Emilio Herrera-Gardea

May  27th, 1987 January  5th, 2025
New York
Emilio Herrera-Gardea

Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination -Oscar Wilde

A prince's tale

Emilio was born on May 27, 1987 in Visalia, CA. Before Emilio could talk he was screaming and pointing for things. Once he could talk at the ripe age of 3, there was no stopping his mouth from going a hundred miles a minute. He always wanted to do things--amusement parks, McDonalds playhouse, drive, be in nature, ride his bike, swim, anything he could imagine he would ask to do. Emilio's favorite 3 questions were: 1. Are we there yet? 2. Can we go? 3. Why?." Emilio made friends wherever he would go with his magnetic personality. He always did well in school and would only get in trouble for talking--obviously. Emilio went to middle school and high school in Lindsay and earned an Associate's at Porterville Community College where our parents worked. He could not wait to leave the Central Valley and transferred to UC San Diego and earned his BA in English. He made a lively life for himself in San Diego with different friends from everywhere, there was no slowing the guy down once he left home. Only thing that ever slowed him down was money--so he went on to pursue a Bachelor's in Nursing and became a Registered Nurse. Emilio had been a nurse at a young age with helping our tia Josie through her cancer care and liking to look up ailments in my mom's handbook on medical ailments. Emilio had 2 main modes: making fun of you or helping you while rolling his eyes. Emilio moved to New York 4 years ago and had even more best times of his life. My brother was about having fun, love, and connection. The takeaways Emilio would want you all to have are life is too short to not enjoy it, so find adventure and humor wherever you can. 


We had open casket celebration for my brother in NY 1/9/2025, second celebration was in Lindsay, CA 1/19, and third celebration was in San Diego 2/2/2025. If there are any questions or concerns feel free to contact me (Eztli) or my mom (Mercy). 


May 27th
A star is born: First born and only son to Mercy and Jacinto.
3 days late and out in 8 hours full of drama
Graduated high school looking Thick
He finished high school with fast food. He was able to and wanted to go straight to university but my parents knew that guy needed to be tamed so my dad bribed him into going to community college and then transferring to 4 year university. He could not have worked faster to get out--taking community college classes while in high school 
Lindsay High School
Graduated with Associate of Science in Biological and Physical Science 
Emilio was on a mission to finish quick--he only worked one job in community college: Staples and it was not long. 
Porterville Community College
Graduated UC San Diego with BA after changing his major mid-way through from Micro-Biology to Englis
The prince changed his major mid-way from being pre-med to something he enjoyed more--English. He needed time to explore his passions and found teaching not being a big one. He realized through his loving partner Joey of 7 years that he still liked the medical profession. 
UC San Diego
July 7th
He's a Registered Nurse!
Emilio passed his boards and made it official! Working at the San Diego county jail and then went on to work at Sharp where he met great friends and compared every hospital after to Sharp because it was so good. 
San Diego
He's a dad!
Emilio gets Lukas with Joey. Emilio could not have been more in love--it's like he was looking at his own reflection ;) 
San Diego
Welcome to NY
Emilio combines his love for Rey, his partner of 4 years, and NY to live with Rey in NY. They lived their best lives traveling everywhere. 
Manhattan, NY 
Coming into his own and leaving the party early
He was getting more into his own rhythm with living on his own and having me (Eztli) and my parents stay more frequently and longer with him. He was working at NY Presbyterian Allen Hospital as a floor nurse. He had a great New Years in Boston. Emilio had a heart condition Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome and the medical examiner declared it a heart arrhythmia and he passed peacefully with Lukas by his side. I know he would say, "I'm good, Earth was ghetto, don't be dramatic" 
New York


Live moments with Mr. Wonderful

Memory wall

Post your memories and love for Emilio--it really helps us remember Emilio

February 1, 2025
How, how, how can I say goodbye??
Emilio you were the most loyal, amazing, supportive friend to me. I can't believe I'll never get to hear your voice calling me again. You always called me to check in and kept calling until we connected. You helped me not only survive my 20s but blessed me with so many life experiences and joys that I'm so glad we got to share together. From days at work to struggling to the top of Half Dome, to snow in Zion and the beauty of Yellowstone, from Disneyland to Taylor Swift, we had the absolute best time together. You were taken too soon and we all are going to miss your sassy, wonderful, live-life-to-the-fullest self. You'll be in my mind and my heart always, but most often when I listen to our girl Taylor You were a true star ⭐️
Sally Contreras
January 17, 2025
Wow, my sweet Emilio,

My heart aches, and no words could ever truly capture how I feel. I still remember the first day I yelled your name in the hallways back in 7th grade, all because of that Night at the Roxbury movie. Steve Garvey Jr High is where that shout sparked a friendship full of endless laughter and wild memories, one that I’ll treasure forever.

