Love leaves a memory no one can steal.
Martha Liya Tsai (蔡麗雅) was born in Kaohsiung (高雄), Taiwan. She attended Linyuan (林園 ) elementary school and graduated from Pingtung (屏東) high school. She then proceeded to vocational school and secured a job teaching sewing. During this time, she was fervently pursued by many suitors. Due to her kind heart, she declined a life of luxury and wealth to marry
Andrew Fang Chia Chang (張晃家). She knew that being a missionary's wife would mean hardship and constant change, but she accepted that challenge without hesitation.
蔡麗雅(Martha Liya Tsai)出生於台灣高雄,幼年就讀林園國小,畢業後,隨即考進屏東高中。離校之後,她在裁縫師傅的教導下精進裁縫技藝,帶著一身絕活找到了一份教授裁縫的工作。少女時期的瑪莎,身邊自是不乏仰慕者的熱烈追求。她天性善良,毅然拒絕了榮華富貴,選擇嫁給傳教士張晃家(Andrew Fang Chia Chang)。她知道嫁給傳教士為妻,就意味著必須過著困頓的生活和不斷搬遷的環境,但她毫不猶豫地接受了這個挑戰。
Being a devoted wife, she literally followed her husband to the "ends of the earth": When he was assigned to a primitive island without electricity or running water, she stayed by his side those two harsh years despite the physical toll it took on her body. Moreover, she managed to raise their toddler and kept her healthy in a world where only 50% of children lived to be 5 years old. Upon their return to mainland Taiwan, she had the very stressful, unpaid job of being a Pastor's wife, where her appearance, lifestyle, and housekeeping were under constant scrutiny and her children were expected to be perfect. Entertaining and feeding unexpected guests were a regular occurrence.
Then in 1976, she did it again, following her husband to a completely new world, the United States of America. Despite not knowing English, she immediately joined the work force to support the family while her husband went to school to start a new career. Communicating only through hand gestures, she became a instant success with her sewing skills and freehand embroidery. Customers could bring her a photo, and she would embroider the picture onto leather and denim jackets flawlessly. Her work was so impressive, she was featured in a major newspaper article.
Upon her husband's graduation, she left her sewing to raise their two children (Jane [Liing] 瓈尹 and Peter 敦皓), moving every year as Andrew climbed the corporate ladder. Her life was full of packing, unpacking, learning a new city, and adjusting to new schools for her children. Eventually, around 1982 she parted ways with Andrew to give her children a stable home and consistent schooling. For the next several years, she kept a very busy home sewing business and provided her children with all the advantages of two income families. It was with great pride that she sent her children to the Medical and Engineering Schools at the University of Michigan.
Martha had taken a job with Ford Motor company in 1979, but was laid off in 1981 due to a recession in the industry. She returned to Ford Motor company when she was called back several years after her divorce. At Ford, she was well liked and known to be an extra smart worker whom even the engineers would listen to. It was while she was at Ford that she met Bob Pawlitz, with whom she kept company for several years. Later she shared her life with Carlos Aros, whom she also met at Ford. They were companions until his death just one year before Martha's departure.
瑪莎在1979年進入了福特汽車公司工作,但由於1981年的汽車業不景氣而被裁員。而後,在她離婚數年後又被召回福特汽車公司。在公司內部她受到大家的喜愛,並且以聰明靈活且知道變通而聞名,甚至連工程師們也會聽取她的意見。正是在福特期間,她遇到了Bob Pawlitz,與他相伴共度了幾年時光。後來,她在福特認識了Carlos Aros,與他分享了她的生活。他們二人一直是相互珍惜的伴侶,直到Carlos先瑪莎一年離世為止。
Aside from her amazing sewing and embroidering skills, Martha was an incredible artist, capable of drawing/painting anything she sees. The banner image of the cloudy mountain range on this website was painted by Martha when she was practically blind. You may also find some of her paintings in the photo gallery. She took an airbrush class and produced the boot (in photo gallery) as her first painting. Her instructor indicated that no one had ever picked up that art form as fast as she did. In the photo gallery, you will see her daughter in a yellow + white dress and matching hat. That was crocheted by Martha WITHOUT a pattern. When she was in Taiwan, she would arrange flowers for church services. You can see some of her creations in the photo gallery as well.
