Jingyi (Jenny) Li

May  3rd, 1991 December  24th, 2024
Union City, NJ
Jingyi (Jenny) Li

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.


It is with heavy hearts that we announce the sudden passing of our beloved friend and sister, Jenny Li, who left us far too soon at the age of 33. Her departure has left an irreplaceable void in the lives of all who knew and loved her.

Jenny was such a great creator of life around her, being such a giving person. She radiated life with such a remarkable resilience, boundless love, and endless compassion. She touched the hearts of everyone she met with her stunning smile and selfless nature. Her beauty, both inside and out, was matched only by her intelligence and thoughtfulness. She faced life with joy and determination, embracing every moment and every challenge with courage and grace.

To those of us who were lucky enough to call her a friend, she made herself a sister and tied us as a family, by making each of us feel special and cared for, always offering comforting foods, listening ears, and heartfelt advice. Her warmth and kindness knew no bounds, and her love extended to corners of all of our lives.

Jenny's sudden passing is a devastating loss, but we will cherish her memory and the countless ways she enriched our lives. Her laughter, generosity, and unwavering spirit will remain in our hearts forever.

She is survived by her loving family, cherished friends, and all those whose lives she touched so deeply.

A memorial service to celebrate Jenny's life will be held on 9AM, January 4, 2025 at Grace Christian Church (991 Woodrow Rd, Staten Island), followed by a Funeral at Pinelawn Memorial Park and Arboretum (2030 Wellwood Ave, Farmingdale, NY) on the same day. Friends and loved ones are welcome to join us in honoring her memory. (Please RSVP at the "Service" section)

Please wear something colorful, semi-formal, as the family wishes Jenny's memorial to be about celebrating her life and love she shared with us all, not a mourning event.



Memory wall

Post your condolences or share your Memories.

