...the grave hath no victory, and the sting of death is swallowed up in Christ. - Mosiah 16:8
Sheau-Yi Christine Mains (Mah) was born April 15, 1974, to Kwong and Betty Mah (Louie) of Lebanon, Oregon USA. She passed away on September 6, 2024, in Sherwood, AR. She is survived by her husband, J. Todd Mains; children Erik, Melissa and Ryan Mains of Bentonville, AR; parents Kwong and Betty Mah of Lebanon, OR; siblings Amy Wood (husband Steve) of Draper, Utah, Randy Mah of Alexandria, VA, sister Mercedes Neder (husband Rey) of El Cajon, CA, brother-in-law Scott Quigley (wife Kimberly preceded Christine in death) of St. Cloud, FL, brother Adam Mah (wife Crystal) of Lebanon, OR, father and mother-in-law Brad and Cheri Mains of Nazareth, PA, brothers-in-law Mike Mains of Highland, UT, Brian Mains (wife Christine) of Carlisle, PA, David Mains (wife Nann) of Brookeville, MD, Scott Mains (wife Jessica) of Simpsonville, SC, Nathan Mains (wife Rebekah) of Germantown, WI, sister-in-law Meghan Withers (husband Joseph) of Prosper, TX.
Christine was a Disciple of Christ, dedicating her life to service of others. She was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, where she served in many capacities: a youth counselor (Especially For Youth - Brigham Young University), full-time missionary in Cebu, Philippines, teacher at Moroni High School Republic of Kiribati, teacher at the Missionary Training Center Provo, Utah. In her local community of Bentonville, Christine played important roles, such as a Sunday School teacher, Primary pianist, Primary teacher, Seminary teacher, and Baptistry Coordinator in the Bentonville, AR Temple. Professionally, she was an English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher at Elm Tree and Sugar Creek Elementary Schools (Bentonville, AR). In all Christine did, she went about doing good.
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Memory wall
Not that long after moving into the ward, you invited me to come do a French cooking class with you. It was so fun and I knew right away we were going to be good friends because we both loved cooking. If someone is new you are so good at making them feel welcome.
We both were Asian gals trying our best to be Asian moms but not be Asian moms. We sent our oldest to tennis camp (because we both love tennis) and that was beginning of the snow-loving, violin-playing friendship of our oldest boys. Let’s not forget kind Melissa drove Jacob from band and would have snacks for him and Ryan who picks up Noah and drops him off. Even your children are a blessing to me. We couldn’t fully admit to being tiger moms but I would tell Phillip we were both cougar moms (in reference to BYU) ha ha
You found out we had a love for snow and invited us to Leadville and Ski Cooper. We fell in love with the place and went almost every spring break. I admired you so much for skiing as much as you could, even though your health sometimes didn’t permit it. I’m so glad we have those memories together. You loved the outdoors and were happy when others were.
Phillip works many holidays. More than once your family served with us at Mercy and the Salvation Army. You loved hearing the kids play. Your family and the Dyers even came on Christmas Day one year. You didn’t care what day it was you were always ready to give.
You brought me a dumpling dough press from China, which I think it was your motto if we can do something easier let’s do it that way.
You brought soup to me after I had the lasik eye surgery. I thought it was going to be a simple surgery and you were so thoughtful to think of me, but you had no idea that it was going to be so rough and my right eye actually didn’t heal for quite some time and I couldn’t see out of it. When I was having really hard days, I would think back to how you had ministered to me and think about how Heavenly Father was aware of my circumstance. You helped me feel His love. I think we can all say “how did she know?” but you just followed the Spirit always.
You were incredible ESL teacher for Riley at Elm Tree. Because she was also from China, she felt right at home with you. It was so wonderful to have such a loving teacher be around her at church, school and our social lives. She adores you. Losing you has been so hard for her but she is learning gospel truths through you.
I didn’t start running until 2018 but you were such an encourager. You had such a bright smile when running when the rest of us were miserable. Haha I’m glad we shared many half marathons together. You didn’t care about your pace, but the joy in the journey and that represents who you were in life. Enjoying the journey.
Esther mentioned to me that you had planned a week of surprises for me when we were having trouble with Gio. Another thoughtful thing you did to show love and I never knew it was you but I should have guessed.
You came and helped me with the food at girls camp even though I hadn’t even asked you to. You’re were always willing to help me with whatever I needed and make my load lighter. Even though I was your ministering sister, but you always ministered to me more. You just were always thinking of others.
Celebrating through Lunar New Year with you and Fan was a highlight for me this year. You knew my back was hurting and we couldn’t do our big event like we wanted to, but you still were willing to come over and celebrate. It was so much fun. I love how you love celebrating anything and everything you can.
This year you brought a huge bouquet of flowers to me and left them on my porch for my birthday early in the morning with an incredible card. You texted me bright and early and said there’s something on your porch waiting for you. The first thing I woke up to a gift from you. That card is in my nightstand and I will treasure it always.
I have a couple regrets. You told me once you wouldn’t mind some red cowboy boots. I should have bought you some. You are just so fun Chris!
Your funeral has been a testament of how many people you have touched through teaching, sharing, serving, loving and bringing light to others.
Your loss is felt Chris but I’m so glad you have no more sickness. I doubt you are resting though. I’m sure you are serving others just as you did here. Love you and miss you my dear friend.