Upon retirement, Martha spent her time enjoying her grandchildren: Peter's son Connor and Jane's children Andrew, Lia, and David. They were her pride and joy. She spent most of her retirement creating a dream leave to her children as her legacy. She had an amazing green thumb, producing fresh veggies and an abundance of fresh fruits whenever her family came to visit. She was a master at creating relaxing outdoor settings among her fruit trees, a place where the whole family could gather and relax. Alas, she developed lung cancer and succumbed to the illness in March 2024, passing peacefully with all her children and grandchildren at her bedside.
退休後,瑪莎最享受與孫子們相處的時刻:敦皓的兒子Connor,瓈尹的兒女:Andrew、Lia與David。他們為她帶來了驕傲與快樂。這段時期, 她投注大量精力與時間在建立夢想中的舒適家園,想要在身後做為留給子孫們的遺產。她天生就有種植蔬菜水果的驚人本能,每當家人來看她時,總能品嚐到她親自栽種滿桌的新鮮蔬果。她也擅長在戶外庭園的翠綠果樹之間,營造讓全家人可以自在放鬆的相處空間。令人不捨的是,醫生宣告她罹患肺癌,於2024年3月終究不敵病魔摧殘,而在子女與孫子女病塌前的陪伴下,安詳離世。
I have learned so much from her. She was full of cooking/housekeeping tips and life hacks. She was there with relationship advice. But most of all, she taught me how to be a creative Mom. When I was 3 years old, I learned how to use a pair of scissors. I was so fascinated that I wanted to cut paper all the time. Due to the windy nature of our home (we had open doors and windows all the time due to lack of air conditioning), paper scraps would fly all over the place. She placed me in a kiddy pool so that all the scraps would be contained and easy to clean up. She left the scissors and paper in the pool so that whenever I wanted to cut, I could climb into the kiddy pool by myself. (We had a kitchen/family room combo, so she was always in the same room.) From her, I learned to foster independence in my young children by creating environments that control the situation while letting them help themselves.
When she was a single mother of two, she could have moved back to Taiwan, where the cost of living was lower and she could get help from her family, but she stayed in the US and worked long, stressful hours so that my brother and I could stay in the American schools instead of having to learn a new language and suffer a lot of catch up work in Taiwan, risking our futures. When I was competing in music and my brother in tennis, she drove us without complaint, even though I know she feared driving in unfamiliar places. My mother worked so hard and sacrificed so much all her life to ensure that my brother and I had everything we needed to be successful in life. Thank you, Mom, for everything.
When times were tough, Mom started a home business altering clothes. In middle school, I remember her rushing to pick me up from school after delivering or picking up clothes from her customers. I also remember sometimes waking up in the middle of the night and finding her working hard, sewing late into the night. Even when I was sleeping, she was there, working to provide for us. At the time, I was too young to appreciate her dedication, but her unwavering love has left a lasting impact on me.
As I got older, I remember I saw a leather jacket that I really liked at a store in the mall. My mom saw me trying it on and then put it back because I thought it was too expensive. I was employed and earning my own income by then, but my mom snuck back to the store and purchased the jacket without me knowing. I remember it was a little big on me, but it didn’t matter. I really cherished that jacket.
I miss you every day, Mom. Your love and sacrifices have shaped me into the person I am today, and I’ll always treasure these memories.
My grandmother never really knew when to quit. Grandma was unrelenting in her beliefs about the right way to live, always giving me and my cousins advice about how to live happy and healthy lives. Sometimes it was hard to take this advice, but it was always very clear that she imparted it from a place of love. She had an unparalleled conviction, and it made her a dedicated and loving grandmother.
As a young adult who is still trying to figure out what kind of person I want to be, I find a lot of inspiration in my grandmother. Grandma knew how to dream big and always fought for what she believed, and those are two qualities that I hope to emulate. I love you, Grandma. I’ll do my best to keep making you proud.