January 31, 2025
I love you Jenny
January 6, 2025
It's really hard to write this tribute. It makes it feel so real that Jenny isn’t here anymore and I won’t be seeing her tomorrow at work.
Jenny was the kind of person who made everyone around her feel special. She was incredibly kind, always willing to lend a hand even when she had a lot on her plate herself. Her honesty was something we all deeply appreciated. She wasn’t just someone you could rely on for work, but also for those moments of real connection. She made us all want to be better, simply by being herself—thoughtful, sensible, and a true team player. Jenny was a hard worker, always giving her best no matter what. Her dedication was something we all admired. She was always there for the team, and we were all lucky to have her by our side.
I’ll never forget when we were all waiting for the visa lottery results, just hoping for the best. When you didn’t get it and I saw you in tears, it really broke my heart. I just wanted to help in some way. I remember introducing you to others who were going through the same thing, and in the end, you decided to go for another master’s degree. I know how much that weighed on you and how uncertain everything felt about what was going to happen next. Jokingly, we made marriage the goal of the team for you and you always added it to your to-do list. She always saw the humor in things like this and made us laugh.
One thing that always stood out about Jenny was her eye for beauty. I’ll never forget the painting class we had—Jenny’s work was always so pretty. She used colors in a way that made her piece stand out, but still felt so natural. The same went for when we did pottery. Even with something as simple as the candles we made at our last team event before the holidays, hers were always the most beautiful. She had this amazing ability to make everything she touched look so easy and so pretty. Whatever she created had that special Jenny touch.
Jenny was always the one with the camera, capturing our memories. We have those memories because of her, and they’ll be a treasure to hold onto. I’m adding some of those memories here.
I’ll miss our lunches and dinners, especially during busy season. Jenny always knew how to make even the toughest times feel a little lighter. And I’ll miss her hugs—her warmth and kindness were just part of who she was.
On Saturday, we said our final goodbye, a goodbye that came way too soon. It was a tough day for everyone, but it also gave us a chance to reflect on her life and the mark she left on everyone who knew her. Jenny, I will always remember you and celebrate your life. You’ll never be forgotten. I will always cherish the time I had with you and look forward to the day we meet again.
Rest in peace, Jenny. May the Lord hold you in His loving arms and grant you eternal peace.
January 5, 2025
2023年9月我在Manhattan Christian Gathering(MCG)遇到的Jenny。 那天是我第一次参加MCG的聚会。在聚会的时候,我坐在了Jenny的右边。唱赞美诗的时候,我找不到歌词在诗歌本的哪一页,Jenny便把她翻好页数的诗歌本递给了我。第一天我们并没有说很多的话。对Jenny的第一印象是这个小姐姐长的很漂亮,很友好,很乐于助人。
后来我和Jenny经常在MCG的Young Adult Ministry(YAM)的聚会中见面。她总是叫我菠萝妹妹,因为我的微信名字是菠萝。每次见面的时候,她都会很热情的和我打招呼,问我最近的近况,也会和我分享一些她生活中的一些故事:说她最近的工作很忙很累,最近要去听什么音乐会,要去什么地方出差等等。她也分享她在阅读的书,是提摩太·凯勒牧师写的《婚姻的意义》。她说这本书带给了她很多全新的关于婚姻,关于家庭以及关于爱情的观点。她说她希望在自己20多岁的年纪里就能读到这本书,这样她在爱情这条道路会轻松许多。她也强烈推荐我和YAM的其他小伙伴都去阅读这本书。我在她的推荐之下也购买了这本书。今年5月,我们YAM的小伙伴们一起为Jenny过了她的生日。在我们聚会的晚上,小伙伴为她准备了蛋糕,给了她一个小小的惊喜。过生日的时候我才知道,Jenny原来已经30多岁了,我一直以来都觉得她很年轻,和我们其他的小伙伴是差不多的年纪。从那天过完生日之后,我开始称呼她Jenny姐姐。通过Jenny的分享,在她繁忙的生活中,Jenny也会找些乐子去丰富自己的生活。
我记得今年的夏天,7月14号那天,我和Jenny还有其他的小伙伴一起去Lydia家里参加的MCG的summer BBQ party。在party前两周,我问Jenny是否要参加。我提议说我们YAM的小伙伴可以一起租一辆车,顺路开去Union City接她,然后在开到Lydia家,这样比较方便。Jenny开心的答应一起去参加BBQ party。在出发之前,Jenny提议说我可以去她家和她一起等小伙伴开车过来接我们。出发前一天,我收到了Jenny的短信轰炸。Jenny教我怎么去车站坐车,坐什么车能到她家,怎么坐车最方便等等。Jenny给我发了每一个可以乘坐的公交车的时刻表,还有她家的站台位置。当天我按照她的指引坐车的时候,她也随时check我到哪儿了。等我到应该下车的站台的时候,她已经在站台等着接我了。那天我去参观了Jenny家,她给了我一个非常详细的room tour。她是怎么找到这个公寓以及怎么去谈租金的。Jenny的家很温馨,很干净,很整洁。她给我介绍了她房间里面贴在墙上的每一张照片,以及照片里的故事,里面的每一个人。这些照片和故事让我知道,Jenny的生活很多元很丰富,有很多的朋友,同事和家人。那天我们在Lydia的家里时,因为人太多,我们几个就躲到了地下室里聊天。她分享说她最近想要开始用dating app去试试dating,我们也在聊是不是应该早点去冻卵等这样的女性话题。我们的聊天让我知道Jenny很向往美好的爱情和幸福的家庭。 她也在很努力地寻找。那天我还帮助Jenny拍了一些照片,她说她想有一些好看的照片来放到dating app的profile里面。我把我们那天BBQ的合照附在了这段文字的最后。
Zee Xie
January 4, 2025