We all just lost a very bright light in this world but I know it will still shine with us in the many ways she has influenced us all for good. Chris Mains was a dear friend. She had a way of making me feel special and I know that she had that effect on the many people who also consider her a dear friend. She was an eternal optimist and could find the bright side of anything. Chris was a great cheerleader/encourager, so easy to talk to, thoughtful, kind, helpful and service minded. She was so fun and a child at heart!
The moment I heard Chris was in the hospital, my mind raced through so many memories and the many times she had done something kind for me. I know she has been a light to so many people, so I can only imagine how many other people are having similar remembrances of all the good she did and all the love she shared. I remember a Christmas several years ago when I was feeling burned out from life and desperately needed a night out and was so disappointed to be unable to go to a RS/church activity because of an event one of my kids had that same night. She had been so thoughtful to gather up some things handed out at the activity and drop them off to my house that night. It had meant the world to me just to know that someone noticed I wasn't there and cared enough to bring me some little gifts. I remember the meal she brought us when Ashlyn was born. (Chicken Florentine has been a family favorite ever since!!) The peach cobbler she also brought got dropped by my door and she went home and made us another one!! When I passed my Praxis exam, she took me out to celebrate! When I had hand surgery, she came over and helped me wrap all my Christmas gifts and caramels! When I moved last year (which was heartbreaking and overwhelming for me) she helped me pack and move in. When I was having a hard time, she knew just what to say: she was incredibly thoughtful, sweet, nonjudgemental, and full of empathy. My last memory of her was at Bentonville Schools PD in a large crowded hallway; she saw me and said to the person next to her, "hey, I love her!" Just like her to throw out her joy and love everywhere she went.
I love you Chris and the whole Mains family!
I was overwhelmed and humbled, but wanted to do my best. I’ll never forget how loving and supportive Chris was after I was sustained that day. Immediately, she ran over to give me one of her “big hugs and warm smiles.” Then she said, “I raised my hand extra high when your name was called.” That was just so “Chris!” It may have seemed like a small gesture, but it was so genuine and encouraging. She always saw the best in everyone and Christlike. I have no doubt she is doing the same in Heaven. I’m beyond blessed to call her my friend!
Love, Tracy Trudo
Ready (for anything)
Nice (& Kind to all)
Everyone’s best friend
The list could certainly go on and on. But this certainly captures who Chris is. She knew how to love anyone and everyone. She served and never wanted recognition. She was always up for adventure. She was kind to everyone. She loved having fun and was up for any challenge that came her.
Some of my favorite memories of Chris:
I loved reminiscing with Chris about the state of Oregon (we both grew up in Oregon) and especially the Oregon coast. We both loved going back home to Oregon and visiting Mo’s seafood. When she would go there she would often send me a photo of her at Mo’s. And I would do the same when I visited Mo’s. One time she came back from her trip to Oregon and brought me a bag of Mo’s clam chowder cracker's!!! I will think of Chris every time I visit Mo’s.
I remember when Chris was diagnosed with Lupus. I thought to myself of all people, why Chris? Chris was always so energetic and involved in all kinds of athletic and physical type of events - she was just such an active person. And to see her so tired and zapped at times was very disheartening. But if there is anyone who won’t let anything get her down it is Chris. And it seemed within a relatively short time Chris was figuring out how to gain her strength back and soon I saw her out jogging and running around the neighborhood again. To me it was miraculous. The Lord loves effort - and Chris gives everything she does 100% of all her effort.
This past year I was privileged to serve with Chris at our church’s temple. This is a place where we strive to ensure that those who come to the temple will not be distracted - so that they can feel God’s love for them and come to a place where they can feel peace in Christ. Chris is the ultimate example of how we should all serve in the temple. She is so kind and gentle with all who came to the temple. She always has her great smile and she really just exudes the love and kindness and peace of our Savior. Chris truly is a beautiful disciple of Jesus Christ.
I love Chris and I love the Mains family. I know Chris loves her family. She has loving parents and siblings. And Chris has raised three incredible children and has helped Todd become the incredible man that he is today. I will greatly miss seeing Chris and her happy smiling face. But I thank God that I have had the privilege to know such an incredible person. And I am thankful I still get to be around Todd and watch their children grow into adulthood. All who knew Chris are deeply blessed. And I know she would want us to pass on her kindness and love to others.
I am thankful for the knowledge That because of Jesus Christ we will all have the opportunity to see Chris again and see that happy smiling face and feel of her genuine kindness.
With love,
Clint Bland

