Post your condolences or share your Memories with Joe. We want to hear about all of the hilarious, goofy, kind, loving and brilliant stories that we shared with Joe.
I was good friends with Joe when we both attended North Petherwin Primary School. I’ll always remember in a school play at Werrington Primary we were at the back while everyone was singing, exchanging raffle tickets pretending it was real money. He was brilliant. Always making others laugh. I wanted to take this opportunity to say that I’m so sorry for your loss, I was deeply saddened by the news and I’m sending both thoughts and prayers to the family. Rest easy Joe.
Charlie Knight
I met Joe back in 2021 / 2022 when I was working for a care agency. He was such a lovely guy. I’m still in such disbelief that he has passed away. Sending all thoughts and prayers to family and friends of Joe.
Ellie Reading
Thunder World Bristol June 2021
Angus Mundin
I’ll never forget the time we spent during lockdown doing our live lessons (and totally working hard) in the class in the sixth form building, so many fond memories of our conversations, using the projector speakers for music and getting kfc in between lessons like the picture i attached, You’ll always be missed joe you got me through more then you will ever know and helped me through so many dark times <3
Josh Coles
His birthday last year
Lily pugsley
At 5 am Joe decided to wake me up and take an Instagram worthy post of him in the hot tub.
Lily pugsley
This tattoo everyone got was one me, Joe and another friend got in Spain. I hate to break it to everyone but the reason for Joe's shark tattoo is the movie house shark 🦈
Lily pugsley
Joes birthday last year!
Happy birthday Joe will miss you endlessly you are my best friend and always will be. Love you forever
lily Pugsley
He loved my dog flossy so much I've never seen a dog get cuddled so much 😂. Although he didn't like my old Jack Russel, when we were 15 you could always tell when he had a favourite jumper because he would always wear it like non stop(I often questioned if the jumpers ever got washed 😂) but anyway he was wearing his favourite jumper and my jack Russel escaped so I told him to pick her up, then 5 mins later I heard a scream... She had pissed all over his favourite jumper that was the day he started hating her.
Lily pugsley
This was taken before our "lads holiday" to Spain, he was so excited to go on this trip. he ended up getting very grumpy about the fact we didn't go straight to the pool but he later cheered up after I bought him a massive inflatable pizza.
Lily pugsley
Happy birthday Joe, miss you everyday
Madeleine McGauley
Happy birthday Joe! We love you so much <3
Kacey Bishop
Celebrating our good fortune in having had Joe in our lives. Hackney Wick March 2017 xxx
Ed Smerdon
Happy Birthday my baby! Thinking about you and missing you!💔
Sendy lots of love to Joe today 💚❤️💚
Phil, Michelle, Emily and Amber xxxx
Michelle CB
And now with the picture!
Joe was so excited to see himself on this picture at Boardmasters!
Joe’s heart beats on…..
My 70th birthday party with my beloved grandchildren, June 2012
richard smerdon
Face masks with Joe- despite his scrunching face he was secretly enjoying it haha x
Kacey Bishop
I am Joe's Grandpa.. When my amazing grandchildren got to be 10 years old O would take whoever was 10 to Paris for the day. 10 seemed such a big age and it seemed right to celebrate . So Joe was 10 on April 23 came to London the night before, and we trundled off to the Eurostar at crack of dawn getting into Paris mid morning and I remember that Paris was bathed in Sunshine and Joe was chatting all the time while we boarded the metro to the Arc de triomphe, then the Eiffel tower, climbing up to the second floor, and then down to the waterside to get the boat to Notre Dame. While we were waiting for the boat Joe decided to paddle and then to lie down by the waterside to have a bit of a rest.! I took a picture on my old phone but have lost it, so frustrating. Anyway we finished the day back at the Gare du Nord in a café ,me drinking red wine and Joe a Coke and both of us tucking into Steak Frites and getting in a quick game of travel draughts. Then getting the train back. it was a lovely day which i'll never forget , and Joe was brilliant company. And I loved taking him.
richard smerdon
With cousin Isobel in 2020. Feeling rather tired after romping up and down Ben Nevis …
Ed Smerdon
Another adventure on the farm with these gorgeous boys. Riding the quad bike was always good fun! I think Joe liked going in the trailer best! 😆
Emma Godwin
From Joe’s friend - Joe Scarisbrick the osteopath. Joe couldn’t say this at Joe’s funeral so he messaged me privately.