我记得第一次见你的时候是在大学的会计课上,你总是坐在教室的前排很认真地听课。我当时心想在想这个女生看起来很可爱希望能认识她。 后来有一次Jenny在学友群里很热心地站出来帮助我这个素未谋面的陌生人,我才发现是课堂上的同一个人。 接着我们就慢慢地认识,一起吃饭喝奶茶,出去玩,变成了无话不谈的朋友。
毕业以后我们见面的次数并不频繁,不过每次和你在一起的时光都很舒服很开心。你总是会用很自然的语气说出既好笑又可爱的话语。 你仅比我年长几岁,却总拿我当小孩,一起逛街还要抢着帮我拎东西。
Chenlan Huang
January 4, 2025
當聽到你離開了我們的時候有多麼的難過😢滿腦子都是妳小時候的畫面你那可愛活潑天真美麗的笑容不斷呈現在腦海中,當你還是幾個月大的時候我們相識了,那時候你媽媽需要找人照顧你大約十天的時間,我就興奮的回家跟我的媽媽講請求她能幫忙照顧你十天,因為妳太可愛了,當你長大到兩至三歲那個時候我經常一有空餘的時間就到你們家玩或住上一晚每次當妳見到我在樓下大聲叫妳媽媽把樓下大門打開的時候你就會跑到扬台大聲往下叫我做医生,醫生,然後加上一句Bye Bye那時我真的哭笑不得妳怎麼會叫我做醫生呢?後來想想可能那時候我在醫院工作,妳聰明的想像我是一個医生,這些記憶在我的腦海永遠不忘……. 願妳變成小天使用別一種方式活着享受美好的明天。

QZ Zheng
January 4, 2025
Jenny was one of the first who I had met when I started attending church at Manhattan Gathering in early 2022. We got introduced together because we were working at the same company, and we immediately bonded over how difficult the work had been.

I had always been encouraged by Jenny's perseverance and resilience. From our conversations, I was aware of everything that she had been facing from her busy season at work to her master's program and her visa status, though she never directly expressed how much it had been weighing on her until I heard from another sister. But from this, I was able to see more of her character: independent, strong-willed, joyfully optimistic, and always silently fighting the hardest battles in the background but doing so boldly.

When I think back about memories of Jenny, I can only remember seeing her face with a smile. The only time I can remember her otherwise is when I gave my personal testimony at our young adult's group; after sharing my story, I looked over to see Jenny wiping away tears as she had been listening. I was profoundly moved by this as no one had been able to connect this emotionally to my testimony up to then; I've never thought that my non-glamorous story with God could've been truly understood or appreciated, but Jenny's reaction reminded me of how valuable the story of my relationship with God really is. As I reflect on this moment, I'm reminded of the depth of love that filled Jenny's heart; she was able to feel and relate so incredibly deeply and share a similar level of understanding and love with those around her. As she enters into life with the Lord, I can only imagine the fullness that she is experiencing in being a citizen of Heaven. She has fought the good fight and is now in her forever home; I look forward to the day when we can meet her again and rejoice together in eternity.

To Jenny's brothers:
Thank you for sharing your sister with us. To many of us at Manhattan Gathering, Jenny was a big sister figure who we could always lean on and share a laugh with. When we were still a small young-adults group, she always provided a feeling of warmth that made ManGat a church that many of us, including me, would later call our home. The time that she spent with us will always be treasured in our hearts.
James Na
January 4, 2025
I’ve always felt sorry for missing so many of your moments of sadness, and now I feel even more regretful for not being by your side in your final moments. If I had known our time together would be so short, I would have cherished even more days with you. It breaks my heart to think that I might have left you lonely when you were always there for me during my hardest times.

I was truly happy to have known you and to share so many joyful moments during my life in America. Thank you for being there beside me for those moments.
This sudden farewell leaves me in shock. I feel like I will carry the pain of your absence with me for a long time. But since I know you wouldn’t want me to suffer for too long, I’ll allow myself to grieve and miss you only occasionally, while keeping you close in my heart.

I hope you’re now in a place of comfort and peace. I will always miss you. I love you, and I’m so grateful for you.
MinGee Lee
January 4, 2025
Cathy Lu
January 4, 2025

사랑하는 동생 제니야, 네가 떠난 지도 열흘이 넘어가는 오늘 우린 여기 너와 가족들이 살던 스테튼아일랜드에 너에게 마지막 인사를 하기 위해서 모여있어.넌 너같이 하얗고 예쁜 관 안에 누워있네.

