Michael "Jimmy" James

September  13th, 1939 May  14th, 2024
London, UK
Michael "Jimmy" James

Book of Condolences & Memories for Jimmy James


It is with deep sadness and heavy hearts that we, the family of the legendary Jimmy James of "Jimmy James and the Vagabonds" announce his peaceful passing on Tuesday 14th May 2024, aged 84.

Those who knew Jimmy either personally or professionally were endeared by his effervescent and infectious smile, captivating charm and of course, his indistinguishable soulful voice.

Jimmy is survived by his wife, children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, siblings, nieces and cousins worldwide.

We all mourn the loss of this beautiful soul as we celebrate his fulfilled and impactful life.

He will be deeply missed.

We welcome you to share your memories with us.



Memory wall

Post your condolences or share your Memories.

October 27, 2024
Dearest Jim,
I was proud to be your keyboard player on and off (and your friend continuously) for nearly 26 years.
I learnt so much from you and had such a laugh at the same time, you lovely man.
A finer, more consummate professional on stage I have yet to meet.
I am late to the party with my contribution, but that doesn’t mean you haven’t been in my mind.
Love and respect always and my deepest condolences to Paula and the family.
Jon Trier
August 16, 2024
To Mrs. Paula James. Sadness comes wrapped up in bundles, our tears are falling like a shouting star, please wait for me Jimmy I will catch up with you soon. Your good by to Jimmy, one day he will turn around and there you are I have been waiting as I said I would.Come To Me Softly And Whispers Our Love 💕🫂💔🌼.
Loleta Hayles
June 12, 2024
So saddened to hear about the passing of a true legend of soul, Jimmy James. Must have watched Jimmy live over 50 times between the late 80’s & for the last time, in March 2022 at the Skegness 70’s weekend. The energy & passion Jimmy gave to his shows will always be remembered. ‘Until we meet, do stay sweet’
Deepest sympathy to all family & friends (watched Jimmy’s farewell service live & my god, you did him proud) 👏🏻🙏🏻
June 8, 2024
I worked with Jimmy professionally for over 30 years. He was a great performer and a wonderful person as well as being one of my very best friends. He was one of the best and will be missed terribly by myself and everyone at the office of IMA in Wakefield.
Norman Thewlis
June 7, 2024
R I. P your musical peace Jimmy and sing to the angels
Johnny Orlando
June 6, 2024
Another big shock! This one really rocked me. Gonna miss you uncle. Loved the times we all spent together . R.I.E.P ❤️
Lee Francis
June 5, 2024
I’m lost for words Jim, Gonna miss our lunch dates with our close family, our chats of gone by times of Prince, Phil and the rest. You came you saw and you made this World a much better place. Sleep well my Brother. Family Love..
Winston Francis
June 5, 2024
You were one of my favourite people Jimmy. I am going to miss your infectious smile and loveable character. Our get-togethers will never be the same without you. Missing you already 🥲
Angie Francis
June 4, 2024
Condolences I send to Paula and the rest of the family. Continually praying for you all. Michael, my big cousin. I miss our conversations already. I have fantastic memories of you from when I was little. You would come to Birmingham to visit us, spend quality time, eat food, then you and my dad ( your big cousin) would go out and about.
When my dad passed away, you were there for us. You and I made a promise to each other that we would always check in with each other. We did that 💯
You would refer to me as boo or lil cuz and made sure I was ok after losing my dad. I miss you. Big cuz, I love you, and thank you for simply being you. I promise I will continue with our Edwards family tree. Sleep in peace, big cuz. Take your rest x x x
Paula Edwards
June 4, 2024
We are deeply saddened by Jimmy’s passing. He was full of joy, laughter and loved his family and his music. He was a wonderful singer who moved you with his powerful renditions. He will be missed.
Michael and Beverley King
June 4, 2024
We have both known Jimmy for many many years from when he lived in our home town of Retford, he became a great friend & will be so sadly missed.
When he retired from performing he still came to see his 'Retford Soul Family' joining us on some of our Charity Events & Soul Nights as 'one of the gang'
We all loved & respected him - RIP you absolute legend
Pauline & David Brittan
June 4, 2024
Deepest condolences to all Jimmy's family and friends.

I played Keyboards with Jimmy James and the Vagabonds from 1998-2000. I often travelled from London to gigs with Jim, sharing the drive in his trusted Volvo! We'd have great chats about all sorts of topics. Our trips to The Falklands, Bosnia and Croatia as part of the CSE shows were a great experience, we were like one big family!

