“What shall we do
I and you
This day
To make the world?”
--A quote from one of Christopher's characters, a spunky warrior mouse named Death Rage, featured in his War Bunny book series
Christopher Michael St. John, 62, passed away unexpectedly due to a fatal heart arrhythmia on September 15, 2024, at his home in Berkeley, California.
Christopher was born May 7, 1962, and throughout his childhood lived in several different countries across three continents before settling in the USA.
As a young man, Christopher lived for two years at Esalen Institute in Big Sur. A formative time that he shared with his sister Julia, he was immersed early on in the human potential movement and a holistic lifestyle. At Esalen, he was also introduced to vegetarianism, an interest that would grow into a vegan lifestyle and a passion for animal rights. His experiences at Esalen were special and influenced him throughout his life.
Later, he settled in the Bay Area, graduating magna cum laude from San Francisco State University in 1987 with a degree in creative writing. As an undergraduate and later graduate student he began publishing plays, short stories, essays, and poetry in local literary magazines.
In 1989, Christopher met Gayle Paul at an advertising agency when they were both just starting out in the Bay Area. Their first date was the play Noises Off and real Mission style burritos at La Taqueria. On October 14, 1995, they were the first couple to be married at the new church building of St. Gregory of Nyssa Episcopal Church in San Francisco.
Christopher’s writing prowess and deft understanding of human behavior supported his career as a copywriter and freelancer in advertising. He served as the VP and Creative Director at Publicis Modem in San Francisco, and for the last 16 years enjoyed work as a freelance creative director and writer.
Beyond his career, Christopher embodied a deep love for creative expression through any medium. As a child, he would make up songs and sing with his family, and after college, he learned opera and performed in amateur operas in the Bay Area. His variety of musical talents called him to form a band, Outgrabe, with Gayle, in 1994, which featured Christopher as songwriter, lead singer, and instrumentalist. His experience with opera also led to writing his own, Oomph, with his writing partner, Scott King; the pair later collaborated on Gayland the Musical, which premiered at the New Orleans Fringe Festival in 2013 and went on to play off-Broadway in New York City in 2015.
Christopher and Gayle shared a love for music and a passion for justice. Together, they opened their home to rescue bunnies and made a lifelong commitment to animal rights. Christopher was active in animal liberation activities through the Direct Action Everywhere organization, which the two joined as members in 2018. Christopher used his creative talents to write animal rights songs and fundraising emails, along with attending marches and demonstrations. Their activism was part of the successful ban on fur coats in California.
Christopher’s latest project was the War Bunny Chronicles, a series of novels that mirrored the fight for justice for animals that he was working toward in his own life. Through his books, he shared with readers the personalities of his favorite bunnies and a rich, detailed portrayal of post-apocalyptic forest life. A showcase of his creativity, ambition, and passion for all creatures, he had published three books and was planning for the fourth. His immersive world continues to inspire readers to imagine a world where all animals live free of suffering, to believe that such a world can be the one we live in, and to work to make it so.
Throughout his career, music, writing, and activism, Christopher always made time to enjoy the company of his sweet rabbits. A lifelong nightowl, he would stay up late sprawled on the rug of their “well-nibbled” home enjoying quality snuggle time with their rabbit, Amber.
Christopher is survived by his deeply loved and loving wife, Gayle, and his cherished and loving sisters Sharon, Julia, and Catherine. In creative endeavors, these strong women were often his inspiration.
He brought immeasurable joy to all our lives and we will miss him immensely.
In lieu of flowers, please honor Christopher’s deep commitment to animal rights, especially those smaller than us, and donate to RabbitEARS, a rescue organization for rabbits and other small mammals in Oakland.
Thank you for your support
Thank you to everyone for your support during this difficult time. We would love for you to post your favorite stories and memories about Christopher on the memory wall and in the photo gallery below.

