It is with great sadness we announce the unexpected passing of Jim “Jimmy” Boulter, beloved son, brother, and uncle. Predeceased by his father, David Boulter, he leaves behind his mother, Diana Boulter (nee Holbrooke), sister, Kelly (Al ) Bryksa, and niece, Jacey. He will also be missed by his aunts, Wendy and Jeannie, and cousins, Christine and Annick.
Jimmy will be remembered for his quick wit, intellect, and charm. He was a spiritual nomad who travelled the world, and these experiences were reflected in his storytelling and unique perspective on life. He loved playing guitar, for which he often wrote his own lyrics, and he was a talented chef who enjoyed creating mouthwatering meals for family and friends.
A private service will be held for family, but we invite anyone with a fond memory or funny story about Jimmy to share it below, along with your favourite photos.
In lieu of flowers, a donation can be made to support the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre at in his memory.
Memory wall
Colleen, Sheila, Michelle and Pat