Don Holmes

October  5th, 1944 January  20th, 2025
Fairleads, Benoni
Don Holmes

In the hearts of those who loved you, you will forever remain. Your memory will be cherished, and your presence will be felt in every cherished moment we hold dear.


Don, a cherished husband, father, grandfather, and friend, passed away peacefully on January 20, 2025, at the age of 80.

Born on October 5, 1944, Don lived a life full of love, kindness, and integrity, leaving behind a legacy that will be fondly remembered by all who knew him.

Don shared a beautiful marriage with the love of his life, Clasie. Together, they built a warm and nurturing home, raising three children who were his pride and joy. Don's family was always at the heart of everything he did, and his devotion to Clasie and their children was evident in every aspect of his life.

Throughout his years, Don touched the lives of many with his genuine spirit and unwavering kindness. He had a remarkable ability to make those around him feel valued and respected, and his infectious smile brightened even the dreariest of days. Don was not just a good guy; he was a remarkable soul whose compassion and generosity extended far beyond his family to his friends, neighbors, and community.

Don's memory will be celebrated at a memorial service held in Boksburg on January 30, 2025. Friends and family will gather to honor his life, sharing stories of the joy and laughter he brought into their lives. While he may be gone, the love he shared and the lessons he imparted will continue to live on in the hearts of those he touched.He leaves behind a family who adored him and countless friends who treasured his companionship. In remembering Don Holmes, we honor a life well-lived and a man who exemplified what it means to be truly good at heart. Rest in peace, Don, knowing you were loved deeply and will be missed profoundly!!


A YouTube link of the service will be uploaded after the service.
 Live stream will also be available.

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Memories in Pictures 


Tribute Wall

Please feel free to share your condolences and memories! Your words and stories will be a great comfort to us all during this time of remembrance and reflection.

January 27, 2025
Donald Albert Holmes die oudste van drie kinders, suster Anthea Cathleen Holmes en die jongste Jurie Johannes Holmes. Donald is in Pretoria gebore aan die einde van die Tweede Wereldoorlog. Dit was moeilike tye, werk was skaars en in 1952 was ons ouers verplig om groener weivelde in die Vrystaatse Goudvelde te gaan soek.
Ons ouers verhuis na n klein dorpie Welkom en ons pa Eric Leslie Holmes begin by Vrystaat Geduldmyn te werk. Donald begin sy skoolloopbaan by St Helena laerskool en matrikuleer in 1963 aan Welkom Gimnasium. Gedurende sy skoolloopbaan het Don uitgeblink in rugby en was in 1963 kaptein van die eerste rugbyspan. Hy was ook die kadetorkes se tamboermajoor.
Na skool het Don sy dienspligopleiding in Boemfontein begin en in Ladysmith voltooi. Hy het ook in die Burgermag gedien en verskeie kampe bygewoon en grensdiens verrig. Hy beeindig sy weermagpligte as Sersant Majoor AO1 by Generaal de Wet Regiment. Donald is na sy weermagopleiding Johannesburg toe en bly by tannie Mona en oom Willie Compion. Hy begin by die Vaderland koerant werk en speel rugby vir Diggers Rugby Klub. Hy verander van beroep en begin werk by Westelike Provinsie Kelders. Dit was gedurende die jare wat Don Klasiena van Rooyen ontmoet het.
Donald het in die laat sestig sy beroep aan verkope gewy en die wereld deur gereis. Hy was vir al die maatskappye n groot aanwins.
Donald het gelewe vir sy familie, werk en vriende. Hy het sy lewe noukeurig beplan en ek glo werk was sy stokperdjie. Sy 3 seuns, skoondogters, kleinkinders en sy vrou Klasiena was sy alles.
Don het nooit gekla of gunste gevra nie. Hy het net gedoen.
My broer Donald jy was 8jaar ouer as ek en my hero. Jy het altyd vir my n voorbeeld gestel. Baie dankie wat jy vir my en jou familie gedoen en beteken het. Ek gaan vir seker jou oproepe en geselsies mis.
Tokkie, Suzette, Anthea en Bill
Tokkie Holmes
January 24, 2025
Dear Clasie, Family, and Friends,

It was with great shock and sadness that I received the news of Don’s passing, especially as I had spoken to him not long ago. The thought that he is no longer with us is truly difficult to accept.