Oh, Emilio, there are so many stories I could tell—too many to share them all here—but some or I should say ALL will always stay with me. Like the time we were smoking hookah and you made me laugh so hard I got sick, or when you asked Momma Claudia if, well, cocks are different colors, and her reaction! LOL, if you know, you know. Or when we got caffeine-drunk off Coca-Cola at your house, and Momma Mercy thought we were on something—but it was just a sugar high! Our moms always thought we were some interesting wild kids.

I’ll never forget you taking me to Hollywood for the first time. We overheated every 50 feet on the Grapevine, but we made it. You should me the famous stars and said we be on one one day. Or watching Destiny’s Child’s final tour in Anaheim, screaming every lyric together. U were my favorite to bump RnB jams! I still got the cd you made me and “burned”. And that Costa Rica trip with my mom during junior year—getting our butts handed to us by the ocean and coming out all sandy and beat up. We were a HOT Mess!

And Rosarito…oh my God, our first international trip at 18 w no parents! A 3 day weekend go remember. LMFAO. . .memories. . . The way you described me to the U.S. Embassy—I still can’t believe it! And you trying to get me to still lie to my mom, hoping she’d freak out so she come to MX and than we could make it to the Lil Jon concert that night. I’ll never forget your face when you said, “I told her you were lost,” and then immediately added, “but I knew you weren’t!” We laughed the whole ride home (5-6hours) while everyone thought we were crazy. They just didn’t understand US, Emilio. You and I were a team, chaotic and full of life together!

My sweet, funny, crazy Emilahoe, I miss you so much. My heart feels hollow, but I take comfort knowing you’re in a better place. As you’d say, “Earth is ghetto,” but my life was brighter because you were in it. Thank you for being such a beautiful soul, for making me laugh until my sides hurt, for your honesty (even when you grabbed my love handles and made a show of it!), and for all the singing, dancing, and embarrassing yet unforgettable moments we shared.

You’ll always be a part of me, Emilio. Forever missed, but never forgotten. I have so many stories I could tell, but I’ll just hold them close to my heart.

Love you always,
Forever your friend Monie
Monie Perez
January 15, 2025
Dear Emilio,

I was preparing for a lifetime of awkward run ins and unsolicited updates about you from our common friends until I got the biggest shock of my life. I thought it will be easy being an ex to accept this news but I was wrong. I was rooting for anger and hate but at the moment of your passing all I felt was all the love you’ve given me through the years. I was agonal crying, my gut wrenching, and felt sharp stabbing in my chest, a feeling I don’t wish for anyone to experience.

Oh boy! The season just started and you are the last person I expect to sashay away in the first episode. I’m gonna add you to the list with Porkchop, Shangela, Kelly Mantle etc.. I know you always believe you’ll always be in the finale.

Sometimes in life, things just don’t make any sense at all. You’ve taken life by the balls, seizing every moment, unstoppable. And now it all makes sense to me. I didn’t realize when you stepped in New York City a 5 year time clock started and boy oh boy you made the most out of it. We had the best of times. So many beautiful happy funny memories it will take til dawn to relieve.

Before we parted ways, you told me our good years were the best years of your life and I didn’t make any of it until now. For me, it was just okay (lol jk). Everyday was an adventure, you kept me in my toes. Thank you for all the songs you sang to me, the dance moves that made me spit my drink, the humor and jokes that randomly comes so often it brought smile and wrinkles to my face.

I will never miss how messy you are and I hope “heaven” has a full time housekeeper. I never regret every moment loving and taking care of you though sometimes you made me think otherwise lol.

To the Emilio who I fell in love with, thank you for the wonderful years together. I learned to enjoy life, don’t take things too seriously, take risks, take chances, live life

To the Emilio who I lost, thank you for teaching me to love myself. To put myself first above anyone else so only then I can love others and remember if you don’t love yourself how the hell you gonna love somebody else? can I get an Amen!

