Bob Budris

Bob Budris

Bob Budris Passing

ith a heavy heart, I share the sad news of Bob Budris’ passing after a long battle with cancer. Donna, Bob’s wife, was by his side throughout this nightmare. Bob is succeeded by his wife and their grown children. No Ceremony or Remembrance is currently planned, and Donna requests that no flowers be sent.

Reflecting on the over forty years that I knew, worked closely with, and counted Bob as a close friend, flooded me with many memories of this fine man -- his integrity, his superb accounting/operational skills, his monster productivity, his teamwork, and his kindness and concern for fellow employees.

Many of you worked with Bob also experienced these traits as well. Besides letting you know of his passing, I am reaching out to you in an effort to create a collection of our thoughts for his family to have in Bob’s memory. If you, or anyone you know, have memories they would like to share about Bob or working with Bob, please forward them to this website. I will collect the responses (Memories) and forward them to Donna and the family.

Here are some of my thoughts on Bob’s outstanding work contributions and our long friendship:

Bob and I worked together at four companies: Hexcel Corporation’s Medical Division, Synvasive Technology, Thermage, and Clarity. Synvasive was a successful orthopedic medical device start-up. Thermage, another very successful-from the ground up - medical device start-up. And Clarity Medical Systems, our last effort, a great company and team that also should have been highly successful because of the size of the opportunity and the team’s performance. All of these were positively impacted by Bob’s incredible effort, skill and integrity!

Bob joined Hexcel, a New York Stock Exchange aerospace materials company, in late1981 or 1982 in their Medical Division as Head of Accounting/Division Controller. At that time, the division was a small, largely developmental, operating unit. I was Business Unit Manager, basically the head of commercial operations. One of the first things I remember Bob doing was going out, and on his “own dime,” purchasing one of the very first computers so that he could learn how computers worked and then automate our division’s accounting system! Up until that time, not only our division, but I believe, the parent corporation operated largely with a manual accounting system! Bob was the first!!

Synvasive was an innovative orthopedic surgical blade start-up with a proprietary blade design offering significant clinical benefits. When Bob and I joined this company, it had no real sales and no practical quality, accounting, or operating systems. It was technically bankrupt – it hadn’t made trade or payroll for 9 months and 6 months respectively. With herculean efforts, insightful strategies, and a lot of luck, Bob and the team managed to turn the company around so that thirteen months later, the operation had significant sales (a run rate in excess of $20 million), was profitable and ranked by Coopers & Lybrand in the top 100 fastest companies in Northern California (I believe it was rated number 4 in the top 100!!). Once again, Bob was a critical part of this success!

My memories of Bob at Thermage instantly went back to when Bob and I (employees number two and one) were setting up our first “official” office in an empty office building over by the San Mateo Bridge. As you would expect, we had subleased the office at a highly discounted rate! (The Company had just moved from my dining room table!) Next, of course, we needed to network our two laptops to a printer and then to a server. Bob somehow found Sal Kahn, which began a thirty plus year business and personal friendship with Sal and his brother, John (Arif)! Then we needed to figure out and set up an accounting system, insurance, H/R and retirement, taxes – so on and so on!! Bob jumped on each new challenge with boundless energy and his astute operational and accounting acumen as we scaled up the company for a public offering. The rest is history. Bob was in the thick of things, playing a major role as he always did. Bob was a workhorse of a man with mind blowing competence and productivity in his area of expertise and responsibility!

Clarity’s accounting department was already operational thanks to the work of Mike Napier and a finance person he had hired. Bob took that base and expanded our accounting system to match the significant growth in revenue and headcount. In addition, he added/expanded our healthcare/ retirement programs and developed a robust financial planning process!

Bob’s presence made a positive difference in each of these companies and in many of us who were fortunate enough to know and to work with this man! Most of all, I miss his subtle and knowing, ever-present smile and the twinkle in his eye!

God bless you, Bob!!

You can use this additional text box to add more stories about your loved one, tell about the family, share information about the funeral service, etc.


Post your condolences or share your Memories.

February 15, 2025
I had the honor of working with Bob at Clarity.
Bob was a great teacher, and a great mentor. His patience and kindness had helped me grow in professional and personal life.
He had a knack of explaining a complex situation or concept, making it so clear and understandable.
He was generous with his time. You could ask him any questions because he wanted to help you grow.
He was always calm. His calmness made you feel we could handle any challenging situations.
He always smiled. His smile made you feel you can go to him with any problems you have and everything is going to be ok.
I will miss his smile.
Nam Bui
February 15, 2025
When I saw Bob's name in the subject line, I smiled. Although sad to hear the news, I smiled because I remember his dry sense of humor. Although it was many many years ago, I still remember learning about narcolepsy for the first time, thanks to Bob. I also always got my expense reports in a timely manner thanks to Bob!!
Bob was a genuine colleague who always made a conversation worth the effort. They say try to be the best version of yourself and I believe Bob will be remembered fondly for making the effort to make the world a better place;) Peace be with you my friend.
Mike Boyle
February 13, 2025
I first met Bob at a bar…..