My memories of Don go back not only to his time with our company but even further, to his earlier days with Ronnie Norwitz. I can still vividly recall the day Don joined our team – a moment that feels like it was just yesterday. Having someone of Don’s caliber with us was a privilege we never took for granted.

Don’s knowledge and business acumen were renowned across the country. He was not only an expert in his field but also a true gentleman – respected and loved by clients and colleagues alike. He was always willing to lend a helping hand, generously sharing his vast experience with our junior staff. His passion for special projects and assignments was unmatched, and once Don set his mind to a task, nothing could deter him until it was accomplished.

His ever-present smile, positive attitude, and unwavering dedication were an inspiration to all who had the pleasure of working with him. Don was truly our “Mr. First” – the first to arrive at the office and often the last to leave, always available, whether it was a weekend or a holiday. He was someone you could depend on, no matter the circumstances.

Don, I have no doubt that you are already bringing your sense of order and dedication to those around you in your new home, just as you did so effortlessly in life.

Rest in peace, my dear friend. You will be deeply missed but never forgotten.

Fred Bengsch
Ex-Director, Diesel Electric Rand
Fred Bengsch
January 22, 2025
A Tribute to a Remarkable Friend and Colleague

Don was not just a colleague but a dear friend, a man whose principles and laughter left an indelible mark on all of us.

He lived by his values - steadfast, unwavering, and committed to doing what was right, no matter the challenge. His integrity shone like a beacon, guiding those around him to aim higher, to do better, and to never compromise on what mattered most. Yet, he carried these principles not as a burden but with a lightness that brought joy and hope.

His laughter was his signature - a rich, contagious sound that filled the room and lifted spirits even on the darkest days. He had a gift for finding humor in the everyday, for reminding us not to take life too seriously, and for showing us the power of a smile.

He was the heartbeat of the workplace and the glue that held our friendships together. Whether he was cracking a joke, sharing a kind word, or simply being there to listen, he made every moment brighter.

Though the world feels quieter without him, his legacy is alive in each of us. We’ll carry forward his dedication to truth, his love of laughter, and the memories of countless moments where he reminded us of what it means to truly live.

Rest well, Don, You will be missed, but you will never be forgotten.
Beryl Branthwaite
Beryl Branthwaite
January 30, 2025
A heart of gold, a soul so kind,
Uncle Don, your memory we'll find.
Through laughter shared and stories told,
Your presence warmed, a love untold.

For Mom, a brother true and dear,
Through thick and thin, you'd always cheer.
Your gentle hand, a guiding light,
Through darkest days, you made things right.

Now you're at peace, a journey done,
Your loving spirit, brightly shone.
We'll hold you close, in hearts and minds,
Until we meet, where love binds.
January 29, 2025
He was a great grand pa, who wanted a clean and quiet place all the time. Someone you could relate all your sorrows and get best advice. May God grant you strength to all family members and friends.
Thabo Melusi Shezi
January 28, 2025
Ai my oom , vir die kort tydjie wat ek oom geken het was daar soveel wat ons gedeel het baie persoonlike goedjies en ook daai lawe goedjies waaroor ons kon gelag het .

Party keer het ek gesien oom het seer maar oom het nooit dit gewys nie ,

Dit was n groot voorreg gewees om oom ook as n vriend te kon beskou , en nie net as n klient nie .

Rus sag oom Don
andrew botes
January 28, 2025
I remember his words he said to me when he says germinah why you put oumas cushion first? You must put mine first when I ask why oupa he didn't answer me, to me it make sense now, may your soul rest in peace condolences to Holmes family 💔
January 26, 2025
Liewe Clasie, Familie en vriende.

Ons was vir meer as 40 jaar geseend om Don as deel van ons stories te kon hé. Don se deel is nou gedoen en dit is swaar en baie hartseer om finaal te groet.

