ma❤️
Beautiful in and out. A sweet friend , a lovely wife & mum , a caring Nurse. Today as it becomes real that God has rested your soul , i say go in peace till we meet again at christ appearing . Till then enjoy the company of angels and the innumerable saints of God . You are forever loved . 💕💕🥰🥰🙏🙏

Even through it all, her faith remained steadfast. She looked towards God and him alone for solace and salvation. Her unwavering spirit inspires me to face challenges with courage and grace.
She instilled in me so many valuable lessons, but one that resonates most is, 'whatever your hands find to do, do it diligently and you'll stand before kings and not mere men.'
Her work ethic and dedication to excellence were woven into everything she did, and that's a legacy I'll carry forward with pride.
I will miss her dearly. But the love and lessons she instilled in me will continue to guide me. Her memory will forever be a source of strength and inspiration.

It was sad to hear about your demise,
You were a wonderful, kind , passionate, caring person , full of Smiles.
Adorable person. Good to people too.
You touched so many Ives
Thank you for the good Legacy you left behind.
You fought the battle, but God won you over ,
Sleep on in the Bosom of the Lord.
May God grant your family the fortitude to bear the Great loss,
Console and comfort them all.
Sun re o. Omo Ikoyi Eso
From the moment I entered this world my mom has always been there for me, she cared for me, loved me, protected me, raised me and disciplined me. My mom was probably the major reason I am who I am today.
My mom is smart, hardworking, funny, beautiful both inside and out, she is confident, kind, and she has the most angelic voice, if you heard my mom sing you would think angels were singing, she is probably one of the strongest women i know. She is a woman that just grabs your attention and makes you want to listen to her.
My mom is someone who makes everyone like her whether children, babies, adults, or even people she scolds, she is the type of person who you just love. My mom’s favourite motto is probably; ‘If it’s worth doing, do it well’ or ‘whatever your hands find to do, do it diligently’ and she is the perfect definition of that.
My mother is the epitome of grace and elegance. She is a strong believer and I am sure that even when she died she loved and cherished God with her whole heart. My mother is a no nonsense woman, if you do something wrong she would tell you and either help you fix the mistake or tell you how.
I remember when we were in a rush to get somewhere and there was traffic, my mom literally got down from the car and started telling all the drivers where to go, who should stop and where to turn and in less than 10 minutes the road was clear and we could go on our way. My mom is someone who takes control of a situation that is going bad and turns it around.
If i said everything my mum has done and did for me and many other people an entire book wouldn’t be enough. As I reflect on the journey we have shared together, I am reminded of the countless sacrifices she has made, the countless lessons she has taught, and the countless moments of joy we have experienced as mother and child.
Today, I stand here not only to celebrate her presence in my life but also to express my deepest appreciation for all that she is and all that she has done. This tribute is a small token of my immense love and gratitude for the extraordinary woman who has given me everything without ever asking for anything in return – my mother."
You swallowed death in victory and overcome the pains of this world.
You are a loving and caring sister and the closest to me.
Loosing you to sleep is a very painful thing for me. We had a matter you promised we will resolve on your return but Toun you never return to handle it.
I remembered how you supported me with Jigi Bola Team when l was Chairperson of CWF TREM.
l remembered how you helped my friends' home and abroad relatives, during Covid-19. You helped saved many lives but could not pull through on yours.
I remembered various times we spent together in Alausa. Oluwatoungbogbo it pains me to know you did not wait to see the end of what we went to ile-Ife for.
Words are not enough to express the pain of loosing you to sleep my dear sister but who am l to query God. God has the final say over our lives.
I thank God for your one in a million husband and lovely children.
Adiue!!!! Oluwatoungbogbo omo Olawale Ibirogba. Omo onikoyi eso, omo o se se ikoyi. Omo arerin re ko iku loju, arogun ma sa. E mi lo a ri ogun yo be se. Sun ire.
I love you but Jesus loves you more

To the family Mrs. Akinbo leaves behind, may you find comfort in knowing that her legacy of faith and love lives on in the lives she touched. During this difficult time, may you be surrounded by the love and support of friends and loved ones, finding solace in the memories you shared with her.
Though we mourn her passing, we take comfort in the belief that Mrs. Akinbo now rests peacefully, awaiting the promised resurrection when God's kingdom is established here on earth. Until then, her memory will continue to inspire and uplift us as we eagerly anticipate the day we reunite with her in God's eternal kingdom.