Memory wall
He shared his musical talents (along with Gayle) by performing at Meetups at other events. If you haven't heard their song Ms. Chicken, you've missed out. He also used his expertise to write and edit emails to donors as part of the fundraising team. I learned so much from him -- including how not to send walls of texts and massive paragraphs to our mailing list. He taught me that bullet points are my friend.
DxE is better because he was a part of it and we will all miss him dearly.
We are still in shock over his loss but will be forever grateful for his presence.
I met Christopher (and Gayle) in the 1990's and we had remained in touch, with some major gaps that spanned years sometimes, since then. Whenever I spent time with Christopher, I was always inspired by his intelligence, creativity and enormously loving soul. His artistry took many forms in music, writing, and other forms, and it felt like he was only just getting started with the War Bunny Chronicles.
Christopher was a true and dedicated artist, in every sense of the word. He possessed that most essential quality of an artist, which is courage. Never afraid to shout to the world his truth, Christopher will continue to inspire and challenge us all to see the world as it is, broken, flawed, and beautiful, and despite our sorrows, sing a new song of hope.
Christopher, we miss you very much. Thank you for the shining light that is your life!
The literary world has lost a gem, but Christopher will live on in his books, for the world to enjoy.
Sleep well and thank you for your magical words and fantastic stories.

My deepest condolences,
Jacklyn Banyas
Your death was indeed shocking. I loved reading the War Bunny series. I know you're busy up there, writing. Thanks for your wonderful contribution in field of literature. I wish God gives strength to your family.
I hope you can somehow see this expression of thankfulness for the central role you played in the life of your sister and my wife, Julia. Somehow the relationship that you both shared during early childhood provided enough connection and validation to endure a very difficult family situation. Your loving support of Julia then, and throughout your life, played a huge role in helping her become the amazing woman she is today.
One measure of the significance of our time on Earth can be found in the ways we touch the lives of others. Our influence in the world isn’t limited to those with whom we come in direct contact. Rather, it propagates outward across relationships and time to affect people we may never actually meet in person.
I consider myself fortunate to have spent time with you on a couple of occasions, but I don’t believe I ever fully expressed the appreciation I feel for your part in providing the most precious gift that I have ever received. I deeply believe that were it not for your loving presence in Julia’s life, she and I would not would not be blessed with the beautiful relationship we are privileged to share with each other today.
So thank you, Christopher! Your life was significant and your influence here on Earth continues to reverberate in the hearts and lives of those you have touched with your presence.
In loving gratitude,
Your brother-in-law, Gerry
Though it has been so many years ago, Christopher’s extraordinary sense of humor, his playful way of being and his intelligence are easy to recall
I’m so happy to read about his creative pursuits and successes and to see how much he is loved.
Those shared days at Esalen were filled with learning about ourselves and our lives and what was possible for each of us, and I’m so glad Christopher went on to fulfill so many of his dreams.
I’m sending love and condolences to all of his family and friends,
Dorothy Charles

Memorial Service TBD in 2025
Christopher found joy in adopting rescue rabbits through RabbitEARS. His adoption of his house rabbits led to his authoring three charming, thoughtful books featuring rabbits as main characters: War Bunny, Summerday, and City of Oom. “A rebel rabbit turns the world of predators and prey on its head in this debut fantasy. An entertaining, imaginative post-apocalyptic scenario with special appeal for animal lovers.” -Kirkus Reviews
RabbitEARS is a multifaceted operation, with the goal of improving the lives of our furry friends. The EARS portion of our name is an acronym, which stands for Education, Awareness, Rescue, and Services.
Education. We strive to educate the public about rabbits and other small mammals, including care, handling, nutrition, and behavior, in order to help them have a long and happy life with a loving family.
Awareness: Rabbits and other small mammals can be great pets. They tend to be portrayed as backdrop, something to look at from a distance, when in reality they are amazingly social creatures, with distinctive personalities, big hearts, and playful moods. As with more mainstream pets, environment and interaction effect behavior, so with a little time and effort even the most skittish of these can become the life of the party.
Rescue. Our primary purpose is to function as an 11th hour rescue, in cooperation with traditional animal shelters throughout the bay area. We do not take direct surrenders from individuals, as all of the space in our no kill shelter is reserved for those animals who might otherwise become subject to the euthanasia protocols that other shelters are forced to have. When a bunny or guinea pig has run out of time, they get a second chance with us.
Services. In support of our mission, we offer services and supplies to the public. Our storefront sells high quality foods, pet friendly treats, and useful accessories. We offer boarding services for Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, and Chinchillas, as well as nail trimming. The funds from this feed directly back into our operation, helping to keep our doors open, as well as providing a centralized location to get all of your pet’s basic needs met.