Chris was like a sunbeam put into human form. Her beautiful bright smile radiated goodness and lit up a room. She was full of energy and a love of life. This meant we stayed up way too late on a regular basis for late night movies at the Varsity Theater, dancing at the Wilke, the Palace, or Jakes, or just to take late night walks and talk, especially after it rained. It meant Chris was always up for an adventure - so we did a lot of hiking, snowball fights, donuts in parking lots, picnics, and hosting. She was a person who naturally gathered people. She sought out the one, frequently leaving the group to go sit or walk with someone who was alone and left them feeling warm and loved after every interaction. She invited anyone and everyone into her circle and her life; because of that she always had an abundance of friends and people who loved her around.
Chris loved to learn new things. While most people were trying to get through college as quickly as possible, Chris saw every semester as a new opportunity for growth beyond just book learning. I have never seen anyone so excited to learn how to make a jello salad or spaghetti sauce from scratch, buy tap shoes to take a tap class, decide since you now live in Utah you have to learn how to ski and practice wearing your ski gear in the apartment so you’re ready, or ask the guys from the ward how to best tackle someone. Years later when we were deciding on activities for a roommate reunion, Chris said we should all teach each other something new we’d learned since being roommates. I still have the fleece blanket she taught me to tie there and have used that skill for MANY service activities, I think her love of learning combined with her love of people is why she was such an excellent teacher.
Despite her small stature, Chris was a spiritual giant. Even as a freshman away from home for the first time I would often find her studying her scriptures or she would ask a gospel question and then we would work to find the answer and talk about it. She was excited to accept church callings, the best Family Home Evening mom BYU has ever seen, always willing to teach a lesson, joined the ward choir every year and supported every church sponsored activity she could. But more than that she understood God’s plan and what it meant to be a disciple of Christ. She treated others as the Savior would, and consistently lived a life serving others and bringing them to him, whether through her mission, as an EFY counselor, getting involved in BYUSA’s service week and activities, or simply leaving encouraging notes or making her roommates bed during finals week.
As one of the last roommates to find her eternal companion, she would sometimes wonder why it was taking her longer. I used to joke with her that it was a case of “last the best of all the gang,” and I honestly think that was the case. I remember the day she first told me “I think I found the one” and then proceeded to tell me about Todd and the pure joy in her voice. Chris always had a light, but when she first introduced me to Todd that light was shining even brighter and I knew he must be incredible to have won her heart.
Through the years, no matter how much time passed between visits or conversations, things always picked up right where they left off. I always knew I could call her for advice or to get her thoughtful perspective on anything I was dealing with. Often through the years I have asked “how would Chris respond to this” and then felt confident moving forward the way I thought she would. And although I am heartbroken that it will be so long before we get to have our next conversation, I know the Heavens are rejoicing that she is there, and that when we do there will be lots of hugs, things will pick up right where they left off, and I will feel light and love from her like I always do.

