Giles Omezi

About Giles
Giles Omezi was a man of extraordinary depth, grace, and refined taste. Born in Liverpool and raised between England and Nigeria, he carried a natural sophistication and deep faith that shaped his life and character. A devoted father and a born-again Christian who loved to worship, Giles cherished family and genuine friendships, bringing his perfectionist’s attention to detail and elegant sensibilities to everything he touched.
His passion for architecture and the creative use of space reflected his thoughtful nature and keen eye for beauty. Giles cultivated a unique ability to connect effortlessly with people from all walks of life—whether presidents or tradesmen—always valuing each person equally.
Deeply private yet radiating natural dignity, Giles lived with a rare blend of humility, joy, and purpose. He is survived by his three children, his sister, and numerous relatives and friends who loved him dearly.
Giles, you will be sorely missed and forever remain in our hearts.

Memory wall
Our friendship with Giles was easy, as it is with people you meet & just click with. With Chuka as our neighbour, our ground floor flat was the ‘passing through’ venue for Giles when he was staying with Chuka. He later became our upstairs neighbour at Cooper Rd & again he would often stop by going in & out. Like all easy friendships, we would often go long periods without speaking or seeing him, but would simply pick up where we left off when next we met. Through his battle with cancer, we spoke to him a couple of times, offering prayers & encouragement, but were often humbled & inspired by his unshakeable faith in Jesus.
He will be sorely missed. Rest in peace Giles
Giles, thank you and rest on.
Thank you for the friendship. Thank you for your selflessness, the unpaid consultancy for my project, your interest in our work in Ekiti, making the time to introduce me to interesting people.
May God accept you into his kingdom and comfort your family. Your memory will always be a blessing.
Journey well, brother. Peace and love.
Soji Ilumoka-Archi 86 mate
My memory of our brotherhood from our youthful days in Unilag as classmates and roommates remain fondly in my heart. As we grew as men, got married, became fathers and husbands and progressed in career our paths always kept us in each other’s lives. However, it was in the last two years that this bond grew much stronger as a third strand in our cord brought us closer together in hope and faith. God speed Giles as your rejoice with the saints triumphant.
Leslie Ohomele
Armed with an Obama smile, Giles made the art of conversation a thing of beauty. He was so gracious in manner; a gentleman through and through. I felt there was something he saw in me, and likewise.
It was no surprise, in 2008, with his big heart for Nigeria, he invited me to join his firm, Laterite, in the UK, and later STRATA DB in Nigeria, as a co-director.
No friend had ever done that for me, but Giles did. He would say: 'I'll fly you in to Nigeria, we have to see the Governor.' 'We need to visit some contacts in Amsterdam!' Can you visit the British Museum for a meeting without me?'
I came to find that his 'big game' intelligence and networking skills were second to none. He seemed to know every topic of discussion and knew exactly who to speak to.
The highlight was when we interviewed some of the top architects in the world for the Abuja Technolgy Village concept masterplan. At the time, the international competition included Rem Koolhaas, Lord Richard Rogers, Steven Ehrlich, Buro Happold, and so on. How he got all these names into one room remains a mystery to me. Remarkably, he could pull anything off! That was Giles Omezi! My Bro!
Our friendship enabled us spend long hours talking, dining, driving, working, dreaming, praying. The list goes on.
When I visited him last December at Gozika's, he remained brave and confident. I prayed my hardest. He hugged his hardest. Not sure I'll meet this kind of a person again. One of a kind.
My real joy is that you were a Believer.
Enjoy Heaven!
We will gist again.

