Amelia Filip Iliuțǎ
Life is a beautiful memory, love is a silent grief.
I’m There Inside Your Heart
Right now I’m in a different place
And though we seem apart
I’m closer than I ever was,
I’m there inside your heart.
I’m with you when you greet each day
And while the sun shines bright
I’m there to share the sunsets, too
I’m with you every night.
I’m with you when the times are good
To share a laugh or two,
And if a tear should start to fall
I’ll still be there for you.
And when that day arrives
That we no longer are apart,
I’ll smile and hold you close to me,
Forever in my heart. Amelia!

Memory wall
Post your condolences or share your Memories.
September 24, 2024
I am so saddened by this news. You were a ray of sunshine with your beautiful smile and always laughing. You were a good friend to me. You spoke about your family with such love and you were so kind. I am so sad for your family. Sweet dreams Amelia you were taken to soon xxx
September 19, 2024
Scumpa si iubita noastra Ami,
Cu Ami si cu Robert ne stim din 2005, anul in care eu si cu Ionut ne-am cunoscut. Eram tineri, necasatoriti, fara copii. De atunci am legat o prietena frumoasa si pe viata. Lucrurile marunte ne-au legat, intalnirile la noi sau la ei cand Ionut ne facea clatite….Doamne si acum imi rasuna in cap rasul lui Ami si mirosul ei parca il simt langa mine…imi este atat de greu sa accept ca ea nu mai este langa noi. Casa lor a fost mereu primitoare pentru toti prietenii lor si pentru noi.
Ami a fost un om minunat, cu un suflet cald si generos, empatica cu cei din jur si cu nevoile lor, rabdatoare, vesela, iubitoare, cu un zambet unic si cu acel salut unic al ei..”Bunaaa…”
Puterea ei si a lui Robert de a incepe o noua viata si de a o lua de la capat in alta tara, cand parea ca totul s-a asezat si pentru ei..aveau o casa a lor, servicii bune, Karinna incepuse scoala….imi aduc aminte ce impact a avut asupra noastra puterea lor in luarea unei astfel de decizii….mai multe intrebari imi puneam eu decat Ami….si uite ca timpul a dovedit ca decizia lor a fost una buna…doar ca Dumnezeu a avut alte planuri cu ea, dar a ramas Robert, Karinna si mama care ii vor duce mai departe spiritul de invingator, bunatatea, generozitatea si iubirea fata de oamenii care ii inconjoara.
Am vorbit cu Ami cu o zi inainte sa plece dintre noi….cuvintele ei si puterea cu care a mers pana la capat pe mine m-au marcat pe viata. Ami ramane un model pentru noi toata viata !
Noi toti cei care am cunoscut-o o vom pastra vie in amintirile noastre!
Te iubim Ami !
Cu Ami si cu Robert ne stim din 2005, anul in care eu si cu Ionut ne-am cunoscut. Eram tineri, necasatoriti, fara copii. De atunci am legat o prietena frumoasa si pe viata. Lucrurile marunte ne-au legat, intalnirile la noi sau la ei cand Ionut ne facea clatite….Doamne si acum imi rasuna in cap rasul lui Ami si mirosul ei parca il simt langa mine…imi este atat de greu sa accept ca ea nu mai este langa noi. Casa lor a fost mereu primitoare pentru toti prietenii lor si pentru noi.
Ami a fost un om minunat, cu un suflet cald si generos, empatica cu cei din jur si cu nevoile lor, rabdatoare, vesela, iubitoare, cu un zambet unic si cu acel salut unic al ei..”Bunaaa…”
Puterea ei si a lui Robert de a incepe o noua viata si de a o lua de la capat in alta tara, cand parea ca totul s-a asezat si pentru ei..aveau o casa a lor, servicii bune, Karinna incepuse scoala….imi aduc aminte ce impact a avut asupra noastra puterea lor in luarea unei astfel de decizii….mai multe intrebari imi puneam eu decat Ami….si uite ca timpul a dovedit ca decizia lor a fost una buna…doar ca Dumnezeu a avut alte planuri cu ea, dar a ramas Robert, Karinna si mama care ii vor duce mai departe spiritul de invingator, bunatatea, generozitatea si iubirea fata de oamenii care ii inconjoara.
Am vorbit cu Ami cu o zi inainte sa plece dintre noi….cuvintele ei si puterea cu care a mers pana la capat pe mine m-au marcat pe viata. Ami ramane un model pentru noi toata viata !
Noi toti cei care am cunoscut-o o vom pastra vie in amintirile noastre!
Te iubim Ami !

September 17, 2024
Amy-asa îi spun eu
Prin aceste cuvinte care oricum nu sunt de ajuns pentru a o descrie și a-i mulțumi.
Pot spune că pt mine Amy nu a însemnat decât soția perfectă pt.fratele meu, mama perfectă pt nepoata mea...mi-a fost soră, prietenă, confidentă și cea mai bună cumnată.
Amy era soare, fericire, bucurie, iubire...pt că în inima ei erau toate astea și de fiecare dată când ne amintim de ea o să simțim asta.
Amy, acum ești un înger și cu siguranță o să ai grijă de noi așa cum ai făcut mereu.
Drum lin Suflet Bun!
Îți mulțumesc pentru tot!❤️
Prin aceste cuvinte care oricum nu sunt de ajuns pentru a o descrie și a-i mulțumi.
Pot spune că pt mine Amy nu a însemnat decât soția perfectă pt.fratele meu, mama perfectă pt nepoata mea...mi-a fost soră, prietenă, confidentă și cea mai bună cumnată.
Amy era soare, fericire, bucurie, iubire...pt că în inima ei erau toate astea și de fiecare dată când ne amintim de ea o să simțim asta.
Amy, acum ești un înger și cu siguranță o să ai grijă de noi așa cum ai făcut mereu.
Drum lin Suflet Bun!
Îți mulțumesc pentru tot!❤️