It is true that we all will pass through this path but in my opinion yours was too soon.
You were unassuming and always willing to help. Your kindness and concern for all was not cloacked in deception.
You were truly a gem to your family and the Church who are already missing the void you left.
Our only consolation is the resurrection when we all shall meet to part no more.
Adieu Mrs. Tohun Akinbo.
This particular day was a Sunday and Sundays in the Akinbo house were clean up days. She assigned duties to everyone and mine was to wash my clothes from camp and some other small things belonging to Tomiwa and Bobbie. I remember complaining the whole time I was washing because that wasn't what I had in mind for the day. Mrs Akinbo came down with her own share of clothes to wash, which was ALOT yet she still somehow finished before me so she started helping me out. While we were rinsing and spreading the clothes, she noticed i was spreading them inside out so she asked me "Who taught you to spread them like that?" I told her my mom taught me and she smiled and asked if I knew why spreading it like that was important, after a while of hard thinking I told her twas because if a bird poops on it or if it falls it'd be easier to wash, she laughed and said that wasn't the only reason, that the main reason for that is because direct sunlight fades fabrics over time so if it's inside out it won't fade the front of the clothing or atleast it'd take a longer time. I awkwardly laughed and said to cover the awkward laugh "My mom didn't tell me that was why" and she responded with the warmest smile ever "Well that's why I'm here, to teach you the things time didn't let her teach you". I usally dont remember much but I remember that day like it was yesterday because It meant a lot to me. And I can say up until the last time I saw her she lived up to those words; always teaching and disciplining me and every other children In the chuch. Whenever we visited, her and Mr. Akinbo never ever made us feel anything less than family and that I'm extremely grateful for. If I ever get the chance to visit again I know it would never feel the same without her there and it saddens me but I take comfort with the fact that I know she ran the race well and on the last day we will all meet again. May God comfort and be with all those she left behind.

A few days ago, the world lost a shining star, a mother figure, and a devoted soul. Late Mrs. Akinbo may have left us physically, but her impact, love, and legacy will continue to resonate in our hearts forever.
Mrs. Akinbo was more than just a mother; she was a guardian angel, a confidante, and a guiding light to many. Her caring and loving nature knew no bounds, and she selflessly devoted herself to the well-being of those around her. Her warmth and kindness drew people to her, and she had a unique gift of making everyone feel seen, heard, and loved.
One of her most remarkable qualities was her unwavering devotion to her faith. She was a true servant of God, and her commitment to her beliefs was inspiring. She lived her life as a testament to her values, and her actions spoke louder than words. Her faith was her rock, and she held onto it until her very last breath.
Mrs. Akinbo's love for her family was unparalleled. She was a dedicated wife, mother, and her family was her pride and joy. She nurtured and guided them with patience, wisdom, and unconditional love. Her home was always open, and her table was always full, as she welcomed everyone with a warm smile and a generous heart.
Her impact extended far beyond her family, however. She was a pillar in her community, always ready to lend a helping hand, offer a listening ear, or provide a comforting embrace. She had a special gift of empathy and understanding, and her presence was a balm to those who were hurting or in need.
One of the most remarkable aspects of Mrs. Akinbo's life was her resilience and strength in the face of adversity. She faced challenges with courage and grace, never wavering in her faith or her commitment to her loved ones. Her determination and perseverance inspired us all to be stronger, braver, and more resilient.
As we say goodbye to this extraordinary woman, we take comfort in the memories we shared with her. We remember her bright smile, her infectious laughter, and her unwavering optimism. We recall her wise counsel, her gentle rebukes, and her unconditional love. We honor her legacy by continuing to live the values she instilled in us – love, kindness, compassion, and devotion to our faith.
Rest in peace, dear Mrs. Akinbo. Your departure has left a gaping hole in our lives, but your love, legacy, and memory will continue to inspire and guide us. We will miss you dearly, but we know that you are now in the presence of the Almighty, where there is no more sorrow, no more pain, and no more tears.
Farewell, dear mother figure, caring friend, and devoted soul. Your impact on our lives will never be forgotten.

