Allan McLaughlin

November  29th, 1968 December  18th, 2024
Allan McLaughlin


Allan McLaughlin passed away unexpectedly in December 2024 following a short illness.

He was a friend, colleague, boss, and mentor to so many people at BD and beyond throughout his career.

A man with a big heart, sharp mind and wicked sense of humour, Allan leaves us with many fond memories and will be missed by us all.

Memory wall

Post your condolences or share your Memories.

January 27, 2025
Ohh Al. You were a true diamond in the rough. When I needed somewhere to stay you didn't hesitate in offering me your spare room. I loved our chats, weekends drinking in Chiswick, our drive to work in Kentish Town in that Honda S2000 with the roof down, smoking, laughing, analysing life, more laughing and just living. Truly gutted to hear of your passing. Rest easy pal, thanks for the shoulder to lean on. I owe you. xx
Sheena Mason
January 27, 2025
Such incredibly sad news!
I met Allan while living in Shepherd's Bush and getting to know him through a mutual friend. I will always remember his quick and very dry sense of humour! And also when he found it very funny trying to help my friend and I jump-start a car! Good thing he was in charge of all the cables!
On a professional level, Allan gave me one of my first commercial photography bookings after I tried to set up my own business, and that's something I was incredibly grateful for.....but he was like that, a very helpful and generous man!

Thanks for the mini bus trip in Italy! Xx
Louise Goodey
January 22, 2025
Big "many wonderful things" Al was truly a one-off; pioneering new levels of sarcasm and taking subversive humour to the very edge.

My overriding memories of Al were always full of laughter, he accounted for at least half my laughter lines!, and although we went our own ways in life I will miss him greatly. With ciggie in mouth, talking unintelligibly quips at the ready for every occasion....

Cheerio big man. Jocks
Scott Muir
January 19, 2025

I don’t know where or how to start, but I do know this..

A life without you seems unimaginable. You were the greatest friend, colleague & godfather that I could have hoped for. You were always there to celebrate the highs & support me through my lows. You were the best cat dad ever there could be and I’ll do my best to fill your shoes and look after Tilli.

Thank you for all the incredible laughs, “Allanisms”, lasagnes, lifts, wise words (it’s not wurfit), pragmatic thinking and unwavering patience.

I know you may not be where I can see you but, I know you’ll forever be by my side when I need you.

I’ll miss you today, tomorrow and always.
January 17, 2025
I've always considered Allan a friend, from when I first me him in Glasgow at Uni. I loved his wicked sense of humour, the banter we had! Sad to hear this news, I know he had his demons, but he also had a kind heart. Condolences to his family and close friends.
Mark Donaghy
January 14, 2025
Rest in peace, Al! I will never forget stepping foot in BD for the first time all those years ago, fresh out've uni, and being given an opportunity to work for some of the best clients and with some of the best people, ever! Forever grateful to you and BD.

Many fond memories but for some reason I can only remember the time you gave me and a colleague a lift in the convertible and we were cruising top speed with our hair in the wind over the Westway, haha :')
Steph Min
January 12, 2025
I did the PR for BD for a few years and worked with Al to publicise some of his campaigns. As everyone here has said he had a twinkle in his eye and a brilliant sense of humour.

He was also kind and supportive and endlessly patient. I do remember struggling with his very strong Scottish accent and telling him I preferred to do any key meetings face to face not on the phone so I could ‘lip read’ - he thought that was totally hilarious.

Such sad news, RIP Al.

Jo Sensini
January 10, 2025
"very disappointed" - private joke for over a decade between me and him. You had to be there. Mate, you could have told me that you were going to make a dash for it. I still owe you lunch! See you up the road on the 20th. x
Drew Burdon
January 9, 2025
What the fuck Al. You always got the last laugh and did things first. Got the first mobile phone at TMS (that really pissed me off - your wee snazzy Nokia with snake and me in my 4l Jeep Cherokee with an installed Motorola.- feeling like a chump). We lived together, worked together and I learned you like to wear nylon shorts and eat a loaf of bread for kicks at the wkend - I taught you how to mountain bike - kind of. We may have drifted apart after those heartfelt Hertford halcyon days - but you’ll be forever in our hearts - go on the big man. X
David Guy
January 9, 2025
So sorry to hear about this Al. You remained in my high esteem long after we stopped working together.
One of the things that I will never forget is how you handled a situation where we had fucked up at work. It was partly my fault, but not as much as someone else’s. We had the thrash out meeting, and I stood up and took the blame, and the other guy fell silent and said nothing.
I said to you after ‘why did you let him get away with that’?
You said ‘what would be the point in embarrassing him anymore than he’s embarrassed about himself’?
Then you said ‘you did the right thing Gav, and that’s all yee need to think about’
I’ve told that story to a lot juniors since then as life is about doing the right thing to yourself, being brave and holding your head up. Thank you so much for that lesson my friend. RIP with much love and respect from ( ha, bet you never thought you would ever say that when we 1st met, at?) Gav x
Gavin White
January 9, 2025
Well, I guess this is it Al. I never expected to be writing this, but here goes nothing…

You never knew how much joy you brought to so many people and how much of an impact you made – and that’s what made you so special.

Humble. Kind. Funny. Sharp. Brutal. Awkward. Outrageous.

I’ve got so many memories – but it’s the little things that I’ll miss the most...

Alright kinda theeng. Chatting shite. Cool story yeah. Zzzzzzzzz. Fag? Nintendo. E3. Shoreditch to Windsor in 30 mins. Hood down. Talk Sport. Talk shite. Smokio? Big steak. Nibbly bits. Venti Latte extra shot. Cubord. Big scarf. Man bag. Oooh hello. Cuntio. Got a minute? Abso-fucking-lutely. C’mon the Hoops. Spaghetti Hoops. Full kit wankers. Tilly this. Tilly that. Fuctifano. Call me. Tick-tock. That’s shite. That is gold. That-guy-off-thingy….nah the other one…yeah that’s him.

You were the master of making an early exit from parties, but I really wish you hadn’t this time.

Thanks for everything Al. Rest in peace.
Dan Claxton
January 9, 2025
Very sorry to hear of Big Als passing - I recruiters for him for many years and also worked alongside BD Network when I worked running the Worthington cup Sponsorship when BD Network worked with Bass

He will be a big loss to BD network and I’m sure will leave many happy memories of his dry humour m
RIP big Al
Ali Wallace

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