Friends, we are grieving Emily's loss very deeply at the moment. There is so much to do, and so many tears to shed, in upcoming days. This page is a work in progress. We did share briefly with local news in San Diego, which you can see here: https://fox5sandiego.com/news/local-news/family-speaks-after-mother-killed-in-north-county-hit-and-run-crash/.
While we move ahead with heavy hearts, we want to encourage you all to provide memories, write testimonials, share stories, and upload photos and videos now or at any time in the future. See the sections called "Gallery" and "Memory Wall."
We have not made any plans for a memorial yet, we will share when we do.
Many have asked how they can help. The absolute best thing you can do for us is share your memories and photos here. If you feel inclined to help in a different way, here are a few options:
-Provide a meal for Abby in San Diego, CA: https://www.mealtrain.com/trains/56q2vr
-Provide a meal for Caroline in Austin, TX: https://www.mealtrain.com/trains/v086qg
-Donate to a GoFundMe for Abby's living expenses, as Mom was supporting her: https://www.gofundme.com/f/please-lend-a-helping-hand-to-abby
-Donate to Scripps, where Mom worked for 12 years fundraising, in her name: https://scripps.org/EmilyHernandez

Memory wall
Emily was a beautiful, tenderhearted friend who splashed light wherever she went. She had an especially deep love for her children, who brought her such joy – those we hold so close to our hearts right now. Her gentle loving presence touched my life in immeasurable ways and was a blessing to many far and wide.
“Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same.”
Beloved Emily, your footprints are forever imprinted on our hearts. 💕 I miss you, dear friend!

Emily knew the joy of the Lord and he was her strength. She lived and moved from a deep place of knowing, trusting and resting in Jesus. No matter her circumstances. And that confident peace and joy filled her and overflowed into the people around her. It was contagious. Words like kind, joyful, hopeful, generous, compassionate and sacrificial characterize her- she simply radiated God’s love and light wherever she was.
For almost 30 years she was my dear and treasured friend, my sister in faith, and a trusted and soft place to land as there was never any judgment with Emily, only love. She loved faithfully, fully and fiercely, especially her three beautiful children. My life has been changed in significant ways through my friendship with Emily. May we all live a little kinder and gentler, with hope and joy, as she did.
I miss you, sweet friend.

Our friendship grew with our children, church, playgroups, MOPS, Bible studies, weekly walks, holiday meals, annual girls trips to Balboa Island, birthday dinners — just to name a few. We went through good times and challenging times together. Her faith in Jesus was remarkable. We had so may conversations about trusting God through it all.
While I remain heartbroken by Emily’s sudden passing, I find solace knowing she is in heaven with Jesus. I pray for her beautiful children whom she loved more than anything — her true pride and joy on this side of heaven. Emily made a remarkable impact on others, and it’s notable to share that across many friendship groups her life was centered on peace, love, and joy. What a beautiful legacy for this special child of God. I miss you my dear friend.
Cherie Kampfer

No longer local, my interactions with Emily became less frequent, but all the more deep. In 2006 we five ladies met for a reunion at a tiny beach house (built in 1937) at Balboa Island. We shared our true selves - our hearts' desires, greatest concerns, personal trials, joys and praises - with our trusted sisters in Christ. We laughed and cried with either wine or coffee in hand, often late into the night. We have continued to meet at that same house every year since, with the exception of COVID. We had just picked the date for our spring 2025 reunion only 3 days before Emily's passing. When my 50th birthday rolled around, I knew whom I wanted to spend it with - Emily and friends came to Ventura and we went wine tasting by limousine. Adorned with a pink feather boa, sash and tiara, I spent the day with my besties acting like a schoolgirl! Some of my favorite memories in my life, including our son's wedding - she was there. My most recent memories with Emily have been at bridal showers and weddings. The 1 year-old kids we watched play in the sand at the park, we now watch say their wedding vows. So many memories and so much history.
Emily was the Fruit of the Spirit personified. She truly exemplified love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. I know she is with our Lord and I am comforted in knowing that we will be together again. Until then, she will be gravely missed.

Emily, you will be sorely missed. Wednesday small-group nights will never be the same. Thank you for sharing yourself with us, for being joy in the midst of hard times, for artfully steering conversations in a positive direction, and for sharing your faith so authentically with us.
Your radiance cast warmth on everyone you knew, and you will never be forgotten.
Your heartbroken friend,
Family tree