Julia Levy

Memory wall
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February 4, 2025
Thank for sharing the news yesterday. But this note is to Julia, who I am sure is chuckling now. My writers block, impediment was the cause of me taking so interminably long to write my PhD thesis.
Thank you, thank you. One of the very few regrets in my life is not keeping in closer contact.
You were ahead of your time: already a full
Professor, just as woman’s lib was thinking about starting. And a brilliant teacher, in microbiology, who taught how to think, and ask questions. Your door was open to answer our questions: patiently. And you kept encouraging questions until you offered me a graduate student position! I spent 5 great, and formative years with you in your lab, and other than the last year, struggling to write my thesis, they were wonderful.
I joined your lab at a transition period. It went from a grad student or 2, to a batch of grad students, post docs, and even some undergrad students. Yet you always seemed to have time for these post adolescent (barely) boys, and some girls: some needing more time than others!
I was there when you also started teaching immunology too. Your teaching reputation skyrocketed that class from a handful, to seriously overcrowding. I was also the first of the lab branching from basic science immunology, to medical science.
An interesting possible cycle happened while I was in Majuro, in the Marshall Islands. I developed sudden right eye blindness after a severe cough spasm: couldn’t read the big E on the eye chart. Cutting to the chase, within 3 days of learning there was a treatment for branch retinal vein occlusion (damage to the retinal vasculature), I was seeing a retinal specialist in Honolulu. Part of the diagnosis and treatment was an injection with fluorescent labeled antibody. An hour later, I could read my computer with my r eye. 5 injections later, over many months, I have almost 20:20 vision. I thanked you then too.
I thot of you while I was visiting Indonesia for several months. I knew that you grew up there, and wondered what that would have been like. A fascinating, diverse country which must have had a huge impact on a young and pretty red headed girl. And what were the circumstances of your leaving?
How did you end up being such an influential person, so kind, caring, patient, and with a brilliant curiosity. And even a sense of humor.
And thanks for sharing a bit of Ed with me. Especially when it came to boating.
So sorry I didn’t tell you all this earlier. And I still have plenty more questions to ask!
Thank for sharing the news yesterday. But this note is to Julia, who I am sure is chuckling now. My writers block, impediment was the cause of me taking so interminably long to write my PhD thesis.
Thank you, thank you. One of the very few regrets in my life is not keeping in closer contact.
You were ahead of your time: already a full
Professor, just as woman’s lib was thinking about starting. And a brilliant teacher, in microbiology, who taught how to think, and ask questions. Your door was open to answer our questions: patiently. And you kept encouraging questions until you offered me a graduate student position! I spent 5 great, and formative years with you in your lab, and other than the last year, struggling to write my thesis, they were wonderful.
I joined your lab at a transition period. It went from a grad student or 2, to a batch of grad students, post docs, and even some undergrad students. Yet you always seemed to have time for these post adolescent (barely) boys, and some girls: some needing more time than others!
I was there when you also started teaching immunology too. Your teaching reputation skyrocketed that class from a handful, to seriously overcrowding. I was also the first of the lab branching from basic science immunology, to medical science.
An interesting possible cycle happened while I was in Majuro, in the Marshall Islands. I developed sudden right eye blindness after a severe cough spasm: couldn’t read the big E on the eye chart. Cutting to the chase, within 3 days of learning there was a treatment for branch retinal vein occlusion (damage to the retinal vasculature), I was seeing a retinal specialist in Honolulu. Part of the diagnosis and treatment was an injection with fluorescent labeled antibody. An hour later, I could read my computer with my r eye. 5 injections later, over many months, I have almost 20:20 vision. I thanked you then too.
I thot of you while I was visiting Indonesia for several months. I knew that you grew up there, and wondered what that would have been like. A fascinating, diverse country which must have had a huge impact on a young and pretty red headed girl. And what were the circumstances of your leaving?
How did you end up being such an influential person, so kind, caring, patient, and with a brilliant curiosity. And even a sense of humor.
And thanks for sharing a bit of Ed with me. Especially when it came to boating.
So sorry I didn’t tell you all this earlier. And I still have plenty more questions to ask!
January 31, 2025
Dear Ed,
My heart is heavy. I cannot imagine the loss that you are feeling.
I often have thought about both of you. I know that there’s a challenge in terms of distance, but I’m thankful for the time that we had together and I’m thankful for your trust in allowing me to care for your dental needs.
I’ve admired Julia since she was my third year immunology instructor in 1983. I’ve since looked up to her as a role model. She had integrity, poise, and an inner strength.
I don’t know if I ever told you this, but I had a surprisingly low mark on a fourth year immunology final examination under a different professor. He refused to discuss it with me and instructed me to pay a fee in order to review it, and as a poor student, I didn’t have the money to spare. I spoke to Julia about this, and she approached the other professor and convinced him to let me have a look at my exam paper. Turns out that my exam marks were incorrectly added up, and I scored over 80%! Who knows if I would have made it into Dentistry with the lower marks? Fast forward many years and Julia became my patient through a referral from my good friend and chiropractor, David Mallory. I was so honoured to be allowed that role, and at that point, it feels like it came full circle!
It brings to mind the question regarding the meaning of life: I don’t know who the author was, and I have to paraphrase, but the answer is: ‘’That it matters that you have lived’’. And I can speak for myself that Julia had a significant impact on my life, and I am forever thankful for knowing her.
My heart is heavy. I cannot imagine the loss that you are feeling.
I often have thought about both of you. I know that there’s a challenge in terms of distance, but I’m thankful for the time that we had together and I’m thankful for your trust in allowing me to care for your dental needs.
I’ve admired Julia since she was my third year immunology instructor in 1983. I’ve since looked up to her as a role model. She had integrity, poise, and an inner strength.
I don’t know if I ever told you this, but I had a surprisingly low mark on a fourth year immunology final examination under a different professor. He refused to discuss it with me and instructed me to pay a fee in order to review it, and as a poor student, I didn’t have the money to spare. I spoke to Julia about this, and she approached the other professor and convinced him to let me have a look at my exam paper. Turns out that my exam marks were incorrectly added up, and I scored over 80%! Who knows if I would have made it into Dentistry with the lower marks? Fast forward many years and Julia became my patient through a referral from my good friend and chiropractor, David Mallory. I was so honoured to be allowed that role, and at that point, it feels like it came full circle!
It brings to mind the question regarding the meaning of life: I don’t know who the author was, and I have to paraphrase, but the answer is: ‘’That it matters that you have lived’’. And I can speak for myself that Julia had a significant impact on my life, and I am forever thankful for knowing her.
January 26, 2025
Like a fortunate few, Julia traded her inborn creative talent and hard work for a fulfilling life across many dimensions - a brilliant academic career, a remarkable entrepreneurial venture, and a happy marriage and family. I cannot help but believe that she left us at a time of her choosing with deep satisfaction in a life well lived.
January 19, 2025
Dear, Ed, Jennifer and Benjamin
I believe it was in late 1970 that Nicky introduced me to his family and the friendship with you has lasted all these years. The beautiful house on 36th Ave. in Kerrisdale is a place in my memory of great joy and profound sadness.
" I think over again my small adventures
my fears
those small ones that seemed so big
for all the vital things
I had to get and to reach
and yet there is only one great thing
the only thing
to live to see the great day that dawns
and the light that fills the world"
Old Inuit song
For many years when I hear a loon call, I think of you Julia. I will miss you my dear friend.
Love Kent
I believe it was in late 1970 that Nicky introduced me to his family and the friendship with you has lasted all these years. The beautiful house on 36th Ave. in Kerrisdale is a place in my memory of great joy and profound sadness.
" I think over again my small adventures
my fears
those small ones that seemed so big
for all the vital things
I had to get and to reach
and yet there is only one great thing
the only thing
to live to see the great day that dawns
and the light that fills the world"
Old Inuit song
For many years when I hear a loon call, I think of you Julia. I will miss you my dear friend.
Love Kent
January 18, 2025
Julia's passing away of courrse is a great loss to her family and friends. She was a welcoming host on Ed's and her islamd retreat and in Lund. And she was a terriific cook. Lysiane and I enjoyed staying on the island and in Lund with Julie and Ed.
She develooped at treatment for one form of maculuar degeneeration. It was a great break through.. I have a friend, an artist, who has the treatment. It saved his eyersight. I am sure there are people throughout th world who use the treatment. She was a first class scientiist.and I understand great teacher.
Goodbye, Julia.;
She develooped at treatment for one form of maculuar degeneeration. It was a great break through.. I have a friend, an artist, who has the treatment. It saved his eyersight. I am sure there are people throughout th world who use the treatment. She was a first class scientiist.and I understand great teacher.
Goodbye, Julia.;
January 6, 2025
Dear Ed, I remember having lunch at Nuba with you and Julia some years ago and remarking what an exceptionally wonderful couple you were, with a deep and lively intellectual life, and strong emotional connection, that, in its combination, was palpable and rare. Then Julia asked me to read and comment on her memoir so I got a look at the arc of her impressive life and unique accomplishments. Thanks to the book, her story will go on inspiring people beyond her passing from this world, I know. I was saddened to learn yesterday of her passing from Jacqueline and am sending you my very best wishes and deepest condolences and appreciation. Linda Solomon Wood
January 4, 2025
Dear Ed
This is sad news, but not surprising, given the unfortunate circumstances.
Julia was a magnificent person, one who left her mark on many aspects of our lives and the life of the community. In the mid-70s, I remember coming to the Micro Department at UBC to talk about our research. Our work (on Interleukin 2) was not eliciting much interest from either the immunologists or biochemists at the U of A at the time (although later it did), but Julia and Doug Kilburn expressed their support and encouragement during that visit, which I hugely appreciated.
I enjoyed reading 'In Sight'; I think it showed a clear picture of how a really bright and determined person can succeed and make a difference in a challenging area of human endeavour.
Vern Paetkau
This is sad news, but not surprising, given the unfortunate circumstances.
Julia was a magnificent person, one who left her mark on many aspects of our lives and the life of the community. In the mid-70s, I remember coming to the Micro Department at UBC to talk about our research. Our work (on Interleukin 2) was not eliciting much interest from either the immunologists or biochemists at the U of A at the time (although later it did), but Julia and Doug Kilburn expressed their support and encouragement during that visit, which I hugely appreciated.