i hope this quote will be acceptable- it is intended with the greatest honor and respect for her, her Savior, and her Heavenly Father and the beautiful family, her Fathers house, and temple where she dedicated her life
"And I saw the spirits of the just, which had been saved, walking upon the earth; and they told me that they were the spirits of men who had died in the faith of the gospel, and who had been redeemed from the world, and had come to visit their brethren; and I saw their glory, and it was exceeding great; and I saw the glory of the Son of God, and it was greater than all; and I saw the glory of the Father, and it was the greatest of all." -Joseph Smith
She will forever live in our hearts, inspiring us to do what we should do."
One of my favorite experiences with Chris was completing a half marathon, this might not seem like a big deal to some, but it was a huge deal to me, as this is something I would never have even thought about doing, with her encouragement and coaching through the whole race, we did it together. It is an experience I will never forget and am so proud of, thanks to Chris! She has touched so many lives in so many ways. I will miss her and think of her everyday!

Love you
Misti Harris
Chris gave a lesson in RS one Sunday. She talked about how much she did not like running hills. She said she had talked to someone about how to get over this dislike of running hills. The advice she got was to run more hills. She said she had been putting that to the test and slowly it was starting to work. She likened this to the hard things we have to do in life. I loved this so much that I have taught this princple of "running hills" to my children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews.
The 2nd share I have is I was frantically gettig ready for an event at my house. My door bell rang and there was Chris. She did not know this was going on. She said she was in my area (which was not anywhere near where she lived or worked) and had a free hour - she wanted to know what she could do for me for the next hour. Now if I had had a free hour - I probably would have spent it on myself but not Chris, she spent it on me. She brought that big beam of light of hers into my kitchen and chopped and talked and lifted me up.
The world is going to be different now without her bright beam of light. Her friendship and example will impact me for the rest of my life and for the generations that follow me.
I love you so much Chris!
I love you so much Todd, Eric, Melissa and Ryan!

One of her many gifts was making every person feel special. She was never shy to give a compliment to you in the most genuine way, and make YOU feel amazing.
Her smile and attitude was infectious. So many have said how she was such a light in this world, and I have to agreee completely.
Since her passing, I have been reflecting about the loss of one of the most amazing people I have ever met. And she impacted so many in the most positive way that I feel she left a piece of herself on each person that she touched. May we not forget that. May we each attempt to take on the light that she emulated in this world and keep spreading it to others. Chris, thank you for your love and your example. You showed us what it looked like to be the hands and feet of Jesus. ♥️
Chris Mains, I’m so glad my last memory with you was a running hug attack to each other! I’m so going to miss those!! Anyone who knew you felt loved and treasured!!
“The Lord is close to the broken-hearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.”
Psalm 35:18
I learned so much from her in a short time. She had such a big heart and was always so happy. We took a picture together the first day of school this year at the spur of the moment. It’s crazy how life changes at the spur of the moment. Big prayers for her family and my new school family as we treasure her memory. Fly high and teach on amazing Mains. 😇

