Let the wealthy and great, roll in splendor and state,
I envy them not I declare it.
I eat my own lamb
My own chickens and ham
I shear my own fleece and I wear it.
I have lawns, I have bowers, I have fruits, I have flowers.
The lark is my early alarmer.
So Jolly boys now, here’s God speed the plough!
Long life and success to the farmer!
John Charles Bird (G3GIH) died peacefully on 1st September 2024, aged 93. Much loved and missed by all his family, near and far. Private burial. Celebration of his life to take place next summer. Donations, if desired in memory of John to The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution.
Summary of his life
Apart from the final months spent in a care home and his years at boarding school, John lived in Suffolk all his life. And he lived in Euston for longer than anywhere else.
He and Wendy began their 67 years of married life at Grange Farm Euston, and against all the odds they made a go of farming the challenging sandy soil. We, (Belinda, Jen and Amanda) were all born and grew up there and the views around the farm are imprinted on our minds, part of our internal architecture.
John was a farmer foremost, but he was not only a farmer. He was a radio amateur and electronic hobbyist for over 70 years and a lifelong lover of music (with eclectic tastes!). His love of music was something he turned to in times of stress and it particularly helped him to cope with his failing eyesight. At the care home he became known as DJ Bird!
"Hanging up his wellies" in 1987, he exercised his formidable intelligence to become a database programmer after Wendy and he seized an opportunity to embrace and teach themselves about the world of Personal Computers. John continued to work in this second career for over 15 years and he loved it.
In 1997, he was very chuffed to find the perfect bungalow in Great Ashfield in which he and Wendy could live out their later years in comfort (and he could benefit from excellent Ham radio reception!) Many family members have enjoyed staying there for extended visits. But it was back in Euston that he wished to be finally laid to rest and, when the time comes, Wendy will join him there.
At times, he railed against the frustrations and restrictions of the farming life, but he had a love of the wide open countryside and of being his own boss. He was also embedded in the local farming community - which meant lots of people would end up chatting for hours in our kitchen, often the only warm room at Grange Farm Euston! His detailed knowledge of the estate and surrounding area was built up over many years of game shooting and the fact that his parents and grandparents before him had farmed in Troston and Honington. Bird family ancestors have been rooted in Suffolk and Norfolk for many generations and John kept many photos and papers documenting this, which have now been passed down.
John was an unwavering and unconditional supporter of his wife, children and grandchildren, never questioning their life choices. Along with unconditional support he was immensely proud of his family’s achievements, be they academic, sporting or whatever. Always outnumbered in gender as a result of having three daughters, as well as three sisters and two sisters-in-law, he would often sit quietly in the background during family meals or gatherings, sometimes "hiding" behind his newspaper. Was he focussing entirely on solving his beloved cryptic crossword or was he sometimes listening in? We never knew for sure. He had a wonderful sense of humour, and a wide selection of ‘broad suffolk’ anecdotes to entertain with. He was also a very good speech-maker as he demonstrated at Vicki’s wedding when, at 87, he was in top form.
He will be remembered by the care home staff as someone who never complained and "didn't want to be a bother". He was kind, very self deprecating, and always the gentleman. He aged and died gracefully.

Memory wall
Celebration of Life
Summery buffet lunch
Afternoon Tea
Evening BBQ (bring your own)
More details to come.
Euston, Nr. Thetford,
Norfolk, IP24 2QG