I enjoyed reading 'In Sight'; I think it showed a clear picture of how a really bright and determined person can succeed and make a difference in a challenging area of human endeavour.
Vern Paetkau
December 27, 2024
Dear Ed, thank you for the opportunity to say goodbye to Julia and for sharing my final note to her in the days prior to her passing. I have edited my note to her here and wish to share what Julia meant to me.
Julia was an especially important person in my life. Julia gave me the opportunity to be part of something extraordinary. Knowing and working with Julia changed me as a person, launched my career and created a community of people that were forever changed by the experiences we shared together. There are literally hundreds in that community. QLT created a bond that decades later is still alive. The connections we made were because of Julia. The way she treated us, her values, strength, and determination. She had the courage and passion to make a difference for so many. The impact on the patients we served by our work cannot be overstated, but it was also the impact on all of us as individuals that continues, both in how we care for each other, and the care we took in continuing to pursue purposeful and meaningful work. I still tell the story all these years later about my first conversation with her when I was interviewing at QLT. I asked about how people were treated when being exited from the company should they not work out. This was important to me. Julia started talking about gardening. That there was a holistic way to view someone who had to exit an organization. If you plant flowers and one doesn't really bloom or grow, it could be the seed, but it could also be where you chose to plant it, or it could be that part of the soil, or the access to sunlight or how often you remembered to water it etc... and so an organization was partly responsible almost every time. Therefore, we should treat people kindly and accept our responsibility too. I never forgot that in my work and in my life. There is often accountability all around, assigning responsibility and finding root causes is complex and not too many situations are just binary, good, or bad, right, or wrong. Julia was always a holistic and systems-thinking person, and she taught us to be the same way.
I am sad because endings are hard, and she was one of those we wish could be here forever as she has given so much in so many ways. We all know there are precious few Julias in our world and we are so lucky to have had the opportunity to be personally impacted by her kindness, compassion, courage, intelligence, and persistence.
We will continue to honour her, by remembering to care for everyone around us, especially those who are vulnerable or disadvantaged.
We will work hard, with purpose, and we will remember our time with her which was so beautiful, impactful, and so precious to us.
Linda Lupini
Julia was an especially important person in my life. Julia gave me the opportunity to be part of something extraordinary. Knowing and working with Julia changed me as a person, launched my career and created a community of people that were forever changed by the experiences we shared together. There are literally hundreds in that community. QLT created a bond that decades later is still alive. The connections we made were because of Julia. The way she treated us, her values, strength, and determination. She had the courage and passion to make a difference for so many. The impact on the patients we served by our work cannot be overstated, but it was also the impact on all of us as individuals that continues, both in how we care for each other, and the care we took in continuing to pursue purposeful and meaningful work. I still tell the story all these years later about my first conversation with her when I was interviewing at QLT. I asked about how people were treated when being exited from the company should they not work out. This was important to me. Julia started talking about gardening. That there was a holistic way to view someone who had to exit an organization. If you plant flowers and one doesn't really bloom or grow, it could be the seed, but it could also be where you chose to plant it, or it could be that part of the soil, or the access to sunlight or how often you remembered to water it etc... and so an organization was partly responsible almost every time. Therefore, we should treat people kindly and accept our responsibility too. I never forgot that in my work and in my life. There is often accountability all around, assigning responsibility and finding root causes is complex and not too many situations are just binary, good, or bad, right, or wrong. Julia was always a holistic and systems-thinking person, and she taught us to be the same way.
I am sad because endings are hard, and she was one of those we wish could be here forever as she has given so much in so many ways. We all know there are precious few Julias in our world and we are so lucky to have had the opportunity to be personally impacted by her kindness, compassion, courage, intelligence, and persistence.
We will continue to honour her, by remembering to care for everyone around us, especially those who are vulnerable or disadvantaged.
We will work hard, with purpose, and we will remember our time with her which was so beautiful, impactful, and so precious to us.
Linda Lupini
December 22, 2024
I am very sorry to hear that such a great lady has left us. None of us live forever, but the impression we make on others and the effect we have on our world is what we can leave behind. She has left the world a better place than it was when she entered it.
And what a personality! I was in awe of her strength and intelligence, but she was always very kind and gave me my first job in biotech so many years ago. Thank you, Julia.❤️. See you in the Next!
And what a personality! I was in awe of her strength and intelligence, but she was always very kind and gave me my first job in biotech so many years ago. Thank you, Julia.❤️. See you in the Next!
December 21, 2024
Dear Ed,
I only learned of Julia’s passing from your e-mail today, and although she reached over 90 years of age, she was truly young at heart and so full of life in our last meeting. So, this has been a real shocker for Cathy and I, and we extend to you and your family our deepest heartfelt condolences. Although our busy lives and distance made it harder to connect with you and Julia over the last decade, those special times that we still got together for dinner remain amongst our most cherished memories.
As you know, Julia and I shared a long history together, starting when I was an undergraduate student at the University of British Columbia and she was my professor in a genetics course. I actually failed her mid-term exam with a 49% score (the only exam I have ever failed), but ended up with a 90% on her final exam for the course. Upon my return to UBC as starting assistant professor, I had the opportunity and pleasure of being a scientific collaborator with her as we researched the role of MAP kinases in immune cell signalling. Later, when I started Kinetek Pharmaceuticals Inc., fate had it that we shared our facilities on the Fifth Floor of the QLT Building with your executive offices. I was very grateful and honoured that Julia was willing to join the Board of Directors of Kinetek, and she later become Chairwoman of the Board. Thanks to her leadership and QLT, the work of Kinetek was able to continue on for a few more years after I left the company in 1998. I was also delighted when she encouraged you to join the Board of Directors of my new company Kinexus Bioinformatics Corporation. In that way, she and you provided valuable guidance to me at Kinexus. Though it has always been a struggle for BC biotech companies to succeed, Kinexus passed its 25th year of operation this summer after its founding in July 1999. As shareholders of Kinexus, you have been able to continue to learn of our progress and challenges through this time.
Julia’s inspiration and mentorship on my own life is but one example of the huge influence that she and you have made on the biomedical research and the biotechnology industry in BC. It was fascinating to read her biography “In Sight” and receive further insight into her early life and particularly the remarkable QLT story. I remember her mentioning to me that it was cathartic experience that she highly recommended. Julia and you will certainly be a part of my own biographic book if I ever get the chance to write it. She remains one of the most outstanding mentors in my life. Those of us who were privileged to know her and to be considered as friends will deeply miss her.
I only learned of Julia’s passing from your e-mail today, and although she reached over 90 years of age, she was truly young at heart and so full of life in our last meeting. So, this has been a real shocker for Cathy and I, and we extend to you and your family our deepest heartfelt condolences. Although our busy lives and distance made it harder to connect with you and Julia over the last decade, those special times that we still got together for dinner remain amongst our most cherished memories.
As you know, Julia and I shared a long history together, starting when I was an undergraduate student at the University of British Columbia and she was my professor in a genetics course. I actually failed her mid-term exam with a 49% score (the only exam I have ever failed), but ended up with a 90% on her final exam for the course. Upon my return to UBC as starting assistant professor, I had the opportunity and pleasure of being a scientific collaborator with her as we researched the role of MAP kinases in immune cell signalling. Later, when I started Kinetek Pharmaceuticals Inc., fate had it that we shared our facilities on the Fifth Floor of the QLT Building with your executive offices. I was very grateful and honoured that Julia was willing to join the Board of Directors of Kinetek, and she later become Chairwoman of the Board. Thanks to her leadership and QLT, the work of Kinetek was able to continue on for a few more years after I left the company in 1998. I was also delighted when she encouraged you to join the Board of Directors of my new company Kinexus Bioinformatics Corporation. In that way, she and you provided valuable guidance to me at Kinexus. Though it has always been a struggle for BC biotech companies to succeed, Kinexus passed its 25th year of operation this summer after its founding in July 1999. As shareholders of Kinexus, you have been able to continue to learn of our progress and challenges through this time.
Julia’s inspiration and mentorship on my own life is but one example of the huge influence that she and you have made on the biomedical research and the biotechnology industry in BC. It was fascinating to read her biography “In Sight” and receive further insight into her early life and particularly the remarkable QLT story. I remember her mentioning to me that it was cathartic experience that she highly recommended. Julia and you will certainly be a part of my own biographic book if I ever get the chance to write it. She remains one of the most outstanding mentors in my life. Those of us who were privileged to know her and to be considered as friends will deeply miss her.
December 16, 2024
Dear Ed and Family,
I am deeply saddened to hear about Julia’s passing and wanted to send my heartfelt condolences to you all. Julia was such an inspiration—a true trailblazer who made an impact on everyone she met. She was a force of nature, never stopping, never taking no for an answer, and always pushing forward with such strength and determination.
Her kindness and support helped so many people, including me. She always gave me confidence and reassured me when I doubted myself. I can’t begin to express how much she impacted my life.
We’ve lost an angel, and the world is a little dimmer without her. Her legacy will live on in all of us who were lucky enough to know her.
She will be so deeply missed.
With love and sympathy,
I am deeply saddened to hear about Julia’s passing and wanted to send my heartfelt condolences to you all. Julia was such an inspiration—a true trailblazer who made an impact on everyone she met. She was a force of nature, never stopping, never taking no for an answer, and always pushing forward with such strength and determination.
Her kindness and support helped so many people, including me. She always gave me confidence and reassured me when I doubted myself. I can’t begin to express how much she impacted my life.
We’ve lost an angel, and the world is a little dimmer without her. Her legacy will live on in all of us who were lucky enough to know her.
She will be so deeply missed.
With love and sympathy,
December 16, 2024
Hi Ed,
I just heard about Julia's passing and I want to pass on my condolences to you and your family. I have very fond memories of dining with you and Julia at Ross and Jillian's two years ago. Julia, as you know better than anyone was brilliant, charming and inspiring to so many people. A great loss for our community, and I know that her accomplishments and kindness will live in the hearts of thousands of people.