Joe was for the longest time one of my best friends even if we didn’t see eachother much in the last year due to uni and work. I met Joe when I about 8 and we were friends ever since. We had many silly adventures and misadventures. I don’t know which memories best to share but for example! German class where miss Hall always blamed Joe when it was Alfie distracting us and always blamed Alfie when it was Joe distracting us and none of us ever payed attention. Or me and Joe managing to get a bottle of vodka somehow when we were like 15 and sitting in brickfields thinking we were so cool but could barely drink any of it because it tasted so bad to us. But the smallest things stick with me too, his generosity, him always buying me a monster before our shifts at maccies when we both worked there. When we both went to the gym for the first few times together at about 14 and I could just about bench more than him at the time (47.5kg) and the last time we went to gym together where he could double that and completely wrecked me haha! I was so proud of him. I will cherish the years of memories he gave me.
Theo Melbourne
Helen very kindly taking Leo, Joe and myself on a trip to Cornwall which we repaid by doing what teen boys do best and sneaking out to go meet some people we had met there. Best night three 14 year olds could ask for ! Sorry Helen.
Theo Melbourne
I met Joe at uni in October of 2023, and while I only knew him for 6 months it felt like a lifetime. There are many stories about Joe that I could tell from him being ready to take his top off at any moment to one-upping me in the gym everyday, or all the times we went shopping and he would sneak stuff into my trolley to see if I would notice. However I’m going to tell you about my first memory of Joe. I am from the US and was alone here in birmingham for a few weeks and had not made many friends. I was on the same course as Joe and during introductions there was a team bonding activity that no one really wanted to do. Because I still didn’t know anyone I stayed quiet and out of the way. Joe was the opposite. He was the only one in the room of 20 uni students who was actually trying to take part and to get others involved all with a smile on his face. That’s when I came out of my shell and joined in with him. His personality was contagious and I’m glad he became my friend that day.
Henry Hughes
Despite not having met Joe many times, I feel I knew him quite well over the past few years through my dear friend Helen.
When he was still at school, I used to bump into him in his uniform. Often smart unlike many other boys of his age!
He was always polite and with a nice smile on his face.
Once Joe came to babysit for us and my son really looked up to him. At the time, it was all about gaming. I think he quite liked his ‘Call of Duty’ babysitting experience! After that, my son wanted Joe to come and babysit everyday!
Then, it was time to learn how to drive, followed by the fitness regime and finally university life.
I was so happy for Joe when he secured a job in his desired field before even getting to his course at uni.
Joe was also a lovely young man and I know he was much adored by his family and friends.
He will leave a big hole in the hearts of those who knew him. Time will go on but Joe will never be forgotten. He will always stay in our hearts and be remembered for his kind and gentile nature.
Thinking of you all.
Your friend,
Ana & family xxxx
Ana Bertolossi
Joe was known at the riding stables as Dressage Joe!
Helen Eastwood
Joe was always my number one supporter and never failed to make me feel loved and special. These are some of the lovely messages from letters he wrote me x
Kacey Bishop
I first met Joe when I worked with Helen at Werrington School. I then had the pleasure of teaching Joe at North Petherwin. I remember him always being funny with the intention of making people laugh - the class clown! He was naturally funny.
He announced in class one day that his mum’s new boyfriend was going to be Flo Rider! We never did get to the bottom of how this love affair would happen - would they meet at Tesco or maybe whilst walking the dog at Roadford! 🤣
I got married whilst teaching Joe but he still called me by my maiden name as I’d always be Miss Hewlett to him!
When the family relocated to Bath, so began our adventures and holidays together. It was 11 years ago this Easter that Joe and his family came to stay at Merrifield Farm with us. They joined in with the farming and when they left, Joe was keen to adopt fat cat! When Helen said that I wouldn’t let him, he was happy to adopt a sheep instead 🤣
I have many happy memories of Mevagissey with Joe and his family. We would crab off the harbour and play at the beach. The year Theo and Leo came was great - they let William join in the fun, kayaking in the sea. I remember learning lots from Joe that year about the types of relationships that youngsters have these days!
Another favourite time was at Meldrum Quarry with Di in Summer 2013.
Joe, I loved seeing you grow and flourish into a handsome and clever young man. I wish I could have seen you achieve the great things you were destined for but the lovely memories and stories I have of you will live on. We will miss you Joe xx
Fly high Joe and make the angels laugh xx
Emma Godwin
Nov 2017 xx
Kirsten Melbourne
A birthday outing with the boys, Joe making a lovely face for the camera 🥰
Kirsten Melbourne
Holiday in Mevagissey with Leo and Theo with pictures!
Helen Eastwood
Holiday in Mevagissey with Leo and Theo!