Proud of his heritage
Rooted in his heritage
Fearless...Naija no easy but he dey der!!
Highly Intelligent
A brand representative of Idumuje
With each of his footsteps he left an indelible mark
It is impossible to meet Giles and not note him, or want to know him more
He had faith and this sustained and soothed him when he needed it most.
Sister Natasha, our dear sons Ifeanyi and Mas and daughter Lady Laniya, May that faith and the positive memories of him provide you continuous joy, light, hope and strength, as he would have wanted. But also know there are many who are there to support and help. Beloved cousin Giles, there was a reason we randomnly saw at Abuja airport in October 2023. We laughed, gisted and complained about the spiciness of food and how it was affecting our stomach. You said you were returning for a medical diagnosis...but not in our wildest thoughts did we think the worse. But it prompted me to also have my medical check, and for that I give you thanks. Stay blessed and rest in peace lots of Love, Oby (daughter of Aunty Jo's Omezi) and family xxx
Tasha..... I am so so sorry.
Adieu Gilesooooo, till we see again, say hi to Rhire for me, he pops in my mind from time to time. I will "mentally" :-) miss you.
I met Giles Omezi in 1981 as Form 1 students at Federal Government College (FGC) Ilorin. We were in the same boarding house, School House and as fate would have it, we were in the same room (“Room 4 Upstairs” as we called it back then) for the 5 years of our stay there.
Giles was one of the lucky few who always knew what he wanted to be, an Architect. From as early as I remember Technical Drawing (TD) was in my view his favourite subject. Giles had a somewhat blasé attitude to school routines such as; afternoon and evening prep, siesta time, house chores etc. As expected he got into a fair amount of trouble over these with the attendant punishment that comes with disregarding school rules. These never served as deterrence to Giles. He had an unbreakable spirit and back then he was care free and I sometimes wished I could worry less about things like him. Giles always saw the funny side of life and I honestly can’t recall witnessing him getting angry. Back then, even as teenagers, Giles had an entrepreneurial streak and easily earned himself the title, “Ogidi Merchant”.
After leaving secondary school, Giles and I went off to different universities and we lost touch till I ran into him in November 2015 in the lounge at Muritala Mohammed International Airport Lagos. The chance meeting reunited our friendship and we kept in touch since then. The last time Giles and I met was in January 2023. He called to let me know he was in Lagos for a few days and he wanted us to catch up. I never miss an opportunity to have a good laugh and this was always guaranteed anytime we meet over drinks and a meal. So, on January 12, 2023 we met at Z Kitchen in Victoria Island at about 5PM we had some good food and drinks and great conversation and hearty laughs ………. I didn’t see this coming ……. that this would be the last time I’d see you physically and have a good laugh.
Rest in peace my dear friend, Giles Omezi, like I said, I didn’t see this coming as I didn’t know you were battling colon cancer and neither did our other classmates of 86’ Set. So as expected the news of your passing on came as a rude shock to us.
On behalf of the entire class of FGCI 1986 Set, we wish you a peaceful journey and may God grant you eternal rest. We pray to God to comfort the loved ones you left behind.
Lenin Oaiya
For and on behalf of FGC Ilorin 1986 Set

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 - 13 Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. 14 For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. 15 According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 18 Therefore encourage one another with these words.
Giles, writing this feels almost unbearable.
Your name, always intertwined with Tasha’s, echoes endlessly in my mind. inseparable—two names forever etched in my heart. I can’t help but think of my dear sister, Victoria, your stepmother, who passed just months ago. She adored you and Tasha, the children she never had. I’m thankful she was spared the heartbreak of losing you.
I cannot recall a conversation with My big sister Victoria where your name wasn’t lovingly mentioned. You were her pride, her joy. Tears well up as I remember our last long phone call in October. Though we didn’t speak often, whenever we did, the hours slipped away in conversation.
Giles, you carried yourself with such grace, elegance, and charm. Your towering presence and sophistication lit up every room. As an architect, your brilliance shone brightly, leaving an undeniable mark on your field. As family, you were kind, compassionate, and deeply loved. As a father, you were extraordinary, devoted to your children, especially Tobi, who was your eldest and needed more guidance.
You were far too young to leave us, and the pain of your loss is immeasurable. But our faith gives us comfort that we will meet again to part no more .
Kachifue! dearest Giles. You will always be in our hearts.
With love,
Valerie Azinge