“I must go in; the fog is rising. Because I could not stop for death - He kindly stopped for me.. “ (Emily Dickinson US poet)
Rus in Vrede Don.
Charles & Haniki

Hanna and Charles Broodryk
January 25, 2025
Oupa Don alles wat oupa bygedra het tot hierdie wereld en almal wat oupa ontmoet het. Ja, somtyds, het ons almal van oupa se humeur geweet, maar op die ou einde was oupa altyd bereid om terug te gee. Daar was nie 'n tyd wat oupa verby 'n minder bevoorregte persoon sou loop sonder om 'n helpende hand te gee nie. Oupa het ‘n interessante lewe geleef. Ek sou oupa beskryf as 'n vlytige en onbreekbare man wat baie talente gehad het. Soos ons weet, was oupa 'n besigheids man , jagter, sports man en nog baie meer .Oupa se stories en lesse sal my ewig by bly. Oupa sou altyd vir my sê mytjie mense sal nie onthou wat jy gedoen het nie, hulle sal nie onthou wat jy gesê het nie, hulle sal onthou hoe jy hulle laat voel het. Ek is seker dat almal hier weet hoe goed oupa jou gemaak voel het.
Ek sal graag baie dankie wil se vir jou, Oupa, vir die jeug wat jy my gegee het. Nooit was oupa teleurgesteld in my nie.oupa het eerder altyd in my geglo. Ons deel ‘n paar onvergeetlike herinneringe wat niemand kan wegneem nie. Ek wens daar was meer wat ek kon doen. maar ten minste kan oupa nou pynloos voor ons ewige vader voort leef, sonder pyn & swaarkry.

ek is baie lief vir oupa … ❤️‍🩹❤️
January 24, 2025
Dear Holmes's family&friends

My deepest condolences to the family. I knew Oupa for short period of time he showed me love, care&welcomed me to his house with warm hands. May his soul rest in peace.

January 24, 2025
One thing I've learned from Uncle Don is that age is nothing but a number, always ready to work, regardless of his age, A True Legend, Where there is life, there is hope.
Rest well Uncle.
Mahlokwane Levy
January 24, 2025
Don jy was 'n merkwaardige mens. Altyd vol lag en leersame waarhede. Jy was ons mentor in besigheid. Altyd daar met nuwe planne. Ons gaan jou baie mis my vriend. Rus in vrede.
Nico en Esme Nagel
January 24, 2025
There was only one Don Holmes
A real Mensch of a man and a Legend in the diesel and turbo industry.
Don’s infectious laughter and sense of humour was ever present during our years at Parts Incorporated.
I’m sure Waterbottle has forgiven you for his nickname.
RIP my friend.

Doug Poole
January 24, 2025
Liewe Don.
Jy was n absolute Gentleman en goeie vriend. Jou heengaan laat n groot plek van n great mens. Dankie vir jou vriendelikheid altyd.jy was die toonbeeld van hoe n man moet wees met sy Werk, Kinders, Kleinkinders ,familie, kliente en die liefde van jou lewe. BULLLY, AKA Klasina.
Baie sterkte aan die Familie en aan Tannie Klassie.

Die du Plessis's
Parow- Dupdiesel
Dirk du Plessis
January 24, 2025
Gaan oupa baie miss ☹️💔 lief oupa soos oupa gese het oupa is trots op my en dis waar om ek nog harder gaan begin Werk en weet net oupa ons is lief vir oupa soos oupa altyd gese het vir ons Klein neefies 😂gebruik jou brain Voor julle iets doen Dankie vir alles oupa is op n better plek en ek weet oupa Kyk nogsteeds na ons soos oupa altyd gedoen het oupa was een van die beste mense 💔 Eks gebreek oupa Rus in vreede oupie

January 23, 2025
Oom Don
My hart is seer, maar die memories van my kinderdae op die plot, maak my hart weer bly, die lekkerste Sondae kuiers by die swembad, Kersfees ń hoogtepunt. Dankie vir dit wat oom ons geleer het, familie eerste en die voorbeeld wat oom gestel het. Rus sag by Jesus en sê asb hello vir Baardman.
January 23, 2025
Good man
You will be missed by all of your Diesel Electric colleges.