Helen Eastwood
i remember when joe joined my class in year 4, and we became friends that day. although i haven’t seen him in years im grateful for our close friendship over the three years we were together at junior school. rest easy x
dallon costello
Holding court, Christmas 2023 x
Ed Smerdon
This picture was taken when we went to see Ed Sheeran in Manchester. After being offered drugs, dropping them after seeing drug dogs and then getting into the venue, Joe was clearly tuckered out as he fell asleep in the middle of the Etihad stadium with around 30,000 people surrounding him.
He also says that Ed winked at him that night as the crowd were asked to make lots of noise and joe screamed louder than anyone else there.
Sam Eastwood
Shhh… reading club!! No talking allowed
Anna Mckim
one other memory of him is that he used to come up tp London for the day by train. I would meet him off the train at the end of the platform and Joe's face was easily visible in the crowd with his lovely smile Sometimes he would come on his own and sometimes with Sam and sometimes with Maddie and once he came with his cousins Charlie and William and his Uncle Neil when we went to a dress rehearsal of the Trooping of the Colour in Horse Guards parade.
Anyway, at some point in the day either when he arrived or before he got the train back to Bath we would always eat at Garfunkels restaurant in Praed street just by Paddington station. The usual food offered by Garfunkels was pizza, and Joe loved pizzas and waas very particular about the mmake up of his pizzas.. But he also loved steak and chips, and it was such a joy to see him making short shrift of a large steak and plate of chips. Happiness! This is a memory i will never forget. Bless you Joe and bless you Maddie and Sam., Grandpa xxxx
richard smerdon
My favourite memory with Joe was the night we went to the top of this cliff at sunset in Gran Canaria. It was the most beautiful and romantic experience of my life, I will always treasure the way I felt that night. Joe changed my life for the better, he shaped me as a person, healed the parts of me I couldn’t myself and was the first person in my life that loved me unconditionally. Thanks to Joe I am not afraid of love, of being vulnerable and instead I believe I am strong and deserving of happiness. Who I become in this lifetime will be because of Joe. All of the lessons he has taught me will guide me, my life will be lived in honour of him. I miss him more and more everyday, he was my first love and he was the most beautiful person I have ever met. I thank the universe for giving me the chance to know, love and experience the person he was. I will never meet anyone like Joe again, he was so funny, caring and loving. His loyalty and protection of the people he cared for was admirable. There is so much I could say about Joe, but nothing will ever be able to truly explain the person he was and the impact he had on this world. He was so loved and I wish he was here to see how much xx
Joe, I love you with all my heart and I always will. I hope I make you proud my love ❤️xx
Kacey Bishop
Joe was one of the first people I met before I went to university. I was a commuter and didn’t live in the halls, but Joe made sure I never missed out on things. We met a lot in August in Birmingham, becoming my first real friend and making the whole university experience a lot less daunting. I can’t thank Joe enough for those times. I will always be so grateful I met someone with a soul as pure and kind as Joe’s.
Hannah Thompson
A reminder of the hours we spent not listening in A level Biology. We’d always have a laugh on our row about the weekly test results we’d get. Me and you probably could have studied a bit harder joe but I don’t regret mucking around for a second. Rest easy
Louix Sparkes
Joe was born a month and a day before my Ethan and I’d very much enjoyed being pregnant at the same time as my closest friend Helen, Joe’s mum. I first met Joe in person when I took Ethan down to London when he was 6 weeks old. He was clearly impressed with the experience as he slept all the way through our visit, much to Joe’s annoyance as you can see from his cross face! I was so happy to have cuddles though with him, he was a gorgeous squishy bundle, with the loveliest chuckle. As the years went on I’d continue to visit and watch Joe, the baby of the family turn into a very cute little boy, full of cheekiness and laughter and a real animal lover, especially his bunnies in Cornwall. He was very funny, in the other photo below he insisted on driving the dodgem that he and Ethan are sitting in because he was older than E 🤣. I loved hearing about all his exploits as he got older and Helen and I would talk lots about the funny things both he and Ethan got up to. We’d both marvel at, be proud of and worry about these beautiful young men as they were growing up, wondering how it could be that those babies in the photos below were now tall, strapping gym goers with a penchant for indelible body art and NHS work experience. I will miss hearing about all the things Joe didn’t get to do. What a legacy of kindness and humour he left and what a gap there is now in the lives of everyone he touched x
Suzanne Tanser
On my first day at university, I had a flat party with everyone we had connected with through Snapchat, Joe was so fun and just lovely, especially to my younger sister who had come to stay with me before I stayed at university. We had such a fun night and Joe was constantly making everyone laugh and just being the goofy person he is. I'm missing him everyday and can't believe he is gone just yet. Thanks to Joe I'm going to take life a little less seriously and just enjoy every moment.
Joe, you are missed, you are loved and I'm sorry you're not here to see just how much.