Jimmy was a true gent and a consummate professional. RIP and thanks for the music!
Terence Collie
June 4, 2024
My dear friend Jimmy - you were the melody that enriched my life and though you've moved on to a different realm, your music will forever echo in my heart.
It's hard to forget someone who gave me so much to remember – you were such a wonderful man with a marvellous talent and exceptional personality
Those who touch our lives, stay in our hearts forever and you will always hold a special place in my heart
Jackie Lewis
June 3, 2024
My condolences to Lauren and family, uncle Jimmy was a great guy who's smile would make you feel like we've been friends forever.
Leon Noel
June 3, 2024
One of jamaica best singers, Times pass have gone on ahead to sing for his father above. We believe that the father look around and saw he was missing someone special to entertain him, so he PUT IN a called TO him and he said YES FATHER I AM ON MY WAY. HE WENT HOME. BROKEN HEARTS HE LEFT BEHIND 💔. HE NOW KEEPS A CHAIR FOR P. KNOWING THAT HER BROKEN HEART WILL NEVER BE MENDED UNTIL SHE SITS IN THIS CHAIR BESIDE HIM. 💔💔🌿😭.
Loleta Hayles
June 2, 2024

Dear Paula,
You aren't physically near to many of us… but, you are dear to us.
You have lost your nearest and dearest,
Your beloved Jimmy...husband, father, grandfather...
as well as an awesome and talented person, we're sure will be greatly missed by the wider community,
However, it's to you and your girls, we'd like to express our deepest sympathy and send our heartfelt condolences.

We love this vintage recording. https://youtu.be/_Gw0T1TFzZo and included it in this message to you and your family as a tribute to your beloved Jimmy.
From your BHS Classmates

Angele Mongul (for BHS classmates)
June 2, 2024
Dear Paula and Family,
I wish to express my deepest condolences to you and your wonderful family. Listening to the memories shared at the nines event was truly moving, especially hearing about the special lifelong friendship between Jimmy and my father, ‘Count’ Prince Miller. Together in ‘Jimmy James and the Vagabonds’, they created moments of music and camaraderie that continue to resonate with those who remember them. The lyric, “I’ll go where your music takes me, where your rhythm makes me,” beautifully captures the spirit of their legacy, which still guides and inspires us today. I am deeply grateful for having known Jimmy and for his enduring support during and after my father’s passing.

With heartfelt sympathy

Jean-Pierre Miller
June 1, 2024
On behalf of my family I would like to convey our condolences to Jimmy's family. May he continue to rest in the bosom of God. No one is ever prepared for this news. RIP Brother.
Odelia Gowie-Patterson
June 1, 2024
My condolences to Jimmy’s family. He was one of the old time greats. He will be greatly missed.
Sammy Davis
June 1, 2024
My dear friend Jimmy. It's so sad to say my final farewell like this and not in person. The sun shine of your smile is captured forever in my memories. I sang with you so many times. I met you in many social situations, and never was there a time when you didn't greet me like an older wiser brother. You guided me through situations and I'll always remember your kindness. Sending deepest condolences to your beautiful wife and family. If I miss you as a friend the pain will be so much harder for your beloveds. Rest in peace.
Tahira Jumah
May 31, 2024
Another lovely and gracious person has been taken from us. Jimmy , may you rest in peace in the arms of the Lord. Paula may you find love, comfort and hope at this very sad time.
Claire Carballo
May 31, 2024
Was very sad to hear of the passing of 'Jimmy'.I had known Jimmy for over 45yrs,23 of those spent deejaying with him on the Warner Leisure Hotels Motown/Soul Festivals at their hotels across the country.he became a really good friend over the years always appreciated by all the guests.and always put on a great performance.he will be sadly missed,but his music will live on..I recently wrote a short poem in his memory: R.I.P. Jimmy.
Keith Gunton
May 31, 2024
Rest in peace Jimmy. You were a joy to be around. Full of memories and jokes that had me cracking up with laughter. You were a great person who was also a talented artist. Much love and respect. Say hi to Walter Campbell (Blabba) and Count Prince Miller. I can just imagine the reunion. Rest in peace my friend 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
Bluette Abrahams
May 31, 2024
I'd like to pay tribute to Jimmy James and the Vagabonds (featuring Count Prince Miller), a legend and pioneer of British Soul music. Jimmy you laid the groundwork for others to follow over the years. When I first came to England with 'The Fantastics' in 1967 I met Jimmy and Clem Curtis (of Clem Curtis and 'The Foundations'); we became lifelong friends. I had the pleasure of sharing the stage with both of them in venues in the UK over the years. Last year Jimmy and I were honoured to receive lifetime achievement awards for contributions to British music.