MengZhi Tsai:
The Greeks said that treat life as a bouquet-like feast, taste the food and enjoy the conversation. When the meal is over, stand up, thank the host, and then leave.
Life is intertwined in the process of accompanying each other,
The departed take our blessings and start again~
In the fairy world, the folk custom is "transition", when an insect chrysalis emerges and turns into a butterfly.
After his death, Ye Jia said he was "called by the Lord's favor" and went to heaven.
Death is called "rebirth" in Buddhism and flies to another pure land.
Bless third aunt
"Immigration" safety
敬愛的三姨 終於卸下世間的勞苦 安息主懷! 甚感不捨與懷念!
緬懷三姨 甚重親情 甚至連後輩也都視如己出,初一時為免我與四舅 通學舟車勞動之苦 在鳳山租間小茅屋 於教裁縫班後 還照顧我們的三餐,及長都感恩在心!大學聯考前 還提供我清靜舒適的自習環境~台東更生教會。在那順利完成訂終生的最重要ㄧ試。
三姨移居美國人生地不熟 遇到艱困狀況 還是身兼父職排除萬難的栽培兒女完成高等教育。
即使在經濟不很充裕下 亦多次返台省親。在知道媽媽癌
末時 還特地返台探望,準備了三姨喜愛的‘烤地瓜’+本土煮番麥,姐妹倆就邊敘舊 憶兒時 歡笑中度過,離開時三姨忍住紅框的淚珠說:此行一別 再見不易,這將是今生最後一次相聚了!
三姨平靜的口吻告知罹癌 甚感震驚。
正在治療中,效果不彰,換了標靶藥副作用很大 我就想蒐集北榮有新先進儀器 已有多位成功案例 ,供参考。三姨說醫囑 當前健康狀況不宜飛行 返台就醫計劃就此終止。
標靶藥治療副作用一直無改善。有次三姨說 那種治療的生活品質,她不喜歡 而且最多也莚長幾個月而已。她淡定篤定的說:決定停止治療 直接面對病魔的挑戰!何等的勇氣 無懼!
時刻到 三姨終於戰勝死亡 ,獲得重生!小蝴蝶終於破繭而出,自由遨翔天際 永住天家!
我爸 媽與二姨也會與您相會!
××× 人一出生 就朝死亡邁進 臨終就是重生的開始!
Hong Zhaocheng:
My beloved third aunt finally put aside all the toil in the world and rested in peace! I feel so sad and missed!
In memory of my third aunt, I attached great importance to family ties and even regarded treats us as her own. When I was in the first grade of junior high school, third aunt rented a small hut in Fengshan for my fourth uncle and me to avoid the hardships of boating and cart labor. Be grateful! Before the college entrance examination, they also provided me with a quiet and comfortable study environment ~ Taitung Rehabilitation Church. Successfully complete the most important test of your life there.
The third aunt immigrated to the United States and was not familiar with the place. She encountered difficult situations, but she still had the role of a father and overcame all difficulties to train her children to complete higher education.
Even when the economy was not very prosperous, he returned to Taiwan many times to visit relatives. After learning that my mother has cancer
At the end of the day, they made a special trip back to Taiwan for a visit and prepared Third Aunt's favorite 'roasted sweet potatoes' + local boiled wheat. The two sisters spent the time laughing and reminiscing about their childhood. When they left, Third Aunt held back her red-framed tears and said: It’s not easy to say goodbye and see each other again. This will be the last time we get together in this life!
I know our hearts are bleeding at this moment!
I was shocked when she told her that she had cancer in a calm tone.
During the treatment, the effect is not obvious, and the side effects of changing the targeted drug are very serious. I want to collect Beirong's new advanced equipment and there are many successful cases for reference. The third aunt said that the doctor advised that the current health condition was not suitable for flying, and the plan to return to Taiwan for medical treatment was terminated.
The side effects of targeted drug treatment have not improved. My third aunt once said that she didn't like the quality of life of that kind of treatment, and it would only last a few months at most. She said calmly and confidently: She decided to stop treatment and face the challenge of the disease directly! What courage and fearlessness!