Amber denton
A treasured memory is from August 2017 when Jon, Sam, Joe, Alain and Aaron came to stay with us.
Watching Joe ride my thoroughbred horse Nevis so beautifully, like they'd been a team forever.
Horses bond with people who are kind, calm and confident, and I felt so proud of you Joe, I don't know any other thirteen-year-old who could have done that.
I have lost the photos, hopefully I sent some to Helen and Jon. But I will always keep this happy memory safe in my heart 💜.
Michelle CB
Some of my favourite memories with Joe: Eating rock solid bacon as both of us had never cooked it before. Riding rocky. Eating fish food ice cream and staying up late watching random things. Long walks. Protesting climate change (he was wearing goggles and trunks in reference to Bath becoming a bath lol). Watching IT2 with friends and me nearly getting us kicked out as I was scared. Throwing the ball for Louis. Cycling around Bath (he was too quick for me!). Always going to GBK. Stinking of wild garlic after sitting for hours in it without realising. Talking about our goals in life. And I’d have to say some of my favourite memories were meeting his friends, he had such good choice in people always. Joe really shaped who I am today, I could go on for days
I will always remember Joe. He and I dated for a while, back in 2019 I believe. He was a ray of sunlight in my life for such a long time even after we split, he was the first person to show me my worth and how to stay strong. I will forever be grateful to have met him and able to maintain contact with him for so long. He achieved so much but had so much more left to give. He was always so funny, kind, and bubbly. I will treasure the memories forever. I think about him and those close to him every day, I can’t imagine. I wish there was more I could say and do but sending all my love to everyone who knew him especially his family ❤️
I came to stay with Helen when she was living in Launceston. I brought my dog Oscar with me and captured these two gorgeous pictures of Joe and Oscar together.
Emma Pepper
When my grandchildren became 10 years old I would take them to Paris for the day by Eurostar.As usual Joe and I visited ( by metro) the Arc de Triomphe , then the Eiffel Tower then a boat down the Seine from the Eiffel Tower up to Notre Dame and then back to the Gare du Nord for steak frites in the bar opposite the station , coke for Joe, wine for Grandpa and a game of draughts before getting the train back. The memory I have is waiting for the boat by the Seine Joe wanting to get as close to the river as possible, lying down on the step by the river and letting the water lap against him. Someone told him off and I urged him to come and get dry in the sunshine. This was the best part of the day for Joe I think. He was a joy to take with me , such a good companion, funny and charming and chatty. Xx
Richard Smerdon
Joe was such wonderful friend to Theo, and his genuine kindness and sense of humour was a joy to be around. The delight he took in greeting Eddie the spaniel whenever he visited made me laugh every time. “ Helloooo Puppy!” he would say.
Jozie (Theo’s big sister) remembers Joe being the one friend of Theo’s who wasn’t scared of her and her teenage friends, he used to sneak in and bug them but they encouraged it because he was so cheeky.
I remember him fearlessly jumping into the waves in Cornwall, such a brave chap.
Joe, you will be so missed. Everyone who knew you loved you and we will carry these memories with us and keep sharing them xxx
Kirsten Melbourne
I’m sure that soon I’ll find many stories and memories to share here…but right now they are locked away for safe keeping.
I just miss my boy.
Jon Eastwood
Joe was an amazing friend who was always there for me in my darkest times and was there to help steer me out of them and I will be forever grateful for everything he has done for me and hope he rests in peace
Lewis Malkin
I just wanted to talk about Joe’s gift with animals. He loved all animals and was so good with them. He would make a beeline to them whenever he saw one. He had many pets including lots of rabbits which regularly escaped and caused Helen untold stress trying to find them. I think his love and care of animals really said a lot about the sort of person he was.
Jenny McKim
Leaving a big hole in our family. Grateful for all the happy and funny times spent with Joe. Like our day on Ben Nevis in August 2020. Was proud to climb it with him and his cousin Isobel and his step-auntie Jennie. After galloping to the top and then down again he and Isobel fell fast asleep on the (10 minute) car journey back and ate dinner like it was their first for a week… before going to bed early (no staying up chatting til 2am that night!).
Like to think I was an influence in him getting his tats (despite the views of his Mum!).
He was one of a kind and will be greatly missed. Rest in Peace dear Joe xxx
Ed Smerdon (uncle)
We all know how much Joe loved public transport at times, he loved to play his plane game on his phone and watch the planes leave whenever we waited for our flight. Whilst on the plane to Gran Canaria all he wanted to do was see how high up we were going and which direction on his phone. He did not want me to document him doing it but I just had to because it was adorable aha
Kacey Bishop
Lovely messages from my boy.
Helen Eastwood