“And Jesus replied, “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.”
~Luke 23:43
Gary Douglas Jones, a wonderful husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, and respected member of his community, passed away peacefully on December 9, 2024, at the age of 87. Born on April 17, 1937, Gary lived a life full of adventure, hard work, and dedication to God, family, and friends.
Residing in Birmingham, Gary shared a wonderful life with his devoted wife of 66 years, Nancy Jones. Their marriage was one of the greatest love stories of all time. It was an inspiration to all who knew them. Together, they demonstrated a devotion and partnership that went beyond love. It was a relationship designed by God and lived out with such grace and genuine care. Gary and Nancy built a home filled with wonderful memories. From Birmingham to Houston to the Telluride Mesa, they created a gathering place for several generations of the Jones family.
Throughout his life, Gary dedicated himself to his pursuit of God, family, and love for the outdoors. Whether it was fishing on the San Miguel River, tending to his birds, or engaging in lively discussions about history and politics, Gary was always authentic and always engaging.
Though he has departed from this world, and is face to face with Jesus Christ in heaven, Gary’s legacy will live on in the hearts of those who were privileged to know him. His spirit continues to shine through his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
Gary leaves behind a legacy of an unwavering commitment to his faith, family, friends, and country. We are certain the angels stood and cheered as he entered the gates of Heaven. We love you, Gary Jones!
Quote from Gary Jones Tuesday, August 06, 2013
At the age of 76 I have asked the question--What have you accomplished in this life?? Clearly the business titles and awards have a short shelf life and business associates fade quickly. My answer--as a believer I have had the privilege of creating "blessing by association" for family, friends, community, and country."

Memory wall
We always had fun when they came to visit us in Bridgeville or in Destin.
When I think of Gary I think of a fabulous steak dinner at a special restaurant or a fish sandwich at the local bar; a fine bottle of wine or a draft beer; an expensive suit and tie or a Pittsburgh Steeler shirt and jeans.
For years I made him my special cookies. I guess I did it because he called them “Cathy’s Cookies” and said there were none like them. When he and Nancy lived in Colorado he used to drive down the mountain to the post office with his thermos of coffee to see if they arrived and eat some on the way home.
I will miss our conversations about the Steelers. I would call and tell him “you better suit up Gary”, our running back is hurt and you may have to go in.” He would laugh.
He would go to Pennsylvania Macaroni with Billy and my brother-in-law Bill for specialty cheeses and to the gun store to look at guns and ammo. He asked the “cheese lady” a million questions about the cheese until he knew everything about it. At the gun store he did the same. He looked at the ammo for a long, long time and Billy finally asked him if he was going to buy it and he said “That is a purchase for another time”. And that was that.
You can tell how much he was loved by the way his sons and their families helped he and Nancy when they needed them.
Gary, you will be missed.
Billy and Cathy

Gieka’s passing has not seemed as real as perhaps it should. It’s hard when you haven’t seen someone in months, and then suddenly you won’t see them again. I’m grateful for this platform to give words to feelings. I’m very thankful to celebrate the amazing life of Gary Jones with those who loved him.
My grandfather was an extremely generous man who would do anything for his family. He was strong in his faith, devoted to his wife, and who can only be described as a truly good man. He kept my history reports from grade school and read them regularly. He insisted I needed mink brushes when I started wearing makeup. He really liked Pedro, despite the “whole Raiders thing.”
I’ve spent a lot of time looking at photos of Gieka and I together. My favorites are from our time spent in Destin, FL. I was maybe 5? The photos of Gieka and I standing at the shoreline, holding hands and looking at a blue horizon- those will always stick out to me. Gieka wore more sun-protective clothing than I thought possible, but with his toes in the sand and the waves at his feet, he acknowledged the passing of another day with his little granddaughter who thought he was the wisest (coolest).
Gieka was also a die hard Steelers fan, so much so that he often watched the games on mute so he wouldn’t have to listen to the “talking heads”. The fandom skipped a generation, and I became a Steelers fan because Gieka was and I wanted to be like Gieka.
I wish we could still talk Steelers football and complain about the lacking secondary. I would love nothing more than to watch one more Destin sunset together, but I’m happy to know that’s he is in Heaven. I’ve said it so many times, but the song “Pink Skies” by Zach Bryan will always remind me of my passionate, reliable, steadfast and selfless grandfather.
Gieka, I love you. Thank you.

When Don and I were married for about 5 years, Don was offered a new position in Newport Beach, California. We had just settled into our new home in Atlanta. Gary and Nancy lived 2 hours away and we spent countless weekends together. When Don told me we were moving I was so upset. I remember calling Nancy crying and she said, “You need to talk to Gary”. Ever the voice of reason, Gary talked to me about a man’s role in the family: to be a father, husband, and provider and how sometimes that can be hard on the family. Gary, shared with me all the times Nancy just packed up and went when he had a new opportunity. We talked for about an hour and the next morning I got up and told Don, “Let’s go!”. Don was so taken aback, “What did my dad say to you”?
I always admired this family. The closeness of three brothers, the integrity that each of them has, the support they offer one another and ultimately the unconditional love they share.
Never underestimate the impact you have on another persons life. The impact Gary has made on my life is monumental. Living with God first, living with integrity, and loving unconditionally and great generosity are just a few of the characteristics I have learned from this great man.
Gieka, you are missed but never forgotten. You will forever be the subject of great and funny stories around our family get togethers. Thank you for raising the most wonderful man on earth that I am blessed to call my husband, Don.

Family tree

1063 Country Club Circle
Birmingham, AL
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If you are so inclined to make a donation to either of these organizations on behalf of Gary and Nancy, please click on the Contact Us section at the bottom of the website to (https://www.ogwm.org/) to submit a request to donate (electronic donations are not available)