지난 열흘간, 나는 너를 위해서 내가 할 수 있는 일들을 생각하고 해가면서 바쁘게 지냈어, 많이 아팠고. 그 탓인지 덕인지.. 여전히 니가 우리집에서 5분 거리의 네 아파트에 잘 살고 있을 것만 같아, 네가 너를 알고 지낸 지난 2년간처럼. 니가 거기 없는게 현실이라고 믿고 싶지 않은 거겠지.지금 니 사진이 여기저기 걸려있는 네 장례식에 와서 앉아 우리가 찍은 사진들이 프로젝터에 비추이고, 네가 누워있는 관을 옮기고 와 내 옆에 앉은 티토 손을 잡아봐도..

난 여전히 니가 그 아파트에서 일을 하거나, 요리를 하다가, 금방이라도 내게 문자할 것만 같아.. “언니 오늘 뭐하냐고, 언니네 집에 와서 화분이 되어도 되겠느냐고..” 그러고는 핑크색 수면바지를 입고, 이런저런 식재료를 들고 와 냉장고에 넣어두고는 우리 티비 앞에 앉아 스마트폰을 만지듯 스와이프를 하거나 아니면 거실 바닥에 앉아 오물조물 가져온 초콜렛을 까먹을 것 같아.

그래, 너무도 이상하고 더더욱 사랑스러운 제니야, 지난 열흘 동안 내가 제일 힘들었던 건 지금 이 황당하고 어이없는 일에 대해서 너와 얘기할 수 없다는 거였어. 내가 직장 때문에 힘들었을 때, 너만큼 내게 큰 위로가 된 친구는 없었어, 정말로.그래서 네가 없어서 힘든데, 나를 위로해 줄 네가 없어서 난 그게 힘들었어. 나 참 이기적이지 않니? 다정한 넌 언니, 전혀 그렇지 않다고 얘기해주겠지.

제니야, 그래도, 난 너를 만나서 정말 행복하고 좋았어. 너무 짧았지만, 너를 알았던 시간이 지금보다 열배쯤 더 길었다 해도, 내가 너를 이보다 얼마나 더 아낄 수 있었을까 싶어. 그만큼 넌 빠르게 나의 친구가, 그리고 동생이 되어주었어.

여전히 믿을 수 없고, 여전히 황망하지만, 앞으로도 너를 위해서 내가 할 수 있는 일을 하면서 잘 살아볼게. 네가 살아보지 못한 오늘을, 그리고 내일을, 네가 그랬을 것처럼, 즐겁고 씩씩하게. 너를 기억하고 사랑하는 사람으로, 너를 그리워하면서. 너로 인한 슬픔은 잠깐이고, 니가 줬던 사랑과 웃음을 오래오래 기억하면서. 그게 네가 원하는 걸테니..

미처 나누지 못한 말은, 포옹은, 나중에 하늘에서 만나 나누자. 고마워. 사랑한다.🤍
Leina Seul
January 4, 2025
I met Jenny through church at Manhattan Gathering, especially through our Friday night Young Adult Ministry (YAM). It was always such a blessing to have her in our midst, fellowshipping with us to know God more and hanging out during Fun Fridays.

At the YAM session where Jenny shared her personal testimony of how she came to meet the Lord, she shared about hearing the song “I Could Sing of Your Love Forever” in China. She was touched by the first two lines of the song, “Over the mountains and the sea, Your river runs with love for me” because she could see God’s love would meet her anywhere. His love goes over the mountains and the seas, reaching her whether she was in China or America. Every time I encounter this song, I remember Jenny and her testimony of how great God’s love is. And these days, when I think of Jenny, I play this song.