I just heard about Julia's passing and I want to pass on my condolences to you and your family. I have very fond memories of dining with you and Julia at Ross and Jillian's two years ago. Julia, as you know better than anyone was brilliant, charming and inspiring to so many people. A great loss for our community, and I know that her accomplishments and kindness will live in the hearts of thousands of people.
December 16, 2024
We knew you hadn't been doing well, Julia, but we had no idea it had gone so far. We have often been thinking about you, and wondering what we could do for you. I guess all that we can do at this point is to convey to you how very important you are to us. And to many, many other people whose lives you've touched and improved, through a life devoted to research and teaching.
On a very personal note, you should know how much you helped Susan get through our son's addiction and death. Your conversations with her helped her realize she was not alone, and that if you could get through it, she could try too.
The things you've accomplished are hard to measure, but are indeed acts of great love. We've already missed your presence over the past year, and will always miss you. We will not forget you.
Ed, as you know, we are always here for you, any time of day. If you need any help with anything, just say the word.
With much, much love and affection to both of you,
John and Susan
On a very personal note, you should know how much you helped Susan get through our son's addiction and death. Your conversations with her helped her realize she was not alone, and that if you could get through it, she could try too.
The things you've accomplished are hard to measure, but are indeed acts of great love. We've already missed your presence over the past year, and will always miss you. We will not forget you.
Ed, as you know, we are always here for you, any time of day. If you need any help with anything, just say the word.
With much, much love and affection to both of you,
John and Susan
December 15, 2024
Dear Ed,
I am very sorry to hear of Julia’s passing. Good for her for taking control of her life to the end.
She leaves an impressive legacy on the frontier of women in science, an important role model for many young women already and to come.
I have fond memories of our visit to your island retreat and the magnificence of your culinary abilities and island delicacies in a remote environ.
Be gentle with yourself. This is a big transition for you too.
Warmly, Heather Miller
I am very sorry to hear of Julia’s passing. Good for her for taking control of her life to the end.
She leaves an impressive legacy on the frontier of women in science, an important role model for many young women already and to come.
I have fond memories of our visit to your island retreat and the magnificence of your culinary abilities and island delicacies in a remote environ.
Be gentle with yourself. This is a big transition for you too.
Warmly, Heather Miller
December 15, 2024
Hi Ed, I just want to say that we are sending so much love up the coast today. Julia is an amazing woman who lived a very impactful 90 years on this earth. She is intelligent, and fearless and has always been one of my biggest role models, not only as a grandma, but as a woman in science. It doesn't surprise me that she is choosing to go out on her terms. She will be dearly missed ❤️ Love from Alex, Justin and baby Owen
December 15, 2024
I've heard today about Julia's passing. I have so much to say and will follow up in a more proper way soon. But for now I want to send my deepest heartfelt and humble condolences to you and your family. ♥️ Julia and you have been so amazingly wonderful to me over these years. I understand grief and know that it is very fresh for you so I will give you space as you need but please know that Julia and you have touched my heart very much over these years, being so kind to me.....I will miss her presence deeply....and I understand that that depth of loss is incredibly personal. Big huge blessings and love coming from me Ed. ♥️🙏
December 15, 2024
Dear Julia, Ed, family
I am sad to hear the news and comforted to know that you two are together, always, for and supporting each other, and that your family are there in your beloved Lund home.
You two are parts of my wilderness experience, history, stories that have become myth a part of me- the trips to Sonora Island, pie making and hat making contests, Lupin playing flute on the echoey lake/pond, Julia teaching us how to identify Portabello mushrooms, & scoop eggs out of salmon, spending time with Eds american family. And other wilderness adventures like the high powered boat with 4 engines going through hole-in-the-wall...
Being at get togethers with you four having intense intelligent no holds barred conversations, learning about your famiky history/cultures, visiting in Lund and hearing about you and your family from my folks.
You are an impressive, exotic and enhancing, special gift in my life as I know you are to so many
Love to you and Ed and the family always
xoxox Rochelle
I am sad to hear the news and comforted to know that you two are together, always, for and supporting each other, and that your family are there in your beloved Lund home.
You two are parts of my wilderness experience, history, stories that have become myth a part of me- the trips to Sonora Island, pie making and hat making contests, Lupin playing flute on the echoey lake/pond, Julia teaching us how to identify Portabello mushrooms, & scoop eggs out of salmon, spending time with Eds american family. And other wilderness adventures like the high powered boat with 4 engines going through hole-in-the-wall...
Being at get togethers with you four having intense intelligent no holds barred conversations, learning about your famiky history/cultures, visiting in Lund and hearing about you and your family from my folks.
You are an impressive, exotic and enhancing, special gift in my life as I know you are to so many
Love to you and Ed and the family always
xoxox Rochelle
December 15, 2024
We were taught that memory is a blessing because it brings connection. That soothes me now.
I’m one of the lucky ones, like you, Edwin. My first recollection is, too, fifty-five years old; a toast to a beautiful, loving couple in the Arboretum at UNC. What’s wonderful and amazing is the memories only get better, deeper, warmer. So many funny, some sad, and often out of the blue, sapphire blue.
Actually looking to buy beets, celebrating a functioning outhouse, finding a top sheet, spotting a regal afghan (forgive the redundancy), hearing about a newly discovered cure, learning about and celebrating a woman scientist, recognizing a question that no one else bothered to ask, opening minds, award winning teachers.
Being my big brother’s true love.
As long as there is a Robert, there’ll be a Julia.
We were taught that memory is a blessing because it brings connection. That soothes me now.
I’m one of the lucky ones, like you, Edwin. My first recollection is, too, fifty-five years old; a toast to a beautiful, loving couple in the Arboretum at UNC. What’s wonderful and amazing is the memories only get better, deeper, warmer. So many funny, some sad, and often out of the blue, sapphire blue.
Actually looking to buy beets, celebrating a functioning outhouse, finding a top sheet, spotting a regal afghan (forgive the redundancy), hearing about a newly discovered cure, learning about and celebrating a woman scientist, recognizing a question that no one else bothered to ask, opening minds, award winning teachers.
Being my big brother’s true love.
As long as there is a Robert, there’ll be a Julia.
December 15, 2024
I am sending so much love to you Ed and Jennifer and Ben and Ofcourse Julia .
Darling Julia. I am only sad we haven't been nearer for the last 55 years.
You have such a big place in my heart
Darling Julia. I am only sad we haven't been nearer for the last 55 years.
You have such a big place in my heart
December 15, 2024
Dearest Ed,
I have just been forwarded the latest update on Julia.
I'm not sure how to articulate what I want to say - the deep sadness that this is the time, the understanding and respect of the choice she has made... And many more emotions I'm not sure how to express.
Julia is an inspiration and it has been an absolute privilege to have had the magical time we did together. I will treasure the memories of Lund and Vancouver that we share, both in 2005 (a formative time, and my first big travel adventure) and 2022 as a newly married person, showing my new husband a stunning place that had a significant impact on me, and the kind, generous, fascinating family members who were distant in location/relation, but somehow felt close - and like there was a homecoming in spending time with you. I will always remember the fascinating and brilliant conversation. Julia is awesome (as in thinking of her as a person, her career and the life she lived fills me with awe) and as I said, I feel privileged to have had the time I did with her. I want to thank her, but again, it's hard to articulate what for - the kindness, generosity, inspiration and love from afar.
I'm not a religious person, but I'm sending all the good will, thoughts and love from me to Julia, to you, and all of your family.
All our love,
Georgia and Jamie and the bump
I have just been forwarded the latest update on Julia.
I'm not sure how to articulate what I want to say - the deep sadness that this is the time, the understanding and respect of the choice she has made... And many more emotions I'm not sure how to express.
Julia is an inspiration and it has been an absolute privilege to have had the magical time we did together. I will treasure the memories of Lund and Vancouver that we share, both in 2005 (a formative time, and my first big travel adventure) and 2022 as a newly married person, showing my new husband a stunning place that had a significant impact on me, and the kind, generous, fascinating family members who were distant in location/relation, but somehow felt close - and like there was a homecoming in spending time with you. I will always remember the fascinating and brilliant conversation. Julia is awesome (as in thinking of her as a person, her career and the life she lived fills me with awe) and as I said, I feel privileged to have had the time I did with her. I want to thank her, but again, it's hard to articulate what for - the kindness, generosity, inspiration and love from afar.
I'm not a religious person, but I'm sending all the good will, thoughts and love from me to Julia, to you, and all of your family.
All our love,
Georgia and Jamie and the bump
December 15, 2024
Thanks Ed. How very sad and yet wonderful. Please give Julia all my love. If it is possible to tell us when then let her know that all our love and thoughts will be with her and I shall always remember her kindness and love she gave to me.
Thinking of you all. Tim
Thinking of you all. Tim
December 15, 2024
Dear Ed,
I feel great compassion and respect for both you and Julia. I echo Alex’s words below. Julia has long been such an inspiration in science and in her way of conducting herself and continuing to engage in and mentor with a wide breadth of interests.
I feel so fortunate to be, even partially, in Julia’s orbit and to bear witness to her life and values. Please give her all my best for her journey.
And Ed, you have Roger and my support and warm wishes. We will be in Vancouver come January and look forward to seeing you.
I feel great compassion and respect for both you and Julia. I echo Alex’s words below. Julia has long been such an inspiration in science and in her way of conducting herself and continuing to engage in and mentor with a wide breadth of interests.
I feel so fortunate to be, even partially, in Julia’s orbit and to bear witness to her life and values. Please give her all my best for her journey.
And Ed, you have Roger and my support and warm wishes. We will be in Vancouver come January and look forward to seeing you.
December 15, 2024
Dearest Ed and Julia,
How generous of you to give us the opportunity to send our love and to
be able to think hard about you before you go Julia. I'd have not told
anyone and now I know that would be an unkind thing to do. Still making
the world a better place you lovely people. 101 things to say thank you
for, the one that jumps to mind is your calm, informed and invaluable
support in the earlier days of Luke's illness, that made all the
difference to us in a world of madness.
I would salute you if we were forces, I would pray and thank God for
your existence if I was religious, (I'll do that anyway, insurance) I'd
hug you both if I was there.