You are at peace now. You may miss a lot more happy times but for sure you’ve been freed from the pain and troubles of this life. You are forever young and beautiful as you always wanted.

You left this earth with all the love in the world. As I continue my journey, I take with me the memories of your love. Thank you for everything. I will always love you!

January 14, 2025
It’s been years but I am at loss of words. Knowing you are not here on Earth speaking your truth and sharing your laughter makes the world a little more empty and grey.

I will always cherish the good times, the laughter we shared and your banter with Michelle.

My deepest condolences to your family.

Jackie Khal
Jackie Khal
January 12, 2025
My dearest Emilio, WTF! We all knew you were too fabulous for this world but I expected to age with you by my side-making fun of how we aged way better than anyone we know lol. Your laughter brought joy to my heart, being in your presence made me happy, and being part of your life was incredible.

We went to school together in Lindsay (eww) and shared some of the best moments. Causing havoc on Halloween, making fun of everyone that stood in our way, rolling like gangsters in your mom’s van lol, and then in your silver Honda. We were so close some people thought we were hooking up (we all knew that would never happen). We thought we were so cool when we learned to play guitar together lol and I was awful at math but you let me cheat off of you so we could advance and make sure we had all the same classes together. Of course there was no way you would slow down for me so I had to cheat off you to make sure we stuck together- Mr. Miguel knew 1,000% we were cheating but there was NO way he could prove it lol!!

We graduated and our paths crossed again in San Diego. Oh my gosh we had the best most funnest times! As “adults” we could run the show now-that’s right bitch. Going out for drinks, having breakfast, and sitting on the roof going through Facebook to see who had gained weight were some of the funnest times. Our friendship was one of laughter, fun, support, and love. We never demanded anything from each other, we didn’t have to talk every day, and even if we went months without talking-it was like time hadn’t passed.

You were brave enough to live your life the way a lot of us wish we could. You left this place as a fabulous, skinny, hoe, bitch and that’s the way I will always remember you. Emphasis on skinny, because you loved it when I called you skinny lol. Heaven is about to get hit by the firework that is Emilio and they have no clue how incredible of a place you are about to make it.

I have just proclaimed myself as Lukas’ Godmother. He will be getting gifts and cash on a regular basis and I will be making surprise, unannounced, home visits. If he is not being treated like a King, I will call CPS.

Love you forever bitch!
#liveyourlife #dogdadsarehot #mydogiscuterthanyours
Alejandra "Big One"
January 12, 2025
Thank you for entrusting me with your son Lukas for 2 whole weeks, which was the second best thing right after knowing you. I will miss watching Harry Potter and eating ice cream with you. Thank you most of all for believing in me and never doubting me. Thank you for allowing me to love you. I will cherish the good and not so good times but always sticking with me! And I thank your parents for making such an amazing man. Never goodbye but see you.
Jerry S Butler Jr
January 12, 2025
Emilio had a wonderful laugh and a beautiful smile. It was a joy to see him. He was upbeat and full of life. You will always be remembered for your free spirit soul.
Dana Rivers-Co-worker
January 10, 2025
This train ride represented our ~3 year friendship. Spending time with you during the rest of that ride was better than Grindr could ever be. I will never forget you, Emilio. Rest in peace my love
Martez Cox
January 9, 2025
My deepest condolences to Emilio’s family.🙏🏻🌹
Im heartbroken, speechless, and still can’t believe you are gone, Emilio.
I am so grateful to have shared so many laughs and adventures with you.
All those jokes, my funny, smart, friendly & crazy boy.
Rest in peace, knowing you are deeply loved and will be greatly missed. You are forever in our hearts 🕊🙏🏻💔🌹 Love you
Vielsy Monteiro
January 9, 2025
My sincerest condolences to you and your family. I knew Emilio for only a couple of years, but he always was a pleasure to be around.
David Hill
January 9, 2025
My deepest condolences to Emilio’s loved ones. He had a beautiful spirit, with an infectious warmth and energy that made you feel seen and held with a deep sense of care. During our few brief encounters, he never failed to be welcoming and excited to check-in and have fun. He was a very bright light in moments where my own shyness prevented me from being present. He was (and will always be) an inspiration to live life to the fullest, even when you’re scared to. He will be greatly missed, and I hope he knew just how precious and loved he was.
Keanu Jackson
January 9, 2025
Thank you for always being you and allowing me to be me! And for sharing Lukas with me!