I’ve attached photos of Jenny with us during YAMs. She brought us so much joy and she is greatly loved, not only by our group but also by God, our heavenly Father.
Faith Zeng
January 4, 2025
I’ll always remember sitting next to Jenny when I first attended service at mangat. I was incredibly nervous and I sat down next to Jenny who was so incredibly friendly and kind that it defused my nerves. From then on, seeing Jenny whether at church or yam always brought a smile to my face - whether it be talking about cooking or a hilarious convo on who could take on our friend in a hypothetical fight. Jenny, you were amazing and I will always miss you.
Tiffany Zhong
January 4, 2025


xiaohong Huang
January 3, 2025
Jenny was the first employee of my firm back in 2019. She was smart and sincere - and was able to start working on her own the very first day. She was talented while most of our clients liked working with her. Jenny will be missed by everyone. Rest In Peace.
Kenneth Chan
January 3, 2025
Dear Jenny & Family,

Our hearts are so saddened to hear about your passing away, but rejoice that you are with Jesus in heaven. We look forward to seeing you once again.

I remember when you joined us for the MCG Thanksgiving feast. You were such a joyful presence and eagerly stayed all the way to end to wash dishes. I love your beautiful smile.
Eunice Valerio
January 3, 2025
人生无常, 一路走好!
Danny Wang
January 3, 2025
Jenny, I would have never expected to hear this devastating news. It feels just like yesterday that we were working together and collocating in DC. You were such a beautiful and kind soul and a great team member. May you rest in peace.
January 3, 2025
I still can't believe you're gone. Jenny was a co-worker of mine. Though we only met virtually, her intelligence, kindness, positive attitude, and vibrant personality shone through in every interaction. She was a bright and promising young woman, and her loss is deeply felt.

My thoughts are with her family, friends, and loved ones during this difficult time. May they find strength and comfort in the memories they shared with her. You will be always missed and remembered. Rest in Peace Jenny.
January 2, 2025
Jenny, I didn’t know you long, and we never captured a single photo together, but your warmth and kindness left a lasting mark. From the moment we met, you stood out—a shining sun, always smiling and spreading joy to everyone around you.

Even in brief interactions, you made life brighter and touched hearts with your genuine care. Hearing of your passing is heartbreaking, but your memory will live on in the joy and love you brought to those around you. Rest in peace, Jenny—you will always be missed and forever remembered.

你走的突然 我们来不及告别 这样也好 因为我们永远不告别
January 2, 2025
Dear the Li Family,

Jenny was such a beautiful, bright and positive young lady. Her warm and thoughtful personality is always in our hearts. It was such a heartbreaking to know she is not with us now, but we have the assurance that we will meet her again with our dearest Lord Jesus Christ in heaven. We are looking forward to seeing her in a beautiful home!
Angel and Daniel Chen
Angel Chen
January 2, 2025
Jenny, thank you for welcoming me warmly to the team. Your kind heart and joy that you brought to all of us will forever be in our hearts. Heaven has gained a beautiful soul. I am beyond heartbroken coz you are gone too soon💔 Rest in peace Jenny
Rachael Ndungu
January 2, 2025
I still can't believe you're gone. I will forever cherish the time we shared together. Your kindness, support, and genuine friendship meant the world to me. I'll always be grateful for the moments we shared, our busy season late night conversations, your laughter, and the way you made everything feel just a bit easier.

You will always have a special place in my heart. Thank you for everything, and for being the incredible person you were. I'll carry your memory with me always. You will be deeply missed, more than words can say.

Rest in peace Jenny🦖. I'll never forget you.
January 2, 2025




Kawee Ho
January 2, 2025






My dear sister,
We are at once so far and yet so close.

We’re close in that our names, when written in English(Jingyi Li and Jinyi Li), differ by only one letter—enough that Auntie once confused my bank statements with yours. But we’re also far, because strictly speaking, our blood relation is almost zero. If I hadn’t come to New York, I never would have known you existed.

By some twist of fate, in this unfamiliar city, I was blessed with a sister.I grew up an only child, and at twenty, this was my first time experiencing life under the same roof with a sibling. We clicked so naturally. I love visiting the supermarket, and you’d happily join me on a walk to pick up cake-making ingredients. We’d split the tasks and whip up sweet treats with effortless teamwork. Even though we have different habits, sharing a room never caused us to interfere with each other’s routines.