But we can plant a tree for you Julia, here in Cornwall. It will be
Julia's tree and I will send you a photo Ed, and it will be lovely to
think of you in that way.
Georgia has emailed to say that Clarissa is away on Dartmoor and may not
have a signal. In case you don't hear I can say that she sends all love
and more at this time and beyond.
With our love
Jeff, Kate and all the family xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
How generous of you to give us the opportunity to send our love and to
be able to think hard about you before you go Julia. I'd have not told
anyone and now I know that would be an unkind thing to do. Still making
the world a better place you lovely people. 101 things to say thank you
for, the one that jumps to mind is your calm, informed and invaluable
support in the earlier days of Luke's illness, that made all the
difference to us in a world of madness.
I would salute you if we were forces, I would pray and thank God for
your existence if I was religious, (I'll do that anyway, insurance) I'd
hug you both if I was there.
But we can plant a tree for you Julia, here in Cornwall. It will be
Julia's tree and I will send you a photo Ed, and it will be lovely to
think of you in that way.
Georgia has emailed to say that Clarissa is away on Dartmoor and may not
have a signal. In case you don't hear I can say that she sends all love
and more at this time and beyond.
With our love
Jeff, Kate and all the family xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
December 15, 2024
Hi Ed,
Passing on a few photos of our Benjamin to hopefully share with Julia if there is opportunity.
I must say, she will be greatly missed by us all. I actually read her book while I was pregnant last winter, and it truly just reinforced how lucky I feel to have had such an incredibly strong, intelligent, and pioneering woman as a grandmother and role model. She was and continues to be such an inspiration to me and countless others. I have such fond memories of our times spent in Vancouver over Christmas, and at Sonora in the summers. I loved helping Julia in the garden at Sonora, and cooking and baking with her using the freshest ingredients. The summer I spent in Lund with you both, helping take care of Jesse and Nikita when they were just little.
Julia will be deeply missed, but she lives on in all of us who were lucky enough to know her and love her. We will be telling our little Ben of what an amazing woman his great grandmother was for many years to come.
With Love,
Passing on a few photos of our Benjamin to hopefully share with Julia if there is opportunity.
I must say, she will be greatly missed by us all. I actually read her book while I was pregnant last winter, and it truly just reinforced how lucky I feel to have had such an incredibly strong, intelligent, and pioneering woman as a grandmother and role model. She was and continues to be such an inspiration to me and countless others. I have such fond memories of our times spent in Vancouver over Christmas, and at Sonora in the summers. I loved helping Julia in the garden at Sonora, and cooking and baking with her using the freshest ingredients. The summer I spent in Lund with you both, helping take care of Jesse and Nikita when they were just little.
Julia will be deeply missed, but she lives on in all of us who were lucky enough to know her and love her. We will be telling our little Ben of what an amazing woman his great grandmother was for many years to come.
With Love,
December 15, 2024
Thank you for letting me know about Julia’s decision. ♥️
She is a strong, intelligent, caring, generous person, who you could tell absolutely adored her family!
I am sure this was a hard decision for her, but we all know in our hearts what we want and need to do in certain times of our life.
I truly loved having my little visits with Julia while I cut her hair!
We had the greatest conversations!
I am very blessed that I was able to be apart of her life! ♥️
I will miss her dearly!
Please give her a big hug from me!
Love you Julia!
She is a strong, intelligent, caring, generous person, who you could tell absolutely adored her family!
I am sure this was a hard decision for her, but we all know in our hearts what we want and need to do in certain times of our life.
I truly loved having my little visits with Julia while I cut her hair!
We had the greatest conversations!
I am very blessed that I was able to be apart of her life! ♥️
I will miss her dearly!
Please give her a big hug from me!
Love you Julia!
December 15, 2024
Julia was a special lady- smart, personable and loving. She was a great companion to her husband and a proud mother of her children. Life was an adventure, and she welcomed the challenge. Julia accomplished what few people have done. She made a contribution to the world and made it a better place than before.
December 15, 2024
Sending a profound sense of love, strength and peace to you both…
I found your messages in the depths of the night… and though I only got through the first paragraph where I just had to stop and reflect, your granddaughter’s words came to me as well. “an amazing woman, who has lived an impactful 90 years! Intelligent and fearless… living life and now, death on her own terms.”
our heart goes out to you both and your family Ed and Julia… sending you love and peace.
wendy and greg
I found your messages in the depths of the night… and though I only got through the first paragraph where I just had to stop and reflect, your granddaughter’s words came to me as well. “an amazing woman, who has lived an impactful 90 years! Intelligent and fearless… living life and now, death on her own terms.”
our heart goes out to you both and your family Ed and Julia… sending you love and peace.
wendy and greg
December 15, 2024
Hi Ed
I am not good with words. Please let her know I will really miss her and please give her a hug for me.
I am not good with words. Please let her know I will really miss her and please give her a hug for me.
December 15, 2024
My heart is heavy, knowing that Julia is leaving us but I truly understand. I have enjoyed having her as a client for so many years and feel lucky to have known her for so long. I have never stopped thinking about her and you as well.
My thoughts are with you. My love to Julia and farewell.
My thoughts are with you. My love to Julia and farewell.
December 15, 2024
Hi Ed,
How many times I have thought of you and Julia. Getting updates from my mom on how and where you are. I somehow always imagined I would make it up to Lund to tell you both in person how much you both meant to me.
I’m sure Julia doesn’t remember but when I was young I visited her lab at UBC. I will admit I was partially traumatized by witnessing the killing of the mice but I appreciated the power of the work she was doing. Along the way I met many times folks who had worked with her and how positively they spoke of her. And I took so much pride in saying I know her. I know you both.
Tell Julia I love her and I am sorry I won’t get to see her one last time. She has always been an inspiration for me, as I work in a male dominated profession.
Big hugs to you and the whole family.
How many times I have thought of you and Julia. Getting updates from my mom on how and where you are. I somehow always imagined I would make it up to Lund to tell you both in person how much you both meant to me.
I’m sure Julia doesn’t remember but when I was young I visited her lab at UBC. I will admit I was partially traumatized by witnessing the killing of the mice but I appreciated the power of the work she was doing. Along the way I met many times folks who had worked with her and how positively they spoke of her. And I took so much pride in saying I know her. I know you both.
Tell Julia I love her and I am sorry I won’t get to see her one last time. She has always been an inspiration for me, as I work in a male dominated profession.
Big hugs to you and the whole family.
December 15, 2024
Dear Ed,
Thank you for the opportunity to write to Julia during this time. I know my message will be received in which ever form it is delivered. Through you or the trees, or the plants.
Dear Julia,
What a special treat to arrive in Lund and meet you here.
Thank you for trusting me in your garden and giving me the opportunity to learn new things with each plant I got to know and study.
I will remember the last time we were in the vegetable garden together. Weeding your asparagus patch in the sun. Talking and having some laughs.
It truly has been an honour to know you and be neighbours with such an intelligent, kind, funny, strong, and inspirational woman.
I bet Alan Campbell has some great limericks waiting just for you.
Sending my love and gratitude to you,
Thank you for the opportunity to write to Julia during this time. I know my message will be received in which ever form it is delivered. Through you or the trees, or the plants.
Dear Julia,
What a special treat to arrive in Lund and meet you here.
Thank you for trusting me in your garden and giving me the opportunity to learn new things with each plant I got to know and study.
I will remember the last time we were in the vegetable garden together. Weeding your asparagus patch in the sun. Talking and having some laughs.
It truly has been an honour to know you and be neighbours with such an intelligent, kind, funny, strong, and inspirational woman.
I bet Alan Campbell has some great limericks waiting just for you.
Sending my love and gratitude to you,
December 15, 2024
Dear Ed: I am sending fond thoughts to both you and Julia. While her choice is sad for everyone, at least she can make that choice herself and be at peace with it. We thank her for being a great role model for women, and I am personally sad that for several older folks, the days at Owen Bay are just memories that will be cherished.
Ian, who has dementia, has also chosen MAID, which we hope will be far down the road, but we understand the process and support the sense of both freedom and sadness that it provides.
We shall be thinking of you……..fondly, Gail and Ian
Ian, who has dementia, has also chosen MAID, which we hope will be far down the road, but we understand the process and support the sense of both freedom and sadness that it provides.
We shall be thinking of you……..fondly, Gail and Ian
December 15, 2024
Dear Ed,
Elizabeth forwarded yesterday’s email. My thoughts are with all of you as you embark on this journey. If you can, please tell Julia how much I appreciated her as a beacon of female dignity and confidence throughout these many decades. I will always feel her thinking and writing in the meditation cabin.
Love, Lara
Elizabeth forwarded yesterday’s email. My thoughts are with all of you as you embark on this journey. If you can, please tell Julia how much I appreciated her as a beacon of female dignity and confidence throughout these many decades. I will always feel her thinking and writing in the meditation cabin.
Love, Lara
December 15, 2024
Thanks for letting me know, Darlene. I appreciate it.
And, Ed, I don’t know what to type, really. I wish you and Julia and the rest of your family peace as you go through this passage, and after. I’ll be thinking of you.
And, Ed, I don’t know what to type, really. I wish you and Julia and the rest of your family peace as you go through this passage, and after. I’ll be thinking of you.
December 15, 2024
Dear Ed and Julia, Julia, you have made a difference in my life, and in the world! Such a remarkable woman in so many ways…mother,wife, grandmother, scientist and friend!!!! It has been an honour to call you a friend!!! Wonderful memories over the past 20 years in Lund….boating, prawning, gardening “artichoke envy” and lots of laughter! Will miss you profoundly!!! With love and deep respect to you and Ed and your family, Parsla and Harry
December 15, 2024
Ed, Jim forwarded me the message about Julia. I am so very sorry to hear this news, but very respectful of her decision. She is a remarkable woman who had led an amazing life and will leave a lasting legacy. We have been blessed to have spent time with you both during our journey through life. Please send my love to her. My heart goes out to you and your family.
Much love,
Much love,
December 15, 2024
Dear Ed and Julia,
What to say... I have thought about this all day. Julia, you are amazing. I am so glad that you are choosing your own exit. May we all be so lucky as to decide it is time to go and let the wave head back into the ocean.
