Josephine Amevinya Segbefia-Hewlett

September  21st, 1941 December  16th, 2024
Josephine Amevinya Segbefia-Hewlett

“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints” - Psalm 116:15


Josephine Amevinya Esi Segbefia was born on 21st September, 1941 at Obawale, near Koforidua in the Eastern Region. Her parents, both deceased, were Theodore Atsu Segbefia from Anyako, and Margaret Mateko from Somanya. Born to Christian parents, Amevinya was baptized and confirmed into the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (E.P. Church), Ghana.

She underwent nursing training after completing her middle school education, but did not practice because she got married very early on to the late Lt. (Rtd.) Reginald Cornelius Kwaku Hewlett (a.k.a. Karim Disu). Instead, she spent her time being a committed and dedicated homemaker for her husband and children.

Esi Amevinya was very benevolent. She had little but loved to share whatever she had with anyone in need. The Hewlett household became a haven for many, as she ensured that anyone who visited felt completely at ease and truly at home. Amevinya was also a very tranquil soul. If there was one thing she sought to avoid, it was conflict or misunderstanding. Regardless of who was at fault, she always strived for peace and resolution.

Family Tree

CHILDREN: Cheslyn Kofi Hewlett, Bettina Afi Hewlett, Dr. Vincent Kwaku Hewlett, Calvert Kafui Hewlett, Mrs. Enyonam 
Addy, Caspar Hewlett, Tangier Hewlett & Siblings, Mrs. Debralyn Agyare-Dwomoh & Siblings, Angelo Kosi Hewlett & Siblings, Vincentia Mawuli Hewlett & Siblings, Mrs. Kalma Ingrid Larbi, Mrs. Lucille Hewlett-Annan.

IN-LAWS: Mrs. Dahlia Mavis Hewlett, Prof. (Mrs) Sandra Hewlett, Mrs. Mary Vordzorgbe-Hewlett, Cornelius K. Addy, Mrs. Sherri Kay Hewlett.

GRANDCHILDREN: Dominik Hewlett, Chester Kofi Hewlett, Chrysler Kojo Hewlett, Seyram Kwame Bogart, Sedinam Esi Bogart, Alvin Enam Kofi Hewlett, Adriel Sedem Kobla Hewlett, Vincent Eli Kwaku Hewlett, Jeffery Elikplim Hewlett, Calvert Makafui Hewlett, Yvette Esinam Hewlett, Denzel Dela Hewlett, Kirk Nuno, Rachel Addy, Emmanuel Asante, Michael Adu, Lindsey Eyram Hewlett, Jericho Timothy Young, Elsie Dziney Hewlett, Jedrick Klenam Hewlett.

SIBLINGS: Patricia, Aaron Ganyo, Seth Amegbor, Dela Ahiable, Dora Ama, Mrs. Mawuena Tsa, Perpetual Mawunyo, Bertha, Philip Selorfia, Mrs. Rebecca Segbefia Osei-Assibey, Elizabeth Akuwor, Freda, Vera Gashie Segbefia

: Daisy Segbefia & Siblings, Wisdom Segbefia & Siblings, Edna Ewurama Segbefia & Siblings, Vincent Segbefia, Joseph Korshi Segbefia & Siblings, Dr. Deladem Kwasi Segbefia & Siblings, Dr. Mrs. Kafui Kpodo & Siblings, Julius Kwaku Segbefia & Siblings, Happy Segbefia & Siblings, Solace Segbefia & Siblings.

NEPHEWS & NIECES: Angelo Segbefia & Siblings, Eugenia Gakogo & Siblings, Lorlornyo Segbefia & siblings, Mrs. Emefa Adzo De Graft-Johnson & Siblings, Nuse Ahiable & Siblings, Pastor Dennis Osei-Assibey & Siblings, Mrs. Kezia Mliwomor Essien & Siblings, Kofi Akorli & Siblings, Justine Agbeyaka & Siblings, Gustav Padi & Siblings, Rev. Sister Matilda Quist & Siblings, Hon. Alex Segbefia, Gideon Mliwomor Segbefia (USA) & Siblings, Mrs. Grace Dovlo-Adedze & Siblings, Noble Kukubor & Siblings, George Tettey & Siblings, Victoria Acolatse & siblings, Carpright Kofi Segbefia & Siblings, Dr. Michael Segbefia & Siblings, Trudy Segbefia & Siblings.