To your family, thank you for raising such a beautiful man inside and out! I pray that God gives you all the strength and love to get through this hard time, even if it takes one second at a time.
Jerry S Butler Jr
January 9, 2025
To Emilio’s Family,

Please accept our sincere and deepest condolences. Our hearts go out to you during this time of sorrow.
❤️ Emilio, may you rest in peace.

NYP Allen Family
Carina Ibarrola
January 9, 2025
I don’t have many pictures but the one I posted here and a few from the same night that we met on an Atlantis Cruise in 2019. Since then, our encounters were usually at parties whether it was a pregame or on the dance floor. I definitely wish I had taken more pictures to showcase the fun we all had with you. I thought I wished I had better pictures to share, but then I realized a picture that we all look sweaty in the middle of the dance floor is so us 🥰. You are gone too soon but we will cherish our memories with you forever.

May you rest in peace ❤️

January 9, 2025
I have too many funny stories to tell when I hear your name! There are so many adventures we shared together. You were funny, adventurous, helpful and sassy! You never hesitated to give your unapologetic opinion lol! Even though you weren’t always keen on showing affection, in those brief moments when you did with me and the guys I’ll always hold those moments close to heart. I knew that you always really cared.❤️‍🩹
Andrew Simms
January 9, 2025
Oh Emilio where do I even begin? You’re such a beam of sunshine the moment I met you at Rich’s in San Diego at Pride 2021. We became fast friends easily like we’ve known each other for awhile. There’s only few people that enter our lives and leave that indelible mark - and Emilio, you are one of them. 2021 was a bleak year coming off from the pandemic but somehow you allowed to let me into your life and show me how wonderful and beautiful friendships can be. All throughout the coming years we’ve managed to stay in touch and see each other regularly despite the distance. You living in SD and then to NYC, and me & Rob in Chicago. You and Rey came over to Chicago multiple times to connect and foster bonds. There’s just an aura of positive energy about you and one that I’ll forever cherish and remember in my heart for a lifetime. It hurts so much to know that you’re gone. But I know you will want us to keep the party going. And we will. As you like to say, it ain’t over till the fat lady sings. I love you Emilio. You’re forever in our hearts. 💕
Ricky Chua
January 9, 2025
Emilio, my brother, thank you for your friendship, your love, your support, and your care. I will miss your random “I love you” in the middle of the dance floor. I will miss our “Paris and Nicole” moments. Please watch over your sisters, your mom and dad. They love you so much! ❤️
January 9, 2025
This seems unreal. But high school memories flood my mind as I read you were gone. You were a safe space in HS, someone to share secrets with and not afraid they would be repeated. No judgment always fun and friendly. I remember everyone would always repeat to you “And I was like Emiliooooo” and the eye roll-smirk that followed😂 Thanks for being such a great person and always being you! You will be missed. 💔🕊️🫶🏼
January 9, 2025
Im heartbroken, speechless and still can’t believe we won’t get to laugh together again. You were one of a kind and, truly touched everyone’s heart. Will always cherish your smile, and free spirit. Thank you for being a great coworker since day 1 and a wonderful human being. Te extrańare mucho amigo.
Laura Ramirez
January 9, 2025
Emilio truly was my #1 best friend. He understood me like nobody ever did. He would finish my sentences before even I could when I’d attempt to give him an example of how alone and misunderstood I felt at any given moment. We had so many laughs during our years as besties in San Diego and even a few during his time in NYC. I’m so, so sad for his passing. I know that he is watching me write this. Emilio will always live within my heart and memories. I love you, Mijo, and will miss you until it’s my time to join you. - Love eternally,
Jimmy (Jean ❤️)
Jimmy Ramsey
January 9, 2025
He was one of the people who could make me laugh so hard my sides would hurt for days. I have so many memories that are all filled with laughter and joy and fun! He was an amazing friend and I will Never forget him. Love you milio!
Tori gonzales
January 8, 2025
Not a moment goes by in this grief process where I don’t hear Emilio saying “Oh my god Michelle” with an eyeroll and head shake. I’ve known Emilio since I was 12 years old. We have spent a lifetime gossiping , laughing, crying, shouting, listening, singing, playing…..all the things best friends do. He’s been with me though every milestone since and I his. I tell him “you can’t ditch me, I knew you when you when you were fat” (he was never fat). To which he would tell me “I’m skinny when it matters”. He is very handsome, with his ginormous grin and big brown eyes.
There are few people in this world that make it sparkle, can light up your day, and make you feel like things aren’t so bad when you feel you just can’t take it anymore and he was that for me. Even as the distance grew in miles he was always with me. He’d call me and say “okay real quick anything new?” on his way to work or to run an errand. I felt with him as he would share all the places he traveled to or where he was going and what he was doing. He pushed me to always be better in a way that only he could. His jokes and his singing could make my day. I have a million stories that I will carry in my heart forever.