My family and I are devastated by Jimmy's passing and would like to extend our deepest condolences to the James family. Jimmy was the brother I never had, I loved him and will miss him dearly.
John T. Cheatdom
Mr John T Cheatdom
May 30, 2024
Jimmy, you were so much than just neighbour; you were a true friend with a wonderful smile that would light up the darkest days. Your laughter, so infectious and joyful, often it would wake up the whole close, bringing like anf warmth to our close's community. I'll always cherish our long chats during walks, and those moment I spent together with you whilst you were in hospital, where your strenght and positivity shone through even when you were so ill. Rest in Peace, my dear friend. Until we meet again, keep smilingand laughing from above, just as you always did here on Retreat Close.
Kiran Tailor
May 30, 2024
RIP My big bro, will miss our jokes and your infectious laughter.that echoed in the Close.Katy and I will always have you in our thoughts.
George Beckett
May 30, 2024
I've followed and loved you from the 1st time I saw you jimmy 56 yrs ago .I will never ever stop playing your music .R I P you great man .You will always be alive in my heart xx
Elaine Gregory
May 30, 2024
Uncle Jimmy, you were a constant joy and inspiration. Thank you for all the love, light and music ❤️❤️❤️
Hug my dad for me
Subira Cameron-Goppy
May 30, 2024
We were privileged to meet Jimmy when we went on a cruise.
He was the main act and was thoroughly amazing.
He joined us for breakfast the following morning and we all became good friends.
We went on a further cruise and met him again.
He recognised us and came over to give us a very big hug.
We dined together and thoroughly enjoyed his come.
We are just 2 ordinary people and he made us feel spect.
He will be missed but will always be in our prayers.
RIP Jimmy James
Larry & Lisa Barreto
May 29, 2024
Heart broken to have lost our lovely friend and Pauls soul brother. What great times we shared.......our very own legend. We love you Jimmy, sleep peacefully lovely man xxx Deepest sympathy to his family xx
Paul and Denise Lightly
May 28, 2024
Dear Jimmy our hearts are broken. my wife and i have followed you and your music from the mid sixties enjoying over 70 live shows. meeting you on many occasions you were such a humble guy.
your wonderful thoughts of the other entertainers appearing before you was very uplifting. you always found time to chat and remember our past meetings. heaven is a better place now. thanks for all the music and fun evenings . RIP dear friend.
philip robinson
May 28, 2024
In the shortest time I’ve spent with you Mr James you made me understand what life is about and always tells me to live my best and enjoy the moments now, you was a grandfather, a father and a freind to me it hurts me that we couldn’t make it to the studio for you to make that one last song, where ever you are May God forgive you of your shortcomings and give you the highest rank in heaven. Yeahhhh Boy ❤️
Abdul Hakim
May 25, 2024
For 30 years I worked with Jimmy most years and always had so much fun. From watching his effortless but energetic performances (many a suit changed colour during his shows), to being able to perform with him and the band. When booking soul or 70s weekends he was always one of the first acts I would add to the bill. No weekend of great music was complete without the 'fat man' of soul.

Good bless you Jimmy and 'until we meet, do stay sweet'. RIP xxx

dean spain
May 25, 2024
May you rest peacefully Jimmy. This is not a goodbye but see you again.
Barbara Dyer
May 25, 2024
Sincere condolences to the family from us.feel so proud and honoured to be called a friend of Jimmy,one of the most humble man I have ever met,just to be in his presence was just amazing,always had time to meet and have pictures with his many fans,his music will always be remembered and played,and I'll always go where the music takes me ❤️❤️❤️
Jim Fox
May 22, 2024
Totally heartbreaking.
What a remarkable man! Uncle Jimmy was an inspiration, always offering support, wise advice, and laughter. His impact hit deeply, and words fall short when describing him. I feel privileged to have shared countless moments with him. In one of our final conversations, he humbly acknowledged my cousin Laurens' achievements, prompting me to reflect, "Is the same true for your own accomplishments? You are too humble" Uncle Jimmy will forever remain in our hearts. ♥️
Maurice Lyte
May 22, 2024
So sad to hear of cousin Jimmy's passing, on behalf of the Birmingham UK family our deepest condolences to Jimmy's wife,children and grandchildren. Continue to hold all your beautiful memories close and take comfort when you hear his music and songs .
What a legend and beautiful legacy left .
Gone but will never be forgotten!
It was a privilege to have met you .
Rest in Peace Couzin Jimmy :)
Thelma and family x