In Loving Memory of

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January 23, 2025
Tribute by In-Laws: We are profoundly grateful to God for the life of our beloved mother-in-law.
We affectionately called you Grandma, as the grandchildren used to call you.
You graced our lives with your unwavering love, embodying wisdom and great support. From the moment we became a part of your family, you welcomed us with open arms. It was evident that you not only embraced us as your own, but you made us feel truly valued within the family. Your kindness and generosity knew no bounds, always offering a listening ear, heartfelt advice and touching the hearts of all who were fortunate to know you.
You were our support system, our cheerleader and our prayer partner, no conversation with Grandma will end without (le Yesu fe nko me).

During times of adversity, your serene counsel and thoughtful guidance served as a source of solace and clarity. You instilled in us the significance of family unity and resilience, emphasizing that together, we could triumph over any challenge that life throws at us. You faced life's challenges with grace and an unwavering faith, serving as a beacon of inspiration to us all.

Your conversations, filled with wisdom and gentle humour, are memories we will forever treasure. Your legacy of love, compassion, and faith continues to guide and influence our lives and we hope we can emulate your example in becoming great in-laws for our children too.

We will miss your delicious cuisine, which you prepared for us whenever we came over to your house with enough to take away.

We have lost a steadfast pillar of strength, kindness and wisdom and it is difficult to come to terms with the fact that she is no longer with us. Our hearts are overwhelmed with grief and our eyes are filled with tears as we bid our final farewell to you our beloved mother-in-law. We take consolation in the fact that your life gave us more than what your death has taken from us. Your life was a blessing and your memory a treasure. You loved beyond words, and you will be missed beyond measure.

As we honor your memory, we are reminded of the profound impact one person can have on the lives of many. Your spirit lives on in the lessons you imparted and the love you so freely gave.

With tears in our eyes, we bid you farewell with the assurance that your love which encompasses us will endure through the generations. May your soul rest in eternal peace, and may we strive to embody the virtues you exemplified throughout your remarkable life.

Amevinya! God be with you until we meet again.

Rest in peace Grandma

He de nyuie

Dzudzo le nutifafa me

We love you.
January 23, 2025
Tribute by Siblings: Sister Ga today is such a painful day, full of sadness and grief for us, as we mourn the moment you left, recalling how life used to be.

Our sweet and loving sister, beauty in and out, a rare gem and pillar of the family, just wonderful and dependable.
A MOTHER TO MANY and a BLESSING to the family.

Sister Ga, it's been the hardest thing to lose you, but we know that Heaven called to give you rest from suffering and pain; to reward you of all the good and dedicated work you did for his Children.

Sister Ga, you were someone very special who left your mark on so many lives.
The bond we shared will never end even though we are apart.
If only we could have the chance to see your face once more or to hear your voice one final time, just like it was before, we will run to you with open arms.

We miss your smile, humour, powerful prayers, encouragement whenever we are down.

We trust that you are an Angel looking down on us and intervening on our behalf. We thank God for a life well lived.

Sleep well, Sister Ga, in the bosom of our maker and rise in glory when the trumpet sounds.

Beloved sister, SAFE HOME

January 23, 2025
Tribute by Grandchildren: "A great soul serves everyone all the time. A great soul never dies. It brings us together again and again." - Maya Angelou

We are brought together again by our grandmother, not just to mourn death, but to celebrate life. To say that she was loving, selfless, and caring is an understatement. She always treated us with warmth and kindness, and nothing that ensured our comfort was ever an inconvenience to her. She made sure that all our needs were met, and wanted nothing more than to see us succeed.
She never hesitated to pray for us and shower us with positive affirmations.
Considering her state at the time, doing that only reaffirmed her selfless nature.
Even when she was sick, she put us first.
On her list of intercessions, we remained at the top. She saw the light at
the end of every tunnel and remained an optimist until the very end. She leaned on God in both joyful and challenging times and encouraged us to do the same.

