Haydn Cullen-Jones

August  12th, 1947 January  1st, 2025
Haydn Cullen-Jones

In loving memory of Haydn Cullen-Jones, a wonderful husband, father and grandfather who dedicated his life to his family and the community.


Abeloved husband, father, and grandfather, Haydn Cullen-Jones, passed away peacefully on New Year’s Day 2025, at the age of 77. Haydn led a life marked by service, dedication, and an unwavering commitment to helping others.

Haydn demonstrated a strong sense of duty, evident in his career with the Royal Navy, where he served with honour and distinction. After his naval service, Haydn transitioned to a career in teaching, inspiring countless young minds with his knowledge, kindness, and patience. His dedication extended beyond the classroom to the broader community, where he was actively involved in numerous charitable initiatives in Monmouth and local projects, meaning in truth he never truly retired.

A proud Welshman, Haydn was deeply passionate about sport and was a familiar face in Cardiff where he supported the Welsh rugby team through thick and thin. His love of rugby was contagious, and he was a fan of many sports ranging from sailing to cricket.

But above all, Haydn was a family man. Married to Zandra, the love of his life for more than 50 years, he cherished every moment they shared together. His greatest pride and joy were their three children, whom he adored unconditionally along with his 9 grandchildren. To them all, he was a pillar of strength and a constant source of love and guidance.

Haydn Cullen-Jones leaves behind a legacy of generosity, kindness, and selflessness. He touched the lives of many, and his absence will be deeply felt by all who had the privilege of knowing him. His family, friends, and community will forever hold his memory in their hearts, as they strive to live by the same principles that he exemplified throughout his remarkable life.


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February 1, 2025
Haydn was a breath of fresh air in the heat of Singapore where we met for the first time in 1968 when he joined HMS Fiskerton, (my husband was his CO). As he was from the West Midlands and so was I there was an immediate bond and a real sense of fun. I met Zandra when they were courting and thought she was just perfect. We kept in contact over the years and my world will be a lesser place without him in it, may a fair wind fill your sails old friend.
Josephine Dumine
January 31, 2025
Haydn was a true gentleman who was devoted to his family. Throughout the boy’s prep school years is when we, the Halls formed a friendship.

His kindness and thoughtfulness shone through always. Stephen and I treasure the memories we share with all the CJ’s including Haydn’s parents Thelma and Hadley.

We had a great time at Virginia Beach and a lot of fun sightseeing around the Washington area.

Haydn will be missed by all who knew and loved him. RIP. X
Joan Hall
January 29, 2025
So sorry to hear about Haydn. I have many happy memories of playing alongside him on the school rugby team- even if he did deliver rubbish ball to me as the scrum half! As fellow Celts at an English school. we had a particular affinity, and I enjoyed sitting beside him and swapping stories at a reunion five years ago.
Condolences to the family.
Owen Finnegan
January 24, 2025
1965 – Haydn, a school 1st XV scrum mentor.
1980-ish – Haydn, always ready to muck in and help out. A vivid and treasured memory of him, en route to RNAS Culdrose, in our small Cornish hotel kitchen, sleeves rolled up, dish cloth, tea towel poised and his huge mischievous grin.
Thereafter – Haydn, the happy and happily married family man.
Always such a joy.
Geoff Robinson
January 23, 2025
First met Hayden and family when posted to Virginia. Hayden was never happier than when helping other people and solving their problems. A helper full of interesting knowledge, a problem solver who will be sorely missed by family and friends.
Roger and Jane Lawson
January 23, 2025
I first met Haydn when he and Zandra were dating in the early 70's. (Zandra and I were good friends in London in our 20's).He was good fun, and an interesting person.
Over the years we have kept in touch, and particularly remember our visit to them at the Naval Base in Virginia Beach . They entertained us so we'll, including a visit to Bush Gardens, where Haydn was happy to take a teacup ride with our 6 Yr old daughter, Clare !
Haydn enjoyed classical music, and we loved our visits to the WNO performances, at the Millenium Centre in Cardiff with them.
Happy memories of an interesting, caring person. He will be greatly missed.
Elizabeth Seldon
January 22, 2025
I was at school with Haydn, often in the same class. We also played together in the 1st XV for two years. My abiding memory is from the second Bromsgrove match we played in. (The 'Bromsgrove Match' was our big game each year, played for a trophy presented by parents who had had one son at each of the schools).Haydn was our number eight, and on one occasion we drove the opposition scrum back about thirty yards, with Haydn keeping the ball at his feet in the back row. Just one of many memories of one of life's gentlemen, and a true friend.
Michael (Mick) Cooney
January 19, 2025
When I was a WRNS officer - the original blue stripe lot - Haydn and I were the two juniors in the submarine training squadron. We took it in turns to share everything that went wrong!
I have been so fortunate and blessed to have been introduced to and be able to share from early days the Cullen-Jones family. Haydn was an unforgettable strength at various times in my life. I’ll miss him.
Ann Langrishe
January 13, 2025
I first met Haydn in July 1993 when we were both attached to the Naval Ocean Processing Facility in Virginia Beach USA. Haydn had been in the country for some considerable time and he was well established. I arrived with my family as a newcomer, somewhat overwhelmed, never having been to Virginia before. Haydn took me and my family under his wing, showing us all around the Norfolk/Virginia Beach area, pointing out the best places to shop, where to get a bank account, where to hire a car and introducing us to the different social world we were about to enter. He then took me to the Fleet ASW Training Centre, where I was to learn, in Haydn’s words “how the Americans do things different to us, not better, just different.” Haydn seemed to know everybody, because whenever there was a problem, he managed to sort it out. He was very much respected by the Americans we dealt with, particularly so about his ability to eat grade 7 hot buffalo wings without ever breaking sweat.
Our friendship continued when we were back in the United Kingdom. Haydn seemed to have a finger in every pie; a fantastic organiser! For example when my youngest daughter Laura was required by her school to organise a week’s work experience for herself, Haydn stepped in. He arranged for her to work in the Met and Oceanographic department in the bunker at Northwood Headquarters, learning the rudiments of weather forecasting. She even got to brief the Admiral! Her streetcred went up among her friends and teachers at school, all thanks to Haydn.
In summary, Haydn was a man who was willing to administer the Universe, a true Mr Fixit! The world will be a poorer place without him. Goodbye my friend.

Michael Edward Errington
January 11, 2025
I was at school with Haydn in Birmingham. He taught me the finer arts of Rugby under the tutelage of PGDR Robbins who was playing for England. His intellect and care for others showed through then and throughout his Naval career. His multiple talents were not always recognised
Malcolm Warr
January 10, 2025
It feels as if part of our ‘gang ‘ is missing. We first met as Naval families in 1976. Haydn as 1st Lieutenant HMS Laymoor & Roger was Sec to RNO Greenock. We have stayed in touch for the last 39 years. Haydn leaves a loving family behind, Zan, Gareth, Andrew & David (Rogers godson), and their families. Always here for you. RIP Haydn x
Dee Sherratt
January 10, 2025
Such fond memories throughout my life of Haydn, such a strong, intelligent, kind and gentle man. Sadly missed x
Teresa Sherratt
January 10, 2025
Hayden was a lovely man and absolute gentleman. Good friends with my grandad Roger. My favourite memory of Hayden, is he took me to a rugby game in Cardiff against the barbarians and had an absolutely fantastic day.
Conor McCaffrey

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