September 16, 2024
My beloved wife,
Amelia was a kaleidoscope of qualities that made her the incredible person we all adored. She was friendly and energetic, bringing life to every room she walked into. She was intelligent and stubborn, never backing down from a challenge. She was loving and thoughtful, always putting others before herself. There's one particular memory that stands out to me, capturing the very essence of Amelia.
I remember when we took our first trip to Paris. We decided to drive there, taking the secondary roads instead of the highways. Amelia fell in love with France instantly. At one point, we stopped in a small village for a break. While I was waiting outside the car, Amelia crossed the road to get us something to eat and drink. Suddenly, I heard her voice, so loud and happy, echoing through the village. The entire place came alive as she chatted animatedly with the boulangerie owner. When she came back, beaming with joy, she said, "I love France, I want to live here forever. Robert, can we buy a small house here for our family when we retire?" I smiled and replied, "Of course, my love. We’ll see…” Little did we know how precious that time would be.
Amelia's greatest achievement, I believe, was her ability to touch the lives of everyone she met. She was always there to help, no matter the situation. She had an undying love for the seaside and summers, finding peace and joy in the sound of the waves and the warmth of the sun. Her passion for flowers was evident in the way she cared for them with such dedication. She adored M&S summer collections, and her impeccable taste brought elegance to our lives.
One cherished memory I hold close to my heart is how Amelia was always a pillar of strength for our family. She was a perfect wife, a majestic mother, and a loyal friend. She was resilient, facing every challenge with a bravery that left me in awe. Our family gatherings will never be the same without her infectious laughter and her thoughtful gestures that made every moment special.
What I will miss most about Amelia is everything - her smile that could light up the darkest of days, her voice that was a soothing balm to my soul, her vision that saw beauty in the smallest things, and her zest for life that reminded me to cherish every moment. Her happiness and stamina were contagious, and our home feels emptier without her.
In her last days, Amelia said to me, "Robert, you need to stop saying I have time or we have time, because you never know how much time is left for us." Her words have left a lasting impact on me, driving home the importance of cherishing every moment we have.
Amelia was my North, my South, my East and West, My working week and my Sunday rest, My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song; I thought that love would last forever, I was wrong.
I want Amelia to be remembered for the light she brought into our lives, for her unwavering love, and for the way she made each of us feel special. She was a force of nature, and her memory will continue to inspire us to live with the same passion and kindness she embodied.
Amelia, my love, you will always be with me – in the early morning sunrise, in the scent of fresh flowers, in the laughter of our child. You were my everything, and I am forever grateful for the time we had together. Rest in peace, knowing that your legacy lives on in the hearts of all who knew and loved you.
Amelia was a kaleidoscope of qualities that made her the incredible person we all adored. She was friendly and energetic, bringing life to every room she walked into. She was intelligent and stubborn, never backing down from a challenge. She was loving and thoughtful, always putting others before herself. There's one particular memory that stands out to me, capturing the very essence of Amelia.
I remember when we took our first trip to Paris. We decided to drive there, taking the secondary roads instead of the highways. Amelia fell in love with France instantly. At one point, we stopped in a small village for a break. While I was waiting outside the car, Amelia crossed the road to get us something to eat and drink. Suddenly, I heard her voice, so loud and happy, echoing through the village. The entire place came alive as she chatted animatedly with the boulangerie owner. When she came back, beaming with joy, she said, "I love France, I want to live here forever. Robert, can we buy a small house here for our family when we retire?" I smiled and replied, "Of course, my love. We’ll see…” Little did we know how precious that time would be.
Amelia's greatest achievement, I believe, was her ability to touch the lives of everyone she met. She was always there to help, no matter the situation. She had an undying love for the seaside and summers, finding peace and joy in the sound of the waves and the warmth of the sun. Her passion for flowers was evident in the way she cared for them with such dedication. She adored M&S summer collections, and her impeccable taste brought elegance to our lives.
One cherished memory I hold close to my heart is how Amelia was always a pillar of strength for our family. She was a perfect wife, a majestic mother, and a loyal friend. She was resilient, facing every challenge with a bravery that left me in awe. Our family gatherings will never be the same without her infectious laughter and her thoughtful gestures that made every moment special.
What I will miss most about Amelia is everything - her smile that could light up the darkest of days, her voice that was a soothing balm to my soul, her vision that saw beauty in the smallest things, and her zest for life that reminded me to cherish every moment. Her happiness and stamina were contagious, and our home feels emptier without her.
In her last days, Amelia said to me, "Robert, you need to stop saying I have time or we have time, because you never know how much time is left for us." Her words have left a lasting impact on me, driving home the importance of cherishing every moment we have.
Amelia was my North, my South, my East and West, My working week and my Sunday rest, My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song; I thought that love would last forever, I was wrong.
I want Amelia to be remembered for the light she brought into our lives, for her unwavering love, and for the way she made each of us feel special. She was a force of nature, and her memory will continue to inspire us to live with the same passion and kindness she embodied.
Amelia, my love, you will always be with me – in the early morning sunrise, in the scent of fresh flowers, in the laughter of our child. You were my everything, and I am forever grateful for the time we had together. Rest in peace, knowing that your legacy lives on in the hearts of all who knew and loved you.

Family tree











Amelia Iliuțǎ