The grief is overwhelming but as a tribute to you, we will do so with gratitude. Our memories of you will stay for ever
Madam Florence Chia nee Chi was born on the 3rd of February 1966 in Mankon Bamenda to the family of late Papa Joseph Asongwe Chi and Mami Veronica Mankaa. Florence unexpectedly but peacefully passed away on the 9th January 2025 at the age of 58 years, The entire family at home and abroad, with very deep heart announce these sad event and has created this memorial in her memory
Florence was a devoted wife mother, daughter, sister, aunty, friend and the much cherished wife to Theophillus salifu Chia, with their relation over the years becoming a testament to love and partnership. Many children during her life considered her a mother through her kindness and generosity, but together with her husband they raised three beautiful daughters, instilling in them the values of kindness. love, respect and much more.. Her family was always at the heart of her actions and she was completely devoted to them. Her home was a place where laughter and love was constantly shared and felt
Florence was always well accepted and a cherished member of the communities she was part of, during her life here on earth and she brought exceptional warmth, joy, and an indomitable spirit to all who knew her. She was a beacon, source of light and inspiration within her church community. Florence was a spiritual warrior and served and trusted God up till the end. She was a beacon of courage and resilience, embodying strength during life's trials. Her generosity knew no bounds, and she was often seen lending a helping hand to those in need, always with a smile and a joke to brighten the day. Her spontaneous humour brought laughter to both friends and strangers alike, leaving an impact that will be dearly missed.
She was a woman who always listened, providing comfort and wisdom to anyone who sought her counsel. Her strength and kindness were an inspiration to her family, friends, Her hardworking nature was complemented by a heart that always had room for others, and she was well loved by those who were fortunate to cross path with her
A funeral service to honour and celebrate the life of Madam Florence Chia will be held in Yaoundé, Cameroon. As we gather to remember her, we take solace in the countless memories she created and the legacy of love, compassion and resilience she leaves behind.
Florence's light will continue to shine brightly in the hearts of her loved ones, reminding us all of a life beautifully lived. She will be deeply missed yet eternally remembered by her husband, children, sibling and all who had the privilege of knowing her.
With her siblings she lived her early life in Batibo where she attended primary School. The family then moved to Bamenda where she lived much of her teenage years. Florence met her Loving husband during her late teens whom she later married and embarked on a life of devotion service, bringing up a beautiful family and becoming a Pastors wife
Florence studied Computer Sciences, interior designing and was involved in various successful businesses particularly in sales. She was an excellent in running her home and a was perceived as matriarch to her immediate and extended family.
Florence lived a life of service to her church and becoming a Pastor.

Memory wall
Mummy ❤️, "Our According To The Law ", you were so much more than a mother to me—you were my best friend 🥰, my confidant, my gossip partner. You used to call me your best friend, and that’s exactly what you were to me. We shared so many laughs, secrets, and moments that I’ll cherish forever.🥹
You taught me everything I know and everything I am. I am the woman I am today because of you. You gave me the tools to care for a home, to cook, to love, and to nurture others. You used to say, “Take the advice of your mum and tie it around your neck like precious jewelry.” I’ll hold on to that wisdom for the rest of my life, because you were my precious jewelry, Mum.
You were my life, my everything. I still remember that day—January 9th—when I wanted to give you a warm hug, but fear and hope were tangled in my heart. My heartbeat was so fast, and I thought it might be hard, but I never lost hope. I regret not wrapping my arms around you, holding on to you just a little tighter.
Mum, you were the reason I know how to love and care. You were my anchor, my teacher, my greatest treasure. Losing you has left a void in my heart, but your legacy of love, kindness, and wisdom will live on in everything I do.
I love you, Mum❤️❤️. You will forever be my everything. Rest peacefully, knowing how much you meant to me and how deeply you will always be loved.🥰