I must write with such a mix of feelings.
Yet my heart knows well that the Lord God has treated us with great kindness in this.
Therefore I thank the Lord Jesus Christ…
For your life, and your new life in God; your Father
For your joy being a father of three children
For your professional fulfilment and successes
For the protection of your sensitive nature by a deeply caring big sister; Natasha
For cousins and family who were there till the end
For the hope we have in continuing life and laughter …in another time and another place
Thanks be to our Heavenly Father, because he’s got you, he’s got Tash, he’s got all your family, he’s got us all; who cling to his love.
It is well.
Jiles, a tall soft spoken young man was very loving and a darling to be with.
He was also very smart and very caring.
He went on to become a very successful entrepreneur.
With his success, he took care of everyone around him.
He took care of my twin sister when she fell ill, paying the caregiver and medical bills with the sister Natasha.
He continued taking care of my twin sister even on his sick bed.
We will always remember him for his loving kindness and his amiability.
May his soul continue to rest in perfect peace in the bosom of the Lord Almighty.
Victor Azinge
Pastor Joe
I simply thank God, for everything thing and I mean everything. Since the 90’s you and I have been inseparable. From when I owned a PUB, to my restaurant in Brixton, Hendon , old Kent Road , We followed each other to naija, as you ran things in Edo state , I set up places in VI at landmark beach very close to your architectural firm. I would come to your office and you would breeze by to the beach to hangout with me at Cogito. It was your house or mine, your business or at mine. Then ultimately when I told you I was going to build a hotel in Ghana, you took it upon yourself to come with me to site and ultimately designed the hotel. I am grateful to God I have immortalised you through that design . As I write, I am in the Executive Suite in the hotel which will now be renamed GILLES SUITE.
The place stands out magnificently and it’s even more special to me right now. I remember our last meeting and conversation at Gozika’s house where you personally opened the doors to let me in. You told me “It’s now in God’s hands “ and when I went out with Goz to get your food at the supermarket, we both instinctively knew you were saying your good byes. When I got back we gisted as only us can and made jokes about all the beers we drank together. We agreed that put together, we could fill a small lake with beers between us . We laughed, we lived , we studied, we reminisced and we rolled through life in moderation but determination and great success . I am grateful for the opportunity and may the angels guide you straight to heaven where our other brother Chuchu and your parents await you with open arms in the presence of our Lord.
Kodi ezigbo nwanne k’odiwa. Goodnight till it’s my call. Keep an eye down on me my brothers. It’s not the same place without you two . Never will be.
I will not question God but this one pain me reach bone .
Thanks for the time and love .
Smart, insightful, intelligent, ambitious, deeply private, peace loving, always respectful and caring family man. These positive adjectives are not enough to describe you. For the past year, your pain was apparent and the news of the diagnosis was a shock, unreal, surreal, simply unbelievable. But it was true and you held strong, positive and prayerful inspite all the challenges.When told you were responding to treatment I believed God will deliver on our family's prayers. But He knew best and didn't want to prolong what you were going through. No words can express the deep sense of loss our family feel. Most importantly, no one can imagine the numbing pain your 'twin' sister 'Tasha and your son, Tobi is going through. You were always together, united as one. So now, you are with your parents - at peace. To quote 'Tasha's words "they are all having a party without me", I can believe it. Knowing your father, my beloved sociable and dynamic uncle David, (one of my mum's favourite cuz), with your step mum Vicki, uncle introduced me to cornflakes with tinned pears and condensed milk for breakfast, as well as taking me to a couple of Nigerian parties in Liverpool with them, my 'lil brother, you will party. You will also be rejoined with your dignified and deeply private mum, my Aunty Bev, whom I squatted with for weeks (months?) in Luton and taught me how to make fast food from frozen packages after work. Your parents divided their genes equitably. You - uncle David, as handsome but taller. 'Tasha - Aunty Bev. Her carbon copy. So we will not say 'goodbye' but 'au revoir' - we shall all see again. Until then, just like your parents, you will always remain in our hearts and be sorely missed. Rest well dear one.
It is with a heavy heart that I write this tribute following your birth to eternal life on 17th January 2025. My heart is aching with the loss of a remarkable and resilient friend and brother.
My heart had been heavy with the news of your illness since January last year. I am going to miss all our conversations and the chats. You were so full of life that not a soul who heard us talking on the phone would have the inkling that you were not feeling well. My great friend Emeka Chime always asked after you and prayed for you from the moment I told him about your diagnosis. On the day you passed, we were both talking about you and I actually called you twice and left a voice note for you, not knowing you had passed a few hours earlier ☹ You can imagine the shock when I told him about your passing. To think that Emeka never met you and I have not seen you in over 45 years is unbelievable!!! But distance was never an issue as we had several discussions over the last year.
What really amazed me was the enthusiasm and optimism you had on life as that is what kept you going. We had plans but God knows best. I will always remember you and I thank your sister Natasha, who was the path through which I virtually met you, for the extreme love she showered on you. She is simply amazing!!!
Throughout your illness, you showed immense courage and grace. Even in the face of tremendous adversity, your faith remained unshaken, and your spirit unbroken. You faced each day with a strength that inspired me. Your passing leaves a void, but your legacy of resilience with that loud laughter of yours will live on in my heart.
I prayed fervently for your recovery almost every day, and I was very optimistic, but I now find solace in the belief that you have gone to a better place. Though my knowledge is imperfect, I trust in God’s divine plan. My prayer now for your family, especially your lovely Natasha, is that God gives them the grace to accept this loss and find comfort in the memories they all shared with you.
I pray that God’s presence overshadows you where you are now and that all of us that love and care for you get the strength and courage to accept God’s will. As we mourn your birth to eternal life, we will also celebrate the beautiful life you lived. May your family find strength in each other and in the knowledge that you are now at peace, embraced by the eternal love of God with no more pain.
May God bless your entire family. May God’s face shine upon you and give you peace. Giles, you will be missed, but your spirit will always be with me. Till we meet again, I love you bro!!!