I bought a container of raspberries today because an amazing raspberry always reminds me of my Aunt Julia. Lemon meringue pies also remind me of you. My daughter said she had never had a lemon meringue pie. I felt like such a failure that I had grown up with amazing pies made by my aunt and she had never gotten to try that homemade pie you made perfectly. I felt like such a success when she then made one and it was amazing. Parenting is mostly standing back and hoping everything goes OK, I think.
I do want to share what it meant to have you in my life. There were so many moments when you said exactly what I was thinking. It used to thrill me when you would tell a misbehaving adult to knock it off or stop acting like an ass. I even appreciated it when you told me to knock it off. It was always deserved. You were direct and always confidently you. Your intelligence was obvious but I love most that you could see what others missed, in every way. What a wonderful thing to see a woman like that when you are an awkward kid.
There's so much more I could share or tell you about what you mean to me. But, let's just say that I am grateful for your life and that I got to be in it.
With love and a ton of tears,
What to say... I have thought about this all day. Julia, you are amazing. I am so glad that you are choosing your own exit. May we all be so lucky as to decide it is time to go and let the wave head back into the ocean.
I bought a container of raspberries today because an amazing raspberry always reminds me of my Aunt Julia. Lemon meringue pies also remind me of you. My daughter said she had never had a lemon meringue pie. I felt like such a failure that I had grown up with amazing pies made by my aunt and she had never gotten to try that homemade pie you made perfectly. I felt like such a success when she then made one and it was amazing. Parenting is mostly standing back and hoping everything goes OK, I think.
I do want to share what it meant to have you in my life. There were so many moments when you said exactly what I was thinking. It used to thrill me when you would tell a misbehaving adult to knock it off or stop acting like an ass. I even appreciated it when you told me to knock it off. It was always deserved. You were direct and always confidently you. Your intelligence was obvious but I love most that you could see what others missed, in every way. What a wonderful thing to see a woman like that when you are an awkward kid.
There's so much more I could share or tell you about what you mean to me. But, let's just say that I am grateful for your life and that I got to be in it.
With love and a ton of tears,
December 15, 2024
Dear Ed,
I hope this message finds you well under the circumstances.
This is Michael Kelly - Barb Kelly’s son. I was deeply saddened to hear the news about Julia earlier today and wanted to reach out.
Julia has always held a special place in my heart for her unwavering belief in my mum and the opportunities that came as a result. Together, they were an incredible team — two remarkably talented women who accomplished so much. I would like to thank Julia for being so supportive.
My mum passed away just two days ago after a battle with advanced dementia, and the timing feels quite poignant. My thoughts are with you and your family. Please pass on my regards and condolences to Ben.
I hope this message finds you well under the circumstances.
This is Michael Kelly - Barb Kelly’s son. I was deeply saddened to hear the news about Julia earlier today and wanted to reach out.
Julia has always held a special place in my heart for her unwavering belief in my mum and the opportunities that came as a result. Together, they were an incredible team — two remarkably talented women who accomplished so much. I would like to thank Julia for being so supportive.
My mum passed away just two days ago after a battle with advanced dementia, and the timing feels quite poignant. My thoughts are with you and your family. Please pass on my regards and condolences to Ben.
December 15, 2024
I am very sorry to hear of your and Julia’s news. As someone who has been through MAID with those I love it is both a blessing and a responsibility.
I wanted to share my heartfelt appreciation and awe of Julia.
I remember meeting you for the first time in the QLT offices with your dog under the desk over 30 years ago. I remember your strength, wisdom, full of wonder and even you’re your were doing things on your own terms. What an inspiration for women in Vancouver, BC, Canada and in our sector around the world. Your legacy will live on through you and your family and all of us who had the honour of knowing you. I appreciate and honour all that you have done for us and I am very thankful. As you make the next journey may you dance and laugh with those who have made it before you and make sure you keep some space for us - we will look for your leadership as we make our way there as we always have.
May peace and courage be with you.
Ed, thank you for letting us know and my thoughts are with you and all of those you love.
I wanted to share my heartfelt appreciation and awe of Julia.
I remember meeting you for the first time in the QLT offices with your dog under the desk over 30 years ago. I remember your strength, wisdom, full of wonder and even you’re your were doing things on your own terms. What an inspiration for women in Vancouver, BC, Canada and in our sector around the world. Your legacy will live on through you and your family and all of us who had the honour of knowing you. I appreciate and honour all that you have done for us and I am very thankful. As you make the next journey may you dance and laugh with those who have made it before you and make sure you keep some space for us - we will look for your leadership as we make our way there as we always have.
May peace and courage be with you.
Ed, thank you for letting us know and my thoughts are with you and all of those you love.
December 15, 2024
Dear Ed
I was saddened by your news. The period of time when we worked together was not only the highlight of my career but a respectful friendship which developed and bond us. I think of Julia as not only a gifted scientist but also a warmhearted person with integrity. I wish you and Julia lots of strength in this very difficult time
My very best wishes
I was saddened by your news. The period of time when we worked together was not only the highlight of my career but a respectful friendship which developed and bond us. I think of Julia as not only a gifted scientist but also a warmhearted person with integrity. I wish you and Julia lots of strength in this very difficult time
My very best wishes
December 15, 2024
Dear Ed,
So sad to hear this news Ed. I was thinking about moments with Julia this morning. That heated dinner conversation with Ros and Jack Kunin about civil disobedience (Julia was on the right side, pro-civil disobedience).
One memory that made me smile was thinking about Julia enthusiastically talking to that group of young women who started the Narwhal. It was a fundraiser in our backyard. Julia fit right into the conversation. She was one of those twenty-somethings righting wrongs. Please tell Julia I will miss her. Jim
So sad to hear this news Ed. I was thinking about moments with Julia this morning. That heated dinner conversation with Ros and Jack Kunin about civil disobedience (Julia was on the right side, pro-civil disobedience).
One memory that made me smile was thinking about Julia enthusiastically talking to that group of young women who started the Narwhal. It was a fundraiser in our backyard. Julia fit right into the conversation. She was one of those twenty-somethings righting wrongs. Please tell Julia I will miss her. Jim
December 15, 2024
The world has lost one of the most inspiring women and scientists💔.
I feel privieged to have worked with Julia @qlt.
Julia has always been and will continue to be my idol❤️.
Love and condolences to Ed and family.
I feel privieged to have worked with Julia @qlt.
Julia has always been and will continue to be my idol❤️.
Love and condolences to Ed and family.
December 15, 2024
Dear Ed and Julia,
We are thinking of you both at this time.
We wish you peace and grace in the days to come.
We have forever admired you Julia and have appreciated you being in our lives. Your support and friendship over the years to our family has been much appreciated.
Sending you so much love and best wishes from Diamond Bay.
Miray, Luke, Theo and Maeve
We are thinking of you both at this time.
We wish you peace and grace in the days to come.
We have forever admired you Julia and have appreciated you being in our lives. Your support and friendship over the years to our family has been much appreciated.
Sending you so much love and best wishes from Diamond Bay.
Miray, Luke, Theo and Maeve
December 15, 2024
i have been traveling to my brother in Pasadena when received the news via Darlene and hope this note arrives in time for Julia to read it.
How bewildering life is to now reach this moment. I remember our most recent meeting, probably during your last visit to OB, when we sat in your front yard under the apple trees-- two aging women catching up on news. Our meetings often were ever too brief looking out your cabin window with the dogs of various ilk always catching up on the year's news of children, friends, some politics and other incidental concerns. I also remember how during David's illness, you were always reassuring and a comfort.
I know you to be a woman who fiercely talented, determined in a quiet and persistent way, who has endured some of life's most painful challenges with grace and love for family and humanity. You have lived to the fullest and leave us ever too soon. Know that you will live in my memories forever.
With love,
i have been traveling to my brother in Pasadena when received the news via Darlene and hope this note arrives in time for Julia to read it.
How bewildering life is to now reach this moment. I remember our most recent meeting, probably during your last visit to OB, when we sat in your front yard under the apple trees-- two aging women catching up on news. Our meetings often were ever too brief looking out your cabin window with the dogs of various ilk always catching up on the year's news of children, friends, some politics and other incidental concerns. I also remember how during David's illness, you were always reassuring and a comfort.
I know you to be a woman who fiercely talented, determined in a quiet and persistent way, who has endured some of life's most painful challenges with grace and love for family and humanity. You have lived to the fullest and leave us ever too soon. Know that you will live in my memories forever.
With love,
December 15, 2024
I am truly sorry to hear this news. Please pass on to Julia my love and deepest thoughts of care. You and Julia have been a constant feature in my life and I have valued our time together.
I don't need to tell you or her how great a person Julia is, it's clear to everyone who has ever met her. Please let Julia know that I treasure my childhood memories of when it was just the four boys at Dodo and Bobo's house or at Robert's Creek. I particularly enjoyed our summer together on Sonora and how Julia brought treats whenever she came up. When I think of Nicky these are the memories I have.
MAID is difficult decision point and several of my friends and relative's have recently had to make the same choice but that decision came with a sense of peace. I know it is not an easy time.
Please give my love to Julia and tell her that she will always be in my mind and heart .
Take care of yourself as well.
I don't need to tell you or her how great a person Julia is, it's clear to everyone who has ever met her. Please let Julia know that I treasure my childhood memories of when it was just the four boys at Dodo and Bobo's house or at Robert's Creek. I particularly enjoyed our summer together on Sonora and how Julia brought treats whenever she came up. When I think of Nicky these are the memories I have.
MAID is difficult decision point and several of my friends and relative's have recently had to make the same choice but that decision came with a sense of peace. I know it is not an easy time.
Please give my love to Julia and tell her that she will always be in my mind and heart .
Take care of yourself as well.
December 15, 2024
Julia, many will reflect on your remarkable contributions to science and to making Canada a place where biotech could thrive. Less well known are your contributions to justice in this country. Through your charitable leadership, you have not only supported many organizations in the social sector and the arts, but you have made pathbreaking change happen in human rights and justice in Canada. These included creating the foundation for the litigation to end the terrible suffering associated with Canada's solitary confinement practices, and of course, helping so many people to access dignified care to put an end to their intolerable suffering. Many thousands of people in this country, and their families, will benefit for years into the future thanks to the work that you, and of course Ed in partnership, helped to spur. I am personally so grateful to have had some fleeting chances to work with you, and to have been engaged in work supported by you. Your quiet, stalwart support of justice causes has been a beacon, Julia, and that light has improved lives in tangible ways and changed Canada for the better. I wish you peace, and ease, and warmth, and love with your family, Julia.