…with Keith in August 2005. He was invited, in part, to assess me for the position I was exploring at Clarity Medical Systems. I spent the next 10 years working with Bob.

Throughout these years, I got to know Bob during work, at the many offsite happy hours, and annual company offsite planning meetings. I very much respected Bob as the controller and the man for his integrity, intelligence, competency, and work ethic (willingness to put in the hours nights, weekends, etc..) to support the team and company successes. He was a strong team member. With Bob, you knew where you stood - he was a straight shooter, no bullshit.

Though I did not keep in touch with Bob after I left Clarity, my memory of him has been—and will continue to be—a positive one. He was a decent man who will undoubtedly leave this world worse off in his absence.

I hope that Bob’s family can draw comfort from the memories of his coworkers and friends.

By Bob.......
Bill Shea
February 13, 2025
Rest in Peace, My Good Friend Bob

In my lifetime, I have rarely come across a finer person than my longtime boss and dear friend, Bob Budris. He was the epitome of a gentleman—kind, helpful, and always professional.

At Clarity, we shared many breaks together, chatting about both business and life. His stories were always engaging and often amusing, leaving us with laughter and fond memories.

Bob’s presence was truly special, and he will be deeply missed. May he rest in peace.

Also thank you, Keith for always standing up for the people that worked for you. You indeed are great person, a friend and best ever boss. Good bless you

Arif Khan
February 12, 2025
What an honor it was for me to work with Bob at my first Medical Device Company. He taught me so much about accounting - skills I use today anytime I'm implementing an ERP system. My favorite times (besides the laughs that Denise mentioned), were those when we made large purchases or signed a contract -- he would have that famous twinkle in his eye and say "Carrie it's time to sharpen our pencils" -- I use that term still today and any negotiation skills I gleamed from him.

He was exceptionally kind, fair, and supportive. What a tremendous loss. My best to all, and rest in peace Bob - I thank you.
Carrie Branam
February 11, 2025
My first encounter with Bob was when I went into his office at Thermage, sat in a chair and said – can you explain to me how these stock options work around here. I remember him being kind and thoughtful about his words; always willing to help with any question or situation. I am one of the people still working at the wonderful company that Bob and Keith first started that has transitioned from Thermage/Solta/Valeant/Bausch Health, but it still has the fantastic product that started so many years ago. Condolences to Donna and the family; may Bob rest in peace.
Julie Hill
February 11, 2025
Bob hired me in January 2003 as Thermage’s first Director of HR. At the time, he was building out his G&A team, preparing for commercialization, and I was very happy and grateful to be part of his team. There are so many memories…but I specifically remember the early days huddled in that tiny front conference room on Point Eden Way with Carrie Branam, Chris Hawkins, Ardi Mahanpour and Rick Green for Bob’s weekly staff meetings. The work was challenging and we were creating a strong foundation for growth…but oh, the laughs. We had SO many laughs…and they often involved Chris, Bob and the hilarity between them. Mostly, I remember and so appreciate his support of me, his gentle spirit and kindness…and that twinkle in his eye. Rest in peace Bob. Give Chris a giant hug for me.
Denise Flaharty
February 11, 2025
I met Bob Budris circa 1999 in a small burger joint somewhere of I80 between Sacramento and David. He was a kind and gentle man, who never spoke ill of anyone. He had an "old school" work ethic and a loyalty to the people and the organizations he served. In the early days of Thermage, he shaped the "bones" of the business infrastructure and was such an ally for the growth of a company, and for a technology that still lives on to this day. God Bless you Bob "Buddha" Budris. Your memory and spirit live on. Our hearts reach out in support to Donna and family at this time of grieving, and with gratitude for all that he made possible with his behind the scenes magic.
Ed Ebbers
February 10, 2025
I worked with Bob at Therrmage and later with Clarity. I led the Customer Service team at Thermage and had regular business interactions with Bob. During those times Bob was always available, helpful, and collaborative. Above all he always had the best interests of the company in mind. He was a great partner to me and my team as we helped to build this highly successful company. Over the years at Thermage I got to know Bob as a person who was caring, thoughtful, and compassionate. I always enjoyed his deep Baritone voice and hearty chuckles. Later, as a consultant, I worked with Bob at Clarity. Strong relationships survive the test of time. And so it was at with Bob and I at Clarity when we easily slipped right back into a good partnership. Having a resource like Bob to
provide guidance and counsel, helped me to be successful and bring value to the company.

My deepest condolences go out to Donna and the rest of Bob’s family for the loss of a great man.


Michael Morales
February 8, 2025
Two words from Keith resonated with me when remembering Bob. "Subtle" and "twinkle."
I remember fondly his subtle sense of humor ... and the twinkle in his eye- to me, he was Clarity's Santa Claus!
Rest in peace Bob.
February 6, 2025
I’m really sorry for your loss. If there’s anything I can do to help, I’m here for you.
duc nguyen

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