When I was about to return home, you had me watch your favorite film, Kiki’s Delivery Service, in the hotel. You said the Kiki reminded you of me, heading off to new places to start fresh. But I think you are the real Kiki: in a life full of challenges and constant hurdles, you still excel in both work and studies, face each difficulty with positivity, and keep on smiling. You share your love and energy with everyone around you, and now you’re off to deliver something special to the next place.

My dearest sister, we’re now so far apart that I won’t get to see you one last time. Yet we remain so close, because you have a room in my heart. Be sure to leave a blanket for me—I’ll slip in whenever I can, and we’ll chat and fall asleep together again.

My beloved sister, see you in the future.
We will meet again.

With love,
Jinyi Li
January 1, 2025
Jenny was a co-worker who had a very polite and humble personality. Although we only met virtually, her positive vibe was always evident. I will miss you Champ, Jenny.

I promise to keep your memory alive.
January 1, 2025
Jenny was a caring, loving, bright, kind, and thoughtful coworker, jie jie (older sister), and friend. Her radiant energy contributed to making our team feel more like a family than a corporate team.

I’ll forever cherish all our late nights spent in the office during busy season filled with endless amounts of delicious food, crazy sleepless energy yapping, international visa struggle talk, sharing our different taste in music, busy season jokes, and endless complaining :) Jenny was a rare and special coworker I could talk to about literally anything about and was always open to
new life experiences, which is one of many qualities I admired and respected about her. We often shared recommendations and experiences we enjoyed in life - new venues to go out to, new genres of music, new k-dramas, dating advice, new skincare products, restaurant recommendations, healthy eating tips, workout classes, and more. She was someone who was constantly driven to better and improve herself, and being around her made me want to better myself.

I’m going to miss her smile, her laugh, her jokes, our debriefs of what she thought of my recommendations and vice versa, her delicious food recommendations, and her wise life advice.. may her beautiful soul rest in peace <3
January 1, 2025
岁月静好,思念无声。每一个回忆都是一幅珍贵的画卷,跨越阴阳的牵绊, 爱, 依旧温暖如初……愿温柔的风, 轻抚你美丽的脸庞, 引领你至安详之境。愿你在天父爸爸那儿拥抱永恒的安宁与快乐!你永远活在契妈的心里!
January 1, 2025
“几许平生欢,无限骨肉恩”。无尽思念, 涌上心头成诗篇, 愿化作翩翩白蝶, 随猪猪姐姐安然入眠。祈愿姐姐得以安息, 于遥远天国寻得永恒安宁, 无忧亦无惧!愿姐姐安息在天堂的怀抱,享受永恒的宁静与美好!更愿猪猪姐姐在另一个世界里, 找到永恒的喜乐!
December 31, 2024
December 31, 2024
Dear Jenny, 但係我一直都係叫你做姐姐, 跟brian一樣叫你做姐姐。 我同你都好多回憶 我工作上或生活上 遇到困難都會搵你傾下計 因為你思想好成熟 所以我好樂意同你分享 其實我好欣賞你 遇到困難挫折你唔會容易放棄 勤力上進滿滿正能量 我生命遇上你 我好開心但係時間太短 你在地上生活時間短 但你活得 精彩沒有往過 你不屈不撓嘅精神 我很敬佩 我真的很想很想你姐姐 願你在天家得到安息 和快樂
愛你的 Karen ee
Karen Liu
December 31, 2024
Any words cannot express my grief and sorrow for her loss. Jenny was warm hearted and kind to anyone, also she had beautiful smile and mind. She was one of the best people who I met in NY. I’m sending a warm embrace and love during this sad time. May she rest in peace.
Namhyo (Elin) Kim
December 31, 2024
Jenny, 我好想念你。听到消息的那天我前往乘坐旅行的飞机。在天空中,我没法控制地一直想你,质问命运的无常。在万米高空中也许我离你很近。看到大地上辽阔的雪山,我忍不住想你的灵魂是否正在另一个辽阔的世界,自由而安宁。




Ying Li
December 29, 2024
Betty Chen
December 29, 2024
Jenny, thank you for always being kind. We all miss you so dearly.