Farewell, with thanks.
Farewell, with thanks.
December 15, 2024
Hi Julia
I'm sure you're hearing from lots of friends and family and I hope this reaches you. It's always been nice to know you as a neighbour at Owen Bay. I love hearing your stories of the early days up there. Remembering those stories makes me reflect on how you're such a part of the Owen Bay culture. You sought out a place like Owen Bay for its remoteness and its natural deterrents from yachties and I love that. You gardened up there cultivating a beautiful sort of homestead feeling, inspiring many others to plant things and to try to carve out some semblance of a garden from unrelenting forces of the rainforest. If it wasn't for you I'd have no appreciation for a sour cherry pie. You are well known and recognized for many things and achievements that most people could only dream of. But I know you mostly as a neighbour at Owen Bay and as someone who appreciates the lifestyle there. I know you for your quick wit and your no nonsense approach to life. I'll miss hearing what you think about and I'll always try my best to cut through the bullshit and say it as it is, a trait I've always admired in you. I'll miss seeing you around Owen Bay.
Take care, much love.
December 15, 2024
Julia, I am thinking back fondly to Owen Bay and the wonderful time there. It was a privilege to get to know you and Ed. I enjoyed our talks and get-togethers over the years. Owen Bay was a very special place made even more so by the role it played in your significant biochemical discoveries. I also think back to the time my friend Penny discovered that your lawn was rife with 4-leaf clovers, surely meant for you. All best to you, Ed and your family. I'm thinking of you.
December 15, 2024
I’m so sorry to hear of Julia’s passing. She was a very bright light that illuminated everything around her. My thoughts will always be of you both, making the world a better place together.
All the best,
I’m so sorry to hear of Julia’s passing. She was a very bright light that illuminated everything around her. My thoughts will always be of you both, making the world a better place together.
All the best,
December 15, 2024
Ed, please tell her my favorite new best friend goodbye for me. Love, Mardie.
December 15, 2024
Dear Ed....
Elizabeth has passed on your news of Julia. I wish I could have spent more time with this most amazing human being. What an inspiration she has been. Her accomplishments are many and varied but for me she was just a warm, interesting person. Caring and kind......and now so terribly brave.
While I am sorry for your loss I can only say that with the help of your family you will endure. Please accept my sincere condolences. I am thinking of you.
Fond regards, Sandy
Elizabeth has passed on your news of Julia. I wish I could have spent more time with this most amazing human being. What an inspiration she has been. Her accomplishments are many and varied but for me she was just a warm, interesting person. Caring and kind......and now so terribly brave.
While I am sorry for your loss I can only say that with the help of your family you will endure. Please accept my sincere condolences. I am thinking of you.
Fond regards, Sandy
December 15, 2024
Hi Ed we send you our condolences. We loved the times we spent with both of you. Both of you have had a positive impact on us. We will always remember Julia fondly and we send you our love.
Thinking of you Helena and Pete
Thinking of you Helena and Pete
December 15, 2024
Hi Ed,
I’m not sure if you remember me, but I was the CFO at Microbion from 2015 – 2017. I just learned tonight from someone I know about the email you had sent out regarding Julia. I realize I am too late sending this message, but I wanted to reach out still. I will always remember Julia fondly. She was a beautiful soul and her strength, talent, accomplishments and heart were an inspiration to me. I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to get to know her and benefit from her insights. I am glad you had each other and can only imagine how much you both have had to go through. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers during this time. I know it’s been many years since we last saw each other, but if there is anything I can ever do for you, please let me know.
I’m not sure if you remember me, but I was the CFO at Microbion from 2015 – 2017. I just learned tonight from someone I know about the email you had sent out regarding Julia. I realize I am too late sending this message, but I wanted to reach out still. I will always remember Julia fondly. She was a beautiful soul and her strength, talent, accomplishments and heart were an inspiration to me. I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to get to know her and benefit from her insights. I am glad you had each other and can only imagine how much you both have had to go through. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers during this time. I know it’s been many years since we last saw each other, but if there is anything I can ever do for you, please let me know.
December 15, 2024
Dear Julia and Ed,
Thinking of you and sending our love to you both! Julia you strong amazing woman, your granddaughter is so right what she wrote about you, will always be in my heart, never forgotten!
Monique ❤️
Thinking of you and sending our love to you both! Julia you strong amazing woman, your granddaughter is so right what she wrote about you, will always be in my heart, never forgotten!
Monique ❤️
December 15, 2024
Subject: To Julia, December 3, 2024
As I wandered the garden with Cass this morning, our predictable stroll up the circle drive “find the treat Cass”, around the pond, out to the burn pile and back past the veggie garden … you were so present!
Pale pink hellebores; fall spires of Gladiolas once soft yellow, blazing fuschia or lavender; so many giant seed pods from “Julia’s pink poppies” gathered along the wire fence; the pre-historic looking tails of succulents have tripled in size now and drape down over the front driveway wall. The milk thistle has also spread everywhere, fuzzy white heads drenched or beaded with rain, still so pretty!
I truly enjoyed our time together Julia. You are a remarkable woman and you will leave such a legacy through your curiosity. To science, to lives changed with sight, through generous donations, your wry sense of humour and your stories!
You are very loved and I feel truly blessed for this chapter with you.
As I wandered the garden with Cass this morning, our predictable stroll up the circle drive “find the treat Cass”, around the pond, out to the burn pile and back past the veggie garden … you were so present!
Pale pink hellebores; fall spires of Gladiolas once soft yellow, blazing fuschia or lavender; so many giant seed pods from “Julia’s pink poppies” gathered along the wire fence; the pre-historic looking tails of succulents have tripled in size now and drape down over the front driveway wall. The milk thistle has also spread everywhere, fuzzy white heads drenched or beaded with rain, still so pretty!
I truly enjoyed our time together Julia. You are a remarkable woman and you will leave such a legacy through your curiosity. To science, to lives changed with sight, through generous donations, your wry sense of humour and your stories!
You are very loved and I feel truly blessed for this chapter with you.
December 14, 2024
Oh Ed, I am so sorry to hear of Julia’s passing. I am looking out at nature, tears streaming down my cheeks, thinking fondly of Julia and so many fun interactions with us and the kids over the years. I have lit a candle beside me, as I work on editing another sciencey kids book.
Incidentally, it was Jashia’s 17th birthday on Dec 5th.
The kids and I hope to see you in late December in Lund. If there is anything I can do to assist you, please ask any time.
Incidentally, it was Jashia’s 17th birthday on Dec 5th.
The kids and I hope to see you in late December in Lund. If there is anything I can do to assist you, please ask any time.
December 14, 2024
Dear Ed,
Thank you for including us in your email. Please pass on these words to Julia
Julia, there are people I like, people I respect and people I admire. In knowing you , I’ve hit the trifecta. In your kindness and work, You have made the world a better place and I am grateful to have known you. I’ve always felt at ease in your presence and always been stimulated by your thoughts. I love a sharp mind and someone who is able to share their knowledge in a gentle and humble manner.
I, like many others, have sought meaning from my life’s purpose. What I have been told in my ayahuasca journeys is; the sole purpose of our incarnation is about love and compassion. One would think that that’s not such a rare thing, but it seems it is more difficult to find in humanity these days. In what I know about you, you possess the qualities, the ethics and the heart of a truly exceptional person. May your next journey bring you as much love , wonder and joy as this one has.
Much love, merrell
Thank you for including us in your email. Please pass on these words to Julia
Julia, there are people I like, people I respect and people I admire. In knowing you , I’ve hit the trifecta. In your kindness and work, You have made the world a better place and I am grateful to have known you. I’ve always felt at ease in your presence and always been stimulated by your thoughts. I love a sharp mind and someone who is able to share their knowledge in a gentle and humble manner.
I, like many others, have sought meaning from my life’s purpose. What I have been told in my ayahuasca journeys is; the sole purpose of our incarnation is about love and compassion. One would think that that’s not such a rare thing, but it seems it is more difficult to find in humanity these days. In what I know about you, you possess the qualities, the ethics and the heart of a truly exceptional person. May your next journey bring you as much love , wonder and joy as this one has.
Much love, merrell
December 14, 2024
Although I did not have the privilege of knowing Julia personally, her profound impact on my life and career is something I carry with me. As a Canadian woman working in venture capital with a focus on deep tech, Julia's pioneering efforts in building the CDL community and her leadership in the biotechnology industry have been an incredible source of inspiration.
Even though we never met, her work has directly shaped my path, providing me with opportunities and breaking down barriers that would have been much harder to navigate without her vision and guidance. Her legacy is a testament to the power of persistence, leadership, and the drive to create spaces where women like myself can thrive.
Julia's example has inspired me not only in my career but also in my desire to support and uplift the next generation of scientists and entrepreneurs. She has been a model of excellence and generosity, and I aspire to contribute in the same way she did, to help others achieve their dreams.
Please know that Julia's impact on my life, and the lives of many others, will never be forgotten. My thoughts are with you during this incredibly difficult time, and I am deeply grateful for the mark she left on this world.
With sincere admiration and gratitude,
Even though we never met, her work has directly shaped my path, providing me with opportunities and breaking down barriers that would have been much harder to navigate without her vision and guidance. Her legacy is a testament to the power of persistence, leadership, and the drive to create spaces where women like myself can thrive.
Julia's example has inspired me not only in my career but also in my desire to support and uplift the next generation of scientists and entrepreneurs. She has been a model of excellence and generosity, and I aspire to contribute in the same way she did, to help others achieve their dreams.
Please know that Julia's impact on my life, and the lives of many others, will never be forgotten. My thoughts are with you during this incredibly difficult time, and I am deeply grateful for the mark she left on this world.
With sincere admiration and gratitude,
December 14, 2024
For Julia and Ed and your family -
I am truly honored to have spent time with you Julia as a fellow CDL Vancouver mentor the past years.