Pray for this sweet and amazing family.
Chris was so thoughtfully and purposely well-spoken. She never held back a kind word or a compliment. She’d generously tell you something very specific that she admired about you, and how she would hope to improve in that particular thing, or ask how you did something so well, etc. Without fail, when we met for a run, her first question was always along of the lines of: How did your presentation go? How’s your dad/brother/friend doing? How did that seminary lesson turn out? How’s Jimmie’s job? She had a way of making whomever she was talking to feel like the most important person in the world, including her family and children. She loved going to support them in all of their activities.
One of my favorite phrases to hear Chris say was, ‘Well, Kasey, you planted a seed.’ 🌱😊 This occurred usually within a week of when we first discussed a new possible race to train for and register. We’ve had many great adventures, and the trail or greenway was where we had our best conversations and grew our crazy race ideas (like 200-mile overnight relays and travel marathons). It’s also where we grew our friendship over +20 years. While running, we felt most free to share our challenges and our triumphs, where we were feeling strong, and where we were struggling; encouraging each other to keep it up, one lamp post, one mile, or one week at a time.
I remember last summer when my parents were visiting, my mom and I unexpectedly ran into Chris while she was volunteering at the temple open house. There she was with her bright smile and sparkling eyes, standing just inside the door to welcome us. She met my mom, and I burst into tears as I finally introduced two of my very special people to one another. I imagine that’s what heavenly reunions must feel like, and I’m sure Chris is already spreading her bright light and positivity there, just as she did while she was here with us. Chris is a true disciple of Jesus Christ and she loved everyone BIG. I will miss her greatly, and I am forever a better person for having been her friend!

Like so many I was a running buddy of Chris’. In 2019 we trained for the Mount Charleston Marathon together. She would not only encourage me through our many conversations along the way but she would push me to run harder and fast. She would say, “I can tell you have more juice in the tank, go Mary run faster you got this!” We got to go to the temple the day before our race too, that and a trip to In and Out for a pregame burger.
I always loved seeing Chris, I knew I was going to walk away feeling loved and lifted. Thank Chris, I will carry your warmth, cheer and love always!

What a privilege it is to have a friend like Chris Mains. For over 22 years she has been a bright light in our family’s life and so many others. Her sweet smile and humble heart was always present in our conversations. We will remember Chris as the always engaged, generous friend who listened before she spoke, and was a sincere and ever present friend to everyone she met.
As we reflect, we are eternally grateful for the memories of game nights, school assemblies, church events and accomplishments, birthday parties, pool parties at memorial park (including fun with “everyone’s favorite aunt Kim”), days at the lake, long days and nights working together to help finish each other’s attic and we can’t forget the day Chris sensed my fear of teaching our young Mariah to drive and stepped right up without skipping a beat and volunteered to teach her! Truly a brave soul. 💛
Wonderful, blessed events. We love each of you and continue to be in awe of your love and strength. ❤️🩹❤️🩹❤️🩹
Until we meet again Chris!! ❤️
Love Kendall Kate Mariah Makenna Ally Chase and Caroline.
The included image is from Adam & Ally (Wilcox) Edwards Wedding. September 22, 2023