Your smile was always very contagious.
Rest in peace Toun and I trust your creator , our God to console your husband, children and the entire family .
You have done a great Job in training them and I know they will surely keep making you proud.
I pray for your soul to find rest.l💐🕊️💔

You were my light, my love, my life.
Your smile could always brighten any dark and dreary day,
In my heart, you'll forever stay.
On this earth, after God, you were my rock, my guiding light,
and together we journeyed near and far and had many an adventure,
Though you're gone from me physically, your spirit still shines,
In my memories, our bond and strength of our love entwines.
You brought joy and warmth into my life,
A loving partner, a devoted wife.
I'll honor your legacy in all that I do,
For my love for you will always endure.
Strong yet gentle, a beacon of light.
Hardworking and kindhearted, always smiling bright,
Your love and devotion, a true guiding light.
You gave so much, and asked for nothing in return,
Your love, selflessness and kindness, forever will burn.
In every smile, every touch, every word you spoke,
Your love and grace, forever evoke.
Rest in peace, my superwoman and sweetest friend,
Our love story will never end.
Forever cherished, never forgotten,
In my heart you will forever stay.

You are such a wonderful, accommodating, and cheerful woman.
I remember when I used to work with Mr. Akinbo on the inverter at home; your cheerful, nice, and kind words coupled with your smiles are what I cannot forget.

You fought a good fight aunt! We love you but God loves you more. Till we meet again.🤍
I love you always💜
As I write these words in honor of Mama T, my heart is heavy and filled with sadness. She was truly an exceptional person, someone who always had a smile for everyone she met and radiated kindness and warmth wherever she went. Maroti, as I fondly call her, was a beloved wife and mother, cherished daughter and sister, and a trusted friend to many. She lived her life with grace and elegance, and her love for her family and friends was boundless. Her kindness, generosity, and compassion touched countless lives, and she will be deeply missed by all who knew her.
She was a woman of many talents, and her creativity and skills shone through in everything she did. Her infectious laughter and sparkling personality lit up any room she entered. Her wisdom, grace, and strength inspired all who knew her, and her life was a testament to the power of love and the importance of family.
As we say goodbye to you, Mama T, we take comfort in knowing that you are now at peace, awaiting the trumpet. Your spirit will live on in our hearts, and your memory will be forever cherished. Rest in peace, my dear sister. You will always be loved and remembered."

Though your time with us was quite short living behind senior sister, brothers with a younger brother and I your ifeoluwa (Lola as you fondly preferred to Call me) your memory will live on in my hearts, and your legacy will continue to inspire us to cherish every moment and fight for what matters most.
My Sweet smile Loving and selfless Oluwatihungbogbo Your love, laughter, and light will be deeply missed, but never forgotten.
My dear sister, you are an envied rare light in the life of many around you. You are different and your firm but soft Margret Thatcher outlook, just like we fondly teases you.
You are are a true example of Proverb 31 ideal and virtuous woman who does not need much done for her but always doing for others selflessly. while God jealousy😍protect and cherished you for us all.
Through every joy and every strife
You've been my rock, my support, my encourager, my guide
With you by my side, I can conquer any tide. which I promise never to stop conquering because to me you ain't gone but sleeping😴 till you are awake when the trumpet sounds.
From the moment we were born, bound by blood
Our bond only grew stronger as we withstood
The trials and tribulations of life's winding path
Together we laughed, we cried we shared a laugh 🤣.
Your kindness, your love, your wisdom so true
I am forever grateful for all that you do
You lift me up when I am feeling low
You cheer me on as I continue to grow
No words can express the depths of my love
For you, my sister, a gift from above
I cherish every moment, every memory we share,
So here's to you, my sister Oluwatohungbogbo
For all the love, laughter, and tears
I am blessed to have you in my life