I learned so much from you, I saw first hand how much you gave back to our community, and I am inspired by your example to do the same in the years forward.
Please know that I will forever treasure our acquaintance; I know how I am lucky I am to have spent time with you. The world is a better place because of you and your efforts.
Thank you :)
I am truly honored to have spent time with you Julia as a fellow CDL Vancouver mentor the past years.
I learned so much from you, I saw first hand how much you gave back to our community, and I am inspired by your example to do the same in the years forward.
Please know that I will forever treasure our acquaintance; I know how I am lucky I am to have spent time with you. The world is a better place because of you and your efforts.
Thank you :)
December 14, 2024
Dear Sonia,
Thanks for sending over this sad news. Amazingly I was just thinking of Julia this morning in my meditation—as my mind wandered, I was thought how fun it would be to interview a series of octogenarians who have sustained impact and relevance in their fields as the basis for a podcast or documentary. Julia of course came to mind!
I couldn’t say anything wiser or truer than her granddaughter Alex. What a privilege it was for me to have met her.
Best regards,
Thanks for sending over this sad news. Amazingly I was just thinking of Julia this morning in my meditation—as my mind wandered, I was thought how fun it would be to interview a series of octogenarians who have sustained impact and relevance in their fields as the basis for a podcast or documentary. Julia of course came to mind!
I couldn’t say anything wiser or truer than her granddaughter Alex. What a privilege it was for me to have met her.
Best regards,
December 14, 2024
Julia, a wise inquisitive voice from our group, I am sad to hear your insights will be only be available as a replay, as is with all biotech, or any contributors to science, eventually . We will try to contribute to further your work and thoughts in way that would make you smile.
To a peaceful life, world, and the pursuit of knowledge. Thank you.
To a peaceful life, world, and the pursuit of knowledge. Thank you.
December 14, 2024
Hi Julia,
I'm sorry to hear about the news. I don't know you well, but I do know about the MAID as I investigated the process for my terminally ill father. It's been two years since, and I know he feels he should have taken that step.
I wish you and your family peace and strength during this challenging time. Your decision is difficult and courageous. May you find light and cherish the memories you have together. Thank you for all you have done for your community and humanity.
Arthur Lam
I'm sorry to hear about the news. I don't know you well, but I do know about the MAID as I investigated the process for my terminally ill father. It's been two years since, and I know he feels he should have taken that step.
I wish you and your family peace and strength during this challenging time. Your decision is difficult and courageous. May you find light and cherish the memories you have together. Thank you for all you have done for your community and humanity.
Arthur Lam
December 14, 2024
Dear Julia,
We have not met, and being in a completely different field, I have not had the occasion to follow your work. However, I have learned about the amazing contributions you have made, the way you have approached work, and the support you have provided to others. Thank you. I cannot think of a more fulfilling way to live one's life. I respect the choice you are making and admire your courage. Thank you for making this world a better place.
Ajay Kohli
We have not met, and being in a completely different field, I have not had the occasion to follow your work. However, I have learned about the amazing contributions you have made, the way you have approached work, and the support you have provided to others. Thank you. I cannot think of a more fulfilling way to live one's life. I respect the choice you are making and admire your courage. Thank you for making this world a better place.
Ajay Kohli
December 14, 2024
Julia, I really enjoyed your contributions to the CDL reading group.
Stay strong.
Stay strong.
December 14, 2024
Dear Julia,
I always promote women in leadership and argue for the importance of investment in basic and applied research. I have sought women who are stellar examples of the combined power of science, technology, creativity, and entrepreneurship. You are this - the guiding light - a leader and inspiration! Thank-you for all you have achieved.
I always promote women in leadership and argue for the importance of investment in basic and applied research. I have sought women who are stellar examples of the combined power of science, technology, creativity, and entrepreneurship. You are this - the guiding light - a leader and inspiration! Thank-you for all you have achieved.
December 14, 2024
A poem quoted in the book today for Julia:
Even the weariest river
Winds somewhere safe to sea
A poem quoted in the book today for Julia:
Even the weariest river
Winds somewhere safe to sea
December 14, 2024
Dear Julia,
While our interaction through CDL has been limited, please know your impact on those around you is felt even in your final time with us. Your trailblazing work has improved the lives of so many and opened up doors for the many researchers who will follow. Thank you.
May you go in peace, free from pain, knowing that your memory will be a blessing.
While our interaction through CDL has been limited, please know your impact on those around you is felt even in your final time with us. Your trailblazing work has improved the lives of so many and opened up doors for the many researchers who will follow. Thank you.
May you go in peace, free from pain, knowing that your memory will be a blessing.
December 14, 2024
Dear Julia,
Though we don't know each other personally, your work and your character have touched the hearts of so many, including mine. In your time on this planet, you've dedicated much of your career to life-saving cancer therapies and treatments. And though I am fortunate enough that none of my family members have needed the specific therapies you've developed, many nonetheless have been impacted by other cancers and illnesses. I could not imagine a world where a loved one received a diagnosis with no promising solutions, and for many, your legacy is the light you've lit for families and people through your research and treatments.
I'm sure mine is only one voice among a sea of well wishes you're reading through. Your impact is felt by many (whether they know it or not), and you will be fondly remembered by many of us at CDL-Vancouver. You have set an example for young women, founders, and other mentors, and have been and will be continued to be talked about in the context of individuals in science & technology to be admired.
Julia, goodbye and rest well. May you and your family find peace at this time.
Samantha Peng
Though we don't know each other personally, your work and your character have touched the hearts of so many, including mine. In your time on this planet, you've dedicated much of your career to life-saving cancer therapies and treatments. And though I am fortunate enough that none of my family members have needed the specific therapies you've developed, many nonetheless have been impacted by other cancers and illnesses. I could not imagine a world where a loved one received a diagnosis with no promising solutions, and for many, your legacy is the light you've lit for families and people through your research and treatments.
I'm sure mine is only one voice among a sea of well wishes you're reading through. Your impact is felt by many (whether they know it or not), and you will be fondly remembered by many of us at CDL-Vancouver. You have set an example for young women, founders, and other mentors, and have been and will be continued to be talked about in the context of individuals in science & technology to be admired.
Julia, goodbye and rest well. May you and your family find peace at this time.
Samantha Peng
December 14, 2024
Dear Julia,
I just want to thank you so much for the impact you’ve had on my life. There are so many ways I can thank you. You have been such a wonderful role model in work, life and family. Meeting you and joining your team at QLT in 1994 paved the way for me in so many ways (personally, professionally, financially) for the rest of my life. Since the very beginning when I first met you at QLT, I have always been inspired. Throughout my entire career I have looked up to you and been so grateful and blessed to have had someone such as you as a mentor and someone to look up to – someone that has always cared for others, despite how busy you were, you always found time to help others, you always had the patience to provide advice, to provide encouragement when needed, and to share your experiences. From a personal perspective, I am so thankful for your mentorship and guidance at QLT, your words of wisdom regarding my decision to move away for a post-doc, and ultimately to come back to UBC as Faculty. And of course, more recently when you and Ed so generously helped me (and later Alistair) with viDA -thanks so much for your patience, positivity and encouragement over the years! Thank you for being such a kind and thoughtful person, never thinking twice to help others. Since the early days at QLT, I was so inspired how you made everyone feel as though they were working “with” you to accomplish a goal for the greater good versus “for” you, which can so often be the case in large organizations. You made everyone feel important and part of the team. From a personal perspective, Karen and the boys still speak fondly and remember visiting you and Ed in Lund while we were camping, you both surprising us at the camp fire with the dog, spending time with you in your him and then taking us out on the boat. Lastly, it goes without saying you will be deeply missed, but please know, and I think I speak for all, that we will never forget you, the wonderful memories, your wisdom, your sense of humour, all that you have accomplished and how many people you have touched on so many levels personally and professionally. I am truly blessed to have known you.
Love Dave and family
I just want to thank you so much for the impact you’ve had on my life. There are so many ways I can thank you. You have been such a wonderful role model in work, life and family. Meeting you and joining your team at QLT in 1994 paved the way for me in so many ways (personally, professionally, financially) for the rest of my life. Since the very beginning when I first met you at QLT, I have always been inspired. Throughout my entire career I have looked up to you and been so grateful and blessed to have had someone such as you as a mentor and someone to look up to – someone that has always cared for others, despite how busy you were, you always found time to help others, you always had the patience to provide advice, to provide encouragement when needed, and to share your experiences. From a personal perspective, I am so thankful for your mentorship and guidance at QLT, your words of wisdom regarding my decision to move away for a post-doc, and ultimately to come back to UBC as Faculty. And of course, more recently when you and Ed so generously helped me (and later Alistair) with viDA -thanks so much for your patience, positivity and encouragement over the years! Thank you for being such a kind and thoughtful person, never thinking twice to help others. Since the early days at QLT, I was so inspired how you made everyone feel as though they were working “with” you to accomplish a goal for the greater good versus “for” you, which can so often be the case in large organizations. You made everyone feel important and part of the team. From a personal perspective, Karen and the boys still speak fondly and remember visiting you and Ed in Lund while we were camping, you both surprising us at the camp fire with the dog, spending time with you in your him and then taking us out on the boat. Lastly, it goes without saying you will be deeply missed, but please know, and I think I speak for all, that we will never forget you, the wonderful memories, your wisdom, your sense of humour, all that you have accomplished and how many people you have touched on so many levels personally and professionally. I am truly blessed to have known you.
Love Dave and family
December 14, 2024
Hi Julia, we have never formally met but I had heard of your adventures, exploits, and successes as soon as I entered the venture world way back in 1999. I invested in software, not life science, so I never had a chance to connect with you directly. Nevertheless, seeing you relentlessly pursue your passions in science and entrepreneurship was inspiring to me as a young VC and woman. Many years later, I joined CDL as a mentor and got to see you in action. And wow, I could see why you've had the successes you did. Your ability to pick out key issues, and deliver difficult messages in a way that the founder can accept made a big impact on me. You were a mentor to me even if you didn't know it ;-)
I just wanted to let you know that despite the fact that you may not know who I am, you have nonetheless made a lasting impact on my life. I am grateful that our timelines crossed, and I wish you a marvelous adventure in your next chapter.