Your passing hurts deep and leaves us with many questions. Questions that readily find their answers in the journey you went through, a journey that brought you a depth of maturity and peace many of us on this side sorely lack.
As I commensurate with your family and all who's lives you've been an invaluable part of it is my prayer that the Lord teaches us to number our days that we might apply our hearts unto wisdom.
The truth of the word can sure be tough - "to die is gain".
GDO.... God bless you.
Giles you are forever in our hearts …
Blessedly in the embrace of Christ 🙏🏽
Rest in perfect peace, Giles!
An embodiment of true leadership and class. You didn’t say too much, but your presence and occasional nod spoke volumes. Thank you for affecting the souls you encountered positively, and through this transition to Glory, the lasting legacy will echo throughout your linage. Rest in peace.
With Gratitude.
What a gentleman; What a shocker!
Sleep well buddy and may the Almighty truly grant you eternal rest 🙏🏾
This is so sad to hear that you have left us.
I recall the last time we all hung out - lots of gist, laughter and general discussions about plans for the immediate future. Little did I know that we would be here, barely 2yrs later!
May your kind, gentle and generous soul rest in perfect, perfect peace.
May God give your sister, my dear friend Tasha, the strength to get through these very difficult times.
May your family find comfort in the fact that you served a living God faithfully.
Sincerest condolences from Henry and I to the entire family.
Rest in perfect peace brother.
I recall telling you in one of our many conversations that my early memory of us holidaying at Uncle Goode’s was of you bent over books studying and you laughingly blamed it on your dad. You remained a deep thinker who approached life with a level of seriousness and passion that commanded respect from both young and old. I saw this during your undergrad days in Unilag and the brief stint you did in IUDU London branch. You brought solutions where they were needed. It was the same seriousness and passion that you brought to your job as an Architect and the built environment. I remember attending one of your think tank events about Lagos as a mega city, in London and was blown away by the number and calibre of people in the room. You held court! That was a profound moment of reality that our Gilly has grown and become a giant in his chosen profession.
More recently, we bonded again over your illness. We spoke, prayed, laughed and exchanged messages. I was so gong ho about your recovery and looked forward to your testimony and thanksgiving. Alas! God in His infinite wisdom knew best and wanted His golden boy home. Our loss is heaven’s gain and that gives me strength.
I pray God’s strength for our ‘gem’ Tasha, your children, the wider family and friends. May God grant you eternal rest.
You fought a good fight. Now rest in peace Gilly!
Rest in peace my dearest in law!🙏🕯💙
Life took us on different journeys, and our paths diverged for almost two decades. Yet when we reconnected in Lagos, it felt as if no time had passed. We laughed and commiserated over our shared experiences, reflecting on the bittersweet joys and struggles of life in a nation that gave us both delight and shege! It feels like only yesterday that we gathered to mark your 50th birthday during the lockdown. Despite the distance and restrictions, that virtual gathering was filled with joy and warmth, a testament to the bonds you cultivated over the years. That day, my relationship with your family deepened, extending to Ubani who orchestrated our more meaningful meetings when he visited. Otherwise, we caught fleeting glimpses of each other—usually at the Lagos airport, and our last conversation still stays with me. You expressed concerns about securing quality healthcare for your newly relocated family, and we agreed I’d help make connections when the time came.
Regret lingers in moments like these, with the inevitable “what ifs” left unanswered. But the Heavenly Father, in His infinite wisdom, has called you to His side. It was your time to rest, and I trust that His timing is perfect, even when we do not understand it. So, rest in peace, dear Giles. Rest in perfect and eternal peace. The memories of your quiet brilliance will forever remain in our hearts.

Rest well Giles
Giles! As I write this, I can almost hear how I used to call your name whenever we get together for a chat. Your presence, wit, and inspirational soul will be missed forever.
Until we meet again….
Thank you for everything!
May your soul continue to rest in peace.

It pains me so very deeply to write this message but so very important to me to honor the man you were.
You touched our lives so deeply, a friend and dear dear big brother. Your kindness and generous spirit resonated so deeply with us. All your visits to abuja sitting around our kitchen table telling us about your day and reminiscing with Van about your London days. You had a peaceful and comforting presence. The very best friend Van could ever have. I’m so sad, so very sad… I can’t believe I won’t see you again. I’m comforted by the assurance that a soul and spirit as gentle, kind and loving as yours will surely be in heaven resting.
We love and miss you dearly. 💔💔💔💔💔
Rest in peace, you most assuredly deserve that.
May your memories be forever a blessing. Adieu

Till we meet again, continue to rest in Christ.
Family tree

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