The last time we talked was on Christmas. He told me he was spending it with Lukas because he had to work. Usually we talk 100 miles a minute but that conversation was calm and slow, almost relaxing. At the end I wished him Merry Christmas and I told him that I loved him, to which he replied “love you too” . After, I received a video of him playing fetch with Lukas in the snow and I felt there with him.
Just like our stories, Emilio will now live in my heart forever and I am so lucky that the universe gave me the most fabulous human being to grow up and grow old(ish) next to. ❤️
Michelle Coronado
January 8, 2025
To say I’m heartbroken to hear this news is an understatement. Emilio was such a beautiful soul and an amazing nurse. I worked with him for 3 years at NYP on 2 separate units and since I met him it was nothing but laughter and good times. I last spoke to him in November as we kept in touch after I left NYP and the updates from him were always good. I can’t believe that it would be the last time I would ever speak to him. Emilio, my friend thank you for all the good times on 6GN and HP10 and all the funny texts. The world truly lost a gem! Rest in Paradise my friend.
Dessire Roldan
January 8, 2025
I'm so sorry for this great loss to your family. I've had the pleasure to work with Emilio at NYP. He was a ray of sunshine. He had an energy that no one could match. You could never be in a negative space when Emilio was around. He will be deeply missed.🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
January 8, 2025
I met Emilio through Javier, a mutual friend also gone before his time. Javier referred to Emilio as 'his sister'; Mercedes was his 'chosen Mother'. Both of them will always have a special place in my heart for the pure love they showed to Javier. To hear that Emilio has now left this world is crushing. My heart goes out to his family.
Rick Cochran
January 8, 2025
To Emilio’s family…. I am sorry for your loss. Seeing Emilio’s pictures and reading all his friends messages made me realize how great Emilio was.

Emilio, may your soul rest in peace. Fly high!❤️
January 8, 2025
I am shocked and devastated to hear the news of Emilio’s passing. I had the pleasure of working with Emilio for about 2 years- always quick to help anyone and kept us laughing the whole night. Emilio you will be sorely missed. Love always, Kika.
Kika O
January 8, 2025
Sending condolences to your family at this time.Athough I didn’t know Emilio long he would brighten up my day with his carefree spirit and his love for life.It was a pleasure to work with. Rest in paradise ❤️
January 8, 2025
I’ve been trying to find the words to express just how much you mean to me, but no matter how many I write, it feels like they fall short of what’s in my heart. Still, I need to try, because someone as incredible as you deserves to know the impact you’ve had on my life.

You’ve been so much more than a best friend—you’ve been my rock, my safe space, and my greatest supporter. From the moment you stepped into my life, you brought a light that I didn’t even realize I needed. You’ve been there for me in ways that I can’t even fully describe. When life felt unbearable, and I didn’t know how I’d make it through, you didn’t just stand by me; you carried me. You offered help not just in words but in action, with no hesitation, no conditions—just pure, selfless love.

I’ll never forget the moments when I felt like I was falling apart and you held me together. Your strength and patience astound me. You didn’t just listen when I needed to talk; you heard me, truly heard me. You didn’t just offer advice; you walked with me through my struggles, sometimes saying nothing but making sure I felt your presence every step of the way. You made me believe in myself again, even when I was at my lowest.