It’s hard to put into words what you meant to me aunty.You were a guide, and a source of constant love. Your kindness, laughter, and the warmth you shared with everyone and most of all your beautiful smile which everyone loved. You had a way of making every moment special, and your strength and grace were an inspiration to all who knew you. Though you may no longer be with us, your love and wisdom will live on in my heart forever.
Rest in peace aunty. You will always be missed.Baby K.
“‘Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.’”
Job 1:21 NIV
Maman Flo was a remarkable mother and an exemplary woman of God, inspiring many worldwide. I am deeply thankful for all she did for me and our family!
She was the quiet force behind Uncle Chia—a prayer warrior, a watchful guide, and a compassionate counselor. She never hesitated to reach out and tell on Uncle Chia whenever he tried to shield us from worry. She desired to unite us in convincing him❤️
Her caring heart was always with me and the children despite the distance. Her beauty radiated both inside and out!
Indeed, the departure of our loved ones is profoundly challenging! While we long for understanding and often find ourselves without answers, we find comfort in knowing she has awakened from her sleep and is now resting with her Savior, Jesus Christ.
I am profoundly grateful for the love, kindness, and tenacity she inspired in me and countless others. May we honor her and strive to walk in the ways of God, reflecting her example every day during her life on earth.
Suzie S.
Your sudden passing on the 9th of January 2025 hurts to the core and my little Faith tested in a way it has never before.
You always treated me like a sister welcome me into your home with warmth, love and joy anytime I please to visit.
My dear sister, you have cheated life and left me confused and devastated.
Thank you for teaching me how to love, care, share and how to be grateful. Your soft voice and infectious smile/ laughter had the magic of reversing one’s misery into happiness.
Let the light you brought to so many including myself continue to shine and I promise that your memory and legacy lives on.
I bless the day I met you and you will always remained in my heart ❤️.
May you rest peacefully in the bosom of The Lord and keep praying and smiling🙏.
Love ❤️ you madam Chia forever. Gla
Tu étais si pleine de vie, bienveillante,
toujours joyeuse et protectrice. Ta dévotion et confiance envers notre Seigneur étaient exceptionnelles. Tu as à travers ton soutien et ton assistance spirituels soutenue plusieurs d’entre nous qui avons soif du Seigneur. Tu étais une maman, un véritable appui et modèle d’Epouse.
Le malheur de t’avoir perdu si tôt ne me fera pas oublier le bonheur de t’avoir connu. Nous croyons que c’est Dieu qui donne et qui reprend. Je prie qu’il t’accueille dans son royaume auprès de lui.
Nous prions pour Papa Chia et les filles. Le Seigneur saura les consoler.
Repose en paix Mum
Estelle, your daughter
knowing you will exit so soon. Death is really a basted. Aunti rest well and intercede for us. I know you are smiling even more now that you are with the Lord. Adieu Aunti Flo.
With all my love
You left me voiceless while on January the 6 we were planning to do this and that after you told that you will be discharge on Monday the 13 January
That was our will but God's will was different with ours that's why I don't want to ask why so soon ? Why you?
The word of God said in everything give thanks to God
He knows why he called you on that theusday
Who will call me again uncle ADA and tell me I don't like stop it your hear me ?
Who will call me and correct me when I am wrong ?
Who will protect my wife as you used to?
My you showed me love to the your last day on earth
Word can't express what I'm feeling since your departure to the heavenly Father
What i know we shall see on the resurrection day
Your son
We shared something truly special, Something that can never be replaced.
A bond that the years can never fade, Memories that time cannot erase.
To lose you brings such sadness, but know that you live on in my heart, and in my memory, Shines the guiding light you shone. So sleep now softly, angel, In your eternal rest.
To have called you my Auntie, I was truly blessed. Many thanks for being my beam of light throughout everyday life. You fulfilled your obligations, stayed faithful to your commitments, and lived a fair yet rich life. Your memories will consistently lead us to the correct path. I love you auntie.

Mum my heart bleeds most especially the boys.you always welcomed us with joy and your priceless smiles.mum rest on I know you have won the Christain races and you're resting with the lord, we will forever missed you.
Your sister inlaw and daughter
Salifu Dorcas chia