One thing that stood out the most to me about Jenny was that she was always genuinely caring and tried to be helpful to everyone she crossed paths with.

We both joined ZGAS at the same time and that’s how we met, but most of my memories with Jenny are from our apartment that we once shared together. I’ll always remember us struggling but determined to build furniture in the middle of the night when we first moved in. Jenny would say “we don’t need a man to complete the job”. And I’ll always be proud of us for building everything together with no outside help. The day during one of our apartment viewings when we stopped by playa bowls and I introduced Jenny to her first acai bowl and she loved it. How Jenny would play classical music at home on her speakers and come to the kitchen with the volumizing hair clip or bear ears. How Jenny always ate such a healthy diet but shared her love for fried chicken with me and she would get it as a treat to herself every now and then. Jenny told me that the skin is the best part of the meat for chicken and salmon. I remember that one time I saved her with a plunger lol

During the time we lived together we lived different lifestyles but at the end of the day we always had that support for one another during our lows. We would also have random walks in the neighborhood to have our deep talks about our challenges and struggles. Seeing and knowing the vulnerable side of Jenny, I always thought she was strong. She fought through many adversities in her life and she made it. She got the dream job and made a good life for herself. And I’m so proud of her that she kept going no matter how tough the obstacles were. She truly deserved the happy ending she was after and I’m saddened that her story ended too soon. I wish you were still here, but I will leave you in God’s hands.

I’ll always remember you Jenny, and I hope and pray you rest in peace.



What was Jingyi (Jenny)'s favorite Restaurant?
- Dim Sum Sam
- Tomi Jazz
- Banjia
What was Jingyi (Jenny)'s favorite Food or Dish?
- Noodles, Korea Fried Chickens (skin), Salmon (skin), BBQ chicken Skewer, Chicken gizzard, Clam Soup, Pumpkin, French Fries, Egg Tarts, Roasted Duck
What was Jingyi (Jenny)'s favorite Music / Song?
- Classical Music
- Bob Moses
- Flower by Miley Cyrus
What was Jingyi (Jenny)'s favorite TV show?
- Big Bang Theory
- Crime Stories
- K-dramas
What was Jingyi (Jenny)'s favorite Movie?
- Kiki's delivery service 
What was Jingyi (Jenny)'s favorite way to exercise?
- Rumble Boxing
- Clarity Fitness Studio


Please join us to pay the last tribute for Jenny. In the Memorial Service, we will come together to remember Jenny. Your presence would mean a great deal to us. Please RSVP on this page for the Memorial Service.

Also, there will be a separate Funeral Service that will be in Pinelawn Memorial Park and Arboretum (2030 Wellwood Ave, Farmingdale, NY) Long Island following the memorial service. If you are intending to come to the Funeral Service & buffet meal after the service, please RSVP in the google form (link below). 

Again, this RSVP is for the Memorial Service in Staten Island.
To RSVP for the Funeral Service & buffet meal afterwards in Long Island, please follow the link:


Grace Christian Church
991 Woodrow Rd, Staten Island, NY
January 4, 2025 9AM
Live Stream

ID: 864 6444 7980
Password: GCC@SI


In lieu of flowers, donations to support Jenny's family during this difficult time would be greatly appreciated.

In Chinese culture, it is customary to prepare a bereavement offering of cash in a white envelope, which is known as "白包" (báibāo). These offerings are typically given in odd numbers, as even numbers are associated with celebrations rather than mourning.

Your contributions, no matter the amount, will help ease the burden of unexpected expenses and honor Jenny's memory.

You could also contribute via Zelle: mulan_lee@163.com (Ruiqing Zhang- Jenny's Mom)

Secure payment

First Lastname donation
Order total: $ 0
Your host will receive your funds within 24 hours.