Your kindness is unmatched, and your heart is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever known. You’ve shown me what it means to love someone unconditionally, to support someone without expecting anything in return. Whether it was a late-night phone call, a simple gesture to make me smile, or just sitting quietly beside me when words weren’t enough, you always knew exactly what I needed, often before I did.

I don’t know how I got so lucky to have you in my life, but I thank the universe for you every single day. You’ve taught me that it’s okay to lean on someone, that I don’t have to face everything alone. You’ve given me courage when I felt weak, hope when I felt lost, and love when I felt unworthy of it.

You are the definition of a true friend—loyal, compassionate, and endlessly giving. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. You make the world a better place just by being in it, and you’ve certainly made mine brighter in every possible way.

Thank you for everything—for your laughter, your wisdom, your empathy, and your unwavering belief in me. Thank you for loving me even when I didn’t love myself. Thank you for being you.

You’re not just my best friend; you’re family. I will always cherish you
I will never forget you
I wish it was me not you
You don’t deserve it
Elio Knight
January 8, 2025
As I sit here thinking about the words to say I struggle. Our friendship was one that we understood. We are best friends! I learned that best friends don’t always have to be the exact same. Sure, we had many things in common. But what made us best friends is the love we genuinely had for each other. I watch all of our funny videos we made over the years and I could stop laughing. I will miss your loud laugh, I will always think about our gym days together, I will cherish the weekends in San Diego when we are Panda Express after the gym and you made me pay cause you said “ John I’m a broke college student” lol . I will miss you. Not knowing on New Year’s Day FaceTiming with you would be our last conversation but I’m glad got to see you. I’m going to miss our long calls of you telling me you longggg stories and us laughing cause I would say you are wild. My heart breaks today and it will never feel the same without you. I realized I won’t ever be able to talk to you again over the phone. Now, I have to say until next time. I love you my friend

John foster.
John foster III
January 8, 2025
Emilio, you will be greatly missed. Not only were you a great nurse, but you were also a wonderful person.

It was great working with you and we missed you when you transferred to the Allen Hospital, but you were so happy because you were now able to go home on your breaks.

Our joke: 'I fight in real life.' I'm glad you were at the nursing station that night and heard that threat made against me. That threat became our joke.

Emilio, you will be missed.

Carol F
Carol Foreman
January 8, 2025
I would’ve never thought this was his fate after not getting a reply when I texted him Sunday. At least we got to hang out one last time 2 weeks ago. RIP💔
January 8, 2025
Emilio will always be in our hearts and memories. Emilio my lil cuz liked to experiment in the kitchen with new recipes I loved it and always talked about leaving Lindsay and I loved being there he would roll his eyes lol. His goal to make as much money as possible to do whatever he wanted and he did it. Ofelia my niece loved him said he was so handsome. Emilio mailed Ofelia a card with Lukas picture made her so happy.
Cindy Herrera-Regalado
January 8, 2025
We are very sorry for the sudden loss of Emilio. It looks like he had a full life and many friends who loved him. It is always devastating to lose a family member, and one who was so young. Our hearts go out to my brother Jacinto, Mercy and Eztli for your loss. We will always keep you all in our prayers.
Jesus & Lia Gardea

Family tree

Jacinto Gardea
Mercedes (Mercy) Herrera
Eztli Herrera-Gardea
Rita Gardea
Eztli Herrera-Gardea
Rita Gardea
Emilio Herrera-Gardea


What was Emilio's favorite Quote or Saying?
Answering my mom's request for him to save his money: "Why save? I might as well have fun because I don't know if I am going to live tomorrow so I am going to have fun while I can." 
What was Emilio's favorite Music / Song?
Taylor Swift, Mariah Carey, Britney Spears, Beyonce, musicals, and original Disney 
What was Emilio's favorite TV show?
Friends, the Office, Parks and Rec, Game of Thrones, House of Dragons, too many to list
What was Emilio's favorite Book?
Harry Potter, Of Mice and Men, the Perks of being a Wallflower
What was Emilio's favorite Quote or Saying?
Sally said when they were climbing Half-Dome in Yosemite, Emilio said, “Sally, if Taylor Swift can move to New York on her own, we can get to the top of this mountain!” 
What was Emilio's favorite Quote or Saying?
"Best believe I'm still bejeweled. When I walk in the room, I can still make the whole place shimmer." --Taylor Swift

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