Fred Ellis
January 23, 2025
My good friend Don. We worked together at Adco for many years and you were always the jovial guy with so much humor and grace. Full of fun and always willing to help people. A true friend and colleague. You will be missed. RIP
Ewald Stark
January 23, 2025
Very sad news. We worked together for many years and what I learned from Don is unbelievable and has helped me throughout my life. To his family my deepest condolences.
Tony Cramer
January 23, 2025

Don baie dankie vir die voorbeeld wat jy vir ons almal was.
Ek groet jou tot wedersiens.
Tok Human
January 23, 2025
Our deepest condolences to the family. I will remember him as a great man that cared about the people he worked with. It surly changes my life. He serves his purpose very well in the time we had together as friends and colleagues. I salute you Don Homes
Loving memory from Koos Boonzaier
Koos Boonzaier
January 23, 2025
Oupa Don was so welcoming and caring he took me as one of his family,he will always be in my heart and every morning when get to the plot he will say" Eva yiii coffee" now no one will ask me for the coffee my condolences to the whole family your memory will live on Rest well oupa Don
January 23, 2025
Liewe Pa

Pa, het my altyd aan Joshua 1:9 herinner: "Wees sterk en vol moed." Pa se voorbeeld het ons geleer om nooit terug te staan vir 'n uitdaging nie, en altyd oplossings eerder as probleme te sien.

Hierdie jaar het sy deel van uitdagings gebring, maar ek kies om die negatiewe agter te laat en dit te vervang met 'n positiewe uitkyk. Pa se lewenslesse en deursettingsvermoë wys dat ons sterker is as wat ons dink en dat daar altyd lig na elke donkerte is.

Dankie vir Pa se liefde, harde werk en al die kosbare herinneringe. Pa bly vir my 'n bron van inspirasie.

Met liefde en dankbaarheid,
Jou Meisiekind
January 22, 2025
Aan my Pa wat my aanvaar het as sy eie dogter-

My Liefste Pa

Nou dat Pa nie meer naby is nie mis ek die noue band wat ons gehad het.
'n Band van liefde en sorg... Tog op die een of ander manier sê iets vir my Pa waak oor ons almal.

Ek mis Pa só baie, en my trane kan ek nie wegsteek nie,
Tog diep in my hart voel ek PÁ sal altyd aan my sy wees.

Die lewe sal nooit meer dieselfde wees sonder jou nie!
Tog vertroos dit my om te weet dat ons eendag weer sal ontmoet
Ons sal mooi na Clasie kyk.

Al my liefde
January 22, 2025
Waar kan ek ooit begin, soos Pa altyd gese het Pa is nie my Skoonpa nie maar my Pa en ek is Pa se dogter. Ek kan nie glo ek sit nou hier en probeer dink hoe om te groet nie, daar sal nooit genoeg, of die regte woorde wees om Pa te kan groet nie, Pa was altyd daar vir my deur alles, ons het n baie spesiale band gehad en ek kan net dankie vir Jesus sê dat Hy my gebless het met só n wonderlike sterk man op aarde wat ek my Pa kon genoem het.
Ek weet Pa is veilig, pyn vry en in die hemel by ons Hemelse Vader, soos ek Pa belowe het - ons sal Ok wees en sal baie mooi na Ma kyk, rus nou lekker! Baie lief vir Pa, sien Pa weer in die ewige lewe.
Pa se meisie kind xxx
January 22, 2025
Oom Don jy was so n groot deel van my lewe vanaf n kind tot groot mens. Al die herhingeringe Kersfees by die plot sal altyd in my hart wees tot ons weer ontmoet. Ek sal jou mis maar nooit vegeet nie. Suzie
January 22, 2025
Don my yster...I knew u my whole life...always the life of a party..always sharing a quick joke I watched you give awesome speeches on numerous occasions..your wit your charm..your humour Jy was n yster.. u will be missed immensely..this is not good bye but farewell until we meet again my friend..say Hi to my mom and Dad whom you also knew well...such fond memories...You always said to me "Moet my nie oom noem nie ek issie met jou Tannie getroud nie" Farewell Yster


We're gathering to honour and remember Don, who left an indelible mark on our lives.
We'll also cherish the moments we shared and the joy he brought us. Your presence would mean a lot to us during this time of reflection and remembrance.
Airport Gardens Boutique Hotel
17 Williams Rd, Beyers Park, Boksburg, 1459
30 January 2025 & 12h00
Virtual event
To Follow soon

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