I just wanted to let you know that despite the fact that you may not know who I am, you have nonetheless made a lasting impact on my life. I am grateful that our timelines crossed, and I wish you a marvelous adventure in your next chapter.
December 14, 2024
My dear sweet Julia,
Three years ago, I reached out to you with questions about my biotech startup. Without hesitation, you took me under your wing and adopted me as one of your own. Almost instantly, you became my mentor, advisor, and teacher.
You have shaped me into the strong woman, scientist, leader, and entrepreneur I am today. You transformed every part of me, and I will be forever grateful.
Thank you for teaching me to trust my gut and instincts. Thank you for encouraging me to believe that I can excel in both academia and the startup world. Thank you for pushing me to have the difficult but necessary conversations with my cofounder.
You are the best role model I could have ever hoped for. Thank you for generously sharing your insights and stories with me, for holding my hand, and for showing me the ropes. Your guidance has left an indelible mark on me.
You are always with me—in my head and in my heart—whether I’m doing science, managing my team, or taking business calls. The voice of Julia Levy is there, guiding and protecting me.
I promise to carry your torch forward for the next generation of women in science.
I love you,
Shiri Levy
Three years ago, I reached out to you with questions about my biotech startup. Without hesitation, you took me under your wing and adopted me as one of your own. Almost instantly, you became my mentor, advisor, and teacher.
You have shaped me into the strong woman, scientist, leader, and entrepreneur I am today. You transformed every part of me, and I will be forever grateful.
Thank you for teaching me to trust my gut and instincts. Thank you for encouraging me to believe that I can excel in both academia and the startup world. Thank you for pushing me to have the difficult but necessary conversations with my cofounder.
You are the best role model I could have ever hoped for. Thank you for generously sharing your insights and stories with me, for holding my hand, and for showing me the ropes. Your guidance has left an indelible mark on me.
You are always with me—in my head and in my heart—whether I’m doing science, managing my team, or taking business calls. The voice of Julia Levy is there, guiding and protecting me.
I promise to carry your torch forward for the next generation of women in science.
I love you,
Shiri Levy
December 14, 2024
Julia has been a remarkable role model for many of us, specifically for the new immigrants like me. I have learned from her passion for knowledge and clarity of thinking - which will guide me on my journey for many years to come.
Thank you Julia.
Thank you Julia.
December 14, 2024
Dear Ed, so sorry to hear about this news! Sincerest best wishes and peace for you over the coming days.
Julia, my life was greatly enriched by knowing you over many decades. Thank-you for being you, and always generous with your time and wisdom.
Julia, my life was greatly enriched by knowing you over many decades. Thank-you for being you, and always generous with your time and wisdom.
December 14, 2024
Dear Julia and Ed,
I write to you both as it is hard to separate the two of you.
Julia, you have meant much to me over the years, as a fellow CEO in biotech when there were not many of us - it was always good to know that you were plowing the path for many to follow.
I remember when you won the BC Life Sciences award for leadership (that was what it was called back in the day) you mentioned how much it meant to you despite all the other accolades you had won by then. The BC life sciences community has been a great place to grow up and build a career from. You had a lot to do with that and I am ever grateful for your tenacity in building QLT to what it was and what it has been remembered for.
Thank you for being you all the way through. I was very sad to hear that that day is tomorrow for you but to go out on ones’ own terms is all we can ask for.
With much love and grace,
I write to you both as it is hard to separate the two of you.
Julia, you have meant much to me over the years, as a fellow CEO in biotech when there were not many of us - it was always good to know that you were plowing the path for many to follow.
I remember when you won the BC Life Sciences award for leadership (that was what it was called back in the day) you mentioned how much it meant to you despite all the other accolades you had won by then. The BC life sciences community has been a great place to grow up and build a career from. You had a lot to do with that and I am ever grateful for your tenacity in building QLT to what it was and what it has been remembered for.
Thank you for being you all the way through. I was very sad to hear that that day is tomorrow for you but to go out on ones’ own terms is all we can ask for.
With much love and grace,
December 14, 2024
Dear Julia,
It's Alli, the BioHuntress here.
With tears rolling down my cheeks, I am writing this note for you...
I recollect our very first Zoom meeting - Your warm smile is still etched in my memory. As the founder of BioHuntress and a CDL Atlantic prime participant, I longed to have a holistic mentor with scientific rigour, excellence, and entrepreneurial experience, and you signed up for me gracefully there. Despite the time differences between Vancouver and Saint John, you took me under your wing and shared your wisdom throughout my CDL journey. I am extremely privileged to have you as my mentor and advisor. You inspire me, my team, and millions of women in science and business. Please accept my heartfelt thanks to you! I cherish the "terrific" moments I had with you, and I promise to do my best to carry on your spirit and legacy in my own way! Nila and Dasse are conveying their best wishes to you as well!
Take care of yourself.
Lots and lots of Love,
It's Alli, the BioHuntress here.
With tears rolling down my cheeks, I am writing this note for you...
I recollect our very first Zoom meeting - Your warm smile is still etched in my memory. As the founder of BioHuntress and a CDL Atlantic prime participant, I longed to have a holistic mentor with scientific rigour, excellence, and entrepreneurial experience, and you signed up for me gracefully there. Despite the time differences between Vancouver and Saint John, you took me under your wing and shared your wisdom throughout my CDL journey. I am extremely privileged to have you as my mentor and advisor. You inspire me, my team, and millions of women in science and business. Please accept my heartfelt thanks to you! I cherish the "terrific" moments I had with you, and I promise to do my best to carry on your spirit and legacy in my own way! Nila and Dasse are conveying their best wishes to you as well!
Take care of yourself.
Lots and lots of Love,
December 14, 2024
Dear Julia and Ed,
My teary eyes didn’t let me read the entire email.
I have not interacted with Julia in person, but I did feel the impact she has on the CDL community, Ajay and the CDL reading club. God has a unique way of giving people opportunities to live a life that is impactful. He has done full justice in Julia’s case.
We will miss her and she will be around taking care of the CDL community and her family.
Love you, Julia.
My teary eyes didn’t let me read the entire email.
I have not interacted with Julia in person, but I did feel the impact she has on the CDL community, Ajay and the CDL reading club. God has a unique way of giving people opportunities to live a life that is impactful. He has done full justice in Julia’s case.
We will miss her and she will be around taking care of the CDL community and her family.
Love you, Julia.
December 14, 2024
Hi Julia,
Through my lens, I see you as a force of nature that was human yet possessed an extraordinary will to help people and companies with the most challenges.
Your life is an example to look up to - one that of courage and dedication while being in touch with our humble human side. You will remain an inspiration to my sister as a woman in science and I as a human that created a remarkable life, family and work that the future generations can use as a base to innovate further.
Thank you for making things better for everyone! And literally giving vision to people and figuratively to my sister and I as we have you to look up to.
Athiya and Aryaman Rastogi
Through my lens, I see you as a force of nature that was human yet possessed an extraordinary will to help people and companies with the most challenges.
Your life is an example to look up to - one that of courage and dedication while being in touch with our humble human side. You will remain an inspiration to my sister as a woman in science and I as a human that created a remarkable life, family and work that the future generations can use as a base to innovate further.
Thank you for making things better for everyone! And literally giving vision to people and figuratively to my sister and I as we have you to look up to.
Athiya and Aryaman Rastogi
December 14, 2024
Dear Julia,
It has always been a pleasure and honour to work with you in the Reading Group, and such a privilege to have been present to share in the knowledge and wisdom you were generous enough to share with us. I am truly grateful.
You have been in my thoughts and will continue to be.
Warmly and thankfully,
Carol (CDL)
It has always been a pleasure and honour to work with you in the Reading Group, and such a privilege to have been present to share in the knowledge and wisdom you were generous enough to share with us. I am truly grateful.
You have been in my thoughts and will continue to be.
Warmly and thankfully,
Carol (CDL)
December 14, 2024
Dear Julia,
Thank you for your meaningful contributions to the CDL Reading Group. The insights and wisdom you’ve shared over the years will remain with us always. Thank you for being such a guiding light and for sharing so much of yourself with us. Please know how much you are loved and cherished by all who have been touched by your life.
With heartfelt gratitude and love,
Malaika (CDL)
Thank you for your meaningful contributions to the CDL Reading Group. The insights and wisdom you’ve shared over the years will remain with us always. Thank you for being such a guiding light and for sharing so much of yourself with us. Please know how much you are loved and cherished by all who have been touched by your life.
With heartfelt gratitude and love,
Malaika (CDL)
December 14, 2024
Dear Julia,
When I think of you, I think of a miracle worker. You have left an immeasurable and profound impact on our global CDL community, Canada, and the world. It is not simply your research, science, or business-building that has touched so many lives, it is your remarkable kindness, thoughtfulness, and grace. You have inspired us all to search for our better selves - how can we be better researchers, teammates, learners, or mentors? How can we be more open-minded and supportive within our community?
Julia, I will never forget how you immediately and enthusiastically supported the McMaster Engineering Sonia Sennik Resilience Fund, which I launched in 2020 to support first-year engineering students. Thank you for everything you have done to inspire and encourage people of all backgrounds to pursue work in STEM. You will long live in my heart as a guide and comfort whenever I am faced with seemingly impossible challenges.
With deep gratitude and love,
(CEO of CDL)
When I think of you, I think of a miracle worker. You have left an immeasurable and profound impact on our global CDL community, Canada, and the world. It is not simply your research, science, or business-building that has touched so many lives, it is your remarkable kindness, thoughtfulness, and grace. You have inspired us all to search for our better selves - how can we be better researchers, teammates, learners, or mentors? How can we be more open-minded and supportive within our community?
Julia, I will never forget how you immediately and enthusiastically supported the McMaster Engineering Sonia Sennik Resilience Fund, which I launched in 2020 to support first-year engineering students. Thank you for everything you have done to inspire and encourage people of all backgrounds to pursue work in STEM. You will long live in my heart as a guide and comfort whenever I am faced with seemingly impossible challenges.
With deep gratitude and love,
(CEO of CDL)