Our grandmother had a unique ability to make everyone feel special. Through her thoughtful words and actions, she made us feel deeply loved and valued.
Her presence was a place of refuge for all of us. She didn't leave behind accolades or material possessions, but rather a legacy of love, compassion, and resilience. We remember her for intangible riches that will withstand the passage of time, and her legacy is one that will inspire us for generations to come. And in ten, twenty, fifty years from now, when we speak her name, we will do so with the same love and fondness that we do today. We will remember her not with sorrow, but with gratitude for the incredible person she was and the impact she made on our lives.

Grandma, this is not goodbye forever, only for now, because a great soul like yours can indeed never die. In the meantime, we will carry forward the lessons you taught us and honor your memory in everything we do. You may be gone from our sight, but never from our hearts. We will be alright because we are being guided by you. Our only wish is that you rest peacefully knowing that your legacy lives on in all of us.

March on then, to Zion, the beautiful city of God.
January 23, 2025
Tribute by Children: Josephine Amevinya Segbefia-Hewlett
affectionately called Sister, Sister-ga or Grandma Jo was many things. She was our mother, our teacher, our protector, and the one who made our house a home. She dedicated her life to guiding us and ensuring that we had everything we needed to thrive. She nurtured us with love and patience and shaped us into the people we are today.

Grandma always gave without asking for anything in return. She celebrated all our victories, however little they were, like they were the greatest accomplishments ever known to man. She taught us the importance of hard work, the power of faith in God, the value of love, sacrifice, selflessness and peace. One of her favorite scriptures was " If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone" (Romans 12:18). Through the example she set, we learned how to navigate life's highs and lows. We learned how to see the good in all situations, trust God, and to treat others with respect and kindness. Our mother's impact extended beyond us. Everyone who crossed paths with her bore witness to the selflessness she put out into the world. She influenced the lives of many people and passed on her spirit of generosity to us.

Mom, we will forever remember the little things about you - your smile, the comforting meals you made to always bring us together, the listening ear you provided us, the advice you gave and most important of all, your love to sing to the Glory of God, among others. Thank you for the love you poured into us and our children. We will treasure the moments we shared with you and carry them with us forever.

Thank you for everything you did and every moment you spent making sure that we were happy, secure and walking in godliness. Thank you for all your prayers, blessings and the constant encouragement you gave us - even on your sick bed, to stand as Christian soldiers.

The lessons you taught us will lead us on the right path for the rest of our lives.
When we try to embody love, peace, courage, sacrifice and selflessness, you will forever remain our Greatest Example!!!

We miss you more than words can express, but we know you are in a better place rejoicing with the heavenly Angels singing Holy, Holy, Holy to the Lord of Host!! Today, we can say with no shadow of doubt, that we have a Guardian Angel in Heaven!!!

Rest in Power our beautiful and beloved Mother, until we meet again!!!


Please join us to pay a last tribute.
We will come together to remember and pay tribute to the wonderful person. While we mourn the loss of our dear, we also aim to cherish the moments shared and the joy brought into our lives. Your presence would mean a great deal to us during this time of remembrance and reflection.
BURIAL SERVICE: Friday, 24th January 2025 at Lashibi Funeral Home
at 8am prompt.

INTERMENT: Private Burial.

MEMORIAL & THANKSGIVING SERVICE: Sunday, 26th January 2025 at Global Evangelical Church,
Yahweh Chapel-Lashibi near Lashibi Funeral Home at 9:30am.

FINAL FUNERAL RITES: Sunday, 26th January 2025 at Lizani Event Grounds after church service.
Jan 24th 8am
Virtual event
Lashibi Funeral Home

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