Oluwabunmi Ejiko
It was a rude shock when I heard the news of your demise
This is quite painful, but God understands.
Tohun, rest on in the blossom of the Almighty God 🙏
May God console family and friends and grant us fortitude to bear the loss in Jesus' Name
We can not forget the days we were blessed to have you among us. A very beautiful lovely woman. Hardworker and dinamic full of love. The loss of you is so painful for us.
We love you. But God loves you more.
Rest in peace.
Oluwatoungbogbo, you were a wonderful sister-in-law to me.
You are an epitome of humility
Your memory lives on in all of us who loves you, Never to be forgotten.
You will forever be missed
You simply went to sleep
Till Christ comes
Sleep on beloved
Sun re o
You were a role model to many.
I had strong hopes that you'd pull through but God knows best. It is very painful, knowing that you won't be present at my wedding 😭.
I'd take comfort in the knowledge that you're free from the travails and terrors of this world.
Till we meet again in God's kingdom, sleep well ma.
Till we meet again mum, sleep well.
She is a beautiful soul, kind and caring. May the Lord comfort the family
I am grateful for your impact on my life and that of my wife and daughter.
You finished the race set before you with courage (even I am a witness of that), setting an example as a heroine of faith.
Auntie Tohun, as you've fallen asleep temporarily, I eagerly await that Day when we meet again at the last trumpet, in a perfect world free of sickness, suffering and death. May God speed that day!

It is such a blessing to know and be known by you.
Rest well, dear aunt, until the resurrection day.

Sleep on, we shall meet again when Christ come back.
A loving, caring, supportive and hardworking wife, mother, sister and friend.
Despite the pain of past 1 year, she maintained a positive attitude and her faith in Almighty God was unwavering.
Sis T, We love you so much but God definitely loves you more.
Till we meet aging in Gods kingdom.

You were precious, a gift from God, so much beauty, grace, love, sacrifices and patience you possessed. You touched my heart in so many ways. Your strength, unwavering faith, and smile even through this valley of the shadow of death were an encouragement to me.
I already miss our physical interactions but you’ll always live in my heart. And I’m without a doubt that God’s Will and Purpose for you is PERFECT...
I have my consolation in the hope of resurrection, a time we will meet again in better bodies to part no more.
I miss you greatly & I love you mum, so much! 💘
You left just too early!!!!
It is well, (Jehovah has the final say).
Rest on beloved.....
It's so so painful the journey's ended for her but we can't question our maker
Rest on ma
may your soul find rest in the lord Tohun Akinbo..
I can recall going for an outreach at Epe showing me places i've never been to.
I'm short of words..
Continue to Rest in the Bosom of the Almighty Mrs Akinbo
You will be greatly missed.
Father,we are grateful for your goodness and mercy.
Rest on "LOVE"
Rest in peace beloveth.
We love you but God loves you most
Keep resting in the bosom of your Creator ever smiling colleagues.
The Lord knows best
I pray God gives her husband and children the fortitude to bear this loss ♥️🙏

In this time of sorrow, we find solace in our shared faith and the comforting words of 1 Thessalonians 4:13-14, 16. We trust in the promise of resurrection and take comfort in knowing that She rests peacefully in the arms of our Savior.
Her legacy of love, kindness, and unwavering faith will forever inspire us. Though she may no longer be with us in person, her spirit lives on in her family and the countless lives she touched.
As we bid farewell to our dear friend, let us cling to the precious memories we shared and find strength in the hope of a joyous reunion in the presence of our Lord.
With heartfelt condolences,
Richard and Glory Usman
Born in 1977, she lived a life filled with love, laughter, and devotion to her family. Her three children, Rotiwa, Tomiwa, and Nifewa, were the apples of her eye, and she poured her heart and soul into raising them. Her marriage to Mr. Dare Akinbo was a beautiful partnership built on mutual respect, trust, and love.
As a friend and sister, she was a rock, always there to offer a listening ear, a comforting embrace, and a reassuring word. Her unwavering support and encouragement inspired us to be our best selves. Her battle with cancer was long and arduous, but she faced it with courage, grace, and faith.
Though she may be gone, her legacy lives on through the countless lives she touched. We will miss her dearly, but we take comfort in the knowledge that she is now at peace, free from pain and suffering. We look forward to the Resurrection of Saints, when we will reunite with her once again. Rest in peace, dear Toluwalope. Your memory will be a blessing to us all.
Family tree