Je bent sterker dan je denk en slimmer dan je weet.
You're stronger then you think and smarter then you know.
Kornelia Petronella “Connie” Benjert
Connie is op 80-jarige leeftijd overleden, dankbaar voor het leven dat ze heeft geleefd, altijd in de overtuiging dat ze niet oud zou worden. Haar vriendelijkheid, kracht en onwankelbare liefde zullen voortleven in de harten van iedereen die het geluk had haar te kennen. Connie's nalatenschap is er een van medeleven en veerkracht; een waar getuigenis van het leven dat ze heeft geleid.
📽️ Bekijk een video over het levensreis met fotos van Connie in de videosectie van deze pagina.
📖 Lees het complete overlijdensbericht van Connie here: https://tinyurl.com/2bflbtve
✍️ We zouden graag van je horen als je Connie kende. Deel een favoriete herinnering, een foto, een gedachte of gewoon een opmerking hier op de "Memory Wall".
Connie passed away at the age of 80, grateful for the life she lived, always believing she would not live to an old age. Her kindness, strength, and unwavering love will live on in the hearts of all who were fortunate enough to know her. Connie's legacy is one of compassion and resilience; a true testament to the life she lived.
📽️ Watch a video about the life journey with photos of Connie in the video section of this page.
📖 Read the full obituary on Connie here: https://tinyurl.com/2xjkmwat
✍️ We would love to hear from you if you knew Connie. Share a favorite memory, a photo, a thought or just a comment on this page in the "Memory Wall".

Memory wall
We would love to hear from you if you knew Connie. Share a favorite memory, a photo, a thought or just a comment.
W'll meet again!
Connie was loved by my parents, Kelly's Nanny and Pop, and I know that they were there in Heaven to greet her with open arms. I regret that, due to distance and time, my visits and correspondence with Connie were few and that I never got to come visit her in her beloved Netherlands. However, I know that I will see her again. See you on the other side, Connie!
De vriendschap die is ontstaan bij SVV Schiedam tussen Niels en Wilco is fantastisch, ook om weer te zien tijdens de begrafenis hoe ze elkaar aan voelen. Voor altijd vrienden.
Kortom een fijn en mooi mens is heengegaan, maar de herinnering blijft.
In memoriam, I think of Conny, the sweet, well-groomed woman who was always friendly. When she came to eat with us at Christmas, together with John (her great love) and Wilco, it was very cozy and nice. Most of the kids celebrated at home under the Christmas tree, but ours went to play soccer including the dog Boomer and the two girls Wendy and Manon. When we meet Conny in the city of Vlaardingen together with John, it was always kindness. And Conny and John always looked like they were going through a ring.
The friendship that has developed at SVV Schiedam between Niels and Wilco is fantastic, also to see how they feel each other during the funeral. Friends forever.
In short, a fine and beautiful person has passed away, but the memory remains.
Cisca Rooders-Fiers
I am endlessly grateful to Connie, not only for bringing my husband, the father of my babies, into this world but for teaching him what love, compassion, and loyalty truly mean. It is because of her that he embodies these qualities so deeply, and I see her influence in his faith and the way he deeply serves and loves our family.
I often found myself watching Connie as she listened to Wilco tell stories. She’d hang on every word, her eyes sparkling with pride. To her, everything Wilco said was either profound or hysterical. He was her ever-doted-on baby, and she was his first true love, and let’s be honest, he could do no wrong in her eyes. But then with her grandchildren, it was a whole different ball game. The love and light in her eyes when she was with them? Unmatched. It was like she’d hit the jackpot, and her heart couldn’t contain all the joy. She was very proud of their accomplishments, but more than anything, you could see her delight in simply watching them play, explore, and express their unique personalities.
Connie, I would give anything to have just one more “cuppa coffee” with you, always with two cookies (our secret little rebellion). I will deeply miss you in this lifetime, but I will be forever grateful for your impact on my life. I know you walk free from pain and full of joy. I know at Heaven's gates, you had so many to greet you, but I have no doubt Nanny was waiting eagerly for a hug, and Pop was ready to give you the grand tour.
I’ve embraced a teaching from indigenous cultures I read: memories are spoken of in the past tense, but love and connection are eternal, never confined by time and space. Though Connie is no longer physically with us, her love remains as strong as ever, woven into the very fabric of our lives. Her memory will always hold a special place in my heart, and her legacy of love will live on in all of us.