Thelma Crossman-Barnes
May 22, 2024
Jimmy was an amazing neighbour - someone always joking and laughing - never a dull moment in Jimmy’s presence. Always had time for a chat and a joke and I am going to miss Jimmy immensely. His beautiful smile I will never forget. Jimmy would always ask me about my grandson Haydn - interested in his welfare and I always appreciated Jimmy interested in Haydn growing up. Jimmy, a dear gentleman never to be forgotten. Rest in peace dear friend Jimmy 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️
Denise St Cyr
May 22, 2024
Jimmy and I had a great time and we worked together for the last 4 years making music and doing events I was the first person as a promoter who took Jim do a festival in Toronto
Jimmy will be surly missed in the entertainment industry
Sleep well my dear friend Jimmy James
Lennon Crooks
May 22, 2024
Thank you for loving and caring for your relatives far and wide. You werIe a gift to us. The vacation time spent with your siblings and myself last summer was wonderful. Thank you for wonderful generational and historical family information. Thank you for showing us all what true kindness is. Thanks for showing us how a really good "Belly Bottom" laugh can cleanse the soul. Thank you for sharing so much, words cannot express. Thank you for the visit to the family's ancestral home. My dear sweet cousin, thank you for the love, laughs, guidance and listening ear that you gave when life's challenges came calling. Rest in Peace dear cousin, and continue singing "I'll go Where The Music Takes Me."
With deepest gratitude and love, your cousin Shelley
Shelley Martin
May 22, 2024
So sad to hear the news. Such a lovable character will miss you Uncle xxx
Lisa Markandu (Francis)
May 22, 2024
I write this as niece in mourning, but a better human being for having had the pleasure of knowing Jimmy James, my mother's older brother.
My uncle and I had a relationship that was conducted largely over the phone through the many, many years.
My uncle was the personification of kindness, laughter, and wisdom. Once we got talking, laughing, and catching up on our lives, it was as though we were sitting side by side and not separated by a time difference and an ocean.
I said my uncle was kind, well, one such example was when I told him I was getting married, he sent me the most gorgeous wedding gown. That gown now has pride of place on my wall in the form of a treasured photograph.
Years later, I told a friend about my uncle's career. She looked him up and informed me that he was a pop star in England. She was very excited about Jimmy, the pop star.
To me, he was just Uncle Jimmy, humble and down to earth.
As fate would have it, in 2020, I was notified that he was going to be performing in Jamaica. Unfortunately, due to coronovirus, the event was cancelled.
If I thought I was sad at not seeing him perform, hearing of his death really put things into perspective. Missing a concert and being faced with the reality of life without my beloved uncle is painful, to say the least.
If I say nothing today, the one message I would like to convey is not only did I love my uncle, but it was easy to love him...
Nicola Allen
May 22, 2024
Deepest condolences to Paula, Jimmy’s loving wife, his children, grandchildren and great grands!
It’s with heavy and deep sadness for me to come to the stunning realization that we all as a worldwide community have just lost one of GOD’s very special soldier; Michael ‘Jimmy’ James who wore many titles, a loving husband, a dear father, a protective brother, a supporting uncle, a giving community member and a very spiritual and considerate person in general! To me, Jimmy was all that and more…essentially, a VIRTUOUS person that many others just could not matched!…..my brother you will be missed by a multitude of your fellow man but we accept GOD’s GRACE to have had you for the time he allotted and that you are home at a SACRED place viewing and just can’t wait to offer help to us, the living, as one of our angel in guiding fashion! Rest in peace my brother, you have jubilantly done your job here on Earth and about to continue to do the same in the spiritual realm🙏🏾😭❤️
Lenny Patterson
May 21, 2024
Jimmy, son of Raleigh, of Brown's Town, St. Ann, Jamaica.
An exceptional talent, wonderful person and beloved friend. We thank God for the opportunity and times together. Your legacy lives on in your family and the memories.
Walk good my friend
Raphael(Rae) Barrett
May 21, 2024

My dear Jimmy! How do you say goodbye to your best mate? You can’t, so in my mind I’ll go where your music takes me until we meet in heaven and sing together again. Words can’t express how much you will be missed as a friend and an artiste. I will never forget our time on the road together with “Soul Explosion”. You and Clem were so funny we had the best time.
You were never given credit but, you started it all, you became a teacher to so many people who became super stars from watching your performances. I don’t think you realised how many stars you created, you did what was natural to you which was helping others without looking for their thanks.
You were at your happiest belting out that God given voice that made so many people happy. I give much gratitude for having you in my life. I am a better person for knowing you and “The Flirtations” and I really appreciated your love and kindness towards us. I could talk about you for ever but the ladies and I would like to send love, blessings and hugs with you on your journey. God bless you “The Flirtations” and “Little Sparrow”
Earnestine Pearce
May 21, 2024
Thank you for your musical contributions…
Tony Washington
May 21, 2024
he be really, truly truly missed good friend of mine was cursing me about how fat and we’ll talk Jamaican we had a good laugh. Goodbye my friend at least you won’t be suffering anymore.
May 21, 2024
How do you say goodbye to an extraordinary person, we had the privilege of opening the shows for Jimmy many times over the years.

He would always greet us with his warm smile and a cuddle as we’d catch up backstage.

He may be gone, but his legacy will live on forever thanks to his music. Rest now in eternal peace Jimmy, you will never be forgotten.
Sharn Adela 🌹🕊️🌹 &
SoulTown Divaz 🌹🕊️🌹
Sharn Adela

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