You left a mark in our hearts and nothing will ever erase it. You were such a gem and will always be and we will forever cherish you. Our love for you will forever remain. I'm really going to miss your beautiful smile🥺
Heaven couldn't wait for you... So go on go home and rest well until we meet again. It's hard to say rest in peace but I pray you rest in the bosom of the Lord till we meet again. I love you.
My light went out on January 9th 2025 when the delight of my eyes passed away at the Yaounde Central Hospital. It was a terrible shock because we were reassured by the doctors that it is a minor surgery which will not take long. Florence, you were a very happy being and that contaminated me for the 37 years of our being together. At the time we were enjoying the best part of our union, you were taken from me Instantly to be with the LORD. Your last word to me as you went into the medical staff was "My lovely beloved husband, I will see you soon". Doctors had told us that you would be able to regain your health in five days and return home.
God in His infinite wisdom had other plans. You were going to a heavenly home to be with our LORD JESUS CHRIST. Our thirty seven years of marriage life was extremely happy. Our resources at times were limited. We had struggles but these were overcome and we found much happiness in anticipation of better things to come. We were blessed with a wonderful family and since my retirement five years ago we hoped to enjoy many happy days in each other's company. My dearly beloved wife was not only a wonderful wife and mother but she was a meticulous housekeeper and homemaker. She was a cheerful, friendly person and made many warm friends. She seldom, if ever. criticized any person. Instead, she preferred to refer to their good qualities. She was the soul of honesty. She would never shade the truth no matter what the consequences. She loved her church and was faithful to her allotted tasks. You were a fine person and I enjoyed our company so much. You changed me in many ways building me up to be a man, a father and a good husband . Your legacy will live forever.
And now, dear friends, I close this tribute with a feeling of humility and submission to Divine authority. I know many men have a wonderful wife but no one has ever had a better one than I. She was faithful, efficient, loyal and true. She inspired me in ways I cannot explain. I have lost a worthy helpmate but I have nothing but happy memories of our thirty seven years of life together. I sorrow now for my loved one, the delight of my eyes but the burden has been lessened by the many kindnesses shown to me and my family. I mention no names lest someone inadvertently be missed. Let Her funeral be simple and carried out with the dignity she so much admired. I do want you all to know how grateful I am for all you have said or done. The tribute you paid myself and family touched us deeply. I fear I cannot thank all of you personally but be assured your kindness will never be forgotten.
Florence, you reached the finished line before me. We are going to meet on those beautiful shores again.

I smiled back,and said courage my sister.We miss you these few days,but fill your presence from heaven.You did all to prepare us,but we did,nt know.Now we know and understand that our place is not down here in this toilsome world.We are just happy passers by having one task,to Love and live in unity .We will continue to do just d that.
Your sudden departure broke our hearts,we fried load,helf our heads in our hands,heavy as the loss is,God has helped us come to accepting his will.
We will do just that.We promise you that the family will continue to reflect you,to incarnate you,To laugh and smile at others as you did in consolation and friendship.
Do us one Favour.Greet Papa Chi Joseph.
Greet Uncle Richard Che,Greet Mangie,Mama Veroni a Mankaah,our Dear mother,who taught us how to love.Tell them,we are growing in Faith,Tell them we are happy,Tell them we are progressing Tell them the grand children are keeping strong .Above all,tell them some of us are physically sick but will get healed.Keep your laughter,keep your strong smile,keep your fire of LOVE ,
We love you.
Your Brother Mathias
They say there is a reason and they say time will heal,
It is difficult to imagine how time or reason can change the way I feel today but i also still trust God to not look at the size of this loss but to look at the greatness of God
We came into this world together. we grew up sleeping in the same bed. we shared the same birthday and you always made sure every birthday was special to me,
Heaven called you home but I wished you could have stayed. Every day will be a struggle and nothing will ever be the same again but I am consoled by the fact that you did not leave me completely alone and you did not go alone. Part of me went with you when heaven called you and the memories of us will never fade, and will cherish them for ever
I know for sure you are watching over me like you did here on earth., you believed in me even when I didn't believe in myself, you were always my protector, and will forever remain the source of my strength. Our birthday will never be the same again here on earth, but I trust you will be celebrating me in heaven as you did here on earth.
My dearest Sister, I know for sure one day we will be together and I know you will be waiting but until then, I promise to take good care of the girls and daddy. and try to live the life you always rooted for me to live
Everyday shall be a struggle without you here on this earth, i know that for sure, , but I shall forever remember you as my greatest champion and do so with love and honour. I miss you my forever Love
Sleep tight my Sister.
You were a remarkable woman who touched the lives of everyone you met. Your warmth, kindness, and generosity were unparalleled. You had a unique ability to make everyone feel special, whether through your infectious laughter, your wise advice, or your unwavering support.
Family was at the heart of everything you did. You were a loving sister, a devoted mother, and an adoring aunt. Your home was always open, and your heart was always full. Many of us have fond memories of the time spent together, where your bubbly personality shone, and your stories brought us closer.
You were always eager to lend a helping hand to those in need. Your compassionate nature and selflessness were evident in everything you did, and you inspired me to be better, kinder person.
Though you are no longer with us in body, Auntie, your spirit will live on in our hearts. We will cherish the memories we have of you and strive to live by the values you held dear. Your legacy of love and kindness will continue to guide us through our lives.
As we say our goodbyes, let us remember the joy and love that you brought into our lives
Rest well Auntie
Family tree

Together, let us continue the legacy of compassion and kindness that Florence embodied throughout their life.