Barbara Ann Horn

May  28th, 1938 January  16th, 2025
Barbara Ann Horn


Barbara Horn, 86, of Marthasville, MO passed away Thursday, January 16, 2025.

She is survived by four children: Linda Schreiner of Bloomsdale, MO, Katherine Garrett of Union, MO, Elizabeth Schreiner of Fenton, MO, and Dennis Schreiner of Wentzville, MO; six grandchildren: Elizabeth Brown, Christina Garrett, William Garrett, Amanda Redmon, Chelsea Gummersheimer, and Benjamin Gummersheimer; fourteen great-grandchildren, Preston, Chaley, Emily, Zachary, Liberty, William, Liam, Lexi, Tristan, Trinity, Jaden, Roman, Noah and Lena; two great great grandchildren, Christopher and Selena; one sister, Peggy Booker of IN; two brothers: Kenneth L. Horn and wife Martha of CA and John Horn and wife Neysa of OK; sister-in-law, Joann Horn of OK; along with nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.

Barbara was preceded in death by her husband, Cliff Weber; her parents, Kenneth S. and Era (Branson) Horn; one son, Michael Schreiner; one grandson, Christopher Garrett; and one brother, Roger Horn.

Funeral services will be held privately.


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January 24, 2025
I meet you when Roger and I drove to Shrewsbury (?) in 1976(?) to spend Christmas with you and the kids. You came to Enid when Jake was an infant. Through the years you have inspired and frustrated me, but we always loved each other. I'm so grateful for the recent time together and that you are at rest. May the angels lead you into Paradise, may the martyrs come to welcome you, and lead you to the Holy City, the new and eternal Jerusalem!
Joanne Horn
January 21, 2025
Hey Barabara its your little brother Bo coming to you from the wide universe. Today is a great day!you get to meet God and mom dad roger michael and all our loved ones. I will miss my larger than life sister who I knew loved me and I loved her specially all my life. Although time and distance separated our lives I always celebrated your successes and mourned your losses. I know that of a certainty we will see each other again. Until then, God is all love and all forgiving. Love as always to you , John
john d horn
January 20, 2025
Hello to Barbara’s family. You don’t know me but I feel that I know all of you through Barbara who so loved all of you and especially little Roman

We met at Plyaway where Tessa sort of dragged me even though I had just started spinning a couple of months before. She said she had friends and we could share a room with them to save on hotel costs. So I agreed and the next thing I knew was that I landed in the most fun adventure and met the dearest friends I could ever imagine.

Some of my favorite memories were that Tessa, Tara and I were pretty “organized”. But then Barbara would arrive along with an explosion of fiber, spinning tools, hugs and laughter. Not only did she forget where her car was but we also did assist her finding various items in the room. Always an adventure with of course tons of laughter.
Barbara was there when I brought my first spinning wheel and she helped me set it up and get started.
We would get together to eat and spin some more and share stories. Barbara as a nurse and me as a doctor. Not just fiber stories but our stories in medicine the funny and sad ones and concerns about where medicine was heading.

When Tessa taught me to spin for the very first time it was on this little Missouri-made wheel. Barbara had one and she did not like it much. She sold it to me and I adore that little wheel. Tessa’s is called Walker and mine is called
Trotter. Guess who spins faster. I am so grateful for Barbara letting me buy this sweet little wheel and I think of her every time I spin it.
One day Barbara told me she was “detashing”. Next thing I know a big box of fiber arrived Christmas in July ! Omg. She was happy to know that I use this fiber to make pretty things for people who are sad or in pain. Or sick. It has comforted many.

So many memories. But finally when Covid hit and our Plyaway conference was cancelled we got Barbara to connect with us via zoom. It was a challenge to a) get her logged on and b) to get her to point the camera in the right direction so that we could see more than the top of her head. But she conquered !
I am so grateful that I got to know Barbara. She will always have a very special
Place in my heart, my memory and my love oh and my spinning!
Hugs and love to all of you
Maryelle Vonlanthen
January 20, 2025
Barbara and I met a decade ago brought together by a love of all things fibery at a local craft event in 2014. And Barbara sure loved her sheep wool, alpaca and other fibers, only ever buying the every best!

We cemented our friendship when Barbara signed up to attend the Olds College Master Spinner program in 2015 that I hosted in Springfield, MO. She brought her sense of fun and adventure to spinning yarns..both the fibery kinds and the story kinds. She also brought her straightforward and often wicked sense of humor and insight!

From that original meeting, Barbara went on to achieve her Level 4 Master Spinner Certificate, each level requiring a year of work to create a portfolio of her spinning prowess, And what a talented spinner she was!

Barbara and I also attended several PlyAways, an annual spinning event in Kansas where she, Tara, Maryelle and I were roommates. The first one was in 2016. Four women in one room with all of our spinning equipment and personal effects. We were like old college roommates sharing stories and laughing until the wee hours of the morning. Sleep deprived and eager to learn more.

One thing at PlyAway always stood out since the event spanned 5 days. Barbara always forgot where she parked in the hotel garage. So I finally followed her down to the garage when she arrived and photographed where her car was parked. So if you see that photo in the Gallery, you know why.

My sweetest memory of her was when she was still living in southwest Missouri before moving to the St. Louis area. We went to visit a mutual friend who had fiber for sale...did I mention that Barbara loved fiber!...and she encouraged me to bring home a little angora rabbit from our friend. I had actually purchased this bunny and was going to bring her home later in the week. But Barbara said to bring her home with us. I was terrified that the bunny would pee all over her car, but Barbara didn't care. So I held little Willow for the hour drive pee, thankfullyl

So many memories of Barbara that it is hard to condense down everything to just a few sentences. She was the dearest friend, often outspoken and opinionated which only endeared her all the more to whomever she met. Generous, kindhearted, loyal, smart and too may other adjectives that I can think of right now.

The photo captures the last time we were together...a wonderful gift of happenstance for which I'm so very grateful. My husband and I were in St. Louis this past September when she texted that she was in the hospital we got to hug and laugh one more time.

I miss her beyond words but I have so many memories that I can recall her to my heart often. And I know, without a doubt, that she now has St. Peter spinning with her as the Good Shepherd tends flocks of sheep for her!
Tessa Melancon
January 19, 2025
I'll always remember playing dress up and making seed bead necklaces with you.

You always had so many fun stories about places you had been to and things you had done. They were always a lot of fun to listen to. I will miss those. I hope to hear many more again one day. I love you!
Elizabeth Brown
January 18, 2025
Some of my favorite memories of you were watching you make me pancakes when I was little, teaching me to ride a bike, and watching your elderly self try to get in a kayak to name a few.

You were always there for me through thick and thin no matter what. My ride or die. I will forever keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I couldn’t have done life without you.

Love you lots
Amanda Redmon
January 18, 2025
I will really miss you, mom. We had so much fun on the farm. I will be thinking of you when I'm planting the garden, turning compost, trimming chicken nails, making sourdough bread and the countless crazy projects we did together.

The dogs will miss you, too. You were so easy to steal food from. When Barbara visited, they knew they were going to be eatin' good!

I'm sure the deer won't be eating your hostas in heaven, but I'll still think it's funny when they do that in our realm.

Love you
Linda Schreiner


Favorite hobbies
gardening, Making sourdough bread and spinning fibers
Favorite flowers.
Hostas, Peonies and Yellow Roses
Least favorite Animal.
The deer who ate her hostas every year



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