When the time comes, Sanyi finally defeats death and is reborn! The little butterfly finally breaks out of the cocoon and flies freely into the sky to live in heaven forever!
My parents and second aunt will also meet you!
Finally we will be reunited in heaven!
××× As soon as a person is born, he heads towards death. Death is the beginning of rebirth!
Treat death as a new beginning
This time is infinite
Doubt can give birth to confidence
This life is eternity
From death to resurrection and finally to singing in triumph
Before that moment is revealed
Only God can se
survived Tsai :
Third sister Liya passed away just now.
Li Jingxiang:
Congratulations to Third Sister, you are out of the sea of suffering! !
落莫 失落 感傷
Hong Zhaoze:
The scene in front of me has nothing to do with the fact that my third aunt is gone.
The cars moved forward one after another, forward, backward, left and right,
All I have in my heart is that my third aunt is gone!
Lost, sad, sad
A gust of wind blew, and when I looked up, I saw that the last plum blossom that had been in full bloom had fallen.
The flowers have fallen!
third aunt
Always in my heart.
Tsai Yixin:
Bless the third aunt
We are far away in Taiwan and cannot help, so we can only mourn the third aunt in our hearts.
Taiwan welcomes sister Au Yin back at any time!
Tsai Yijuan:
I hope Sangu can rest in peace and return to her Lord.
Tsai Yishan~
Sangu has worked hard all her life with her strong vitality. She prays that she can live well in the arms of God with peace and joy.
Rest in peace!
Zhilong (Zhaolong):
My dear third aunt, you are the most beautiful, intelligent, best-remembered, and amiable third aunt. We will always miss you. You have given up the labor of the world and rest in peace in the arms of the Lord. May the Lord Jesus Christ personally comfort, watch over and keep the families of Ou Yin and Dun Hao safe and healthy.
In my memory, Aunt Martha was always so beautiful and talented!
Thank you for the constant warmth and affection you gave me since childhood.
謝謝妳, 三姑。
Although Martha and I were not related by blood, she felt more like family to me.
Even though Martha was my elder, our conversations flowed effortlessly, like those between lifelong friends.
In our dialogues, she always expressed sincerity, concern, and bravery.
She left a beautiful impact on my life: warmth and resilience.
Though she has passed away, her spirit remains.
Thank you Martha!
Thanks to Meng Xi for sharing Cousin Liya’s memorial page with me.
In my impression, she is a beautiful and strong woman, very smart and independent. Faced with various challenges in life, she never gives up. She always works hard to get what she wants or achieve the goals she seeks. She was also very artistic and painted even during her illness.
Cousin Liya came to Taiwan for visiting relatives three times in 2010, 2013, and 2017, respectively. She also came to visit Jwo-Fan and me. During the days we got together, we arranged several gatherings for her with relatives in Taipei, took her to the Shilin Official Residence to see flowers, visited the International Flower Expo, went for a walk in Yangmingshan, and went to Tamsui to visit her third uncle. Attached are some photos of her for your memory.
Although Cousin Liya has passed away, our thoughts will always be there.
Wan-Wan Huang
在我的印像中,她是個美麗又堅強的女人,非常聰明、獨立。 面對生活中的各種挑戰,她從不放棄。她總是努力以赴以獲得她想要的或實現她所尋求的目標。 她也非常有藝術天賦,甚至在生病期間也在畫畫。
麗雅表姐曾於2010年、2013年、2017年三度來台探親,也來看卓凡和我。相聚的短短幾天裡,我們為她安排了幾次與台北親戚的聚會,帶她去士林官邸看花,參觀國際花博會,去陽明山散步,還去淡水探望三舅。 附上照片供您紀念。麗雅表姐雖然過世了,但我們的思念將永遠存在。
有一次她帶大姑,麗愛表姐和麗龍表哥去波士頓看二姑,我去載他們下來紐約玩, 並送他們去華盛頓看三姑。
最後一次見面是二姊和姊夫帶我們去北海岸玩。 我因時差, 在車睡著了…😊