My church cleaning, school talking, and corn dip loving, friend! You have been and will continue to be a beautiful example of what sincere service, joy, and genuine generosity looks like. Your amazing smile and bubbly personality lit up the world.......a ray of sunshine and a little ball of dynamite all in one package! You were so much to so many. We love you our precious friend and neighbor. Love, The Isabells
Philippians 1:3
“ I thank my God upon every remembrance of you,”
Enos 1:27
“ And I soon go to the place of my rest, which is with my Redeemer; for I know that in him I shall rest. And I rejoice in the day when my mortal shall put on immortality, and shall stand before him; then shall I see his face with pleasure, and he will say unto me: Come unto me, ye blessed, there is a place prepared for you in the mansions of my Father. Amen.”
2nd Timothy 4:7-8
“ I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.”
Todd - I will never forget a powerful testimony I heard from a man whose wife had passed years before. He truly rejoiced in their joint partnership and unique ability to work together on family history from both sides of the veil at the same time. His faith and joy left a lasting impression on me. I have no doubt you will someday stand boldly and share the same story.
Chris was not one to waste any time. I am sure she has already found someone to direct her to those in need. She’s probably reviewing last weeks come follow me and brushing up on this week. I bet she’s praying that the Lord will comfort all of us. She is hugging loved ones and friends from the past.
Huge hugs to you and prayers for comfort. I have so much love for you and your family. - Ashlee
Chris - I love you! I love you with a tinder and grateful love. You have truly been an instrument in the Lord’s hands and helped me overcome the most difficult earthly challenges I have ever faced. You were by my side always.
Before I became active, you reached out and invited me to accompany you on ministering visits. You were so in touch with the spirit. We had never met before but your was so strong that you knew “seeds needed to be planted.”
A few years later, Rodney decided to investigate the church and you were there waiting and ready to jump into not my life. Your entire family blessed our lives tremendously. On September 18, 2018 my family knelt together in the Kansas City Temple, and were sealed together for time and all eternity. You and Todd were with us in the sealing room that day.
In 2019 when my life fell apart, you promised me that the Lord had a plan for my life, that he loved me, and that he was grieving with me. You helped me learn to cope with my new life. You helped me redefine happiness. You walked beside me and lifted me up.
Chris, I am confident that you were part of the Lord’s plan for my life. It was no coincidence. I am eternally grateful for you. I know you will continue to bless the lives of those around you. Your thoughts, words, and actions will forever influence every person you have ever met. I am a better person because of you. I want to be like you. Being like you will bring me closer to Christ. - Ashlee
Chris - I stopped by LR yesterday. Your husband is such a great man! I have always been amazed at his dedication to the Lord and service to all. I was so impressed by his strength, confidence, and patience. I love how he is sharing so much with you.
I’m not sure you will ever comprehend the effect you have had on my life. I love and appreciate you beyond words! You have been an Earthly ministering Angel to me. Your words are truly inspired. Thank you for walking beside me on the journey through the toughest days of my life. Thank you for helping me keep everything in perspective. Thank you for loving and serving me.
As you heal and gain strength, I will walk with you. I will cheer you on. I will remind you of all the good and beauty in this life. I simply cannot wait to walk beside you again.
(Pictures: Easter 2011 in Shanghai, Christmas 2014 in Shanghai, September 2023 in Bentonville, and June 26 2011 memorial for Grandpa Mains in Pennsylvania)

She taught me many things about being a wife, mother, and friend. She exemplified Christlike love and showed me through small and simple ways—joy can be had, even in the most challenging situations.
It has been the greatest gift to have Chris in my life as my sister and friend. ♥️

Chris, you will be forever missed. Missed by so many. You’ve always been one of the most compassionate, patient, and loving people I’ve known.
I wish you the best on your next journey - as it is obvious the Lord needs you now. You and Kimmy (both). Know we all wait to see you again, especially Todd, Eric, Melissa and Ryan. {{BIG ETERNAL HUGS}}
~ your cousin, Jana
Lessons could be mind numbingly dull, but Sister Mains was so cheerful and bright from the moment she walked in the door. She was able to thaw our awkwardness and get us to actually talk with her warmth and genuine kindness.
I remember that she asked us to consider what we liked about ourselves, and she gave the example of liking her calves and how she was really proud of them now. For me as a very insecure teenage girl that was taught my social media and school to hate my appearance, I was amazed at her confidence and positivity. It really made me pause and think, “Whoa, so, it’s okay to like my body?”
The spirit she brought into the room was beautiful. She just radiated light, and she is one of the most genuine people I’ve ever met. I’m so grateful to have known her and been touched by her life.